As Founder and Editor of Popular Archaeology Magazine, Dan is a freelance writer and journalist specializing in archaeology.  He studied anthropology and archaeology in undergraduate and graduate school and has been an active participant on archaeological excavations in the U.S. and abroad.  He is the creator and administrator of Archaeological Digs, a popular weblog about archaeological excavation and field school opportunities.  

The Real Indy

The story of a forgotten explorer and his intrepid journey to discover great ancient Arabian cities of the Incense Road.

Uncovering the Secrets of Cosma

In a remote valley in north-central Peru, archaeologists are beginning to peel back the layers of monumental structures that may tell a forgotten story of an ancient people.

Merenptah Rising

Long in waiting, Pharaoh Merenptah's grand throne room is making a comeback.

The Mummy Doctors

The Penn Museum's Artifact Lab brings priceless Egyptian artifacts and mummies back to life.

Footprints in the Silt

The startling discovery of million-year-old human footprints on a beach in the United Kingdom has scientists jumping.

Out of Europe

Did the earliest human inhabitants of the Americas hail from across the Atlantic? Two distinguished scientists make a testable case.

Archaeological Digs

Looking for a dig opportunity? Here is the most comprehensive portal to the best sources for archaeological digs and field schools on the Web.
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