An archaeologist summarizes the major discoveries shedding light on a prehistoric human presence in the Sahara.
Hidden Majesty: The Lost Grave of Richard III
Writing for young readers, author Laura Scandiffio relates the detailed story about the remarkable burial discovery of King Richard III and what it says about the real king, beyond...
Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time
A new book and exhibition tell the story of medieval Saharan Africa and how it made history.
The Human Origins Field Seminar with Briana Pobiner
Explore human origins through this unique travel opportunity.
The Golden Rhinoceros
Remarkable burial finds testified to a powerful medieval kingdom in what is present-day South Africa.
Editor’s Pick: The Best of the Best
Here are the most fascinating stories ever published in Popular Archaeology — the Editor’s specially selected reruns.
How Ancient Egypt Shaped the Modern World: An Infographic
In a way, we are all a little bit Egyptian.