Lost in combat?
Research team including Göttingen discover belongings of a warrior on unique Bronze Age battlefield site.
Study finds prehistoric humans ate bone marrow like canned soup 400,000 years ago
Bone and skin preserved the nutritious marrow for later consumption, Tel Aviv University researchers say.
Revealing the Hidden Text on the Herculaneum Scrolls
Applying new technology, scientists are now unraveling the written secrets on ancient charred scrolls recovered from Herculaneum, destroyed by the Vesuvius eruption 2,000 years ago.
Oldest miniaturized stone toolkits in Eurasia
New study reveals the earliest microliths (small stone tools
Dishing the dirt on an early human cave
Microscopic study yields intriguing ancient Denisovan secrets.
A technological ‘leap’ in the Edomite Kingdom during the 10th century BCE
Technological progress in the Levant fits a 'punctuated equilibrium' model.
Early humans used tiny, flint ‘surgical’ tools to butcher elephants
New discovery by Tel Aviv University-led research group suggests early humans in the Levant were sophisticated and environmentally conscious.