Research group maps spatially explicit dataset of urban centers from 3700 BC to 2000 CE.
Research proves Aboriginal Australians were first inhabitants
Conflicting theories of Mungo Man debunked.
Lucy had neighbors: A review of African fossils
Review confirms co-existence of multiple early human species during middle Pliocene.
‘Pristine’ landscapes haven’t existed for thousands of years due to human activity
An exhaustive review of archaeological data from the last 30 years provides details of how the world's landscapes have been shaped by repeated human activity over many thousands of...
New support for human evolution in grasslands
A 24-million-year record of African plants plumbs the deep past.
Ice age bison fossils shed light on early human migrations in North America
Study dates the first movements of bison through an ice-free corridor that opened between the ice sheets after the last glacial maximum.
Scientists develop new insights on dog domestication
Man's best friend may have emerged independently from two separate (possibly now extinct) wolf populations that lived on opposite sides of the Eurasian continent.
George Washington’s Mount Vernon to Open New Slavery Exhibition
Lives Bound Together: Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Opens October 1.
Space-age exploration for prehistoric bones in South Africa
High-tech 3D mapping of the history-making Dinaledi chamber revealed.
High altitude archaeology: Prehistoric paintings revealed
Archaeologists at the University of York have undertaken pioneering scans of the highest prehistoric paintings of animals in Europe.
Migration back to Africa took place during the Paleolithic
A piece of international research led by the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has retrieved the mitogenome of a fossil belonging to the first Homo sapiens population in Europe.
Ancient DNA study finds Phoenician from Carthage had European ancestry
A 2500-year-old Phoenician shows ancient ancestry on the Iberian Peninsula.
Women in southern Germany Corded Ware culture may have been highly mobile
In this ancient subsistence economy, women may have moved settlements after marriage.
Beer brewing in ancient China
Archaeologists discover evidence for a 5,000-year-old beer concoction and the earliest known occurrence of barley in China.
Skeletal differences between Neanderthal and modern human infants
Many of the distinctive morphological characteristics of Neanderthals were already apparent at birth.