Popular Archaeology Magazine is pleased to announce the issuance of the Spring 2016 issue of Popular Archaeology, featuring articles that many readers will surely find fascinating. The new feature articles include:
Uncovering the Citadel of El Pilar: An unusual, isolated ancient Maya complex has archaeologists digging for answers. (Complimentary free premium article)
Building the Great Pyramid: After years of research, an engineer hatches a radical new concept, joining the list of theories that explain how the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed. (Premium article)
Pushing the Prehistoric Fringe: A recently examined mammoth tells a story of a human presence in the Arctic 45,000 years ago. (Premium article)
Spears of the Ancient Huntsman: The unprecedented finds at a site in Germany are changing what we know about Paleolithic humans. (Premium article)
An Alternative Perspective: The Jerusalem Temple: A controversial theory places the actual location of the biblical First and Second temples on ancient Jerusalem’s southeastern hill, in the old City of David. (Premium article)
What New York’s Catacombs Are Telling Me: One author’s personal quest takes us on a journey through the intersection of archaeology and genealogy. (Free to the public)
History in the Teeth: How ‘reading’ and studying the teeth of long-deceased people can shed light on past lives, deaths, and health conditions. (Available with a regular (free) subscription)
Rediscovering Our Element: One physician’s palaeoanthropological perspective on what makes so many of us ill and what we can do about it. (Free to the public)
Church and State in Late Roman Antiquity: An academic treatment shedding light on our understanding of the relationship between Church and State during late Roman antiquity. (Free to the public)
Planned for the Summer 2016 issue:
In Search of the Historical Jesus: Tantalizing archaeological finds bearing on Jesus and his times; and the compelling, life-long quest of a renowned, pioneering scholar searching for clues about the historical Jesus, his family, and early Christianity— and what he is discovering.
On the Edge of the Kingdom: Ancient Tamar: Archaeological finds tell the story of an important fortress on the fringe of ancient Israel and Judea.
The Compassionate Human: The evolutionary origins of tenderness, trust and morality.
And more to come……….
We hope you will enjoy the Spring 2016 issue, and please feel free to let us know what you think by emailing us at [email protected]
Travel and learn with Far Horizons.
This richly illustrated issue includes the following stories: Recent findings shedding new light on the whereabouts of the remains of Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great; how an archaeologist-sculptor is bringing bones of the dead back to life; archaeologists uncovering town life at the dawn of civilization; an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed archaeologist James M. Adovasio about what makes the Meadowcroft Rockshelter prominent in the ongoing search for the first Americans; what archaeologists are finding at the site of the ancient city of Gath, the home town of the biblical Philistine giant, Goliath; and how scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Europe. Find it on Amazon.com.