Kiyo Films: “Groundbreaking”, a new mockumentary television series being described as “The Office meets Indiana Jones”, aims to reframe how Hollywood portrays archaeologists. Drawing inspiration from hundreds of accounts of actual archaeologists – the series leans into the more innocuous day-to-day activities of a working dig site, unearthing a wealth of relatable comedy.
“We really wanted archaeologists to see themselves – their frustrations, their challenges, their unique traditions – represented accurately on screen, so every component of the show was researched and informed by professionals in the field. Our actors trained alongside notable archaeologists in Ireland, England, France, and the US – participating in actual digs prior to production – and our art department scoured the planet to obtain authentic vintage tools used on past digs – many with fascinating stories of their own.” – Patrick William Smith (creator/writer/director)
On a macro-level, Groundbreaking hopes to bring a renewed interest to the field of archaeology, which is currently experiencing alarming shortages in trained field workers.
Since releasing the trailer this month, a massive groundswell of support for the project has already led to over 1-million views, thanks in large part to Chinese-Irish actor Steven He, whose meteoric rise to YouTube stardom has garnered him more than 8 million followers and nearly 1 billion views across his social media channels (recently making headlines for his ultra-viral and widely circulated “Emotional Damage” video).
“I think Hollywood nearly always misses the point of archaeology. Real archaeology isn’t treasure hunting – it’s story hunting – and Groundbreaking really seeks to honor that.” – Wendy Bird Womack (Producer, Co-Writer)
Groundbreaking is a full-length dramedy series that follows a team of astoundingly unsuccessful archaeologists on the brink of unemployment, who unwittingly discover an ancient Celtic secret that sparks a series of inexplicable events.
Groundbreaking’s ensemble cast is made up of notable actors hailing from nine different countries and 7 languages were spoken on set. Filmed in Ireland, the story pays homage to ancient Irish mythology and beautifully showcases the world-famous Connemara landscape. A mixture of comedy, adventure, and mystery – Groundbreaking hopes to reach a wide audience thirsty for original content.
“Groundbreaking is ultimately a story about friendship, discovery, and the rekindling of wonder in the lives of the wonder-less – something it seems we could all use a bit more of these days. And after spending two years in isolation – waiting for the film industry to kick back into gear – the sheer act of living and working with all these incredible people quickly became one of the most cathartic, engrossing, and (mis)adventurous experiences of my life.” – Patrick William Smith (Creator, Producer, Writer, Director)
Currently in post-production, Groundbreaking will be seeking wide distribution later this year. The production is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for post-production. Fans looking for a way to get more involved (and even hide their own artifact in the show) can visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/
Groundbreaking’s innovative production model breaks new ground in the film industry. Currently, independent long-form original content doesn’t really exist. Most large-scale television productions begin by filming a pilot episode as a proof-of-concept. Kiyo Films, however, shot the entire first season of Groundbreaking in one fell swoop. This new production model more closely resembles a path previously reserved for independent feature films.

Credit: Wendy Williams, Kiyo Films

Shown: Ben Braten, Patrick Smith, Clara Guziewicz, Brian Villalobos, Nataliee Cutler. Photo by Jordan Palmer

Shown: Brian Villalobos and Steven He. Photo by Jordan Palmer
Kiyo Films is a full-service production studio specializing in original film and television content, founded by award-winning director/cinematographer, Patrick William Smith (Groundbreaking Creator/Director). For more information, visit: www.kiyofilms.com.
Article Source: A Kiyo Films news release.
Watch the trailer here: