Scientists Discover Cause of Devastating Plague of Justinian
Skeletal remains from 6th century Bavaria yield oldest pathogen genomes obtained to date.
Portrait of a Mesolithic Period Individual Emerges
Genome study of human remains recovered from a Mesolithic site in Spain provide clues to the individual's appearance.
History-Making Expedition Recruits New Scientists
The "Rising Star Expedition" is rapidly expanding hands-on research on the spectacular early human fossils recovered in late 2013 from a south African cave system.
Paleogenomics Changing the Face of Research
From Archaeology to Paleoanthropology to Paleontology, the new science of paleogenomics is revolutionizing what we know about the past.
Archaeologists Return to Neanderthal Site in Spain
The rock shelter could hold some keys to understanding the last Neanderthals in southern Europe.
Mother Nature’s Archaeology
World War I tragedies uncovered by melting glaciers in the Italian Alps.
Genome Study Reveals New Insight on Dog Domestication
Dogs and wolves evolved from a common ancestor between 11,000 and 34,000 years ago, researchers suggest.
Archaeologists Return to Ancient City of Lachish
Following the spectacular discoveries made at Khirbet Qeiyafa, the archaeological team turns its sights on the 10th - 9th century BC layers of a famous ancient Judahite stronghold. ...
Archaeologists Discover Rare Ancient Maya Mural in Belize
The discovery could lead to more mural findings.
New Iron Age Sites Discovered in Finland
Roman Iron Age artifacts and other finds may significantly alter the known history of an area near the northeastern shores of the Gulf of Finland.
The Ancient Human Hunter Changed the World
And now the loss of large carnivores poses a global conservation problem, but an opportunity for modern humans to play a positive role.
Neolithic Mural in Turkey May Illustrate Ancient Volcanic Eruption
Study indicates a correlation between the ancient mural image and date of the Hasan Dagi volcanic eruption.
2-Million-Year-Old Human Relative ‘Nutcracker Man’ Lived Mostly on Grass Bulbs
Called "tiger nuts", they were the mainstay of their diet, suggest researchers in a new study.
Ardi Has Some Human-like Skull Traits, Say Researchers
Skull of ancient hominoid, Ardipithecus ramidus, shows more signs of a human evolution connection.
Researchers Uncover Surprising Diets of the Middle and Lower Class in Pompeii
Discoveries shed new light on food and drink in the ill-fated ancient Roman city before the great eruption.
New Early Human Site Discovered in Israel
Site could shed additional light on Middle Paleolithic lifeways in the southern Levant.