Popular Archaeology Magazine is pleased to announce the release of the Fall 2016 issue. This issue features seven new premium articles, two of which are offered free to the public. Here are the feature articles in this issue:
1. Where Hominins Became Human (Free)
Coastal cave systems in South Africa could hold keys to unraveling the mystery about when and where modern humans were born.
2. King John’s Palace
What archaeology and research has revealed about a lost medieval royal palace in the heart of England’s Sherwood Forest.
3. Fortress on the Edge of Kingdoms
The site of Ein Hatzeva stands out as a monumental reminder of where an ancient Judaean kingdom staked a strategic foothold.
4. Sterkfontein: A History of Evolution in the Cradle of Humanity
Old and new finds come together to deepen the record of human evolution at the famous South African cave system.
5. The Opulence Beneath: A Short Pictorial (Free)
Archaeologists have revealed rich homes of ancient Jerusalem’s priestly upper crust, from a time when Caiaphas and Jesus walked the Old City’s streets. Includes a slideshow of over 100 pics of ancient Holy Land sites.
6. George Washington’s Forgotten Slaves
A team of archaeologists and volunteers are now uncovering the traces of long-forgotten and nameless graves of many of George Washington’s enslaved servants.
7. Beings of Color: Following the Pigment Trail in Human Evolution
The prehistoric origins of pigment mining and the importance of mineral color-bearing properties in Africa.
See the new issue at popular-archaeology.com. If you are a new subscriber or thinking about becoming a subscriber, see the back issues for more premium feature article content. There is something for everyone!
We hope you enjoy these new feature articles. And as always, if you are a writer, archaeologist, or someone with a compelling experience or story related to archaeology to share, we invite you to submit your proposal to Popular Archaeology at [email protected]
Your friend in archaeology,
Dan McLerran
Popular Archaeology Magazine