Archaeologists at the ancient Egyptian fortress at Jaffa in Israel uncover new clues to understanding a monumental city gate complex.
Warfare the Key to Evolution of Complex Society?
Mathematical simulation suggests a correlation between the intensity of warfare and the successful development of ancient civilizations.
Cave Paintings Among the Oldest in Europe
Scientists find wall paintings in the Altxerri cave system in northern Spain pre-date most prehistoric paintings in Europe.
Archaeologists Reveal Evidence of Two Major Destructions at Biblical Site
The Biblical city of Gezer shows evidence of two fiery conflagrations over 3,000 years ago.
Rarely Seen Mesoamerican Artifacts Revealed
A unique collection of ancient ceramics from seven different countries in Central America can now be seen by the public.
First-Ever Sphinx of Egyptian King Found in Israel
Rare and only find of part of a sphinx naming the pharaoh Menkaure has been unearthed at the Canaanite site of Hazor.
Archaeologists Uncover Rare Finds at an Ancient Canaanite Center
The finds at Tel Kabri could provide a unique glimpse on a Middle Bronze Age economy.
Modern Humans in India Earlier Than Previously Thought?
Research suggests the possibility that there were modern humans in India more than 75,000 years ago.
Ghosts in the Nation’s Attics?
A major museum in North Carolina is under investigation for paranormal activity.
Laser Technology Reveals Mysterious New Features at Angkor
The ancient Khmer Empire capital was much larger than previously thought, say archaeologists.
Study Confirms Ancient River Systems in Sahara 100,000 Years Ago
Researchers suggest the paleoriver systems may have supported human migration northward during the Last Interglacial.
Archaeologists Recover Ancient Boat Near Great Pyramid in Egypt
Team races time to uncover 4,500-year-old royal vessel.
Archaeologists Uncover Hidden Structures in Ancient Maya City Through New Technology
Seeing through the canopy: New discoveries are being made at the ancient Maya center of El Pilar, using cutting-edge technology.
Gold Hoard Discovered Near Temple Mount in Jerusalem
The unprecedented treasure, buried for 1,400 years, has a story to tell, say archaeologists.
George Washington’s Incredible Garbage Dump
Archaeologists struck the motherlode of artifacts over two decades ago near George Washington's Mount Vernon mansion house. Now the treasures are online for all to see.
Modern Humans Were in China Much Earlier Than Previously Thought
Study suggests anatomically modern humans may have been in eastern Asia as much as 100,000 years ago.