Flexible adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
Prehistoric people created art by firelight, new research reveals
Our early ancestors probably created intricate artwork by firelight, an examination of 50 engraved stones unearthed in France has revealed.
Mural fragments uncovered in Guatemala offer evidence for the earliest known Mayan calendar notation
Neolithic made us taller and more intelligent but more prone to heart disease
How modern European populations have evolved over the past 50,000 years.
Tools reveal patterns of Neanderthal extinction in the Iberian Peninsula
Study finds evidence of local extinction and replacement even before Homo sapiens arrived.
Last of the giant camels and archaic humans lived together in Mongolia until 27,000 years ago
Climate change was the primary cause of ancient camel's extinction, with archaic humans playing a possible role.
Native American shell ring villages may have been occupied then abandoned because of climate change
Analysis of mollusk shells reveals environmental changes in U.S. coastal communities around 4,000 years ago.
New evidence regarding emerald production in Roman Egypt coming from Wadi Sikait
Resuming the archaeological season in the Egyptian Eastern Desert provides proof of Roman emerald mines.
Audiences get first-look at the long-awaited series trailer.