Joseph Smith Cabin Foundation Excavated at Historic Site
Archaeologists are excavating the early nineteenth-century cabin of Joseph Smith Sr. and wife Lucy Mack, who were parents of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church. They have also uncovered prehistoric artifacts. The Quincy Herald-Whig
Tiwanaku Tombs Uncovered in Peru
Archaeologists have discovered tombs from the Tiwanaku culture in Peru’s Tambo Valley. Peru This Week
Archaeologists Dig Outside the James Fort
Excavations at historic Jamestown in Virginia are now focusing on searching for evidence of the outlying palisades, soldiers’ tents, and other structures. The Daily Press
Remains of Plague Victims Discovered at Thebes in Egypt
Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of third-century plague victims at the Funerary Complex of Harwa and Akhimenru of ancient Thebes. Live Science