Where are the Foreigners of the First International Age?
Researchers use genetic and isotopic data to investigate human mobility at the Bronze Age city of Alalakh in Turkey.
Scientists discover a new type of Homo
The dramatic discovery was made in an Israeli excavation.
Being Anglo-Saxon was a matter of language and culture, not genetics
New evidence to answer the question: 'Who exactly were the Anglo-Saxons?'
Pleistocene sediment DNA from Denisova Cave
Sediment DNA tracks 300,000 years of hominin and animal presence at Denisova Cave.
Did the ancient Maya have parks?
First-of-its-kind DNA analysis finds trees and wild vegetation grew around reservoirs in Tikal.
Ten years of ancient genome analysis has taught scientists ‘what it means to be human’
A ball of 4,000-year-old hair frozen in time tangled around a whalebone comb led to the first ever reconstruction of an ancient human genome just over a decade ago.
Sealed, signed and delivered
Hebrew University archaeologists unveil 7,000-year-old seal impressions used for commerce and protection of property.
Ancient Human-Food Feedback Could Boost Tropical Food Security
For 13,000 years, humans have transformed tropical environments into forest gardens.
Anthropogenic forest use in pre-Columbian Peru
Pre-Columbian societies in northeastern Peru maintained regional forest integrity and biodiversity.