Archaeological evidence in a rockshelter at the edge of the Kalahari Desert, South Africa, is challenging the idea that the origins of our species were linked to coastal environments.
The world’s earliest stone technologies are likely to be older than previously thought
A new study from the University of Kent's School of Anthropology and Conservation has found that Oldowan and Acheulean stone tool technologies are likely to be tens of thousands...
Ancient Maya houses show wealth inequality is tied to despotic governance
States with more collective governance had more similarly sized houses.
An ancient Maya ambassador’s bones show a life of privilege and hardship
Ajpach' Waal forged an alliance between two dynasties but died in obscurity.
Researchers solve more of the mystery of Laos megalithic jars
'Plain of Jars' dates put at 1240 to 660 BCE.
Scythian people weren’t just nomadic warriors, but sometimes settled down
Varied diets and limited mobility challenge stereotypes of ancient steppe populations.
Humans evolved to be the water-saving ape
New study suggests humans evolved to run on less water than our closest primate relatives.
Woolly mammoths may have shared the landscape with first humans in New England
Researchers trace the age of a rib fragment of the Mount Holly mammoth.
Journey of a skull: How a single human cranium wound up alone in a cave in Italy
Rare evidence from Eneolithic cranium suggests funerary treatment of corpse.
The human brain grew as a result of the extinction of large animals
Researchers from Tel Aviv University propose a new explanation for human evolution.