The controversial discoveries, and a renowned scholar’s quest to uncover the historical truth about Jesus of Nazareth.
The Mystery of Flores
Findings from the remarkable hominin remains found on the Island of Flores continue to pique the interest of the scientific world.
Pushing the Prehistoric Fringe
A recently examined mammoth tells a story of a possible human presence in the Arctic at least 45,000 years ago.
Uncovering the Citadel of El Pilar
An unusual, isolated ancient Maya complex has archaeologists digging for answers.
The Mystery of Red Deer Cave
New insights emerge about the enigmatic archaic human remains found in a Chinese cave.
The Tomb of the Griffin Warrior
A rare and rich tomb discovery in Greece opened a window on early Mycenaeans who lived generations before their legendary heroes fought at Troy.
On the Roof of the World: Discovering the Forgotten Civilization of Zhang Zhung
The evidence for ancient Tibet’s astonishing first great civilization.
Joya de Cerén: An Intimate Portrait of the Ancient Maya
Remarkably preserved in volcanic ash, a Maya village yields an unprecedented picture of ancient small-town Central American life.
The New Kid on the Block
Could this be the face of the earliest known human ancestor?
Before Kings and Palaces
Archaeologists uncover town life at the dawn of civilization.
Digging the City of Goliath
Like her most famous citizen of the well-known Biblical story, the ancient city of Philistine Gath was big.
Not Quite Neanderthal
Scientists are redrawing the picture of human evolution in Western Europe.
Straddling the Evolutionary Divide
Two remarkable sites are shedding light on a critical transitional period in human evolution.
El Mirón and the Red Lady
A Spanish cave and a unique burial offer a tantalizing glimpse on the lives of Ice Age hunter-gatherers in Europe
Seeing the Invisible: Visualizing an Ancient Roman Town
For all to see, scientists and experts have visually reconstructed an ancient Roman town in stunning detail.
New Discoveries at Hippos
Archaeologists have unearthed some enlightening finds at this ancient capital of Hellenistic-Roman culture overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
Walking Dead and Vengeful Spirits
Archaeology opens a window on occult practices among the ancient Greeks in Sicily.
An Ancient Island
Britain ranks among the most fascinating countries in the world when it comes to its archaeology.
The Tomb of the Warrior King
The newly discovered tomb and contents of a previously unknown pharaoh shed light on a lost ancient Egyptian dynasty.
Decoding Human Prehistory
How genetics is revolutionizing what we know about human evolution and our prehistoric past.