Team races time to uncover 4,500-year-old royal vessel.
Archaeologists Uncover Hidden Structures in Ancient Maya City Through New Technology
Seeing through the canopy: New discoveries are being made at the ancient Maya center of El Pilar, using cutting-edge technology.
Gold Hoard Discovered Near Temple Mount in Jerusalem
The unprecedented treasure, buried for 1,400 years, has a story to tell, say archaeologists.
George Washington’s Incredible Garbage Dump
Archaeologists struck the motherlode of artifacts over two decades ago near George Washington's Mount Vernon mansion house. Now the treasures are online for all to see.
Modern Humans Were in China Much Earlier Than Previously Thought
Study suggests anatomically modern humans may have been in eastern Asia as much as 100,000 years ago.
Generosity Leads to Evolutionary Success, Say Researchers
A new finding has implications for human evolution.
Fort Palisade Lines and Early Planting Uncovered at 1607 James Fort
More palisade lines and dark planting furrows found at the site of the historic 1607 Jamestown Fort in Virginia.