The general public is invited through a video lecture series to see and learn about original fossils and artifacts bearing on human origins.
The Jesus Family Tomb
The discoveries that rocked Christian scholarship.
Neanderthal cord weaving
Scientists discover the oldest known evidence of fiber weaving.
Bristol leads archaeologists on 5,000-year-old egg hunt
Research reveals surprising complexity of ancient ostrich egg trade.
Our direct human ancestor Homo erectus is older than we thought
Fossil find at Drimolen palaeocave system in South Africa shows our earliest direct human ancestor existed perhaps as much as 200,000 years earlier than previously thought.
Modern humans, Neanderthals share a tangled genetic history, study affirms
New research adds to growing evidence that our ancestors interbred with Neanderthals at multiple times in history.
Skull scans reveal evolutionary secrets of fossil brains
Australopithecus afarensis ('Lucy') had ape-like brain organization, but prolonged brain growth like humans.
Mesoamerican copper smelting technology aided colonial weaponry
Spanish conquerors depended on indigenous expertise to keep up their munitions supplies, archaeologists have found.
Neanderthals ate mussels, fish, and seals too
International research team finds it wasn't just Homo sapiens who sourced food from the sea.
‘Little Foot’ skull reveals how this more than 3 million year old human ancestor lived
Micro-CT scanning of 'Little Foot' skull reveals new aspects of the life of this more than 3-million year-old-human ancestor.