Popular Archaeology Magazine is pleased to announce the release of the Winter 2015/2016 issue on this, the 5th anniversary of the publication. This issue features some of the best content the magazine has ever published. Here are the exciting subjects in store for all premium subscribers:
1. Unearthing Clues to America’s First English Colony
New evidence and insight may help solve two of historic America’s most compelling mysteries: The fate of the “lost colony” and the elusive location of the first English settlement on Roanoke Island.
2. The Tomb of the Griffin Warrior
A rare and rich tomb discovery in Greece opens a window on early Mycenaeans who lived generations before their legendary heroes fought at Troy.
3. Antonia: The Fortress Jerusalem Forgot
A controversial and provocative theory challenges long-held tradition and scholarship on the Fortress of Antonia, with game-changing implications for the location of the Jerusalem temple of biblical times.
4. Joya de Cerén: An Intimate Portrait of the Ancient Maya
Remarkably preserved in volcanic ash, a Maya village yields an unprecedented picture of ancient small-town Central American life.
5. On the Roof of the World: Discovering the Forgotten Civilization of Zhang Zhung
The evidence for ancient Tibet’s astonishing first great civilization.
6. The Ancient Roman Villa of Vacone
Archaeologists are uncovering a large, complex Roman villa in the town where tradition holds the great Roman poet Horace lived.
7. The Mystery of Red Deer Cave (FREE to the public)
New insights emerge about the enigmatic archaic human remains found in a Chinese cave.
8. The Citadel of El Pilar (coming soon)
Archaeologists have discovered an unusual Maya citadel-like structure overlooking the great ancient Maya city of El Pilar.
For those who are not premium subscribers, see our webpage about the publication and how you can subscribe.
We at Popular Archaeology hope you enjoy this latest release, and please feel free to write us with feedback at any time.