Early North American hunters funneled caribou through stone structures in organized hunting operations.
Scientists Uncover Evidence of Change from Hunting to Herding at Early Neolithic Settlement
In this settlement in central Turkey, the shift occurred over a few centuries at least 10,000 years ago.
New Genetic Findings About Stone-Age Scandinavian Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers
Stone-Age hunter-gatherers were assimilated by new farmer migrant populations, suggests study.
Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Greek Temple and Emporium in Bulgaria
The complexes reveal the presence of Greek colonists at the sites during the 5th - 4th centuries BCE.
Anatomically Modern Humans Left Africa Earlier Than Previously Thought, Suggests Study
New research points to multiple dispersals, with the first one routing through southern Arabia as much as 130,000 years ago.
Origins of Domesticated Chili Pepper Found in Mexico
Using archaeology, genetics and linguistics, researchers adjust previous theories about where the world's most widely grown spice crop began.
New Findings at Prehistoric Stone Tool Site in China
Recent excavation results may answer some hanging questions about the ancient tool makers.
Archaeologists Explore Ancient Roman Forum of Philippopolis
Ancient passage and shops emerge.
Roman Imperial Port Facilities Emerge Under Archaeological Investigation
Archaeologists uncover buried structural remains and artifacts that help tell the story of an ancient Roman port system in Italy.
Farming Changed Human Bones, Suggests Study
The emergence of agriculture in Central Europe produced culturally-induced changes in the bones of succeeding generations of humans.
Researcher Suggests Famous Ancient Inca Monumental Complex Exhibits Astronomical Values
Do the ancient Sacsayhuamán complex walls reveal a sophisticated knowledge of astronomical alignments among the Inca?
Ancient Nomads Spread Earliest Domestic Grains Along Silk Road, Study Finds
Findings at ancient nomadic campsites in Kazakhstan push back earliest known East-West interaction along Slik Road by 2,000 years.
Çatalhöyük Research Project Announces Latest Conferences and Discoveries
Conference discussions may shed light on developing interpretations of this famous ancient human settlement in Turkey.
New Excavations Explore 6,000-Year-Old Settlement in Israel
Renewed excavation at Ein el-Jarba seeks answers to questions about a civilization that preceded the ancient Canaanites more than 6,000 years ago.
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Scholarships Now Available for Teens Nationwide
Scholarships Help Cover Expenses for Summer Camps
Baltimore Heritage Kicks Off War of 1812 Archeology Dig in Patterson Park
Tours, talks, and hands-on archeology projects will afford learning experiences about Patterson Park and Baltimore in the War of 1812.
Archaeological Team Uncovers Elite Residential Complex
The ancient Maya site of Xno'ha may provide another window on the structure of Maya society.
Archaeologists Excavate Ancient Aramean City in Israel
Excavated for the first time in 2013, the "city of the silver hoard" will see additional excavations in 2014.