Scientists seek to detect earthworks and geoglyphs beneath the canopy of vegetation in the search for evidence of complex ancient human settlements in the Amazon rainforest.
Social networks key to city growth both ancient and modern, say researchers
Anthropological team suggests ancient cities and modern cities grew in much the same way.
Scientists evolve bigger brains in mice by using human DNA
Researchers pinpoint a crucial difference between humans and chimps in the DNA for brain size by experimenting on mice embryos.
Italian cemetery may provide insights to cholera’s evolution
The archaeological investigation could lead the way to the first steps for finding a cure.
Researchers discover patterns of warfare in prehistoric Eastern North America
Study points to need for large land area analysis of past human populations in other regions of the world.
New film footage reveals potential ‘killer blow’ to King Richard III
University of Leicester video shows injury on inside of skull.
Demise of the ancient Pueblo civilization a harbinger of things to come?
New study suggests a possible forthcoming 21st century drought disaster-in-the-making in the American Southwest and Central Plains.
The Unfinished Business at Ancient Herodium
Archaeologists are uncovering some ancient unfinished construction work at one of the Middle East's most iconic archaeological sites.
Earliest evidence of large-scale human-produced air pollution in South America found
Trace elements encased in mountaintop ice predate industrial revolution by more than 200 years
Darwin’s theory continues to shape human evolution
Study shows forces of human evolution still significantly in play in the modern world.
Archaeologists excavate fortified site from ancient Kingdom of Judah
Excavators uncover possible remains of biblical Libnah.
Popular Archaeology Magazine sends group to newly discovered ancient site in Peru
Tour expedition will provide bloggers, freelance writers, photographers, and members of the public with the opportunity to observe key ancient sites.
First Major Exhibition of Hellenistic Bronzes to Tour Internationally
First of its kind collection includes 50 ancient bronzes from 4th century BC to 1st century AD.
Archaeologists excavate Roman and Punic city in Tunisia.
The site of Zita contains remains of a Roman forum and a Punic child sacrifice precinct.
Archaic human skull provides new clues to modern human-Neanderthal contact
Cranium fossil finds in Manot Cave, Israel, could be a pivotal discovery.
Winchester Model 1873 Found Abandoned in Nevada Desert
Archaeologists discover a rifle dating from 1882, still leaning against a tree in a remote park in Nevada.
Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of a Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican City
Pre-Columbian city of Cantona expanded and contracted through increasingly arid climate conditions, suggests study.
Archaeologists Excavate Pre-Roman Burials in Spain
The site of ancient Pintia features 2,500-year-old burials of a flourishing culture before the Romans arrived.
Scientists Discover Evidence of Earliest Known Human-Like Hands
Finding suggests possible tool-making and use among the australopiths, ancient precursors to humans.
Archaeologists Investigate Ancient Greek Temenos on Black Sea Island
Possible evidence of lost temple of Apollo uncovered.