The ram was part of a vessel used by Mithradates VI to combat an uprising.
Earlier Stone Age artifacts found in Northern Cape of South Africa
Area supported large populations of early human ancestors, say researchers.
Penn Museum, Smithsonian Offer Training, Support for Syrian Museum Collections
Assistance provided to help stem the loss of cultural heritage in war-torn Syria.
Dig Reveals More About Maryport Roman Temples Site
Team re-examines large stone circular structure near temple remains.
‘Pompeii of the north’ revealed by archaeologists
Evidence for early Christianity in Roman Britain and bath house with 7-foot-high walls uncovered.
Archaeologist Promotes Wonders of Digital Archaeology
Specialist joins forces with Popular Archaeology Magazine to get the word out on the game-changing impacts of the new field of digital archaeology.
Archaeologists Uncover Lost Population of Ancient Amarna
Burial remains shed new light on the "missing 6,000" of ancient Egypt's Amarna period.
Archaeologists Find Evidence of Significant Plant Use Before Agriculture
Site in Central Sudan reveals prehistoric people consumed plants for both sustenance and medicine for at least 7,000 years.
Archaeologists Discover One of the Oldest Known Clovis Hunting Sites in North America
Site yields first evidence Clovis people hunted gomphotheres, an extinct species of elephant, in North America.
Archaeologists Investigate a Massive Ancient Mycenaean Citadel
Geophysical surveys reveal extensive unseen remains of the vast ancient citadel of Glas.
Philadelphia’s Rosenbach Museum Offers Public an Intimate Window to the Past
From Bram Stoker to George Washington, the Museum provides a glimpse beyond material culture into the minds of some of our most iconic historical and literary figures.
Archaic Human Skull Discovery in China Sheds New Light on Later Human Evolution
Surprising finding could lead to rethinking evolution of modern humans during the late Pleistocene.
Evolution of Early Human Traits Not Simple and Straightforward, Say Scientists
Environmental changes, flexibility, adaptability, and diversity made for a more complex mosaic and timeline of early human evolution than previously thought, suggest researchers.
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Plans Summer Events for Public
A full schedule of fun and wonder awaits visitors for the 2014 summer season.
Gene From Extinct Human Made Tibetans Adaptable to High Altitudes
Denisovan gene inherited by Tibetans helped them survive.
Researchers Discover Population Boom in Ancient American Southwest
Rapid population growth rate from 500 AD to 1100 AD detected through study.
Scientists Uncover Evidence of Early Human Diet
Results from two studies shed light on early human diets in Spain and Africa.
Archaeologists Return to Ancient Megiddo
Excavators to focus on domestic architecture and pillared house.
Fossil Human Skulls Unearthed in Spanish Cave Shed Light on Neandertal Evolution
Neandertal evolution was not a linear process, suggests study.