You can look long and hard, and you will not find a travel opportunity like this one anywhere. But now, finally, a unique educational travel experience has been designed for anyone with a special interest or passion for the field of human origins and human evolution. Called the Human Origins Field Seminar with [Smithsonian paleoanthropologist] Dr. Briana Pobiner, this is what you will experience:
— In one trip, we will take you across three different African countries to sites where scientific history was made, and is still being made, in cutting-edge research on human origins and human evolution. As such, you will be traveling across more terrain than typical of any standard Africa tour;
— You will meet with prominent, world-renowned scientists who are leading the way with new discoveries in human origins and human evolution;
— You will be given “back-door” special access to the fossil and artifact collections that have and are making scientific history in human evolution research;
— You will be traveling with a Smithsonian paleoanthropologist who has done significant field research in Africa and who will be with you the entire time for lectures, discussions, to lead you through the important sites, and to answer your questions;
— Along with all of this, you will have the opportunity to enjoy traveling and observing African wildlife, geography, and geology in three different countries, much of which had a bearing on the kind of environment in which early human ancestors lived;
— This may be the only chance you will have to experience an opportunity this unique, particularly as it may never be offered again.
For more information about this one-of-a-kind travel opportunity, go to the website at http://www.grouptoursite.com/tours/mclerran and join us for the trip of a lifetime!
Should you decide to join us, email me at populararchaeology@gmail.com and let us know you are interested, along with any questions you may have.
Your partner in travel,
Dan McLerran
Founder and Editor
Popular Archaeology Magazine