Unbeknownst to most, archaeologists have been revealing a sensational find on what has been penned the 'dark side' of Mount Vesuvius in Italy.
The Fabric of Aegean Prehistory
Exploring the evidence for ancient Aegean textile production during the Bronze Age.
Deep Time Spaniards
Prehistoric sites in Spain are informing a shifting paradigm of human evolution and dispersal.
Underwater caves yield new clues about Sicily’s first residents
Findings may help explain early expansion of Homo sapiens into the Mediterranean islands.
The City Under the Museum: A Pictorial
An excavated plot preserved beneath the Acropolis Museum in Athens has revealed remarkable ancient remains of a large urban community.
Ancient DNA from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) refutes best-selling population collapse theory
Reveals pre-European contact with Indigenous Americans.
The Surprising Ways Inventions and Ideas Spread in Ancient Prehistory
You can learn a lot about humanity from the first technological revolutions of more than 10,000 years ago.
Keys to Building Human Bridges to the Past
Human technologies have continued to evolve exponentially since the end of the Paleolithic: today we are using them to learn more about the past.
The Roman siege of Masada lasted just a few weeks, not several years
Archaeologists at Tel Aviv University contest a widespread myth.