Humanity’s First Global Ancestor

THE UPDATE: Decades of fossil discoveries have illuminated our understanding of a deep-time human ancestral species that persisted and spread across the globe well more than one million years...

Exploring Ancient Etruscan Paths: A Pictorial

A distinctive tour company offers a unique experience that creates a perfect blend of hiking adventure, culture, history, food, wine, camaraderie, and an intimate connection to the spirit of...

Deciphering the Untold of the Ancients

A scholar speaks about his personal academic journey and some of the common elements and patterns that constitute the continuing efforts to shed light on still-undeciphered ancient scripts the...

Deep Time Spaniards

Prehistoric sites in Spain are informing a shifting paradigm of human evolution and dispersal.

Deep Time Spaniards

Prehistoric sites in Spain are informing a shifting paradigm of human evolution and dispersal.

The Masters of Akrotiri

In the world of the Bronze Age, an ancient people on an Aegean island created some of Europe’s earliest masterworks of art.

Small Aegean Things with Big Value

A scholar discusses the fascinating world of ancient Aegean seals and sealings and what they mean for enlightening our understanding of Bronze Age Aegean civilization.

The Ten Tombs

A renowned scholar shares his perspective and research on fascinating tombs and finds bearing on the historical Jesus and his times.
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