Stromness Museum, Orkney, Scotland—A long-lost Neolithic human figurine found at Skara Brae in the 1860s has been rediscovered in the collections of Stromness Museum, Orkney.
Dr David Clarke identified the figurine among artifacts from Skaill House donated to the museum without provenance in the 1930s, while undertaking research on Skara Brae funded by Historic Environment Scotland. David Clarke said:
“Amazingly, we found it in the last box of the day. I’ve always thought this figurine to be lost forever so seeing it staring back at me from its bed of tissue paper was completely unexpected and very exciting.”
Kathleen Ireland, Chair of Stromness Museum said:
“Stromness Museum has a superb collection of artifacts from Skara Brae, but this figurine has instantly become the new jewel in our collections. We are always pleased to welcome researchers and this rediscovery highlights what can found through painstaking research in museum stores.”
The representation has been carved from a piece of whalebone and measures 9.5cm high by 7.5cm wide. Eyes and a mouth have been cut in the face and the body has a navel, but is otherwise unadorned. Holes through the head and body may have been used to suspend the figurine.
The Neolithic figurine carved from whalebone. Credit: Stromness Museum and Rebecca Marr
The figurine was originally discovered by William G. Watt, the local laird, when excavating a stone bed compartment in House 3 of the Neolithic village after a storm in 1850. Skara Brae is a stone-built late Neolithic (c.2900-2400 BC) settlement on the Bay of Skaill, Mainland, Orkney.
Watt’s find was briefly described as a ‘idol’ or ‘fetish’ in a report of discoveries at Skara Brae by the antiquarian George Petrie in 1867, but was otherwise only known by a sketch in Petrie’s notebooks, now held in the manuscripts of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Prehistoric representations of the human form are exceptionally rare in Britain. This figurine was the first Neolithic example discovered, but was largely forgotten. Hugh Morrison, Collections Manager for Historic Environment Scotland said:
“The rediscovery of the figure is significant as it emphasises many of the similarities in the late Neolithic assemblages and structures from Skara Brae and Links of Noltland. It’s also hugely exciting, because it opens the door for re-examining other objects in our collections and may shed light on other figurines found at HES commissioned excavations, such as the Westray Wife discovered at Links of Noltland.”
This understated but hugely important figurine, nicknamed the ‘Skara Brae Buddo’, is now being displayed for the first time in Stromness Museum alongside artifacts from Skara Brae that have not previously been displayed.
See the 3D interactive view of the figurine below.
Source: Adapted and edited from the subject press release of the Stromness Museum.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
As Founder and Editor of Popular Archaeology Magazine, Dan is a freelance writer and journalist specializing in archaeology. He studied anthropology and archaeology in undergraduate and graduate school and has been an active participant on archaeological excavations in the U.S. and abroad. He is the creator and administrator of Archaeological Digs, a popular weblog about archaeological excavation and field school opportunities.
In this place, you can peer out over a grand oceanic vista. Standing on the top of a cliff and looking down, you see waves crash against rugged rock formations of various hues of brown—natural stone monuments sculpted by wind, water and time. If you look more closely, you can see dolphins among the waves and seals on the rocks. It’s perfect coastal hiking territory.
The coast of northern California?
Think again.
You’re on the southeastern coast of South Africa, on a rocky headland called Pinnacle Point just south of the town of Mossel Bay.
Other than its majestic scenery, Pinnacle Point would mean little to most people. But for archaeologists and others who know about its significance, it is one of a number of locations where evidence has been found bearing on the dawn of modern humans. People lived here as long ago as 100,000 years and more—near the beginnings of modern humanity, as the current thinking goes. (Archaeological and genetic research has shown that the first modern humans likely arose about 160,000 to 200,000 year ago).
For almost countless millennia to the present, cave shelters have helped to define the coastline cliffs here. They have also helped to define a relatively good living for prehistoric people. One of these shelters, designated by archaeologists as ‘PP13B’, was first excavated more than a decade ago by an international team under the direction of palaeoanthropologist Curtis Marean of the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University. He and his team are still excavating at Pinnacle Point, which also includes a second cave shelter known as PP 5-6. Between the two shelters, scientists have uncovered a wealth of information that has enlightened current understanding about what kind of people these early occupants were and what they could tell us about human evolution and human behavior tens of thousands of years ago. (Shown above, team excavating at a Pinnacle Point cave shelter. Andrew Hall, Wikimedia Commons)
View looking down at the Pinnacle Point cave shelter area. Courtesy Kate Leonard
For a brief time in early 2016, Kate Leonard, a young Canadian PhD-credentialed archaeologist, joined the team as part of her global year-long journey to work at twelve different archaeological sites in 12 separate countries. She calls her project Global Archaeology: A Year of Digs. Popular Archaeology has been following her on her journey as she makes her rounds across the world. Pinnacle Point now makes the 5th stop on her global trek.
As part of any dig crew, Leonard knows that there are sometimes a few challenges that come with the outdoor experience of a dig, and Pinnacle Point was no exception. “To reach the site itself,” says Leonard, “the team walks down a long wooden staircase — that can be a bit slippery after a rainfall — and along the coastline. After a long day of digging it can be daunting to look up at all those steps with your frame-pack loaded with archaeological gear. Because the site is inaccessible except by foot much of the valuable equipment has to be trekked in and out by the team members.”
But there are benefits.
“A very positive aspect of this trek is the beautiful view over the Indian Ocean: it was wonderful to see the sunrise over the waves as we headed to the site in the morning,” she adds. But even more satisfying, as Leonard would be the first to say, is the opportunity to be a critical part of a major scientific investigation at a site that is having a salient impact on our understanding of human evolution. Archaeology at Pinnacle Point has been one of those undertakings leading the way. “All archaeological investigations are important and further our understanding of why humans do the things we do,” Leonard states. “But to be revealing evidence of human activity from so long ago is an even greater responsibility.”
Unlike excavating great ancient monumental structures of more recent human history, the investigation and retrieval of evidence of human occupation at prehistoric sites require recognizing and recovering objects and material that are generally far more subtle. It often requires the application of advanced techniques in the most careful way possible. “Archaeology is ‘preservation through destruction’: you only get one chance to put your trowel in the ground because after you remove the archaeological material it can never be put back,” explains Leonard. “That is why the work of recording the excavation process is so essential. At Pinnacle Point the level of detail being recorded is truly astounding. We plot every ‘find’ with no size restriction – so even pieces of shell that are 0.25 cm in size are digitally mapped with the total station [a high-tech piece of survey equipment that makes digital 3D maps]. This creates a rich database of information that can be intensively analyzed. When over 50,000 artifacts are being collected over the course of one field season precision and organization is paramount!”
Unique to the Pinnacle Point excavation is the integration of bar code scanners to record artifacts, archaeological features and buckets of sieved soil. The scanners are connected to hand-held computers, which are in turn connected to a total station. Currently, the excavation team is focusing on shelter PP 5-6, where they have set up 5 total stations with two team members functioning as site recorders moving among the excavators to carefully record the data with tablets. “There is a lot riding on the site recorders,” says Leonard, who worked as one of the recorders. “They have to ensure that all data is logged correctly and nothing is left out. It is amazing to see the activity on site with excavators furiously digging, the site recorders moving between their workstation and the excavators, and the 5 total stations being run simultaneously to keep up with the amount of archaeology being revealed.”
The team walking to the site in the morning. Courtesy Kate Leonard
Exploration at Pinnacle Point has taken scientists to a series of cave shelter sites. But the two cave shelters, PP13B and PP5-6, have stood out most prominently in the ongoing investigations. Cave PP13B alone has provided a glimpse of the surprisingly early sophistication and innovation of our modern human ancestors. “It has given us the earliest evidence for human consumption of shellfish – dated to around 164,000 years ago,” says Leonard. “Shellfish collecting can only be done at low spring tide (a new and full moon) and therefore a knowledge/awareness of the lunar cycle is implied. Once this knowledge began to be implemented to harvest shellfish the people living at Pinnacle Point had a predictable source of calorie rich protein with which to supplement their diet.” Cave PP13B also contained evidence for early use of ochre pigment and heat treatment of stone artifacts.” (See videos below — and wait during the momentary pauses within each video for the following video session).
Cave shelter PP5-6, where the team is now working, has added yet more. Containing material dated from 50,000 to 90,000 years ago, it has provided the earliest known evidence for the knapping of microliths to make composite tools, including intentional heat treatment of the stone. “This may be the earliest evidence for projectile points around 71,000 years ago, and to make those microliths they focused on heat treatment to improve the stone,” Leonard adds. Using the controlling elements of simple hearths, the shelter occupants employed a complex process to heat the stone (in this instance silcrate) and thus change its properties for better flaking to produce the micro blades or microliths for more advanced toolmaking. Many scientists consider this to be the foundation for pyrotechnology and a precursor to later technologies, such as the making of ceramics and the manufacturing of metals.
And that’s not all. “The types of innovations that have been revealed by the excavations in the Pinnacle Point complex share some major traits: cooperation, organization and planning,” says Leonard. And these were critical to the later development of agriculture and urbanization, basic elements of civilization.
Moving on
Although the work at Pinnacle Point will likely go on for seasons to come, for Leonard, her global trek has led north to Naxos, Greece, the next stop on her year-long journey. There will be more on this to come.
Popular Archaeology will be following and reporting on Leonard’s worldwide experiences periodically throughout 2016 as she hops from one location to another during her global journey. To continue the work, however, Leonard will need financial support from donors. Readers interested in reading about and supporting her self-directed Global Archaeology crowdfunded project can learn more at
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
Bluff, UT – As the nation marks the 110th anniversary of the Antiquities Act, more than 700 archaeologists have signed a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to designate a Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah.
“From an archaeological perspective, the value of the Bears Ears area is beyond question,” said Bill Lipe, a member of the board of trustees of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center and a past president of the Society for American Archaeology. Lipe has researched the archaeology of the region for more than 50 years.
With more than 100,000 archaeological sites, the Bears Ears region is America’s most significant unprotected cultural landscape. It is famous for the incredible preservation of its back-country cliff dwellings, numerous rock art panels and surface sites (e.g. towers, shrines, and pueblos), unique artifacts, and Native American burials.
There have been efforts to preserve the archaeological sites of the Cedar Mesa/Bears Ears region in southeastern Utah for more than a century, dating back to a report in 1903 by T. Mitchel Prudden, a scientist who explored the region’s Ancestral Pueblo sites.
A coalition of five sovereign tribal nations – Navajo, Hopi, Ute Mountain Ute, Uintah and Ouray Ute, and Zuni – called the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition – has proposed a 1.9 million-acre national monument that would honor Native American connections to the land and protect cultural resources.
“These archaeological sites, these artifacts are the footprints of our people,” said Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, director of the Cultural Preservation Office for the Hopi Tribe. “We do not see these sites as ‘ruins’ or as being abandoned. The spirits of our ancestors still inhabit the Bears Ears. When these sites are looted or damaged, not only our history but our future is disrespected.”
The Antiquities Act was created in June 1906 in response to rampant looting of Native American artifacts in the southwest. Yet because of Utah’s unique politics, the Act has never been used to establish a national monument that would protect the antiquities of Bears Ears.
Prehistoric granary overlooks Cedar Mesa. Photographer: Josh Ewing
Petroglyph graces the Comb Ridge. Photographer: Josh Ewing
Grave robbing, looting, and serious archaeological site damage at Bears Ears continues at an alarming pace. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) documented 26 incidents of serious cultural resource damage since 2011 in San Juan County (where Bears Ears is located), with seven incidents in the past six months. The BLM currently has only one law enforcement officer assigned to patrol the Bears Ears area.
Despite ongoing damage to cultural sites, no bill has yet been introduced in Congress that would protect the Bears Ears area. The archaeologists’ letter urges President Obama to create a national monument should Congress fail to pass meaningful legislation this year to protect Bears Ears.
“Cedar Mesa was a formative place in American archaeology, where the Basketmaker culture was discovered,” said Lipe. “The Bears Ears holds enormous scientific potential to continue to inform us about the American pre-history. Each day it remains unprotected, we are losing a window to the past.”
About Crow Canyon Archaeological Center: Located just 45 miles from the proposed Bears Ears National Monument, the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to understanding and teaching the rich history of the ancestral Pueblo Indians who inhabited the canyons and mesas of the Mesa Verde region more than 700 years ago.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
NAGOYA UNIVERSITY—Nagoya, Japan – Domestic goats first appeared in the Fertile Crescent, in modern-day Iran and Turkey, around 10,000 years ago through domestication of the Bezoar wild goat. However, as this wild goat species is distributed across a large part of the Middle East, it is still unclear whether all domestic goats in this region descend from a single domestication event, or if multiple domestications occurred.
A research team based at Nagoya University and including members in Tokyo and Azerbaijan has revealed that goats were first introduced into the Southern Caucasus, in present-day Azerbaijan, from the Fertile Crescent around 7,500-8,000 years ago. This finding corresponds with archeological evidence showing sudden large cultural changes associated with the introduction of agriculture in this area.
Genetic sequencing technology combined with the ability to extract and isolate ancient DNA lets researchers obtain detailed information about ancient organisms, and compare them with their modern equivalents. This is particularly useful for studying animal and plant domestication and finding wild species that are the ancestors of present-day domestic animals and plants. The research team focused this technology on domestic goats, building on earlier findings about their main wild ancestor, and the location and timing of their initial domestication, to provide more details about how goats were distributed throughout the Middle East.
In the study*, reported in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, the researchers extracted and sequenced DNA from goat bones obtained from excavations at early agricultural settlements in Azerbaijan, and which radiocarbon dating revealed to be 7,500-8,000 years old. They then compared the DNA sequences with those of present-day domestic and wild goats from the same geographic region, as well as those of other Neolithic goats reported in previous studies.
“Our analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed that the haplotypes of the present-day and Neolithic domestic goats in the Southern Caucasus matched,” co-author Keiko Ohnishi says. “Yet they didn’t match the haplotype of the wild goats of the same region, suggesting that these wild goats are not the ancestors of the region’s domestic goats. The genetic match between domestic goats in the Southern Caucasus and wild goats in the Fertile Crescent suggests goats were not domesticated independently in the Caucasus, but rather that already-domesticated goats were introduced.”
Ancient goat bone used for DNA analyses (from Göytepe). Credit: Seiji Kadowaki
By combining the genetic results with archeological findings from excavations at the two sites in west Azerbaijan, the research team also drew some wider conclusions about a period of relatively rapid social change in the region.
“The sites where these bones were found are the earliest agricultural settlements in the Caucasus. Other novel signs of agriculture and cultural artifacts also suddenly started to appear in what were hunting-and-gathering areas,” lead author Seiji Kadowaki says. “This ties in well with the introduction of domesticated goats from the Fertile Crescent around the same time, suggesting that populations moved or indigenous hunter-gatherers in the Caucasus accepted agricultural lifestyles from the Fertile Crescent about 7,500-8,000 years ago.”
The study provides useful information about the spread of agriculture and domesticated animals throughout the Middle East, which appears to have been accompanied by the spread of other cultural practices. It also provides a foundation for further studies unravelling the relative contributions of human population movements and the adoption of novel practices by indigenous groups to the spread of domesticated animals.
*The article “Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Domestic Goats in the Southern Caucasus: A Preliminary Result from Neolithic Settlements at Göytepe and Hac? Elamxanl? Tepe” was published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology at doi: 10.1002/oa.2534
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
She stares at me from across a chasm of more than seventy thousand years, long dark hair swirling about her head, eyes wide open, alert, piercing, as if she was searching. Her skin is dark brown, deeply lined from years of exposure to the tropical sun. Her face short and broad, with a small forehead, heavy brow ridge, and prominent jaw. She looks much like us in some ways, and yet very different in others.
I’m at the David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, viewing a reconstruction of the type specimen called Homo floresiensis, the enigmatic “Little Lady of Flores” whose discovery has challenged our notions of what it means to be human.
According to the scientists who have examined her skeletal remnants, she was probably about thirty years old when she died. Her remains (referred to by scientists as ‘LB1’) were unearthed by a team of Indonesian and Australian researchers in 2003 within a cave called Liang Bua on the Island of Flores in Indonesia.
Three things made her discovery particularly sensational. First was her diminutive stature. In life she stood about three feet six inches tall, roughly the size of a modern-day five-year-old. Second was the suite of primitive skeletal characters that marked her as a member of an archaic human species. Third was the comparatively young geological age of her remains, which made LB1 and her kind contemporaries of our own species, Homo sapiens. The final installment of Peter Jackson’s cinematic adaptation of the Lord of the Rings trilogy had been released the year before the discovery of her remains, so perhaps it was inevitable that the new species would be dubbed “hobbits.” But the discovery ignited a firestorm of controversy, which continues to this day.
The Island of Flores, indicated in red, within the context of Indonesia. Wikimedia Commons
The reconstructed face of the “Little Lady of Flores”, as displayed in the David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History.
A New Species?
In addition to the partial skeleton of LB1, archaeologists found remains of eight other individuals with similar anatomy and stature at Liang Bua, but no other skulls. They also found numerous stone tools, similar to those made by other hominins, as well as the remains of Komodo dragons, vultures, giant marabou storks, giant rats, and dwarf elephants. The cave appears to have been occupied by Homo floresiensis at least as far back as 190,000 years ago.
One of the characteristic attributes of LB1 is her height, or more precisely, her lack of it. Even modern-day pygmies would tower over her, by a foot or more – although, interestingly, she had about the same body mass. Thus, she was much shorter yet generally more robust than a modern-day pygmy.
The size of her brain is also peculiar. The brain of modern humans averages about 1500 cubic centimeters, but at 417 cc, her brain measures little more than a third of that volume. This would be considered ‘off the charts’ for modern humans, Neandertals, and even for Homo erectus, an extinct human ancestor whose earliest representatives lived as far back as nearly 2 million years ago. In fact, it’s barely at the bottom of the volume size range for Australopithecus, an extinct hominin that existed as early as over 4 million years ago in Africa.
It’s thus no surprise that her discovery was greeted with skepticism by many scholars. Some have argued, for example, that LB1 was simply a modern human with microcephaly. There is a long-standing precedent for this sort of thing. At one time or another, Neandertal Man, Java Man (Homo erectus), and Australopithecus were all dismissed as nothing more than modern humans with some pathology or another. But these doubts have been put to rest. Morphometric analysis has shown the form of the Homo floresiensis skull to be completely outside the range of variation for modern humans, including modern-day pygmies and modern-day microcephalics. On the other hand, it is well within the range of archaic human species, and more comparable to that of Homo erectus and other early Homo species.
Since then, a variety of other conditions have been posited to account for LB1’s dwarfed body and brain, including Down Syndrome, Laron Syndrome, and congenital hypothyroidism. None of these explanations have proven to be adequate. A recent study by an international team of researchers led by Karen Baab of Midwestern University, for example, has convincingly shown that LB1 did not have Down Syndrome, and that its morphology was much more consistent with the types of features observed in the fossilized remains of archaic humans. And though there are hundreds of other genetic syndromes known to result in reduced body and brain size, not one of them is known to result in any of the primitive skeletal features displayed by LB1 and her kind. Moreover, the Flores hominins survived there for (at least) tens of thousands of years, making it inconceivable that they all had some kind of devastating hereditary disease. An analysis published last February in the Journal of Human Evolution confirms this. According to that study, the Liang Bua skull displays no evidence of pathology, nor any of the evolutionary novelties that distinguish our species from other early humans, like Homo erectus. In other words, this is the real deal: a bona fide, distinct species, in some ways radically different from us and yet recognizably human — and given the dating, apparently existing contemporaneously in time with our own species for tens of thousands of years.
Above:The skull of Homo floresiensis. Above image byRyan Somma, Wikimedia Commons. Below image by Ray, Wikimedia Commons
Their discoverers proposed this was due to a well-known phenomenon known as ‘island dwarfism’, which is to say that animals living in isolation in island habitats become smaller over generations, perhaps due to limited food supply. Or perhaps due to group selection for a larger population size – obviously, a habitat of a given size can support a greater population of small individuals than large ones – hence such occurrences as dwarf elephants. Matt Tocheri, one of the lead authors of the Nature paper, is Canada Research Chair in Human Origins at Lakehead University in Canada and a Research Associate in the Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Program. In an interview, he indicated there isn’t any direct evidence for the island dwarfism theory – the ancestors of the Flores hominins may well have been small-bodied to begin with. Homo erectus, a presumed ancestor of Homo floresiensis (and our own species, as well) was about as tall as we are, but researchers have found other archaic species of Homo that were smaller. “Until we find fossils on Flores that show us what that ancestral group looked like, we really can’t answer the question definitively,” he said.
Another question: How did the ancestors of the Flores hominins get there in the first place?
Stone tools dating back from over one million years ago have been recovered from Flores. Were the people that made these old tools the ancestors of Homo floresiensis? New findings now suggest that there may have been an ancient ancestral population (see supplement below)*. Flores is an oceanic island – it has never been connected to the mainland. Were ancient mariners building rafts a million years ago? It’s not unthinkable, but an alternative explanation is that the ancestors of LB1 and her kind got there by means of a floating island – a knot of coastal vegetation, intertwined at the roots, torn loose by a typhoon or maybe even a tsunami. We may imagine the dazed survivors stumbling ashore at Flores, unwitting subjects of a great evolutionary experiment, a never-to-be-repeated event in the history of life on earth. If all this sounds improbable, it should. However they got there, we have to assume that the island of Flores was reachable by early hominins, but just barely so.
In any case, this isolation is presumably why the Flores hominins were able to persist for millennia, without being either slaughtered by or subsumed into mainland populations.
This leads us to yet another question: What happened to them? What made them extinct?
Originally, investigators believed that the youngest fossils dated from as recently as 12,000 years ago, but in March, 2016, a paper published in Nature has suggested the conclusion that the most recent remains come from strata dated to more than 50,000 years before present. More specifically, the paper relates, LB1 herself lived and died at least 72,000 years ago based on directly dating her bones using uranium-series methods.
I asked Dr. Tocheri what happened to the Flores hominins.
“That’s a huge question,” he replies. He notes that modern humans, perhaps one reason why the Flores hominins disappeared, had reached Australia by 50,000 years ago. He goes on to note that it’s not just Homo floresiensis who vanished from Liang Bua around 50,000 years ago. The Komodo dragons, giant storks, and the dwarf elephants disappeared from Liang Bua at the same time. Influence from modern humans? “The timing is certainly suspicious,” he adds, but he explains that we still don’t know whether the Flores hominins ever encountered modern humans at all. The youngest Homo floresiensis remains date to about 60,000 years ago and stone tools suggest this species persisted until about 50,000 years ago, but the oldest modern human remains on Flores (also from Liang Bua) are only 11,000 years old (although a recently published study** and the discovery of two modern human teeth*** suggests that modern humans likely occupied Liang Bua at least 41,000 – 46,000 years ago.) We simply don’t know with certainty what happened in the intervening 40,000 years. We don’t know whether modern humans played a role in the extinction of Homo floresiensis, or if they did, what role they played. They might have massacred the Flores hominins, or caused their extinction unintentionally, through indirect competition or massive ecosystem disruptions.
Or perhaps the Flores hominins never went extinct at all. To this day, some islanders tell of miniature humans, sounding suspiciously like LB1 and her kind, which they call Ebu Gogo, or the Grandmother Who Eats Everything. I asked Dr. Tocheri what the chances are that Ebu Gogo is still out there, roaming the jungles of Flores. He lets out a hearty laugh and replies, “I don’t think so. I would love to be proven wrong, but the evidence for that is pretty slim, especially now that we know Homo floresiensis disappeared by at least 50,000 years ago. It was a little bit different when there was talk about Homo floresiensis persisting until maybe about 12,000 years ago, but even 12,000 years is a long time ago.” He notes that similar folk tales of little people are widespread among various cultures of the mainland and islands in southeast Asia, not just the present-day inhabitants of Flores. “The Ebu Gogo stories are interesting, but I don’t think they have anything to do with Homo floresiensis.”
Looking to the Future
Homo floresiensis may be long gone, but the questions raised by their discovery continue to fascinate researchers. “We’ll continue excavating every year,” Dr. Tocheri tells me. “We’re continuing at Liang Bua and in fact we just finished our excavations for this year in early March [2016]. We’re also surveying the surrounding region for other sites that might help answer some of these important questions about when and how and why Homo floresiensis and these other taxa disappear and possibly go extinct, and when modern humans actually arrived on the scene, and what impact their arrival had. I’m sure we’ll be investigating at Liang Bua and the surrounding area for many years to come.”
And the wider significance of all this?
“Knowing that we shared this planet with not only species like Neandertals and Denisovans, which we’re clearly much more closely related to, but with something like Homo floresiensis, is really quite extraordinary,” he says. “Before the discovery of Homo floresiensis, we didn’t see that type of hominin in the fossil record after about one million years ago at the latest, so to see that there was a lineage descending from some of those hominins that persisted up until the time we evolved is really quite extraordinary. I see it as a reminder of how much diversity within our human family has been lost over the past million years.”
For Tocheri and other scientists, though many questions still remain, the Flores discoveries have nonetheless excited the imagination.
“You know, chimpanzees can look across the Congo River [in Africa] and see bonobos on the other side,” says Tocheri. “And yet their respective lineages have been separated for about one to two million years. They can recognize each other obviously as chimps, but they’re clearly different species. And we as modern humans living today, we no longer have that, but Homo floresiensis reminds us that what is true for chimps today may have also been true for us as recently as 50,000 years ago, when Homo floresiensis was still surviving on this isolated island.”
Article Amending Supplement
*An ancestral species found?
Only hours before this article was published, news broke worldwide of the discovery of fossil remains of hominins that are similar in size but at least ten times older at the site of Mata Menge, about 70 km east of Liang Bua in an open grassland area. Led by archaeologist Dr Adam Brumm from Griffith’s Research Centre of Human Evolution, the team uncovered a fragment of a hominin lower jaw and several isolated teeth. They were removed from a layer of sandstone which had formed from an ancient deposit laid down by a lakeside stream about 700,000 years ago. The context of the new finds thus date them to as much as 700,000 years ago.
But this was not all they discovered.
“We have unearthed fossils from at least three individuals, including two children, along with stone tools that are almost identical to those made by the much younger Homo floresiensis,” said Brumm, who began work at the site with colleagues from the Geology Museum and Geological Survey Institute in Bandung, Indonesia. “There is a striking similarity in size and form between the Mata Menge hominins and the Liang Bua ‘hobbit’, which is surprising given the former are at least several hundred millennia older. This suggests the Mata Menge individuals belonged to a population of ancient hobbit-like hominins that gave rise to Homo floresiensis. They may even have been a very early form of ‘hobbits’, which would mean this species existed for far longer than anyone had anticipated.”
The new finds are significant in light of two prevailing hypotheses. The first suggests that the Flores hominins are descendants of the Asian Homo erectus, (popularly known as ‘Java Man’), which was an early hominin that had eventually dispersed to the island of Java (west of Flores) about 1.5 million years ago. This hominin was comparable in physical stature to modern humans, but with a much more archaic morphology, particularly in the skull. Scientists theorize that a small branch or group of these hominins may have become isolated on Flores and then, over time, reduced in body size due to a natural phenomenon known as ‘island dwarfism’.
A second theory proposes that the Flores hominins stem from an even more ancient species, such as Homo habilis or perhaps Australopithecus. These species of hominin are already well known from the African fossil record.
One interpretation of the new finds favors the former theory.
“While only a handful of fossils has been found at Mata Menge so far, characteristic features of the teeth strongly imply an ancestral relationship with Homo erectus,” Brumm said. “This lends weight to the theory that the ‘hobbit’ was a dwarfed version of the famous Java Man, which somehow got marooned on the island. The fact that they were found with fossils of extinct pygmy elephants (Stegodon) and giant rats also supports the idea of an isolated group of Homo erectus undergoing a dramatic evolutionary change owing to the Island Rule.”
Another study, conducted by Dr Debbie Argue and colleagues of the Australian National University (ANU), however, found that Homo floresiensis was most likely a sister species of Homo habilis—one of the earliest known species of early humans dated to about 1.75 years ago and found in Africa. The study involved analyzing 133 data points from the skull, jaws, teeth, arms, legs and shoulders. Professor Mike Lee of Flinders University and the South Australian Museum used statistical modeling to analyze the data.
“When we did the analysis there was really clear support for the relationship with Homo habilis. Homo floresiensis occupied a very primitive position on the human evolutionary tree,” Professor Lee said. “We can be 99 per cent sure it’s not related to Homo erectus and nearly 100 per cent chance it isn’t a malformed Homo sapiens.”
More work remains to be done in the search for additional fossils at Mata Menge and other sites, however, before conclusions can be drawn.
“Mata Menge is a goldmine,” says Brumm. “I expect that further excavations at this site will eventually yield a hominin skull, which will finally allow us to put a face and a name to the ‘hobbit’s ancestor. Then we will know how this experiment in human evolution got started”.
** A recent study led by Dr. Mike Morley of Wollongong University and published in the Journal of Archaeological Science on June 30, 2016, suggests that modern humans inhabited the Liang Bua cave at least 41,000 years ago. This investigation uncovered ancient fireplaces created and used between 41,000 and 24,000 years ago within the cave. Morley suggests that modern humans were the likely fire makers as no evidence has been found thus far pointing to fire use by Homo floresiensis during their recorded 130,000 years of occupation of the site.
*** “Human remains found in hobbit cave,” Naturedoi:10.1038/nature.2016.20656
Archaeological excavations of Late Pleistocene deposits at Liang Bua in progress. The sediments shown being excavated are between 100 and 60 thousand years old and contain skeletal and behavioral evidence of Homo floresiensis. Eight years of further excavations and study at the Indonesian cave site of Liang Bua have pushed back the time of disappearance of the ‘hobbits’ of Flores (Homo floresiensis) from as recently as 12,000 years ago to about 50,000 years ago—around the same time that modern humans (Homo sapiens) first dispersed through the wider region and reached Australia, according to new findings published in the journal Nature. Courtesy Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History News Room. Photo credit: Liang Bua team
Thomas Sutikna, lead author of the new study and an archaeologist from the University of Wollongong in Australia and the National Research Centre for Archaeology in Indonesia, is shown documenting the stratigraphic details of multiple volcanic layers. The thick grayish layer represents a massive eruption dated to about 50 thousand years ago. This tephra sits directly on top of the sedimentary deposits that contain skeletal and behavioral evidence of Homo floresiensis. Courtesy Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History News Room. Photo credit: Liang Bua team
Archaeological excavations at Liang Bua can reach depths of more than 8 meters, as shown in this photo. Courtesy Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History News Room. Photo credit: Liang Bua team
Archaeological excavations of Holocene deposits at Liang Bua in progress. These sediments contain skeletal and behavioral evidence of modern humans (Homo sapiens). Courtesy Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History News Room. Photo credit: Liang Bua team
The reconstructed face of Homo floresiensis. Cicero Moraes et alii, wikimedia Commons
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Nestled deep within a quiet residential community of apartments in southern Jerusalem lies a nondescript 5 x 5 square slab of concrete. It rests horizontally atop a small elevated garden plot or terrace of surrounding grass and other plants. To any stranger strolling by this slab, nothing would stand out to catch the eye. There are no decorative adornments. Other than the date ‘2005’ inscribed along its southern edge, there are no inscriptions or markings.
But on one clear morning in early March, 2016, a group of tourists quietly approach and surround the slab with a reverence most might ascribe to a group of friends and family standing before the grave of a lost loved one. Clearly, it means something to them. Some of them place small stones on top of it, long a graveside Jewish tradition for honoring deceased family members and friends, (and a way of letting their deceased loved ones know that they are not forgotten). Some shed tears. Some bow their heads in silent prayer. Some touch it with their hands. Still others snap photographs of the place for memory and posterity, including a journalist traveling with the group. A 70-year-old man with a thick white mane and beard leads the group. Quietly addressing the group, his energy and crisp voice belie his age. But he is not a rabbi or priest. He is Dr. James Tabor, a prominent scholar and historian, professor of Christian origins and ancient Judaism at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. He is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on ancient Late Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity. And few others know more than he does about what lies beneath the surface in this place. The slab actually caps an ancient subterranean 1st century C.E. tomb, the excavated contents of which drew media headlines across the world more than 20 years after its initial discovery. For Tabor and others, the find represents the most direct archaeological evidence for the person and life of Jesus, the man who arguably has impacted more lives than any person in human history. For him, this tomb, popularly known as the Jesus Family Tomb, has represented a major milestone in a lifelong quest. But the discovery and his claims have produced a firestorm of scholarly debate and theological uproar like few other archaeological finds in history. More on the tomb discovery story later.
Against the Grain
Though he did not know the gravity and depth of the scholarly journey that lay before him at the time, his personal story really began on a Jerusalem stopover in 1962. His family was returning to the United States after his father, a young Air Force Officer, had completed a tour of duty in Iran. Tabor was 16 years old at the time, but what he learned on that trip planted the seeds of a lifetime quest that has continued to this day.
“Back in 1962 there was precious little one could see in the Old City of Jerusalem that could be reliably connected to our gospel narratives,” writes Tabor in his blog. “Of course there were all the standard holy sites–the garden of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Mt. of Olives, but even at that time I had read enough from the guidebooks to know that many of these places to which the Christian pilgrims flocked had little historical or archaeological basis, despite their devotional attractiveness to millions.”
His new-found passion and quest to find answers found an outlet in his education, eventually leading to his PhD in 1981 at the University of Chicago in New Testament and Early Christian Literature. His studies taught him the rigors of sound historical research, and to this day he is regarded among the world’s most renowned scholars of ancient Second Temple period Judaism and early Christianity. Though Tabor, like many publishing scholars in his field, would likely agree that one must develop a thick skin when it comes to interpreting the documents and archaeological evidence bearing on such sensitive topics as Jesus and his times, surely nothing had fully prepared him for the swirl of controversy that would erupt in reaction to his remarkable findings of recent years. Controversy aside, his story revolves around a portrait of Jesus and early Christianity based on his years of painstaking historical and archaeological research — a portrait that has evolved to differ markedly from the traditional, long-standing perceptions of the man Jesus and the movement he spawned two thousand years ago. The portrait begins, of course, at the beginning of Jesus’ life in his childhood years.
The Tekton’s Son
Frustratingly little, in both historical accounts and the gospel accounts, tells us about the 30 “lost years’ of information in the life of Jesus. Beyond the canonical gospel records, however, there are a few accounts that relate events in Jesus’ years as a youth. Tabor points to the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, for example, which relates a story where Jesus, when five years old, creates 12 sparrows out of mud on the Sabbath. But the Infancy Gospel of Thomas is widely considered a less authentic 2nd to 4th century C.E. writing with more legendary or mythological value than, by comparison, the gospel canons.
Nevertheless, some bits of information can be teased, with careful examination and a reference to the archaeological evidence of the times, from the gospel narratives themselves, particularly as they apply to Jesus’ circumstances as a youth.
The traditional perception as drawn from the gospel writings tells us that Jesus and his family were poor, at least at his birth. Tabor, based on his research, concurs with this view, especially as it is reflected in the Gospel according to Luke, where his family, in fulfillment of the law of sacrifice for the firstborn, sacrificed two doves at the Temple soon after his birth. According to Tabor, this was a clear indication of the young family’s poor economic status, as the law of the Torah required a sacrifice of a lamb as a burnt offering and a dove as a sin offering before the Temple priests. The Torah provided an alternative means for the poor — namely, that the sacrifice of two doves in place of the lamb and the dove would meet the requirements of the law.
Further indications of the family’s economic/social status, according to Tabor, were reflected, for example, in the father and son’s occupation. Passages in the canonical New Testament refer to Jesus in his boyhood as the carpenter or carpenter’s son. To work as a trade laborer of this kind in 1st century CE Roman-occupied Palestine would have been considered one rung above being a slave, according to Tabor. Work in such occupations was hard with comparatively low compensation. A more accurate translation of the ancient text, however, as Tabor states, would be reference to Joseph and Jesus as “builders”, or “tektons” (being the Greek word equivalent) in the 1st century CE Galilee area, an occupation equally regarded. To be a builder in this region during this time period meant working primarily in stone, with perhaps woodworking, or carpentry, skills as a subset. This makes sense as most of the buildings, including residential housing, in the area were built mostly of the local stone. And as Nazareth, Jesus’ family’s place of domicile, was a small village, to make a living Joseph and Jesus likely would have found employment more often in neighboring Sepphoris, the big city, the “ornament of all Galilee” and new capital established by Herod Antipas, where expansive building was surely taking place in the region at the time, based on what is known from the historical and archaeological record. Sepphoris in its day was surrounded by small villages, like Nazareth, that in today’s cultural jargon would have been the equivalent of this city’s suburbs. One could therefore argue that Sepphoris, with its new opportunities for work, was a booming city that saw Jesus’ presence as a youth and builder in the days of his apprenticeship under his father.
Central to village life in every Jewish community in the 1st century C.E. was the local synagogue. There are passages in the biblical account that indicate that Jesus visited synagogues during his campaign or ministry. But as a young observant Jewish boy in the Jewish village of Nazareth, it would be reasonable to suggest that as a youth he would have also performed the obligatory function of attending and performing in the synagogue with his father Joseph. It would have been during this time that Jesus received his religious education, the foundation from which he later launched his campaign as an adult. And in those days the teachings and thoughts of Judaism were remarkably diverse. “How much Jesus spoke and how much he listened in these adult gatherings growing up we have no way of knowing,” writes Tabor in his book, The Jesus Dynasty, “but from a young age he must have begun to absorb the variety of ideas and conflicting opinions that were expressed. Judging from the oral Jewish tradition that eventually was written down in the the Mishnah, as well as from the texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls and evidence in the gospels, the range of topics was [seemingly] endless…….What characterized Jewish life, even peasant Jewish life, was this endless ongoing discussion and debate of the meaning and implications of the stories, commandments, and teachings of the Torah and the Prophets.” Given this, coupled with the messianic movement and spirit that permeated much of Jewish thought and life at this time — which we now know based on historical evidence — it is easy to picture the formative environment that helped to shape the teachings and message that Jesus eventually incorporated into what he professed to be his messianic mission. Today, there is archaeological evidence of only a few 1st century CE synagogues — such as those uncovered at Capernaum, Gamla and Magdala near the coast of the Sea of Galilee and one at King Herod’s fortress of Masada near the Dead Sea. No evidence of a synagogue has yet been recovered archaeologically at Nazareth — but Nazareth today is a bustling city and the remains of much if not all of the original 1st century CE village likely remains almost unreachable beneath the congested, modern urban landscape.
Article Supplement 1
The Towns of Jesus’ Boyhood
Ancient Nazareth would have had all of the characteristics of typical small Jewish village life. Based on archaeological and historical research, the houses were modest structures constructed of field stones packed with a mixture of straw and mud, dirt floors and few windows, roofs of thatched reeds over wooden beams that made for flat rooftops which were also used for sleeping and other domestic activities. Larger houses likely had courtyards, accommodating extended families, typical features of such homes. Life was simple, without the fineries of wealth such as mosaics, fine pottery and glassware and bronze vessels. Any livestock would have been kept in enclosures attached to the houses. Meals were simple, consisting of bread, lentils, olives, and some milk, cheese, salted fish, meat, fruits and vegetables as available. Archaeological research has shown from the examination of skeletal remains that dietary deficiencies and death before age forty may not have been uncommon. Trades practiced by the residents were often practiced from spaces in their homes. Speaking of the old Nazareth, says Tabor, “You can think of it as maybe 50 to 100 people — like a family village — perhaps an extended family village.”
Above and below: House structures reconstructed in Nazareth as they might have appeared during the early 1st century CE. based on archaeological and historical data.
Above: A portion of the excavated remains of a 1st century courtyard house in Nazareth. First uncovered in the 1880’s by members of the Sisters of Nazareth convent, it was investigated later in 2006 by archaeologist Ken Dark and colleagues of the U.K.’s University of Reading. Dark suggests that the possibility that this house could have been the actual boyhood home of Jesus and his family cannot be dismissed.
Above and below:A typical small synagogue in Nazareth—a modern reconstruction showing how it might have appeared during the 1st century CE. Above, the entrance into the synagogue, looking toward the doorway from the inside. Below, a view of the interior of the synagogue looking into the synagogue from the doorway. Archaeologists and biblical historians suggest that such a synagogue in Nazareth was likely frequented by Jesus and his family. Above photo by Lori Woodall; Below photo by Daniela Ciubuc
Sepphoris (pictured above), Herod Antipas’ capital of the Galilee, was located only about 3 miles from Nazareth. It is possible that the residents of Nazareth traveled back and forth to Sepphoris, traditionally thought to be Mary’s home town, just as one would do today living in a community or town near a large metropolitan area. Looking at Nazareth and Sepphoris today, however, “it is all reversed”, says Tabor—Nazareth is a bustling modern city. In contrast, with no modern city presence and no residents, Sepphoris is silent and lies mostly hidden beneath the surface, boasting ancient remains of Greco-Roman buildings and other artifacts. Only a 10th of its remains have been excavated and studied by archaeologists thus far. In the 1st century C.E. it was a lively place, the showpiece of Herod Antipas’ Galilee. Tabor suggests the possibility that Jesus, having grown up within sight of Sepphoris, which was set atop a high point relative to Nazareth, may have had Sepphoris in his mind’s eye when he made his statement about being “the light of the world”: “A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid” (Matthew 5: 14). One can imagine seeing its lights from Nazareth and surrounding villages at night during festivals or special celebrations or occasions, like a beacon from the heights.
Above and below, an example of the beautiful mosaic work found among the excavated ancient remains of Sepphoris, Herod Antipas’ “Jewel of the Galilee”.
This depiction of a young woman in the excavated Dionysus House at Sepphoris has been dubbed the “Mona Lisa of the Galilee”, one of the iconic symbols in the popular archaeological literature about Sepphoris.
Detail of the ancient Roman road system through Sepphoris. Below, notice the ancient rut marks worn into the road produced by the countless wheeled vehicles that made their way through the city in its heyday.
Remains of an ancient columnar capital, a reminder of the grand Greco-Roman style that Herod Antipas employed to transform and expand the city into his Galilean capital.
(Above) Today, in contrast to the archaeological remnants of the historically much larger neighboring town of Sepphoris, Nazareth is a large, congested Christian-Arab urban center, a far cry from its existence as a small Jewish community in the 1st century C.E.
The Two Messiahs
The standard storyline most often cited about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry as depicted in the gospel accounts portrays Jesus beginning his career with baptism by John the Baptizer, who proclaims the primacy of Jesus’ mission over his:
“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear………Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.” (Matthew 3: 11 – 13)
Christendom proclaims John as a preparatory prophet, who, according to the words of the ancient prophets, was to emerge as the foreseen Elias, making way for the time when Jesus would essentially take over as the Messiah — “he must increase and I must decrease” (John 3:30).
But Tabor argues for a different scenario, drawing from his years of research of ancient writings, such as the lost, reconstructed gospel “Q”, an earlier source document predating the time when the canonized gospels were written (though “Q” has not been immune to scholarly dispute). The clues to Q were found 150 years ago by scholars through deductive analysis of the known canonized gospels. From this and other sources, Tabor suggests that there were actually two equally important Jewish messiahs operating concurrently — John and Jesus, working in partnership — Jesus himself indicating the primal significance of his cousin John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you more than a prophet……I tell you among those born of women none is greater than John.” (Luke 7: 26 – 28)
Moreover, Tabor suggests that Jesus was first a follower of John, who already had an entourage of apostles (some of whom later joined Jesus), later working in equal partnership with John, and then succeeding John upon his death at the hands of Herod Antipas.
“Jesus and John become full partners in the work to which they believed they were jointly called,” writes Tabor in his book, The Jesus Dynasty, “but Jesus’ deference to John is unmistakable in our sources once the veil of [later] Christian theology is removed……….It is no accident that the following year of A.D. 27 [the year after Jesus’ baptism] is largely blank in our records. That was the year of the joint work of the Two Messiahs — now lost to Christian history and memory.”
“Understanding Jesus,” Tabor thus asserts, “begins with recovering the historical John the Baptizer.”
Article Supplement 2
The Cave of John the Baptist
Tabor calls it “one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the last 25 years”. Located near the Tzuba kibbutz just west of Jerusalem in the Judean hills, an ancient cave was discovered by archaeologists in 1999. Otherwise popularly known as the Suba Cave, it is located near a vineyard within walking distance of Ein Karem, the small town or village long traditionally considered to have been the birthplace and home of John the Baptist and his family.
It all began when Shimon Gibson, a well-known British-born Israeli archaeologist, was first contacted in 1999 about carvings or engravings discovered in a cave near Tzuba and Ein Karem. After his initial investigation of the cave, he called Tabor, by then known as a scholarly expert on John the Baptist.
“I remember I was sitting in my office when he called,” said Tabor. “At first, I didn’t believe it.”
Gibson suggested that the location, the drawings/engravings, and other circumstantial elements pointed to the possibility of some association with John the Baptist. Following examination of photos of the cave drawings sent by Gibson, Tabor knew there was something to this discovery beyond a simple hunch. He, along with Gibson, quickly assembled an excavation team and, very early on, unearthed something that had exceeded all expectations.
“I’ll never forget that day,” said Tabor, as he related the story of the day they really hit “pay dirt”. In the beginning, the cave, having silted up through centuries, allowed only about one meter’s worth of clearance from the roof of the cave to ‘ground level’ in order to enter. “We had to crawl on our hands and knees,” said Tabor. But on the last day of the excavation season in March of 2000, the excavators began to encounter Roman period pottery shards.
“As we dug down we suddenly came across a meter to a meter and a half filled with clearly 1st century C.E. period pottery shards, and this was out of a total of 4 meters of cultural layers in the cave. So something was really going on in this cave during the early 1st century. We found evidence of thousands of clay vessels in the cave, all broken.”
Successive seasons uncovered a large, plastered cave carved out of bedrock with steps leading into a large interior pool of water. The cave extended 90 feet into the hillside bedrock. Gibson and Tabor suggest that it was a place for ritual immersion, or baptism. In the 1st century C.E. such a feature was normally characterized as a mikveh, a Jewish ritual bath, ancient examples of which can be found throughout Israel at a variety of archaeological sites. The Suba Cave is now considered to be the largest mikveh in Israel.
Given the abundance and concentration of the vessels — what was determined to have been small one-handled jugs — the archaeologists concluded that they had to have been deliberately broken and deposited in a relatively short time period.
What was happening in this place?
Tabor and Gibson hypothesize that the pottery shards were related to a baptismal ritual conducted in the cave. Based in part on their research of 2nd century manuscripts, they suggest that baptisms at the time of Jesus and John may have followed a set process that included not only dipping, or immersion, in the water, but also the pouring of water over the head from the vessel, the anointing of the right foot (there is a foot-shaped cavity carved out of the bedrock near the steps no far from inside the cave entrance and just above the water line), and the deliberate breaking of the vessel so the vessel could no longer be used for common purposes. The thousands of 1st century jug shards uncovered in the cave were the remains of these vessels.
Was this in fact a cave used by John to baptize people during the time of Jesus? A cave with drawings or engravings that could be interpreted as a pictographic or visual representation of John the Baptist, located very near Ein Karem, the home town of John and his family, with evidence of use as a facility for ritual immersion — all point to this possibility, according to the site excavators.
But it should be noted that the Suba Cave was initially created and used for a very different purpose. The plaster lining the interior walls of the cave was radiocarbon dated to the Iron Age, and more specifically, to the time of King Hezekiah of Judah. Five years of excavation and research revealed that the cave, including associated exterior features, was actually initially created and used as a clay-making facility for the manufacture of pottery. The cave was first meant to be “a water reservoir [fed by an adjacent spring, which still exists] for clay making,” says Tabor. “Pottery for the king’s house was made at Tzuba because the clay was so pure. Then it went out of use in the 2nd century B.C. and silted over.” It was then re-dug and converted into a ritual immersion facility during the 1st century C.E.
The Suba Cave entrance, looking toward it from outside the cave. Photo by Victoria Brogdon
Looking into the Suba Cave from the interior steps, which descend into the water as is typically characteristic of an ancient mikveh. The interior of the cave is covered in plaster, which has been present since first applied by the ancients during the days of Hezekiah, King of Judah, when it was initially used as a clay-making facility for pottery-making. The water, though it appears murky, is surprisingly clean in terms of bacterial content. Above photo by Daniela Ciubuc; Below photo by Victoria Brogdon
Rough engraved dawings high on the interior wall of the cave, above the water. Note the figure of a person on the left. Site investigators have interpreted this as an individual, perhaps even John the Baptist, officiating a ritual activity, such as a baptismal rite. Photo by Victoria Brogdon
King of the Jews
Central to the message of worldwide Christianity is the proclamation that Jesus was, quite literally, the physical and spiritual offspring of God Himself — or the Son of God, as most Christians would phrase it. As such, Jesus, as the heavenly Christ or Savior of the world as described and promoted in generally accepted Christian theology, embodied the atoning intercession through the crucifixion to save all mankind from the consequences of justice in the form of spiritual and physical death required for transgressing the commandments of God.
Tabor suggests a differing image of Jesus, however — an image that some of his critics, particularly ecclesiastical traditionalists, have disputed. But Tabor hoes the road of rigorous historical research. He believes greater accuracy about the man Jesus can likely be found with a careful and in-depth historical examination of the messianic concept as reflected in the broad array of ancient documents and literature, from the standardized canon to newly-found ancient writings discovered within recent years. These sources prophesy or tell of a Jewish messiah more akin to a Davidic king (by lineage) who, with God’s omnipotent intercession, would rule over Israel on the throne of David; overthrow the foreign rulers in Israel; gather the lost tribes of Israel; and rule the world in righteousness — establishing, literally, the Kingdom of God on earth. But Jesus as Christ the Son of God and all that comes with that, he argues, was an image that evolved beginning with the vision and teachings of Paul and eventually embraced, sanctioned and promoted by the authorities in Rome and other centers, becoming what is today the predominant portrait of Jesus among Christian adherents.
“I am convinced that Jesus most likely began to read certain passages of the Hebrew Scriptures and apply them directly to himself,” writes Tabor in the Jesus Dynasty. “As I see things, this factor is absolutely vital for understanding his developing sense of messianic self-identity.” Those passages described a priestly messiah (as embodied in John the Baptizer, according to Tabor) and a Davidic kingly messiah (Jesus).
With this, Jesus began putting together a provisional ‘government’ through his council of 12 apostles (each to rule over a tribe of Israel), and began his campaign by bringing the message first to the Jews. Unlike the more militaristic movement of the Zealots, this new kingdom would replace the current oppressive order through divine, eschatological Godly intervention, not the human-wielding sword. As Jesus and his entourage began to gather a substantial following among the people, working his miracles and teaching his message with his proclaimed mandate from providence and claim to Davidic genealogy, it was no wonder that the ruling authorities of the time, both ecclesiastical (i.e., the chief priests of the Sanhedrin) and secular (the Herods — Herod Antipas already having been declared ‘King of the Jews’ by the Roman emperor — and Roman authority and order as embodied in the appointed prefect Pontius Pilate), saw Jesus as a potential threat, especially if the movement continued to gain momentum. The stage was being set for accusations of sedition from the ruling authorities, and heresy from the ecclesiastical.
Article Supplement 3
Although scholars know from the historical sources that synagogues existed throughout Jewish communities in the 1st century C.E., there are to date only a few such synagogues that have been discovered or excavated by archaeologists. From the biblical record, we know that Jesus visited and taught in synagogues throughout the areas where he conducted his campaign, or ministry. One prominent synagogue has been found near the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee at Capernaum, the town that is known to be the ‘headquarters’ of Jesus’ operations. Although the structure most visible and impressive at the site is a Byzantine-era synagogue, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of the original 1st century synagogue resting beneath the foundations of the Byzantine structure, and a trace of these remains is visible to visitors. Another 1st century structure has been recently excavated and investigated by the Israel Antiquities Authority at Magdala (or Migdal, meaning ‘tower’), the traditional home town of Mary Magdalene, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.
The first excavations at Magdala were carried out in the early twentieth century, and again in 2002 and 2006. But the most spectacular finds were unearthed in 2009 when excavators came across the remains of a 1st century synagogue only 30 cm beneath the surface during what was a salvage excavation related to construction of a pilgrimage and holiday visitor complex. Led by Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Arfan Najar of the Israel Antiquities Authority, they eventually uncovered (among other things) the well-preserved remains of an entrance hall/study room, a chamber for storing Torah scrolls, and a large decorated stone, now popularly known as the ‘Magdala Stone’, in the center of the structure. The decorated stone, interpreted as a prayer table or altar, was particularly significant in that it featured clear images of objects or symbols associated with the time of the Second Temple, the great temple that stood during the time of Herodian rule. These images included a seven-branch menorah, rosette, and fiery wheels. The menorah image is thought to be the oldest known depiction of the menorah, at least outside of Jerusalem, as it appeared in the Temple. “We can assume that the engraving which appears on the stone, which the Antiquities Authority uncovered, was done by an artist who saw the seven-branched menorah with his own eyes in the Temple in Jerusalem,” commented Avshalom-Gorni to the Jerusalem Post*. Finds uncovered within the synagogue remains, including a coin minted in Tiberias in 29 CE, helped to date the structure to the first century CE, the time of Jesus’ ministry. Given the Christian New Testament references to Jesus visiting synagogues throughout the Galilee region, archaeologists suggest that the synagogue was likely a place where Jesus taught. Given the dating, the synagogue is thus also believed to have been in use when Josephus commanded rebel forces against the Romans during the First Jewish Revolt.
Moreover, Magdala takes on special significance not only because it was a place that Jesus may likely have visited and taught, but because of its identification with Mary Magdalene. “It’s not absolutely certain that Mary Magdalene was from Magdala,” says Tabor. But he says that he favors the identification.
The synagogue is not the end of the work at Magdala. In addition to the synagogue, decorated stone, and mikva’ot, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of a marketplace with an advanced plumbing system, a central paved street, and a wharf. With the exception of the recent and ongoing construction work related to the Catholic pilgrimage and holiday center, “nothing has ever been built on top of this [place] for 2,000 years,” says Tabor. “This was a major town according to Josephus.” Tabor describes Magdala as an important center for processing and exporting fish products, some of which were exported as far as the tables of the Roman elite in Rome. “It had a significant port, a tower, and a Greco-Roman theater,” he added. “There is a lot more that can be uncovered here.” Excavation work continues.
Above and below: The Magdala synagogue showing a replica of the ‘Magdala Stone’ in situ, where it was discovered. Note the adjacent floor mosaic work in the foreground of the image below.
Images below: Though centuries of time and history reduced the 1st century synagogue to ruins, many of its features remained preserved in remarkable condition, as revealed by the excavations.
Article Supplement 4
Thought to be the birthplace of the apostles Peter, Andrew and Phillip, Bethsaida (‘House of the Fisherman’) was an active fishing community during the time of Jesus, and was raised to the status of a Greek city in 30 CE by Philip, the son of Herod the Great. He renamed it Julias, after Livia-Julia, the wife of Emperor Augustus. Here, Philip was buried, according to the historical account of Josephus Flavius. And here, or in the area, based on the Biblical account, Jesus performed miracles, such as healing a blind man and the feeding of the multitude. Like Capernaum and Jerusalem, it is one of the most frequently mentioned locations in the New Testament.
For centuries, the location and remains of the Bethsaida of the time of Jesus and Josephus had been a mystery. For the last 2,000 years, pilgrims had searched the northern coasts of the Galilee to no avail. Unlike places like Capernaum and Tiberias, there appeared to be no commonly acceptable and clearly identifiable trace of it anywhere on the landscape, at least insofar as any reliable historical documentation or tradition could attest. Interpretation of the Biblical geography and references could perhaps provide some clues, which scholars used historically as part of the basis of their search for the lost city.
Then, in 1938, American Biblical scholar Edward Robinson, while exploring the northeastern region adjacent to the lake, discovered a promising tel (a mound containing archaeological remains of a settlement). This tel, he maintained, could be what is left of Bethsaida. It was located approximately 1.5 – 2 km from the lake’s northeastern shore and just east of the Jordan river. Not a likely spot for a fishing village, maintained the critics. But later geological studies showed that the lake was actually significantly closer to the tel 2,000 years ago. Tectonic rifting, sedimentation of the Jordan Delta, and greater usage of the lake water over time through land irrigation and increased population are all cited as possible explanations for the difference.
Finally, in 1987 Israeli archaeologist Rami Arav conducted a ten-day probe of this 21-acre site, then known as et-Tell (“the mound”), on the educated hunch that the site could well be Bethsaida. His preliminary conclusions were positive, but much more needed to be done before the site could be placed on the map as a viable candidate. In 1990, he and a number of colleagues created the Consortium of the Bethsaida Excavations Project, an institutional grouping dedicated to exploring the site, researching and analyzing the remains, and disseminating the findings to academic audiences and the public. Today it numbers at least ten institutions, headquartered in the International Studies and Programs department at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Early excavations at the site did indeed reveal a settlement location that had been occupied in Roman times. Salient finds included evidence of a Roman temple dated to the early 1st century CE, including foundation remains, some limestone ashlars and decorated architectural elements. Ritual vessels, such as two well-preserved bronze incense shovels found within the temple footprint, support its description as a temple. It may have been the temple built by Herod Philip in honor of Julia Livia. In addition, courtyard-style houses typical of the period were uncovered, estimated to have been two stories high. Ceramic wine amphorae and vine pruning hooks were found in the cellar of one of the houses. The houses were designed as paved, open courtyards surrounded by several rooms. Within them were found fishing tools, such as fishing hooks, needles, lead net weights, and iron anchors. Clearly, fishing was a player in the economy of the settlement.
At the site of ancient Bethsaida, a lintel from the Roman temple that once stood at the site in the 1st century CE still greets visitors to the site. Photo by Lori Woodall
Above and below: Although Bethsaida is best known as the 1st century CE town that some of the apostles called home and where Jesus addressed followers, archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a much older city beneath. According to excavation director Rami Arav, it was the ancient capital of Geshure, a kingdom allied with Israel during the 10th century BCE. This image shows the ‘high place’ of its massive city gate complex. Below photo by Daniela Ciubuc
Capernaum, The First Headquarters of the Jesus Movement
No place on the Sea of Galilee has been associated more with Jesus than the ancient fishing village of Kfar Nahum (‘Nahum’s village’), or Capernaum, as it is known by most Chrsitians today. Established during the time of the Hasmoneans on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, it is by tradition thought to have been near the hometown of some of Jesus’ apostles. It was here that Jesus came from Nazareth to establish the early ‘home base’ of his movement. And it was here, as the gospel accounts relate, that Jesus performed a number of well-known miracles.
Here also still stands remains archaeologists assign to the 1st century C.E., when Jesus lived, as well as later periods. The structures were constructed primarily of the local basalt, giving them a dark grey, almost black appearance, much like the basaltic remains found at the site of Bethsaida to its east. The basaltic foundation stones of what some archaeologists suggest are the remains of the 1st century synagogue in which Jesus likely taught still lay beneath the visible remains of the impressive Byzantine era synagogue that draws so many visitors to the site to this day. Some of these 1st century stones can be clearly seen below the foundation stones of the later synagogue.
Final Hours, Death and Burial
More than any other part of the Jesus story, much has been written both anciently and in modern literature about the final days of Jesus’ life in Jerusalem. Summarized in a simple sentence, the gospel accounts describe Jesus being judged before the high priest Caiaphas, Herod Antipas, and then the responsible Roman prefect Pontius Pilate, followed by crucifixion at the hands of the Romans upon a cross at Golgotha (the “place of the skull”), and then laid in a nearby ‘new tomb’ under Joseph of Arimithea’s facilitation. Traditionally, the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, located today in the northwestern part of the Old City, is perhaps the most broadly accepted location of both the crucifixion and the nearby temporary new tomb in which the body of Jesus was, according to the gospel accounts, laid. Some Christian groups, particularly Protestant groups, maintain that the actual tomb should be identified with what has been called the ‘Garden Tomb’, located significantly north of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher site. Looking at the exterior of this tomb, it is easy to see what has been depicted by many illustrators as the imagined image of this iconic place in the gospel stories. But results of archaeological investigation, particularly the seminal investigation by famed Israeli archaeologist Gabriel Barkay of the Hebrew University, have cast doubt on the Garden Tomb area location.
Tabor, based on his research, suggests yet a different location for the crucifixion and temporary burial.
“According to Josephus, the Romans conducted crucifixions outside the gate of the city,” says Tabor. “Anciently, the gate of the city was known as the eastern gate, or gate of the tabernacle.”
This would have placed the likely spot of the crucifixion to the east of the temple, as opposed to the traditionally accepted northwest location.
Tabor elaborates further in his book, The Jesus Dynasty: “A more likely site for Jesus’ crucifixion is on the Mount of Olives, east of the city, overlooking the Temple compound. One of our earliest sources remembers Jesus’ crucifixion as ‘outside the camp’ (Hebrews 13: 12-13). The technical expression “outside the camp” was interpreted as a distance of at least two thousand cubits (about half a mile) east of the Temple sanctuary.”
It would have placed the crucifixion clearly on the Mount of Olives, says Tabor, far enough away from the Temple sanctuary to avoid ritual defilement and in a place that would have been high and clearly visible to travelers journeying into the city on the heavily traveled main roads just to the east. The Romans were known to prefer crucifixions on hills near main roads where the population would be able to clearly see the examples of the crucified as a warning.
Where, then, was the temporary tomb, if not on the grounds where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is located?
Given the gospel accounts of the tomb’s location very near to the site of crucifixion, this tomb would also, according to Tabor, have been located on the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives, as most scholars, historians and archaeologist know, does feature a relatively robust number of tombs, including tombs that have yielded commonly known gospel account names, based on archaeological investigation. But even under an assumption that the Mount of Olives was the true location of the crucifixion, which of these tombs could be identified as the temporary tomb? It remains a mystery. There is no evidence favoring any particular tomb.
Above: To the right of the doorway of this building in Jerusalem, original Herodian period stones remain in place. This is the structure that tradition holds was the place where Jesus had his ‘last supper’ with his disciples.The upper room, as indicated by the window, is shown above the wall that contains the original Herodian stones. This is what one views while standing in the courtyard of the structure.
Above: A detailed view of the original Herodian stone in the structure that contains the upper room. Excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority revealed a 1st century floor below this level. Destroyed in 70 CE by the Romans, the building that stood here housed the earliest followers of Jesus as the ‘headquarters’ of the movement after Jesus’ death, with James, the brother of Jesus, at the head and the other apostles and Jesus’ family all domiciled and/or meeting in this place, according to Tabor. James, as well as King David, are traditionally thought to have been interred there. It is thus considered to be a sacred structure and a destination for visitation by both Jews and Christians.
Dr. James Tabor stands before the the Herodian wall/stone section remnant of the building that features the upper room. It shows the scale of the stones. Photo by Victoria Brogdon
Above and below: Located at a lower location on the Mount of Olives, the site traditionally designated as the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus spent his last hours with his disciples before being captured and arrested after betrayal by Judas. According to Tabor, it is not known archaeologically that this was indeed the famous garden spot, but it is representative of the olive tree vegetation and gardens that characterized this part of the Mount of Olives during the 1st century CE.
Above and below: About three meters beneath the surface in the Jewish quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem lie the remains of ancient 1st century CE mansion homes of the wealthiest residents of Jerusalem living at the time of Jesus, known today as the Herodian Quarter. Above and below are examples of some of the exquisite remains of the foundations and basements of these mansion homes, which once stood at least two stories high, excavated by Nachman Avigad. This area included the residences of Jerusalem’s aristocratic and noble families and priestly upper class such as the ruling Sanhedrin, among whom were personalities known from the New Testament gospel accounts, such as Caiaphas.
Remains of wall fresco within a wealthy resident’s mansion. Photo by Victoria Brogdon
Stone vessels excavated from the remains of the Herodian Quarter. Among the Jewish residents, stone vessels were used to ensure purity. Photo by Victoria Brogdon
Above and below, features excavated from the largest residential structure in the Herodian Quarter, dubbed the “Mansion House”. Tabor suggests that this structure may have been the palacial building where Jesus stood in judgment before Caiaphas.
Above and below:Remnants of lavish ornamental detail can still be seen on the walls of the Mansion House. Photo below by Victoria Brogdon
Above: The preserved stone paving within the Mansion House. Tabor suggests that this may possibly have been the very floor upon which Jesus stood in judgment before Caiaphas.
Pictured above and below: Just south and adjacent to the southern Old City wall, an archaeological team under the direction of Shimon Gibson and James Tabor is excavating another section of ancient homes that once belonged to Jerusalem’s aristocratic and noble families of the 1st century CE. Here, excavators have unearthed rooms, including an inscribed stone cup and a beautifully preserved bathtub. See more about this excavation here. Above photo by Victoria Brogdon
Above: Hugging the western Old City wall of Jerusalem, these structural remains in front of the Turkish-built wall are dated to the 1st century CE and, according to Tabor, are likely the vestiges of the famous ‘judgment seat’ area, just outside the Roman Praetorium, where Pontius Pilate sat in judgment of Jesus before the crucifixion. These structural features were exposed in archaeological excavations during the 1970’s. “They discovered these steps which appeared to be going up into the Turkish wall,” says Tabor. In the 1st century, there was a gate into the city at this place. “But it was completely destroyed,” continues Tabor. “Scholars do agree that beyond [behind] this wall stood Herod’s palace. But at the lower end of the palace [nearest to and just to the other side of the wall seen here] was the Praetorium, the military barracks where the soldiers were stationed. It was here, within the Praetorium and on the other side of the present wall, where Jesus was scourged.” Today, an Armenian parking lot occupies this space behind the wall. Tabor hopes to excavate it in the future with the prospect of possibly uncovering remains of the Praetorium. Photo by Victoria Brogdon
A detailed view of an excavated Herodian period wall in the area that Tabor proposes was the judgment seat of Pilate.
Above: A thorny plant naturally grows near the ‘judgment seat’ stones depicted in the previous photograph. When the skin is exposed to the plant’s thorns, its toxic elements create an irritating rash or welts on the exposed skin. When the plant dies, however, this toxic element disappears, but the dead plant curls into a shape as shown in the example above. This particular example was picked in 2016 near the ‘judgment seat’ stones. It was found among a number of other thorny plants. Was this the type plant used by Roman soldiers to fashion the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head before the crucifixion? Any association at this point would be purely speculative.
The view of the Eastern Gate from the elevated perspective of the Mount of Olives. According to Tabor, the more likely spot of the crucifixion was on the Mount of Olives. That location would also have afforded greater visibility to people as they passed by on the main roads to the east of the Old City walls, more consistent with the Roman practice of locating crucifixions and executions in places presenting maximum public exposure, while also being consistent in this instance with ensuring a sufficient distance from the sacred Temple sanctuary to minimize unrest among the Jewish population.
Above: One of the tombs near the Church of Dominus Flevit on the Mount of Olives. Tombs like this are scattered about on the Mount of Olives, and it was in one of these tombs, (the ‘new tomb’ according to the gospel accounts) where Tabor suggests Jesus was temporarily laid after his body was removed from the site of the crucifixion. The tomb shown above has been populated with a number of ossuaries, (limestone bone boxes in which 1st century Jewish families interred the bones of deceased family members one year after decomposition of the body) for public display purposes.
Arguably no events have raised more attention and controversy for Tabor than the now famous discovery and investigation of the two tombs discovered in the East Talpiot, or Armon HaNetziv, community in Jerusalem, less than three kilometers south of the Old City. Popularly known respectively as the ‘Jesus Family Tomb’ or ‘Garden Tomb’ (because of an adjacent garden — not to be confused with the traditional Garden Tomb) and ‘Patio Tomb’, Tabor and some of his colleagues have argued that these tomb discoveries, along with the much-publicized ‘James ossuary’, may provide the most direct archaeological evidence and connection ever found bearing on Jesus, his family, and the earliest followers of Jesus, later known as Christians.
The Garden Tomb
In a city like Jerusalem, construction work often inadvertently reveals historical treasures that might not ever otherwise be uncovered by surveying archaeologists. In 1980, this is exactly what happened. Dynamite detonation to pave the way for construction of a new apartment complex in the East Talpiot area of Jerusalem had exposed what appeared to be the entrance to a tomb. What would have been the outer courtyard area of the tomb had unfortunately been destroyed in the explosion. But the inner entrance, featuring a facade with a rock-cut chevron, a circle symbol, and rectangular opening, had been exposed, an inviting feature for anyone adventurous. As required by law, archaeologists of the Israel Antiquities Authority were called in to investigate the tomb as a quick salvage operation, and excavations began on March 28, 1980 with a team under the supervision of District archaeologist Amos Kloner, including archaeologists Joseph Gath and Eliot Braun, along with three or four excavators. Initial excavation revealed six burial niches, or kokhim, five of them containing ossuaries, two six-foot-long shelves or arcosolia (used to lay out corpses for decomposition before the bones were collected and stored in the ossuaries a year later), and bone fragments on the shelves as well as other skeletal remains, including skulls, on the ancient floor below the shelves. Ten ossuaries were recorded within the tomb.
But it wasn’t until 1996 when a report was compiled about the discovery, spurred by media attention about reports that the the tomb ossuaries featured inscriptions of names associated with Jesus, including Jesus himself. But by this time much information had been lost or unrecorded, and the bones within the tomb had presumably been turned over to the Orthodox religious authorities for reburial in unmarked common graves.
The biggest media splash about the tomb and its contents didn’t emerge, however, until after a re-investigation initiated by a team put together by filmmaker and investigative journalist Simcha Jacobovici in 2004, recruiting Tabor as an academic consultant. There were still some tantalizing outstanding questions about the tomb, not the least of which was the question of whether or not the tomb and its contents could reasonably be associated with the historical Jesus of Nazareth and his family. The names inscribed on each of five of the ossuaries raised a few eyebrows, to say the least — Yeshua bar Yehosef (Jesus son of Joseph); Maria (Mary); Mariamene Mara (interpreted from ancient sources to be another word for Mary Magdalene the Master or “the Lady”); Yosef (Joses – a brother of Jesus); and Yehuda bar Yeshua (Judah son of Jesus).
A concrete slab (shown above as one looks down from above, center of photo, and below, close up) now covers the entrance to the Garden Tomb, so-called because of the surrounding garden area.
Entering the tomb after the slab was removed. The facade of the inner entrance to the tomb can be seen. Photo courtesy William Tarant
The distinctive chevron and circle facade could be clearly seen as the investigators stood in front at the bottom of the shaft to the tomb. The rectangular entrance shows how the tomb had been filled with books and manuscripts, used as a genizah, since it was first investigated years earlier. Photo courtesy William Tarant
Above and below:Discarded books and manuscripts had accumulated within the tomb over a number of years, obstructing the burial niches. Because of the sacred nature of the printed word for Yahweh (God), the documents are not burned so they are buried. Photos courtesy William Tarant
Above and below: Inside the tomb, the arcosolia, benches used to support shrouded bodies as they decomposed before being placed in ossuaries a year later, are still clearly defined. The niches below the arcosolia contained the ossuaries, which had been removed in the earlier investigation, at least some of which can now be viewed at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Photos courtesy William Tarant
Was this in fact direct evidence for Jesus of Nazareth and members of his family? And did it provide proof that Jesus’ body was in fact placed in a second, permanent tomb after the first, temporary tomb? Moreover, and perhaps equally controversial, did it provide evidence that Jesus may have been married and fathered a child named Judah?
Needless to say, a broad array of scholars and ecclesiastical authorities have vociferously disputed these notions. They have presented a number of reasons why these finds could not be related to the Jesus of the gospels. The most prominent argument has advanced the suggestion that the names inscribed on the ossuaries were common names for people living in the 1st century CE Jerusalem area. Indeed, when the names were considered individually, some of the names clearly met that explanation. (Using known data about the 1st century CE population and applying statistical analysis studies, Maria, or Mary, for example, accounts for nearly 22 percent of known female names in the area for the period, according to studies — although Yeshua, the Greek equivalent being Jesus, only 3.9 percent).
But the more convincing test, according to Tabor and some other scholars, lies in the unique combination of names in one place. When analyzed statistically in this way, they say, the probability that the tomb and its contents are those of the gospel account’s Jesus, and his family members, goes up significantly — so high, in fact, that it becomes likely, as opposed to possible. Enter two other major discoveries, and the likelihood rises still more:
The James Ossuary
The story broke at an October 21, 2002 Washington press conference co-hosted by the Discovery Channel and the Biblical Archaeology Society, when the existence of a 2,000-year-old ossuary was announced, featuring on its side an inscription that purportedly provided the oldest known archaeological record of Jesus of Nazareth. The inscription on the ossuary presented, in Aramaic, the words Ya’akov bar-Yosef akhui diYeshua, which in English translates as “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus”, originally translated by André Lemaire, a renowned Semitic epigrapher. Assuming that this was indeed the ossuary of James the Just of the gospel accounts — the brother of Jesus and the head of the early Christian movement in Jerusalem after the death of Jesus — the announcement created a media stir that reverberated worldwide and set in motion a chain of events which, like opening Pandora’s box, became a story that acquired far greater proportions than the initial players had initially intended.
But the ossuary had emerged from the antiquities market, not a controlled archaeological investigation, and a series of investigations by the Israel Antiquities Authority in 2003 led to a determination that the ‘James ossuary’ was a forgery. Oded Golan, collector and owner of the box, was charged with 44 counts of forgery, fraud and deception. However, after a seven-year trial with 120 sessions where the judge heard 126 witnesses and dozens of experts, producing 12,000 pages of testimony with a final 475-page verdict, Golan was acquitted of the forgery charges.
Few argue today that the ‘James ossuary’ itself is not authentic, but the authenticity of the inscription, particularly the ‘brother of Jesus’ segment of the inscription, is still open to scholarly debate. A number of scholar/scientists have, however, supported the observation that an authentic ancient patina (the thin bio-chemical layer that forms on the surface of the material as the object ages) has been found within the inscription engravings, indicating that the entire line of the inscription is authentic, at least in terms of age.
What then, one may ask, does this have to do with the Garden Tomb?
“A lot,” says Tabor. He points, for example, to the recent and much publicized 2006 study that concluded that the James ossuary actually originated from this tomb. That study was conducted by a team of scientists led by Amnon Rosenfeld of the Israel Geologic Society. The results, after careful testing, indicated that the ancient patina found inside the inscribed letters on the ossuary was indeed authentic, supporting the authenticity of the inscription. But in that study, the team also conducted tests and an evaluative analysis of the comparative chemical composition of the patina accretions on ossuaries and interior surfaces of 14 other burial caves, including the Garden Tomb. “The premise of the tests was that ossuaries accumulate distinctive and measurable biochemical “signatures” based on the cave environments in which they have spent the past two millennia,” writes Tabor. Even two caves in close proximity to each other would bear different chemical signatures. But the results showed that the James ossuary had the very same chemical signature as the ossuaries that were tested from the Garden Tomb, including the chemical signature of the walls and ceiling of that tomb. “In contrast,” writes Tabor, “the James ossuary patina signature differed considerably from the chemical composition of ossuaries from the other thirteen burial caves.”
According Tabor and some other colleagues, the James ossuary, therefore, originally came from the Garden Tomb.
When and how the ossuary was separated from the tomb remains a mystery. But examination of the weathering on the surface of the ossuary, as compared to that of the other ossuaries of the Jesus tomb, suggested that the ossuary had been missing from the tomb, perhaps looted in antiquity, for at least two hundred years.
Thus, according to Tabor (who is not alone in this assertion), adding the James ossuary to the ring of objects and names of the Garden Tomb statistically raises the likelihood of identification of the tomb with Jesus of Nazareth and his family to a near certainty.
The key inscription detail on the James Ossuary, which reads James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus. Paradiso, Wikimedia Commons
Does this prove that this tomb is in fact the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family?
Tabor qualifies his statements about the tomb. “We do not believe that statistics alone prove one way or the other that the Talpiot Jesus tomb is that of Jesus of Nazareth but the statistics do show that the oft-repeated assertion that lots of tombs in Jerusalem would likely have a similar set of names is false.”
But there is even more to this story…………
The Patio Tomb
Only one year after the initial discovery of the Garden Tomb, a dynamite blast, again associated with apartment complex construction work, exposed another ancient tomb only 60 meters north of the previously exposed Garden Tomb. Again, Amos Kloner was called in to investigate the tomb. He could enter the tomb only through a break in the ceiling. Its ancient square entrance was closed, sealed tight by a large “stopper” stone. What he first saw was a 3.5 by 3.5 meter rock-cut single square chamber. Cut into and along three of its sides were nine carved gabled burial niches, about 2 meters deep, three in each side. Each niche was sealed in front with a blocking stone. Kloner observed skeletal remains in the niches, with significant primary burial remains in four of them, meaning those skeletal remains had not yet been placed permanently into ossuaries. Also found were some cooking pots placed in three locations on the floor.
Kloner wasn’t afforded much time to examine the tomb. Soon, he was forced to leave the tomb by protesting ultra-Orthodox Jews, determined to protect the sanctity of the tomb. But this was not before he was able to acquire one smaller ossuary for examination—a decorated ossuary with no inscription, fit for the remains of a child. He entrusted it to the custody of IAA authorities at their Rockefeller headquarters (The ossuary is now part of the State of Israel collections).
Despite the protests, Kloner and the IAA were determined to investigate the find. Although he had to depart the country to fulfill another commitment, he entrusted two IAA archaeologists, the late Joseph Gath and Shlomo Gudovitch, to continue the investigation. Upon returning to the site, they were able to remove the blocking stones from the niches and examine ossuaries inside, a total of seven, taking photographs and recording their positions. All ossuaries but one were decorated and two were observed to have Greek inscriptions. They spent several days at the tomb location, removing the ossuaries from their niches and opening their lids for further examination. While preparing to raise the ossuaries up through the tomb ceiling to transport them to the IAA Rockefeller headquarters, they were again prevented from completing the task by a group of ultra-Orthodox Jewish protesters. The seven remaining ossuaries were returned to their niches, albeit not all in their original positions. There they remain to this day.
It was not until 2005, more than 25 years later, that a new archaeological team was assembled to take another look at the tomb (today known as the “Talpiot B” or “Patio” tomb) and its contents. This latest exploration and documentation was conducted by a team that included a mix of experts, including the well-known Canadian film producer and director Simcha Jacobovici, Tabor and noted archaeologist Rami Arav of the University of Nebraska, top Canadian film producer Felix Golubev, two key technical experts Walter Klassen and William Tarant, and Dr. James H. Charlesworth of Princeton Theological Seminary as an academic consultant. What prompted the new initiative was the proximity of the tomb to two other tombs, the first being the previously discovered Garden Tomb; and the second, a tomb mostly destroyed in 1980 by a dynamite blast during preparations for construction work.
“It was the proximity of these three tombs, and the possibility that they were clustered together on a wealthy estate in the 1st century CE that prompted us to request a permit to carry out further investigations,” reported Tabor in his Preliminary Report about the Patio Tomb exploration. The immediate vicinity of the three tombs also included the remains of a plastered ritual bath (or mikveh), water cisterns, and an ancient olive press. Joseph Gath, who surveyed the area, determined that they, including the tombs, belonged to a large, wealthy agricultural estate. They were likely the family tombs of the owner of the estate. “The object of our investigation was to determine whether the “patio” tomb, still intact, might contain names or other evidence that would provide for us further data that might conceivably shed light on the adjacent Garden Tomb with its intriguing cluster of names,” reported Tabor in the preliminary report.
But further exploration of the tomb now faced almost insurmountable hurdles, including the requirement by the Orthodox authorities that the tomb remains not be touched or disturbed, the challenge of obtaining permissions from several different sources, each of which had a different agenda and a different set of interests to consider and safeguard, and the extremely limited clearance space around the ossuaries within the burial niches of the tomb. What was necessary would be an unprecedented “hands-off” probe of the tomb contents. To accomplish this, the team came up with a unique robotic arm and camera/video assembly specially designed for the task.
The results, after painstaking efforts and mid-course adjustments, were nothing less than astonishing. In addition to the findings of Kloner’s initial investigation, the team was able to distinguish the details of four ossuaries with ornamental engravings, one plain ossuary, and two ossuaries with unique markings and inscriptions.
It was the latter two ossuaries, designated as ossuaries 5 and 6, that caused the stir. Ossuary 5 showed an ornamental front façade with twin rosettes and elaborate frieze border. Interestingly, between the rosettes was a four-line Greek inscription. The use of Greek would not necessarily be considered extraordinary. The translated text, however, reading as it were like an epitaph, was quite extraordinary under these circumstances. More unusual still was the use of the word for the name of God, Yahweh, written in Greek on a 1st century ossuary in what is clearly a tomb belonging to a Jewish family of the time, and words that expressed a raising up or resurrection (“rise up to God”, or “rise up to heaven”). Ossuary 6, originally (when explored by Kloner) in the first position closest to the tomb entrance, featured perhaps the most interesting markings. Its front showed what the team interpreted as the image of a fish, including tail, fins, and scales, with what appeared to be a stick-like human figure with a large head emerging from its mouth. Along the top border was a series of smaller, fish-shaped images. Incised on the left end was a bell-shaped circle that featured a cross inside. On the right end was an image that appeared to be a scaled body and tail of a fish, although only the lower portion of it is shown, upended. Within the head of the fish was inscribed what was interpreted to be the name “Jonah” — and it was this finding that Ossuary 6 became popularly known from this point forward as the “Jonah Ossuary”.
“Rise up to heaven”, a fish, an image emerging from the ‘mouth’ of the fish, and the name “Jonah”. So what did these findings mean?
The findings of Ossuary 5 and Ossuary 6 became perhaps the most sensational and most controversial discovery emerging from the tomb. This was, according to the investigative team interpretation, not only because they could be images of a fish, an animal, on a 1st century Jewish ossuary (something that would have been prohibited by 1st century Judaism), but because the imagery was similar to that seen within the 3rd and 4th century CE Christian tombs of the catacombs in Rome—the “sign of Jonah” (as in Jonah and the big fish, or whale, of the biblical account), images that are known to have symbolized the resurrection among early Christians. According to Tabor and colleagues, these could now be the earliest known archaeological finds related to the early followers of Jesus, or Christians.
Tabor’s interpretation has, needless to say, caused a firestorm of debate among scholars. Among them is Kloner himself, the initial IAA archaeologist who investigated the tomb upon its discovery, who now interprets the fish image on the Jonah ossuary not as a fish but as a funerary vase or amphora (joining a number of other scholars suggesting the same interpretation), and that the Greek inscription should not be interpreted to read as a ‘rising up’ or resurrection but actually as a warning expressing a prohibition against disturbing the bones of the tomb.
Notwithstanding its controversy, the peculiar Patio Tomb’s iconography and proximity to the Garden Tomb could be saying something else, says Tabor. It could be one more indicator that the Garden Tomb is, indeed, the tomb of the family of Jesus of Nazareth, and, not without great controversy, the final resting place of the body of Jesus himself, Mary his mother, Mary Magdalene — considered Jesus’ close companion by both the biblical canon and other ancient accounts — and a child who was the “son of Yeshua, or Jesus. And now James, son of Joseph and brother of Jesus.
When all the pieces are put together—the Garden (“Jesus Family”) Tomb, the Patio (“Resurrection”) Tomb, and the James ossuary, maintains Tabor and his colleagues, then the findings and interpretations make the identification of the Garden Tomb as the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth a “slam-dunk” case.
The apartment complex patio today, under which its namesake Patio Tomb (or ‘Resurrection Tomb’) is located. Like the Garden Tomb, it is now sealed off from entrance.
View of niche with ossuary within the Patio Tomb, showing blocking stones. Photo credit: William Tarant, GE Inspection Technologies and Associated Producers, Ltd.
Remote camera view of one of the tomb niches containing ossuaries. The team could see that maneuvering cameras within the spaces would be a challenge, to say the least. Photo credit: William Tarant, GE Inspection Technologies and Associated Producers, Ltd.
The narrow gaps between the ossuaries and the walls of the niches presented a major problem for a camera probe. Photo credit: William Tarant, GE Inspection Technologies and Associated Producers, Ltd.
Above and below: Views of the inscribed images discovered on the “Jonah Ossuary”, made possible through the robotic arm camera system devised by the team engineers. Photo credit: William Tarant, GE Inspection Technologies and Associated Producers, Ltd.
Closeup view of ossuary 6 with YONAH inscription highlighted. Background photo credit: William Tarant, GE Inspection Technologies and Associated Producers, Ltd.
Article Supplement 6
The Lost Primacy of James the Just
The discovery of the James Ossuary and its original provenance in the Garden Tomb has served to support and draw attention to an overlooked or, as Tabor would suggest, historically suppressed, point about the man James (otherwise known as ‘James the Just’), the brother of Jesus who was also an Apostle and a major player in the very earliest movement of the followers of Jesus.
James, considered a significant figure associated with Jesus in the Apostolic period, was recorded by Josephus to have died in 62 CE, having been first hurled from the top of Jerusalem’s southeastern Old City wall by his adversaries and then bludgeoned to death after having barely survived the fall into the Kidron Valley below. He has often been referred to as ‘James the Just’, or James, brother of Jesus. Not to be confused with James, son of Zebedee, another apostle, Roman Catholic tradition holds that he was James, son of Alphaeus, or ‘James the Less’. Tabor argues that James was likely Jesus’ “beloved disciple” referred to in the gospel accounts, facilitated in no small measure by his close familial relationship with Jesus (“nursed with the same milk,” as recorded in the Second Apocalypse of James).
“Although Peter is [traditionally] remembered as the titular leader of the apostles, our earliest New Testament sources tell a somewhat different story,” writes Tabor. He points to the Acts of the Apostles, for example, as making reference in several places to the primacy of James’ leadership. And he refers to other sources, such as Eusebius and the testimony of Hegesippus (a Jewish Christian of the early second century CE), as well as the Gospel of Thomas, the famous manuscript found among the Coptic texts in the Nag Hammadi library. “Although the Gospel of Thomas dates to the third century,” writes Tabor, “scholars have shown that it preserves, despite later theological embellishments, an original Aramaic document that comes to us from the early days of the Jerusalem church. It……provides us with our clearest evidence that James succeeded Jesus as leader of the movement.”
Tabor asserts that James was systematically, over time, written out or downplayed in the evolving Rome-centered Christian theology’s emphasis on Peter as the apostle through whom the ‘keys of the kingdom’ were to pass and to whom ecclesiastical authority was to be traced after Jesus.
Article Supplement 7
Mary Magdalene — The Companion of Jesus?
Dan Brown’s popular novel, The Da Vinci Code, tells the sensational story revolving around the notion that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus, giving birth to his child and thus leaving a legacy of physical ‘heirs’ to his lineage. A false and unthinkable circumstance, according to many scholars and certainly according to most theologians. There is little disputing, however, that she is considered one of Jesus’ inner circle of followers. It is clear from the canonized gospel accounts.
But a closer and broader examination of ancient writings could be depicting a significantly different portrait of the woman who, next to his mother Mary, figured so prominently in Jesus’ life — one that may not be too far removed from the fictional image so portrayed of Mary Magdalene in the Dan Brown book. Tabor writes about it in his blog and in his books, drawing from a variety of ancient texts, included among them the Coptic text of The Gospel of Mary and The Gospel of Philip. They describe a Mary who is closer to him than any of the other apostles, privy to his thoughts, and even his intimate companion, as would be typically ascribed to a wife:
“Peter saying to Mary: “Sister, we know the savior loved you more than any other woman. Tell us the words of the savior that you remember, which you know but we do not, because we have not heard them.” Mary answered and said, “What is hidden from you I shall reveal to you.” (Gospel of Mary)
“The companion of the [savior] is Mary Magdalene. The [savior loved] her more than [all] the disciples, [and he] kissed her often on her [mouth]. The other [disciples] said to him, Why do you love her more than all of us?” (Gospel of Philip)
“Taken together, these texts [to which he refers to a number of texts in addition to the gospels of Mary and Philip]…….provide us with a broader context in which the evidence from the Talpiot tombs can be read in a new light,” writes Tabor.
By ‘evidence from the Talpiot tombs’ Tabor refers mostly to the Talpiot Garden Tomb which contained, according to him, an ossuary with an inscription identifying Mary Magdalene — an ossuary that contained ancient bone residue which, based on scientific DNA analysis, revealed a person interred in the tomb who bore no blood relationship to the person whose bone residue was found in the Jesus, Son of Joseph ossuary.
It brings us to the question: Was Mary Magdalene the wife of Jesus?
Given that no blood connection likely meant a family member through the relationship of marriage, based on what is known about the remains of individuals in ancient 1st century CE Jewish tombs, one has to consider the possibility, according to Tabor. And it would have been natural for a rabbi of the time, which Jesus was, to be married and the head of a family, he adds. He maintains that the ascetic concept of celibacy was introduced by church fathers interpreting the writings of Paul in later centuries, becoming a part of the accepted doctrine governing the behavior and circumstances of ecclesiastical authorities.
A Continuing Quest
Tabor’s quest to uncover the historical truth about Jesus has not ended with the tombs. His research into the ancient writings, both canonized and otherwise, lie at the core of his endeavors. However, equally significant for him are the onging archaeological investigations into the places and artifacts that could bear on the historicity of Jesus’ life and times. His co-directorship of the Mount Zion excavations in Jerusalem, where he and co-director archaeologist Shimon Gibson have been excavating for several seasons, has, and he hopes will continue to, shed additional new light on the lifeways and circumstances of members of the Jerusalem power elite during the crucial last days of Jesus, filling in new details in the backdrop that framed the events of his trial, death and its aftermath. He plans to conduct archaeological excavations in the area beneath the Armenian parking lot that lies on the other side of the Turkish Old City wall, adjacent to his suggested judgment seat of Pilate, where he suspects remains of the Roman Praetorium still lie buried. And there is still the future potential for conducting further DNA testing on any osteological/organic traces that may still exist within the interior porous limestone walls of the Garden Tomb ossuaries—leading, for example, to clarification of the relationship of the subject who was interred in the Judah son of Jesus ossuary to those who were interred in the Jesus son of Joseph and Maramene Mara (‘Mary Magdalene’) ossuaries.
Given the sensitivity that surrounds any findings and scientific claims related to the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth, however, Tabor makes clear that his research does not discredit or destroy faith. Indeed, anyone who spends time with Tabor would clearly see that there is a man of deep faith behind the practicing scientist/historian. It can be seen particularly in how he personally views Jesus.
“I see the main focus of Jesus’ message summarized best in the prayer he taught,” he says: ‘Let your Kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ Jesus focused on the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, which he declared was at hand! This means more than just a future apocalyptic “end of the age,” as he makes clear, but a present transformation of all areas of human society toward justice and righteousness.”
In addition to accompanying him throughout the ‘Holy Land’ and Jerusalem, Popular Archaeology interviewed Tabor. Below are his responses to some key questions related to his work. (Pictured left: Tabor looks on near the remains of the judgment seat of Pilate)
The Talpiot Tombs
Q: What in your mind is the most significant contribution or impact of the Jesus family (Talpiot A) tomb discovery on the scholarly quest to understand the historical Jesus and early Christianity? Why is this important?
A: There are several important contributions. If the Talpiot A tomb is truly the family tomb of Jesus of Nazareth, along with the “James ossuary” that we now believe was also removed from this tomb, this would give us the first direct material archaeological link to Jesus himself—not to mention his family. Further, that we would find the bones of Jesus preserved in an ossuary helps to advance our understanding of the nature of the earliest Christian faith in resurrection as expounded by Paul. The physical body, as Paul says, is shuffled off like old clothing, and the “naked” soul is then reclothed with a new spiritual body (2 Corinthians 5:1-10). This serves to reinforce for us that the earliest Christian faith in Jesus’ resurrection was not simply the resuscitation of his corpse, but a transformation into a new spiritual body, with the old “clothing” left behind. Finally, we learn from this tomb that Jesus was married and had at least one son—Judah, something our theologically oriented gospels, written decades after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, would not preserve or choose to mention in the interest of an emphasis on Jesus’ heavenly origins and divinity.
Q: Do you have any reason to suspect or suggest that there may be more tombs with features/finds of similar import to be found in the area of the Talpiot tombs?
A: There is a third tomb in the area but unfortunately it was destroyed completely in 1980 by the building blasts at the time. What we could eventually do is actually enter the “Patio” tomb, just 60 meters from the Jesus tomb, and examine in great detail all the evidence, especially settling some of the questions regarding the inscribed ossuaries and what they mean.
The Mount Zion Excavation
Q: Are there any significant finds, or potentially significant finds related to the Mount Zion excavations, that you think should be mentioned, but have not been mentioned or covered adequately thus far in the popular press?
A: I think the main thing is that this area of the city in the time of Jesus was a priestly “district” or Quarter—running up the slope to the top of Mt Zion, and we know that Caiaphus and other priestly families lived in this exclusive area. That Jesus has connections through the patron that owned the “Upper Room” house [the scene of the ‘Last Supper] at the top tells us that he did move in a wide variety of circles. It helps to explain how Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, both members of the Jewish Sanhedrin, would have been sympathetic followers of Jesus.
Q: Are there any other comments or observations you would like to make related to the historical Jesus and John the Baptizer?
A: I believe it is important to see the two of them as a powerful team, united in purpose and cause, with John given his proper role as “greater” than any of those born of women. He went before Jesus but was his Teacher and inspiration. Later Christian theology totally reverses this by marginalizing John and exalting Jesus as the preexistent God in the flesh. This is totally alien to things as they were and act as a barrier to appreciating these two towering figures in terms of what they truly stood for.
Q: Given the controversial and sensitive nature of some of the hypotheses and suggestions that you have advanced about the historical Jesus, what has given you the courage to continue to speak out in defense of your views and findings?
A: I don’t in fact find any of the things I have suggested as properly “controversial” or “sensitive.” I am simply trying to see Jesus in a realistic way—as he actually was—rather than through the veil of Christian theology. He was a Jew, not a Christian and he knew nothing of the theological propositions that came to be propagated in his name. In fact I think he would be quite horrified at the whole transformation.
Q: When your life and work is finished, what would be the personal legacy you hope to leave in our understanding of the historical Jesus?
A: That Jesus was the man in whom God was well pleased and who unleashed a movement that centered on seeing the “will of God done on earth as it is in heaven”—still inspiring millions with his program and his cause.
Not all of Tabor’s suggestions about the historical Jesus have been covered within the limitations of this article. However, more detailed information about the results of Dr. Tabor’s decades of research can be obtained from his books,The Jesus Dynasty, andThe Jesus Discovery, both published by Simon and Schuster. Also of interest would be Tabor’s blog, which is updated frequently with new posts.
Unless otherwise noted, all images courtesy of the author.
The views and statements published in this article are not necessarily the expressed views of Popular Archaeology Magazine or any writers affiliated with this publication.
GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY—Griffith University researchers are part of an international team of scientists that has announced the discovery of ancestors of Homo floresiensis – the enigmatic species of pygmy-like humans discovered more than a decade ago on the Indonesian island of Flores.
In September 2003, the partial skeleton of a primitive human adult female was excavated from Liang Bua, a limestone cave in the west of Flores. Known as LB1, this skeleton is the most extreme human ever discovered – astonishingly short, only about a metre tall, and with a brain smaller than that of a chimp, this tiny individual lived and died around 70,000 years ago.
Now, as reported in Nature this week, fossil remains of hominins that are similar in size but at least ten times older have been excavated at Mata Menge, a site in open grasslands 70 km east of Liang Bua, in Indonesia. A fragment of a hominin lower jaw and several isolated teeth were found in a layer of sandstone which had been deposited by a lakeside stream around 700,000 years ago.
Dr Adam Brumm from Griffith’s Research Centre of Human Evolution says this new finding is the most stunning breakthrough yet to help with our understanding of the origin of ‘hobbits’.
“We have unearthed fossils from at least three individuals, including two children, along with stone tools that are almost identical to those made by the much younger Homo floresiensis,” said Dr Brumm, an archaeologist who first commenced fieldwork at Mata Menge in 2004 along with colleagues from the Geology Museum and Geological Survey Institute in Bandung, Indonesia.
“There is a striking similarity in size and form between the Mata Menge hominins and the Liang Bua hobbit, which is surprising given the former are at least several hundred millennia older.
“This suggests the Mata Menge individuals belonged to a population of ancient hobbit-like hominins that gave rise to Homo floresiensis. They may even have been a very early form of hobbits, which would mean this species existed for far longer than anyone had anticipated.”
Ever since the first hobbit bones were discovered scientists have struggled to make sense of where the previously unknown species, Homo floresiensis, fits into the human family tree.
It is thought that these creatures evolved from an archaic branch of hominins that existed long before the emergence of our own species in Africa some 200,000 years ago. However, the experts are divided over just which member of the hominin group spawned the Flores hobbits.
The distinctive anatomy of Homo floresiensis has led to two intriguing hypotheses. The first is that hobbits descend from Asian Homo erectus, or ‘Java Man’, an early hominin that reached the island of Java to the west of Flores roughly 1.5 million years ago, and which was similar in height to modern humans. It is suggested a small group of these hominins may have become stranded on Flores and over time reduced in body size. This would be a unique case of hominins conforming to the ‘Island Rule’, whereby mammals cut off on islands with limited food and no predators become small if they were big (dwarfism) or big if they were small (gigantism).
The second possibility is that Homo floresiensis stems from far more ancient precursors, such as Homo habilis or even an ape-like australopithecine, primitive hominin forerunners currently known only from the early fossil record of Africa.
All of this speculation about the origin of Homo floresiensis had reached a standstill until the discovery of these latest fossils.
“While only a handful of fossils has been found at Mata Menge so far, characteristic features of the teeth strongly imply an ancestral relationship with Homo erectus,” Dr Brumm said.
“This lends weight to the theory that the hobbit was a dwarfed version of the famous Java Man, which somehow got marooned on the island. The fact that they were found with fossils of extinct pygmy elephants (Stegodon) and giant rats also supports the idea of an isolated group of Homo erectus undergoing a dramatic evolutionary change owing to the Island Rule.”
Until more complete hominin fossils are revealed, however, Dr Brumm says the mystery of the hobbit’s beginning has not yet been conclusively resolved.
“We were expecting a simple answer,” he says. “We didn’t get one: no one thought the ancestor of the hobbit would itself have looked like a hobbit. I do think Homo floresiensis was a dwarfed Homo erectus, but identifying the true ancestor requires more fossil evidence”.
The presence of fossils from multiple individuals at Mata Menge, however, does suggest additional skeletal remains are likely to be found, and the team is now searching for funds to expand the scale of excavations at this site and at other fossil localities on the island.
“Mata Menge is a goldmine,” says Dr Brumm. “I expect that further excavations at this site will eventually yield a hominin skull, which will finally allow us to put a face and a name to the hobbit’s ancestor. Then we will know how this experiment in human evolution got started”.
Dr. Adam Brumm from Griffith University’s Centre For Human Evolution. Credit: Adam Brumm
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
UNIVERSITY OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY—A team of researchers belonging to the Prehistory Area of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has published the results* of its recent investigations in the San Cristóbal Rock-shelter (Sierra de Cantabria. Laguardia. Álava, Basque Country). This is the first time that empirical data have been presented and which demonstrate the use of rock-shelters as enclosures (for sheep/goats) by agropastoral communities from the early Chacolithic onwards (about 5,000 years ago) in the area of the Basque Country and throughout the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.
The UPV/EHU team was led by the Professor of Prehistory Javier Fernández-Eraso and the work is the outcome of interdisciplinary collaboration coordinated from the UPV/EHU’s Prehistory Area in which experts from the University of Barcelona and the CSIC have also participated.
Previous studies conducted by this same UPV/EHU research team had documented the existence of livestock enclosures dating back to the Ancient Neolithic (over 6,000 years ago) at other sites on the Sierra de Cantabria. Nevertheless, this is the first time that data of a geoarchaeological (microsedimentological analyses) and palaeobotanical (phytoliths, pollen, charcoal and seeds) nature have been incorporated. The aim is to find out about the specific practices that the human groups in the area were engaged in inside these shelters, and to know what function was fulfilled by these practices in their economy and in their strategies for organising the territory during the Chalcolithic.
“This is a piece of pioneering work in the studies on agropastoral communities on the Iberian Peninsula. We have evidence that the human groups that occupied San Cristóbal during the Chacolithic used the shelter as a pen for goats and/or sheep and that this use, although repetitive throughout hundreds of years, was not ongoing but of a temporary nature linked to a seasonal exploitation of the rich natural resources available on the Sierra de Cantabria. We also know thanks to the microscopic study of the sediments that every now and again they used to burn the debris that had built up, probably to clean up the space that had been occupied and that this combustion process was carried out in line with some specific habits: they used to pile up the debris and on top of them pile up woody remains, perhaps to help to get the fire going before going on to burn the debris,” explained Ana Polo-Diaz, a researcher in the UPV/EHU’s Department of Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology.
On the other hand, the correlation of the microsedimentological and phytolith analyses (mineral remains that make up the skeleton of plants) has made it possible to determine what the livestock ate, and which was largely based on the grazing available around the shelter.
Pile of burnt debris of the Chalcolithic period unearthed at San Cristobal (Alava, Basque Country, Spain). Credit: UPV/EHU
Hazelnut trees and oaks
The data on the pollen have revealed that a forest, in which hazelnut trees predominated along with deciduous oaks (possibly gall oaks), grew in the immediate surroundings of San Cristóbal during the period studied. There is also evidence of holm oaks, box and pine.
The study of the charcoal remains preserved on the site has made it possible to go into how the timber available on the Sierra de Cantabria was used, and the results indicate a clear change in the selection of woody materials throughout the Chalcolithic occupation of the shelter: during the oldest phase a predominance of pine followed by yew is observed while in the most recent phase there is an increase in the use of species such as oak, holm oak, the rose family and box.
The pollen analysis also indicates the existence of grazing areas and farmland fairly close to the shelter, so the use of San Cristobal as an enclosure has to be understood in the context of a way of life in which agricultural and livestock activities were combined as a means of subsistence. Although it has not as yet been possible to locate any site in the open air in the area close to San Cristóbal, a settlement may well have existed close by from which during specific periods of the year the livestock were moved to make use of the resources on the ridge.
The correlation of the data obtained at San Cristóbal with the information provided by the neighbouring sites on the Sierra de Cantabria itself and its immediate area has also revealed that San Cristobal also formed part of a network of shelters-cum-enclosures used at the same time and for the same purpose by human groups with similar cultural features; it has also emerged that the communities that occupied these shelters-cum-enclosures were very likely the same ones that used the dolmen constructions of the Rioja Alavesa area during the Chalcolithic.
*Polo-Díaz, A., Alonso Eguíluz, M., Ruiz, M., Pérez, S., Mújika, J., Albert, R.M., Fernández Eraso, J. ‘Management of residues and natural resources at San Cristobal rock-shelter: Contribution to the characterisation of chalcolithic agropastoral groups in the Iberian Peninsula’. Quaternary International. Available online 19 May 2016. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2016.02.013.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
Popular Archaeology Magazine is pleased to announce the release of the Summer 2016 issue. This issue includes a major special feature article focusing on the historical Jesus, relating the perspective of a world-renowned scholar of 1st Century Judaism and early Christianity. Also featured is the newly released Popular Archaeology Discovery Edition for 2016, which publishes for the first time in one issue an anthology of the best major feature articles of Popular Archaeology over the past five years. Here is a listing of the articles appearing in this issue:
1. In Search of the Historical Jesus (Premium Article)
The recent controversial discoveries, and a renowned scholar’s quest to uncover the historical truth about Jesus of Nazareth.
2. Five Years of Popular Archaeology
The Best-of-the-Best feature articles of Popular Archaeology from the past five years.
3. Before Clovis: Ancient Voyages and New Data (Premium Article)
Scientists are shifting their thinking about the first peopling of the Americas.
4. The Mystery of Flores (Premium Article)
Findings from the remarkable hominin remains found on the Island of Flores continue to pique the interest of the scientific world.
5. The Canadian Iceman (Premium Article)
Lessons from the Past: The Story of Kwäday Dän Ts’ìnchi
6. Did our compassion make us human? (Premium Article)
Archaeologist and scholar Penny Spikins agues that compassion and cooperation were driving forces of human evolution.
7. Uncovering the Mediterranean’s Monumental Prehistory: A Taula Sanctuary
Archaeologists uncover a prehistoric ceremonial structure on the Island of Minorca.
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PURDUE UNIVERSITY—WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind.—Two leaded bronze artifacts found in northwestern Alaska are the first evidence that metal from Asia reached prehistoric North America prior to contact with Europeans, according to new Purdue University research.
“This is not a surprise based on oral history and other archaeological finds, and it was just a matter of time before we had a good example of Eurasian metal that had been traded,” said H. Kory Cooper, an associate professor of anthropology, who led the artifacts’ metallurgical analysis. “We believe these smelted alloys were made somewhere in Eurasia and traded to Siberia and then traded across the Bering Strait to ancestral Inuits people, also known as Thule culture, in Alaska. Locally available metal in parts of the Arctic, such as native metal, copper and meteoritic and telluric iron were used by ancient Inuit people for tools and to sometimes indicate status. Two of the Cape Espenberg items that were found—a bead and a buckle—are heavily leaded bronze artifacts. Both are from a house at the site dating to the Late Prehistoric Period, around 1100-1300 AD, which is before sustained European contact in the late 18th century.”
The findings are published in Elsevier’s Journal of Archaeological Science, and the research was funded by the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs Arctic Social Sciences.
“This article focuses on a small finding with really interesting implications,” said Cooper, who also has a courtesy appointment in materials engineering and is an expert in metallurgy and archaeology in the western Arctic and Subarctic. “This will cause other people to think about the Arctic differently. Some have presented the Arctic and Subarctic regions as backwater areas with no technological innovation because there was a very small population at the time. That doesn’t mean interesting things weren’t happening, and this shows that locals were not only using locally available metals but were also obtaining metals from elsewhere.”
The items were found on Alaska’s northwest coast at Cape Espenberg on the Seward Peninsula where the Thule people lived in houses. The field work was led by Owen K. Mason and John F. Hoffecker, both of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado, Boulder. From 2009-2011, their team excavated a variety of artifacts including six items with metal. Cooper coordinated the metallurgical analysis.
A Thule (Copper Inuit) archaeological site. Angar Walk, Wikimedia Commons
Metal artifacts are rarely found because they were usually used until they were worn down and, therefore, not well preserved at field sites.
“These items are remarkable due to curation and preservation issues,” Cooper said.
The cylindrical bead and a fragment of a small buckle strap-guide are composed of leaded bronze, which is an alloy of copper, tin and lead. The fragmented leather strap on the buckle provided radiocarbon dating, and the item was dated to 500-800 years old, although the metal could be older.
“The belt buckle also is considered an industrial product and is an unprecedented find for this time,” Cooper said. “It resembles a buckle used as part of a horse harness that would have been used in north-central China during the first six centuries before the Common Era.”
Three of the other four items from another house were determined to be copper – a piece of bone fishing tackle with a copper hook, an eyed copper needle and a small fragment of sheet copper. The final item was a bone fishing lure with iron inset eyes. All items were analyzed with X-ray fluorescence technology.
This house is considerably younger, dating to the 17th to 18th centuries, and is part of a trading network in Alaskan native copper.
Also part of the research team was Robert J. Speakman, of the Center for Applied Isotope Studies at the University of Georgia, and Victor Mair, of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
MIDWESTERN UNIVERSITY—Analysis of a wealth of new data contradicts an earlier claim that LB1, an ~80,000 year old fossil skeleton from the Indonesian island of Flores, had Down syndrome, and further confirms its status as a fossil human species, Homo floresiensis.
From the start, fossils of a tiny population of human-like creatures from Flores (the so-called “Hobbits” of Southeast Asia) have been controversial. Are these remains evidence of a new species of fossil human, Homo floresiensis? Or are these remains simply a population of small-bodied humans (Homo sapiens), like ourselves, but with one or more individuals suffering from a developmental disorder? Researchers recently diagnosed LB1, the most complete individual recovered, with Down syndrome.
New analysis of features from across the skeleton by an international team of researchers led by Karen Baab, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy at Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ, convincingly demonstrates that LB1 did not have Down syndrome. In addition to measuring individual bones, the scientists used CT scanning to reconstruct the brain and view internal structures of the skull, as well as assessing the 3-dimensional (3D) shape of the skull.
The study*, titled “A Critical Evaluation of the Down Syndrome Diagnosis for LB1, Type Specimen of Homo floresiensis,” is published in the June 8, 2016 edition of PLOS ONE.
Down Syndrome
The diagnosis of Down syndrome is the most recent in a long line of diseases attributed to this particular skeleton. Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder characterized by cognitive delays and often certain physical features, including reduced stature and brain size. The original diagnosis also emphasized the wide and short (front-to-back) shape of the skull, shape of the chin, and short femur (thigh bone) in LB1 as evidence of Down syndrome. Diagnosing Down syndrome in fossils is complicated by the fact that many common features are found in the soft tissues of the body, which do not fossilize. Nevertheless, this study provides new information about the size and shape of the brain and skull in the Down syndrome population.
Down Syndrome Diagnosis a Bust
For the current study, the team compared physical traits preserved in the skeleton of LB1 to those found in Down syndrome. While people with Down syndrome are not identical to one another, it was nevertheless clear that LB1 was very distinct from all humans, including those with Down syndrome.
The study found that LB1’s brain was much smaller than that seen in Down syndrome individuals. Likewise, the shape of the skull vault, which surrounds the brain, and chin anatomy were both outside the range seen in humans, with or without Down syndrome. Moreover, the diminutive LB1 individual, estimated to be just over a meter (1.09 m) in height (or 3′ 7″), was well below the height range of comparable individuals with Down syndrome. In fact, females with Down syndrome from Turkey reach a comparable height as the adult LB1 by 6.5 years of age and are considerably taller as adults (1.45 m or 4′ 9″ on average). The femur is disproportionately short in LB1 relative to the feet and arms compared to all humans, regardless of whether they have Down syndrome.
Profiles of the midline of the skull as seen in an x-ray or CT scan for people with and without Down syndrome as well as LB1, the type specimen of Homo floresiensis. The differences between the two groups of humans are minor compared to the very distinct shape of LB1. Credit: Courtesy of the study authors
One theory has explained Homo floresiensis as a modern human who was deformed by encephalization—a shrunken cranial capacity. The Homo floresiensis skull (left) compared to a skull of a modern human encephalized skull. Avandergeer, Wikimedia Commons
LB1 Remains are the Type Specimen of Homo Floresiensis
Importantly, this study indicated that LB1 not only differed from individuals with Down syndrome, but was more clearly aligned with more archaic human species. Its small brain, low cranial vault shape, absence of a chin, smaller body size and limb proportions all point to a pre-Homo sapiens ancestry. The authors conclude: “The skeletal evidence overwhelmingly contradicts a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Rather, our study is yet further evidence that Homo floresiensis was a distinct species with a fascinating, if somewhat nebulous, evolutionary history.”
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
PLOS—Analysis of oxygen isotopes in fossil teeth from red deer near the Adriatic Sea suggest that they migrated seasonally, which may have driven the movements of the Paleolithic hunter-gatherers that ate them, according a study* published June 8, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Suzanne Pilaar Birch from University of Georgia, USA, and colleagues.
Migration patterns of large herbivores, such as red deer (Cervus elaphus), have been used as a proxy to estimate the movements of the prehistoric hunter-gatherers in Europe who relied on them for sustenance. However, interpretation of prehistoric migrations often relies on data from modern populations that may be very different from those that lived before the end of the last ice age. Assessing isotope variation in fossil teeth can be a more accurate indicator of ancient migration patterns, as the teeth of migrating animals have less variation in levels of the oxygen isotope δ18O than the teeth of animals which do not.
In the present study, Birch and colleagues analyzed oxygen isotope variation in the teeth from 10 red deer and 14 mountain goats collected at three cave sites in the Adriatic, which hunter-gatherers used as hunting outposts 12,000-8,000 years ago, to directly reconstruct the migratory behavior of red deer.
Although relying on a small dataset, the researchers found differences in the δ18O ranges in red deer teeth from the Pleistocene/Late Upper Paleolithic compared to the Holocene/Mesolithic, and found less isotope variation within red deer teeth compared to teeth from mountain goats. The authors suggest that, while mountain goats mainly stayed put, red deer may have migrated seasonally in the Pleistocene/Late Upper Paleolithic, moving over smaller ranges in the Holocene/Mesolithic. These migration patterns may, in turn, have influenced human mobility strategies during this period.
This view from Nugljanska Cave was potentially a good lookout for surveying the prey below 10,000 years ago. Credit: Suzanne Pilaar Birch
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY—Cleveland . . . If “Lucy” wasn’t alone, who else was in her neighborhood? Key fossil discoveries over the last few decades in Africa indicate that multiple early human ancestor species lived at the same time more than 3 million years ago. A new review of fossil evidence from the last few decades examines four identified hominin species that co-existed between 3.8 and 3.3 million years ago during the middle Pliocene. A team of scientists compiled an overview that outlines a diverse evolutionary past and raises new questions about how ancient species shared the landscape.
The perspective paper, “The Pliocene hominin diversity conundrum: Do more fossils mean less clarity?” will be published June 6, 2016 as part of a Human Origins Special Feature in the Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Authors Dr. Yohannes Haile-Selassie and Dr. Denise Su of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Dr. Stephanie Melillo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany provide an up-to-date review of middle Pliocene hominin fossils found in Ethiopia, Kenya and Chad. The researchers trace the fossil record, which illustrates a timeline placing multiple species overlapping in time and geographic space. Their insights spur further questions about how these early human ancestors were related and shared resources.
“It is now obvious that more than one species of early hominin co-existed during Lucy’s time,” said lead author Dr. Yohannes Haile-Selassie, curator of physical anthropology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History. “The question now is not whether Australopithecus afarensis, the species to which the famous Lucy belongs, was the only potential human ancestor species that roamed in what is now the Afar region of Ethiopia during the middle Pliocene, but how these species are related to each other and exploited available resources.”
The 1974 discovery of Australopithecus afarensis, which lived from 3.8 to 2.9 million years ago, was a major milestone in paleoanthropology that pushed the record of hominins earlier than 3 million years ago and demonstrated the antiquity of human-like walking. Scientists have long argued that there was only one pre-human species at any given time before 3 million years ago that gave rise to another new species through time in a linear manner. This was what the fossil record appeared to indicate until the end of the 20th century. The discovery of Australopithecus bahrelghazali from Chad in 1995 and Kenyanthropus platyops from Kenya in 2001 challenged this idea. However, these two species were not widely accepted, rather considered as geographic variants of Lucy’s species, Australopithecus afarensis. The discovery of the 3.4 million-year-old Burtele partial foot from the Woranso-Mille announced by Haile-Selassie in 2012 was the first conclusive evidence that another early human ancestor species lived alongside Australopithecus afarensis. In 2015, fossils recovered from Haile-Selassie’s ongoing research site at the Woranso-Mille area of the Afar region of Ethiopia were assigned to the new species Australopithecus deyiremeda. However, the Burtele partial foot was not included in this species.
Donald Johanson of the Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State Univeristy, first discovered fossils of Australopithecus afarensis, the individual remains of which are famously known as ‘Lucy’, in Ethiopia in 1974.
“The Woranso-Mille paleontological study area in Ethiopia’s Afar region reveals that there were at least two, if not three, early human species living at the same time and in close geographic proximity,” said Haile-Selassie. “This key research site has yielded new and unexpected evidence indicating that there were multiple species with different locomotor and dietary adaptations. For nearly four decades, Australopithecus afarensis was the only known species—but recent discoveries are opening a new window into our evolutionary past.”
Co-author Dr. Denise Su, curator of paleobotany and paleoecology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, reconstructs ancient ecosystems. “These new fossil discoveries from Woranso-Mille are bringing forth avenues of research that we have not considered before,” said Su. “How did multiple closely related species manage to co-exist in a relatively small area? How did they partition the available resources? These new discoveries keep expanding our knowledge and, at the same time, raise more questions about human origins.”
Paleoanthropologists face the challenges and debates that arise from small sample sizes, poorly preserved prehistoric specimens and lack of evidence for ecological diversity. Questions remain about the relationships of middle Pliocene hominins and what adaptive strategies might have allowed for the coexistence of multiple, closely related species.
“We continue to search for more fossils,” said Dr. Stephanie Melillo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. “We know a lot about the skeleton of A. afarensis, but for the other middle Pliocene species, most of the anatomy remains unknown. Ultimately, larger sample sizes will be the key to sorting out which species are present and how they are related. This makes every fossil discovery all the more exciting.”
The Woranso-Mille Project: The Woranso-Mille Paleontological project conducts field and laboratory work in Ethiopia every year. This multidisciplinary project is led by Dr. Yohannes Haile-Selassie of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Graduate and undergraduate students from Ethiopia and the United States of America also participate in the field and laboratory activities of the ongoing project.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY—Griffith University researchers have found evidence that demonstrates Aboriginal people were the first to inhabit Australia, as reported in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal this week.
The work refutes an earlier landmark study that claimed to recover DNA sequences from the oldest known Australian, Mungo Man.
This earlier study was interpreted as evidence that Aboriginal people were not the first Australians, and that Mungo Man represented an extinct lineage of modern humans that occupied the continent before Aboriginal Australians.
Scientists from Griffith University’s Research Centre for Human Evolution (RCHE), recently used new DNA sequencing methods to re-analyse the remains of Mungo Man from the World Heritage listed landscape of the Willandra Lakes region, in far western New South Wales.
Professor Lambert, from RCHE, said it was clear that incorrect conclusions had been drawn in relation to Mungo Man in the original study.
“The sample from Mungo Man which we retested contained sequences from five different European people suggesting that these all represent contamination,” he said.
“At the same time we re-analysed more than 20 of the other ancient people from Willandra. We were successful in recovering the genomic sequence of one of the early inhabitants of Lake Mungo, a man buried very close to the location where Mungo Man was originally interred.
“By going back and reanalysing the samples with more advanced technology, we have found compelling support for the argument that Aboriginal Australians were the first inhabitants of Australia.”
Professor Lambert explained that the results proved that the more advanced genomic technology was capable of unlocking further secrets from Australia’s human past.
“We now know that meaningful genetic information can be recovered from ancient Aboriginal Australian remains,” he said.
“This represents the first time researchers have recovered an ancient mitochondrial genome sequence from an Aboriginal person who lived before the arrival of the Europeans.”
South Australian, Moroya Tribe. Wikimedia Commons
The research, which has just been published in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, was planned and conducted with the support of the Barkindjii, Ngiyampaa and Muthi Muthi indigenous people.
There has been considerable debate in Australia and around the world about the origins of the first Australians since the publication in 1863 of Thomas Henry Huxley’s Man’s Place in Nature.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
YALE SCHOOL OF FORESTRY & ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES—As the growth of cities worldwide transforms humans into an “urban species,” many scholars question the sustainability of modern urbanization. But in reality there aren’t much data on long-term historical urbanization trends and patterns.
Now, a new Yale-led study offers fresh clarity on these historical trends, providing the first spatially explicit dataset of the location and size of urban settlements globally over the past 6,000 years.
By creating maps through digitizing, transcribing, and geocoding a deep trove of historical, archaeological, and census-based urban population data previously available only in tabular form, the authors have produced accessible information on urban centers from 3700 B.C. to 2000 C.E.
They have also created a “reliability ranking” for each geocoded location to assess the geographic uncertainty of each data point.
Their findings were published in the journal Scientific Data.
“To better understand urbanization today it is helpful to know what urbanization looked like through history,” said Meredith Reba, a Research Associate at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) and lead author of the paper. “By understanding how cities have grown and changed over time, throughout history, it might tell us something useful about how they are changing today.”
Other contributors were Karen Seto, a Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science at F&ES, and Femke Reitsma, a Senior Lecturer in Geographical Information Systems at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
The findings have broad applications. The dataset offers an important first step toward understanding the geographic distribution of urban populations throughout history and across the world. Currently the only spatially explicit data available at a global scale is the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects, which provides population values, latitudes, and longitudes for places with populations of 300,000 or more. However, this resource goes back only to 1950.
For their dataset, the authors have drawn on two principle sources: Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth: A Historical Census (1987), by historian Tertius Chandler, which estimated the city-level populations from 2250 B.C. to 1975; and World Cities: -3,000 to 2,000 (2003), by political scientist George Modelski, which documents the world’s most important cities during three eras of history (ancient, classical, and modern). Modelski was able to extend Chandler’s work by 1,475 years by using archaeological site assessments and population-density estimates.
Although both books are cited regularly by scholars, they are neither widely accessible nor easy to use since the data are not available in digital format. The new dataset, which is digitized and easily accessible, makes the historical information available for examination by other researchers, including geographers, historians, archaeologists, and ecologists.
The dataset allows researchers to map and visualize city level population changes through time. For example, Istanbul, Turkey (previously known as Constantinople) underwent a major period of population decline between AD 1057 and AD 1453. During this time the population dropped from approximately 300,000 to 45,000 due to a series of events including a city sacking by the Crusaders and a bout with the plague.
According to the authors, the ability to pinpoint the size and location of human populations over time will help researchers understand the evolving characteristics of the human species—particularly human interactions with the environment.
“We see this as just a starting point onto which others can add and develop into a larger record on historical population trends,” Reba said.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
A study suggests that the first European farmers migrated from modern-day Greece and Turkey. Farming was introduced to Europe from Anatolia in modern-day Turkey. The extent to which this process was mediated by migration of Anatolian farmers versus cultural diffusion has been a subject of debate. Joachim Burger and colleagues obtained DNA sequences from five individuals from early agricultural sites in northwestern Turkey and northern Greece. These sites date from the time of initial spread of farming to Europe, and lie along the proposed route of this spread. The authors observed considerable similarity between the genomes they obtained and those of individuals from early farming societies in central and southern Europe. By modeling ancient and modern genomes as mixtures of DNA from other ancient genomes, the authors could trace most of the ancestry of individuals from ancient farming societies in Germany and Hungary to the ancient Anatolian and Greek genomes. Ancient Greek and Anatolian genomes contributed to all modern day European populations, and are particularly similar to modern Mediterranean populations as well as to Ötzi, the ice mummy from the Alps. According to the authors, the results suggest a continuous chain of ancestry from Europe to Greece and Anatolia, indicative of migration from the latter to the former.
8,500-year-old human burials from the Early Neolithic site of Revenia, Northern Greece. Image courstesy of Fotini Adaktylou and Ephorate of Antiquities of Pieria
6,200-year-old human burial from the Late Neolithic site of Kleitos, Northern Greece. Image courtesy of Christina Ziota and Ephorate of Antiquities of Kozani, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SANTA CRUZ—Scientists using evidence from bison fossils have determined when an ice-free corridor opened up along the Rocky Mountains during the late Pleistocene. The corridor has been considered a potential route for human and animal migrations between the far north (Alaska and Yukon) and the rest of North America, but when and how it was used has long been uncertain.
The researchers combined radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis to track the movements of bison into the corridor, showing that it was fully open by about 13,000 years ago. Their findings, published June 6 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicate that the corridor could not account for the initial dispersal of humans south of the ice sheets, but could have been used for later movements of people and animals, both northward and southward.
In the 1970s, geological studies suggested that the corridor might have been the pathway for the first movement of humans southward from Alaska to colonize the rest of the Americas. More recent evidence, however, indicated that the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets coalesced at the height of the last ice age, around 21,000 years ago, closing the corridor much earlier than any evidence of humans south of the ice sheets. The initial southward movement of people into the Americas more than 15,000 years ago now seems likely to have been via a Pacific coastal route, but the Rocky Mountains corridor has remained of interest as a potential route for later migrations.
“The opening of the corridor provided new opportunities for migration and the exchange of ideas between people living north and south of the ice sheets,” said first author Peter Heintzman, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Cruz who led the DNA analysis.
Previous work by coauthor Beth Shapiro, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz, had shown that the bison populations north and south of the ice sheets were genetically distinct by the time the corridor opened. By analyzing bison fossils from within the corridor region, the researchers were able track the movement of northern bison southward into the corridor and southern bison northward.
“The radiocarbon dates told us how old the fossils were, but the key thing was the genetic analysis, because that told us when bison from the northern and southern populations were able to meet within the corridor,” Heintzman said.
The results showed that the southern part of the corridor opened first, allowing southern bison moving northward as early as 13,400 years ago, before the corridor fully opened. Later, there was some movement of northern bison southward, with the two populations overlapping in the corridor by 13,000 years ago.
“Bison fossils are the most widespread Quaternary mammal in western North America and of interest because they survived the extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene, unlike most other North American large mammals,” said coauthor Duane Froese of the University of Alberta. “We were able to sample bison fossils, largely from museum collections, including critical ones from central Alberta that dated to the initial opening of the corridor.”
According to Shapiro, archeological evidence suggests that human migration within the corridor was mostly from south to north. Sites associated with the Clovis hunting culture and its distinctive fluted point technology were widespread south of the corridor around 13,000 years ago and decline in abundance from south to north within the corridor region. A Clovis site in Alaska has been dated to no earlier than 12,400 years ago.
“When the corridor opened, people were already living south of there. And because those people were bison hunters, we can assume they would have followed the bison as they moved north into the corridor,” Shapiro said.
The steppe bison of the Pleistocene (Bison priscus) were much bigger than modern bison (Bison bison), she said. Before the corridor closed, prior to the last glacial maximum, they moved freely up and down between the ice-free regions in the north and grasslands south of the ice sheets. After the ice sheets coalesced, the population that was cut off to the south contracted, leaving one genetically distinct southern lineage.
The DNA analysis used in this study focused on mitochondrial DNA, which is easier to recover from fossils than the DNA in chromosomes, because each cell has thousands of copies of the relatively short mitochondrial DNA sequence. While Shapiro’s lab led the DNA analyses, Froese’s lab led the radiocarbon dating work.
Many of the fossils they analyzed came from collections at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton and other institutions. “Thousands of steppe bison fossils are recovered in northern Canada every year,” said coauthor Grant Zazula of the Government of Yukon Palaeontology Program in Whitehorse. “Most of these fossils are uncovered by mining or gravel pit operators and later made available to scientists for study. These results speak to the importance of collecting and preserving fossils in order to better understand our history.”
The steppe bison had much larger horns than modern bison. Radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis of bison fossils enabled researchers to track the migration of Pleistocene steppe bison into an ice-free corridor that opened along the Rocky Mountains about 13,000 years ago. Credit:Government of Yukon
Grant Zazula of the Yukon Paleontology Program with the skull of a Pleistocene steppe bison. Credit:Government of Yukon
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
THE EARTH INSTITUTE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—Buried deep in seabed sediments off east Africa, scientists have uncovered a 24-million-year record of vegetation trends in the region where humans evolved. The authors say the record lends weight to the idea that we developed key traits—flexible diets, large brains, complex social structures and the ability to walk and run on two legs—while adapting to the spread of open grasslands. The study appears today in a special human-evolution issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Based on genetic evidence, the earliest hominins, or human ancestors, are thought to have split off from chimpanzees some 6 million to 7 million years ago. Many scientists have argued that they were set on the path to become modern humans as east Africa’s vegetation gradually shifted from dense forest to savanna—open grasslands punctuated by woodland patches and rivers. This would have forced our ancestors to descend from the trees, move rapidly over open ground, and develop social skills needed for survival. In recent years, the long-held notion that humans evolved in grasslands alone has given way to a more nuanced view: that it was the increasing diversity of such landscapes including the grasses that led to the success of the hominins who were smartest and most flexible at adapting to a changing world.
The new study supplies by far the longest and most complete record of ancient plant life in much of what is now Ethiopia and Kenya, the assumed birthplace of humanity. It strongly suggests that between 24 million and 10 million years ago—long before any direct human ancestors appeared—there were few grasses, and woodlands thus presumably dominated. Then, with an apparent shift in climate, grasses began to appear. The study shows that the trend continued through all known human evolution, leading to a dominance of grasses by a few million years ago.
“The entire evolution of our lineage has involved us living and working in or near grasslands,” said lead author Kevin Uno, a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. “This now gives us a timeline for the development of those grasses, and tells us they were part of our evolution from the very beginning.” Uno says the grasslands were probably small and patchy at first, and thus were not the only factor. Rather, he, said, it “probably led to a more diverse set of niches we could occupy and compete in successfully.” For instance, he said, one could imagine that in a more open landscape, hominins “would learn how to team up. Some could hunt or scavenge prey. Some could throw stones at the hyenas to keep them away, while someone else would run in and grab the meat.”
Scientists have previously collected plant pollen, chemical isotopes and other evidence from land-based sediments suggesting that grasslands became dominant around the time humans evolved. But these records come only from scattered finds in highly eroded outcrops, and most go back only about 4 million years.
In the new study, the researchers examined a series of sediment cores drilled by a research ship in the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean, off northeast Africa. The cores contain chemicals created by vegetation on land that were later washed or blown out to sea and laid down in layers for tens of millions of years. “The deep ocean might seem like a funny place to look for signs of vegetation, but it’s one of the best, because everything is buried and preserved. It’s like a bank vault,” said Uno. Using a fairly new technique, Uno and his colleagues analyzed carbon-based chemicals called alkanes, which make up the waxy outer parts of leaves, and contain the fingerprints of different plant types.
Sediments older than 10 million years had alkanes signaling a form of photosynthesis used mainly by woody plants, the so-called C3 pathway. But starting 10 million years ago, a different form linked mainly to grasses—the C4 pathway—began showing up. The area covered by grass seemed to grow 7 or 8 percent every million years, until it apparently dominated by 2 million or 3 million years ago. This kind of vegetation is still the main plant life in east Africa today. Other scientists have shown that grasslands spread also in south Asia, the Americas and southern Africa somewhat later.
Uno says the study data matches chemical analyses of tooth enamel from ancient elephants and other large herbivores showing that some east African animals began switching to more grass-based diets around 10 million years ago. The earliest known hominins appeared several million years later. By 3.8 million years ago, tooth enamel shows they developed a flexible diet, including foods based on grasses—if not the grass itself, presumably meat of creatures that ate grass. A study last year coauthored by Lamont scientist Christopher Lepre showed that hominins were making stone tools in northwest Kenya by 3.3 million years ago. Pronounced elongation of the legs, larger brains and other traits followed, until the emergence of recognizable Homo sapiens—our own species—by about 200,000 years ago.
“Lots of people have conjectured that grasslands had a central role in human evolution,” said study coauthor Peter deMenocal, a climate scientist at Lamont-Doherty. “But everyone has been waffling about when those grasslands emerged and how widespread they were. This really helps answer the question.”
Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah who has assembled some of the most important land-based African vegetation records, said the study gives an unprecedented “long-term view of the regional vegetation,” and thus the environments in which humans evolved. But, he said, “it will always be hard to associate a cause with an effect.”
Smithsonian Institution anthropologist Richard Potts, another authority in the field, said that the paper “is the very best examination and most compelling demonstration” of long-term grassland expansion.” But he said, “the broad-brush time scale of the analysis appears to miss the details of environmental dynamics on time scales that influence gene pools.” Potts says there is ample evidence from finer-scale studies that even as grasses spread, east Africa’s climate swung from wet to dry over much shorter time periods. These swings became most intense over the last few million years, and he argues that this is the perhaps the real key. Potts says that grasses spread because they were flexible enough to adapt to such swings—as were humans. “Bipedality emerged as a way of combining walking on the ground and climbing trees; toolmaking expanded the adjustments to a much wider range of foods; brains are the quintessential organ of flexibility,” he said. “Geographic expansion requires adaptability to change.”
The other authors of the study are Pratigya Polissar, also of Lamont-Doherty; and Kevin Jackson of Lafayette College.
Humans are believed to have evolved in east Africa, as the landscape changed from forest to grassland. Here, children cross the Turkwel River in northern Kenya, where many key fossils have been found. Credit: Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Key human traits including the ability to plan, work together and make tools, emerged as human ancestors adapted to a changing landscape. Here, a projectile point, age and makers unknown, lying on the ground in the Lake Turkana region of Kenya. Credit: Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD—‘Pristine’ landscapes simply do not exist anywhere in the world today and, in most cases, have not existed for at least several thousand years, says a new study* in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). An exhaustive review of archaeological data from the last 30 years provides details of how the world’s landscapes have been shaped by repeated human activity over many thousands of years. It reveals a pattern of significant, long-term, human influence on the distribution of species across all of the earth’s major occupied continents and islands.
The paper by lead author Dr Nicole Boivin from the University of Oxford and Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, with researchers from the UK, US, and Australia, suggests that archaeological evidence has been missing from current debates about conservation priorities. To say that societies before the Industrial Revolution had little effect on the environment or diversity of species is mistaken, argues the paper. It draws on new datasets using ancient DNA, stable isotopes, and microfossils, as well as the application of new statistical and computational methods. It shows that many living species of plants, trees and animals that thrive today are those that were favored by our ancestors; and that large-scale extinctions started thousands of years ago due to overhunting or change of land use by humans. The paper concludes that in light of this and other evidence of long-term anthropogenic change, we need to be more pragmatic in our conservation efforts rather than aiming for impossible ‘natural’ states.
The paper identifies four major phases when humans shaped the world around them with broad effects on natural ecosystems: global human expansion during the Late Pleistocene; the Neolithic spread of agriculture; the era of humans colonising islands; and the emergence of early urbanised societies and trade.
It draws on fossil evidence showing Homo sapiens was present in East Africa around 195,000 years ago and that our species had dispersed to the far corners of Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas by 12,000 years ago. This increase in global human populations is linked with a variety of species extinctions, one of the most significant being the reduction by around two-thirds of 150 species of ‘megafauna’ or big beasts between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago, says the paper, with their disappearance having ‘dramatic effects’ on the structure of the ecosystem and seed dispersal.
The second phase, the advent of agriculture worldwide, placed new evolutionary pressures on plants and animals that had ‘unprecedented and enduring’ effects on the distribution of species, according to the paper. The data highlighted shows that domesticated sheep, goats and cattle were first in the Near East 10,500 years ago, and arrived in Europe, Africa and South Asia within a few millennia. Chickens, originally domesticated in East Asia, reached Britain by the second half of the last millennium and now outnumber people by more than three to one globally, says the paper. Meanwhile, it also highlights research showing that the domestication of dogs happened before the emergence of agricultural societies, with around 700 million to one billion dogs in the world today. By contrast with domesticated animals, the percentage of truly wild vertebrates left today as a result of these long-term processes is described as ‘vanishingly small’.
Thirdly, the paper outlines the impact of the human colonisation of islands. It observes that the resulting movement of species was so common that archaeologists speak of ‘transported landscapes’. With the humans came new species, fire, deforestation and predatory threats to indigenous animals and birds.
Finally, the paper outlines the effects of an expansion in trade from the Bronze Age onwards, with a period of intense farming in response to growing human populations and emerging markets across the Old World. In the Near East, deciduous trees were turned over to evergreen oak, and indigenous forest became cultivated with the introduction of crops like olive, grape and fig. Around 80-85% of areas suited to agriculture were cultivated in the Near East 3,000 years ago, says one study highlighted in the paper. It also shows plants in ‘ancient’ forests in France are strongly linked with what would have once grown in Roman sites, and cites a recent estimate that at least 50 new plant foods – mainly fruits, herbs and vegetables – were introduced to Britons in the Roman period alone.
Archaeological research has shown that the human presence has profoundly impacted and changed the planet since as far back as the end of the Late Pleistocene.
Lead author Dr Nicole Boivin, from the School of Archaeology at the University of Oxford, and Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, says: ‘Archaeological evidence is critical to identifying and understanding the deep history of human effects. If we want to improve our understanding of how we manage our environment and conserve species today, maybe we have to shift our perspective, by thinking more about how we safeguard clean air and fresh water for future generations and rather less about returning planet Earth to its original condition.’
She also emphasises the importance of the study to current debates about a human role in climate warming: ‘Cumulative archaeological data clearly demonstrates that humans are more than capable of reshaping and dramatically transforming ecosystems. Now the question is what kind of ecosystems we will create for the future. Will they support the wellbeing of our own and other species or will they provide a context for further large-scale extinctions and irreversible climate change?’
*The paper, ‘Ecological consequences of human niche construction: Examining long-term anthropogenic shaping of global species distributions’, is by Nicole Boivin, Melinda Zeder, Dorian Fuller, Alison Crowther, Greger Larson, Jon Erlandson, Tim Denham, and Michael Petraglia. The authors are from the University of Oxford; the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany; Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC; Santa Fe Institute, USA; University College London; University of Queensland, Australia; University of Oregon, USA; and Australian National University.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD—The question, ‘Where do domestic dogs come from?’, has vexed scholars for a very long time. Some argue that humans first domesticated wolves in Europe, while others claim this happened in Central Asia or China. A new paper, published in Science, suggests that all these claims may be right. Supported by funding from the European Research Council and the Natural Environment Research Council, a large international team of scientists compared genetic data with existing archaeological evidence and show that man’s best friend may have emerged independently from two separate (possibly now extinct) wolf populations that lived on opposite sides of the Eurasian continent. This means that dogs may have been domesticated not once, as widely believed, but twice.
Dogs are the earliest domestic animal. Based on what we know from past research, they are thought to have appeared at least 15,000 years ago with mobile bands of human hunter-gatherers and about 5,000 years before the advent of the agriculture and its associated domestic crops and farmyard animals (sheep, goats, cattle and pigs).
Now, a major international research project on dog domestication, led by the University of Oxford, has reconstructed the evolutionary history of dogs by first sequencing the genome (at Trinity College Dublin) of a 4,800-year old medium-sized dog from bone excavated at the Neolithic Passage Tomb of Newgrange, Ireland. The team (including French researchers based in Lyon and at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris*) also obtained mitochondrial DNA from 59 ancient dogs living between 14,000 to 3,000 years ago and then compared them with the genetic signatures of more than 2,500 previously studied modern dogs.
The results of their analyses demonstrate a genetic separation between modern dog populations currently living in East Asia and Europe. Curiously, this population split seems to have taken place after the earliest archaeological evidence for dogs in Europe. The new genetic evidence also shows a population turnover in Europe that appears to have mostly replaced the earliest domestic dog population there, which supports the evidence that there was a later arrival of dogs from elsewhere. Lastly, a review of the archaeological record shows that early dogs appear in both the East and West more than 12,000 years ago, but in Central Asia no earlier than 8,000 years ago.
Combined, these new findings suggest that dogs were first domesticated from geographically separated wolf populations on opposite sides of the Eurasian continent. At some point after their domestication, the eastern dogs dispersed with migrating humans into Europe where they mixed with and mostly replaced the earliest European dogs. Most dogs today are a mixture of both Eastern and Western dogs—one reason why previous genetic studies have been difficult to interpret.
The international project (which is combining ancient and modern genetic data with detailed morphological and archaeological research) is currently analyzing thousands of ancient dogs and wolves to test this new perspective, and to establish the timing and location of the origins of our oldest pet.
Senior author and Director of Palaeo-BARN (the Wellcome Trust Palaeogenomics & Bio-Archaeology Research Network) at Oxford University, Professor Greger Larson, said: ‘Animal domestication is a rare thing and a lot of evidence is required to overturn the assumption that it happened just once in any species. Our ancient DNA evidence, combined with the archaeological record of early dogs, suggests that we need to reconsider the number of times dogs were domesticated independently. Maybe the reason there hasn’t yet been a consensus about where dogs were domesticated is because everyone has been a little bit right.’
Lead author Dr Laurent Frantz, from the Palaeo-BARN, commented: ‘Reconstructing the past from modern DNA is a bit like looking into the history books: you never know whether crucial parts have been erased. Ancient DNA, on the other hand, is like a time machine, and allows us to observe the past directly.’
Senior author Professor Dan Bradley, from Trinity College Dublin, commented: ‘The Newgrange dog bone had the best preserved ancient DNA we have ever encountered, giving us prehistoric genome of rare high quality. It is not just a postcard from the past, rather a full package special delivery.’
Professor Keith Dobney, co-author and co-director of the dog domestication project from Liverpool University’s Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, is heartened by these first significant results. “With the generous collaboration of many colleagues from across the world—sharing ideas, key specimens and their own data—the genetic and archaeological evidence are now beginning to tell a new, coherent story. With so much new and exciting data to come, we will finally be able to uncover the true history of man’s best friend.”
Cover photo: A European wolf. Gunnar Ries, Wikimedia Commons
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on
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