Research at the University of York has suggested that Neanderthals embraced healthcare practices, such as assisting in cases of serious injury and the challenges of childbirth.
Cuisine of early farmers revealed by analysis of proteins in pottery from Çatalhöyük
Analysis of proteins preserved in bowls and jars from this prehistoric site in central Anatolia shows the foodstuffs inside its inhabitants' pottery vessels in unprecedented spectrum and resolution.
Casting Archaeological Doubt on the Meghalayan Age
Lack of archaeological evidence questions using 2200 BCE as a threshold of the new Meghalayan geologic age.
A prehistoric thirst for craft beer
Evidence suggests that stone mortars from Raqefet Cave, Israel, were used in brewing cereal-based beer millennia before the establishment of sedentary villages and cereal agriculture.
Scientists Discover Oldest Drawing
The oldest known abstract drawing, made with ocher, has been found in South Africa's Blombos Cave.
Second Century Roman Watermill Not What Researchers Have Thought
New information about one of the first industrial complexes in history revealed.
Sicilian amber in western Europe pre-dates arrival of Baltic amber by at least 2,000 years
Amber from Sicily was traveling around the Western Mediterranean as early as the 4th Millennium BC.