Site could shed additional light on Middle Paleolithic lifeways in the southern Levant.
Ancient Maya Site Teeters on the Edge of Destruction
The site of Nojol Nah in Belize may disappear before most of its secrets can be uncovered and preserved.
Neanderthal Genome Sequence Reveals Interbreeding In Four Early Human Species
Neanderthals, Denisovans, modern humans, and a mysterious fourth species make for a more complex prehistory.
Yes, Neanderthals Buried Their Dead, Say Researchers
Scientists examine old and new evidence that Neanderthals intentionally buried their dead in a cave in southwestern France.
Discovery Pushes Back the Clock on Human Hand Evolution
With the find, scientists begin to close the gap on the evolutionary history of the human hand.
Cat Domestication in China 5,300 Years Ago
Signs of a mutually dependent relationship in an ancient Chinese village.
Mass Grave Shows Evidence of Ancient Cholera Outbreak
Researchers hope ancient DNA evidence will give clues about evolution of pathogens and spread of deadly epidemics.
Scientists Sequence 400,000-Year-Old Hominin DNA
Results show this ancient human had a common ancestor with Denisovans.
Digging Up George Washington’s Pre-Revolutionary War Kitchen
Remains of the U.S. Founding Father's pre-1775 kitchen emerge under the archaeologist's trowel at Mount Vernon, Virginia.
Scientists Push Back the Clock on Early Human Finds
New dating indicates early human fossils found in Turkana Basin, East Africa, are older than previously thought.
Archaeologists find more bodies at Durham University site
A mass grave emerges as archaeologists continue to dig in area of Durham Cathedral.
Exeter’s Roman Baths
An English city plans to re-expose early Roman baths.
Archaeologists Uncover Earliest Evidence of Birth of Buddha
The ancient timber structure links to Buddha nativity and confirms birth in the sixth century BCE.
Archaeologists Uncover One of Civilization’s Oldest Wine Cellars
Ancient Canaanite storage room contained forty large jars totaling 2,000 liters of sweet wine.
Fossil Fragments of Unknown Early Human Come Together
Potentially the biggest cache of early human fossils in one place emerge from a cave in South Africa.
Ancient Egyptians Used Organic Compounds to Embalm Meat Mummies
Meat victuals for the afterlife were prepared using diverse treatments, say researchers.
Story of the First Americans Unfolding Through DNA Research
From the first peopling of the Americas to European contact, genetic research sheds light on Native American history.