Two scientists, a particle accelerator, and the (once) indecipherable scrolls of ancient Herculaneum.
Origin of farming not from a single population
New research changes views on the beginnings of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent.
Homo erectus walked as we do
1.5-million-year-old footprints provide window to the life of Homo erectus.
How Ancient Egypt Shaped the Modern World: An Infographic
In a way, we are all a little bit Egyptian.
The first evidence of Neanderthal cannibalism in northern Europe is discovered
99 skeletal remains belonging to at least 5 individuals have been retrieved from a site in Goyet (Belgium).
Reconstruction of 12,000 year old funeral feast brings ancient burial rituals to life
One of the earliest funeral banquets ever to be discovered reveals a preplanned, carefully constructed event that reflects social changes at the beginning of the transition to agriculture in...
Archaeology suggests no direct link between climate change and early human innovation
Cultural, technological changes not in sync with climate shifts at 2 Middle Stone Age sites.
Fire discovery sheds new light on ‘hobbit’ demise
Scientists investigating the mystery of the 'hobbit's' demise find new evidence that narrows the time gap between modern humans and the Liang Bua hominins.
Found: The “Throne of Agamemnon”
Archaeologists say large fragment was a part of the Mycenaean royal throne.
700-year-old West African soil technique could help mitigate climate change
Ancient farming practice could be the answer to offsetting CO2 emissions and preventing food shortages.
110th Anniversary of the Antiquities Act Provides Reminder: Work of Protecting Antiquities is Not Finished
Ancient DNA analysis explains spread of domestic goats from Fertile Crescent into Caucasus
Study confirms introduction of domesticated goats in the Southern Caucasus from the Fertile Crescent region about 7,500 - 8,000 years ago.