Seeing Red: Our Ancient Relationship With Ocher and the Color of Cognition
Extensive ocher use reflects the culture and cognitive abilities of early humans, who inherited an affinity for red from primate ancestors.
The Red Queen of Palenque
The archaeology and the story: The critical role a great Maya queen, and women generally, played in Maya society.
Scientists show ancient village adapted to drought, rising seas
Underwater excavation reveals human resilience through Neolithic-period climate change.
More plants on the menu of ancient hunter-gatherers
Isotopic evidence reveals surprising dietary practices of pre-agricultural human groups in Morocco.
What Does Play Tell Us About Human Evolution?
Playing behavior may have played a critical role in human evolution.
Property and Debt in Ancient Rome
The ancient Roman concept of property was essentially creditor-oriented. As Rome’s power grew, practices quickly became predatory.
The Ten Tombs
A renowned scholar shares his perspective and research on fascinating tombs and finds bearing on the historical Jesus and his times.
Why Culture Is Not the Only Tool for Defining Homo sapiens in Relation to Other Hominins
We need a broad comparative lens to produce useful explanations and narratives of our origins across time.
Who were the Neanderthals, really?
Long accepted paradigms on the Neanderthals are rapidly shifting based on new findings.
New findings on the world’s oldest wooden hunting weapons
Researchers shed new light on the famous wooden spears of Schöningen and the implications for early human hunting.
The Death Chambers of Herculaneum
Scientists have teased a horrific story from the remains of the ill-fated inhabitants of a once opulent and thriving seaside city of the Roman Empire.
Toba supereruption unveils new insights into early human migration
Supereruption but may have facilitated the dispersal of modern humans out of Africa and across the rest of the world.
The first Neolithic boats in the Mediterranean
Canoes from Italy reveal early development of advanced nautical technology.