The ability to be flexible through the innovation of technology helped early humans to survive prolonged periods of pronounced aridification.
Cattle herding strategies promoted social stratification in Early European societies, suggests study
Live-in grandparents helped human ancestors get a safer night’s sleep
Sleep changes common with age may have helped our ancestors survive the night.
Archaeologists put sound back into a previously silent past
Innovative tool turns ancient spaces into human places.
Molar from Fourth Denisovan Extends “Meager” Fossil Record
Newly discovered fossil tooth is the oldest Denisovan fossil found in Denisova Cave to date.
DNA of early Neanderthal gives timeline for new modern human-related dispersal from Africa
Mitochondrial DNA from Neanderthal individual who died in Swabian Jura in modern-day southwest Germany suggests that Neanderthals received genetic contribution from Africa by hominins that are closely related to...
New studies of ancient concrete could teach us to do as the Romans did
Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley experiments show how natural chemistry strengthened ancient concrete.
Genetic evidence from the South Caucasus region shows surprising long-term stability
Study shows surprising genetic continuity in ancient times for the region, despite major cultural shifts.