Spanish conquerors depended on indigenous expertise to keep up their munitions supplies, archaeologists have found.
Neanderthals ate mussels, fish, and seals too
International research team finds it wasn't just Homo sapiens who sourced food from the sea.
‘Little Foot’ skull reveals how this more than 3 million year old human ancestor lived
Micro-CT scanning of 'Little Foot' skull reveals new aspects of the life of this more than 3-million year-old-human ancestor.
Bronze Age diet and farming strategy reconstructed using integrative isotope analysis
Cross-sectional study suggests similar diets but different management of livestock among communities and a larger share of animal protein restricted to very few members of the elite.
How millets sustained Mongolia’s empires
Stable isotope analyses reveals dramatic diet diversification at the onset of the steppe's earliest empires.
Each Mediterranean island has its own genetic pattern
Researchers reconstruct migration movements through ancient DNA.
Human populations survived the Toba volcanic super-eruption 74,000 years ago
New archaeological work supports the hypothesis that human populations were present in India by 80,000 years ago and that they survived one of the largest volcanic eruptions in the...
Earliest interbreeding event between ancient human populations discovered
Neanderthal-Denisovan ancestors interbred with a distantly related hominin 700,000 years ago.
Cognitive experiments give a glimpse into the ancient mind
New study shed light on some of the earliest examples of human symbolic behavior: Ancient engravings were likely produced with aesthetic intent and marked group identity.
New study results consistent with dog domestication during ice age
A research team performed dental microwear analysis on canid fossils from a Paleolithic site in the Czech Republic.
Ancient plant foods discovered in Arnhem Land, Australia
Plant foods eaten by humans in Australia 65,000 years ago.
Archaeologists unearth letter from biblical era
Hebrew University team unearths Canaanite temple at Lachish; find gold artifacts, cultic figurines, and oldest known etching of Hebrew letter 'Samech'.