Israeli scientists resurrect yeast from ancient beer jugs to recreate 5,000-year-old brew.
Civil War plant medicines blast drug-resistant bacteria in lab tests
Confederate field hospitals turned to traditional remedies under Union blockade.
Ancient fish ponds in the Bolivian savanna supported human settlement
Detailed study of taxa supports intentional maintenance of fish habitat for food.
Traces of crawling in Italian cave give clues to ancient humans’ social behavior
Using multiple methods of analysis, researchers have identified the movements of a group of humans as they explored an Italian cave system during the late Stone Age.
New reading of Mesha Stele could have far-reaching consequences for biblical history
The biblical King Balak may have been a historical figure, according to a new reading of the Mesha Stele, an inscribed stone dating from the second half of the...
First hominins on the Tibetan Plateau were Denisovans
Denisovan mandible likely represents the earliest hominin fossil on the Tibetan Plateau.
Human ancestors were ‘grounded,’ new analysis shows
Primates adapted to living on the ground, adding new chapter to human evolution.