Luca Mario Nejrotti, PhD, graduated in Medieval Archaeology at the University of Turin, with a thesis on the archaeology of architecture in fortified structures. He then pursued a PhD at Aix-en-Provence, focusing on medieval hydraulic installations. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with universities and heritage agencies, but he has always preferred independent practice, which has allowed him to explore and deepen his knowledge of different historical periods and contexts.
His interest in archaeological methods led him naturally to studying and teaching in the area between southern Tuscany, Umbria, and Lazio, where the historical landscape features complex connections and relationships, and where one can “breathe” archaeology.
He has been an archaeologist (in pectore) since childhood, and what he has always loved about the profession is the investigative and exploratory aspect, but also the role archaeologists can play as mediators between the historical landscape, past communities, and present ones.
Since 2012, with the Association “Cultura e Territorio,” over which he presides and for which he serves as scientific director, he has run the B.I.S.A., “la Biagiola” International School of Archaeology in Sorano (GR). The school focuses on Landscape Archaeology and the excavation of the multi-layered site of “la Biagiola,” in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture. The school operates year-round, with sessions in February, May, July-August, and October.