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A Tale of Cities Lost and Found

Santiago Giraldo is currently Director of the Colombia Heritage Program with the Global Heritage Fund. He has an MA in Social Sciences and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago. He has worked for the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (ICANH) as a research archaeologist, Coordinator for Archaeology, and Director-in-Charge of the Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida Archaeological Park, and has conducted extensive research and preservation at the archaeological sites of Pueblito and Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida over the past ten years. Today he is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on the ancient Tairona people.

In 1881, after three years of travel throughout the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains in Colombia, South America, the British explorer, naturalist and geographer Frederic A.A. Simons published the first detailed map of the mountains in the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London. It included a brief description of the Sierra Nevada, its watershed, the indigenous population, and the surrounding towns. It was indeed the first relatively precise map of one of the highest coastal mountain systems in the world, which reaches heights over 19,000 feet above sea level within a scant 25 miles of the Caribbean coastline. Interestingly enough, the map included the supposed location of Posigueica, the fabled capital of the Tairona, the prehispanic peoples inhabiting the area when the Spanish first arrived in the first decades of the 16th century.

After the paper was read in an evening Royal Geographical Society meeting, there followed a question and answer session in which Sir Clements Robert Markham, president of the Society, asked Mr. Simons a question of enduring influence and consequence for all subsequent researchers. He asked “whether there was any trace of the Taironas, one of the most warlike tribes ever known in South America, who, after several battles, drove the Spaniards back to Santa Marta, or; whether they had been wholly exterminated.”1 Simons then answered that it seemed that they had been “completely exterminated and replaced by tribes coming in from the Orinoco”.

What, indeed, actually became of the Tairona? For all accounts and purposes, they had disappeared completely after the 16th century.


perdida1The Simons map
Frederic Simons’ was the first relatively accurate map of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta up until 1939 when the Cabot Expedition for the American Geographical Society conducted a photogrammetric survey. It served as a basis for all maps of the Sierra Nevada up until WWII. The red lines index his travels throughout the massif. (The map appears in Simons 1879 article for the Royal Geographical Society. This is a composite image created by the author.)


perdida2Map showing the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta region within its geographic context in northern Colombia. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida3The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta showing very general limits to what is considered to be the area inhabited by the Tairona up until the end of the 16th century, in relationship to the present-day nearby geographic areas and town/archaeological sites. Credit Santiago Giraldo


The Discovery

Our knowledge about these fabled and little known polities who held sway over the northern and western reaches of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta has slowly improved over the past 100 years. Known primarily for their intricate gold work exhibited at the Bogotá Museo del Oro (Gold Museum) and other museums in North America and Europe, the Tairona built large towns and urban centers up and down the numerous rivers flowing downwards from the snow covered peaks.2 They were prolific artisans, and though less known, their stone beadwork, bone and wood carvings, and pottery are also outstanding. Their featherwork and textiles, though described as fabulously ornate and beautiful by the Spanish conquistadors, have not survived.

Up until the 1970s, only five archaeologists had actually worked in the area around Santa Marta: John Alden Mason with the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago in 1922-23, Gregory Mason for his dissertation at the University of Southern California in 1936, Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff and his wife Alicia Dussán between 1946 and 1949, and Henning Bischof in the 1960s.3 Their work concentrated on coastal sites currently located within Tairona Natural Park (Parque Nacional Natural Tairona), and it was Alden Mason’s research that led to the initial discovery of Pueblito, a large Tairona town where he excavated most of the objects currently on display at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.  Subsequent investigations by Reichel-Dolmatoff and Dussán, and Bischof made it the best-known Tairona town until the discovery of Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida. Despite their work, little was known about the extent of Tairona settlements in the general area, and there was next to no information on towns and sites located higher up on the mountain slopes. 19th century travelers such as Simons and Elisée Reclus, the French anarchist geographer, mentioned in their writings that they had seen and walked upon long staircases and stone-paved paths that wound their way up the mountain, so it was highly probable that Tairona towns and settlements were not confined to the coast. Yet no archaeologist had explored the upper slopes of the mountain. Covered in tropical forest, with a broken topography that makes movement and exploration incredibly difficult, it was not until the 1970s that the extent of Tairona settlements on the northern and western sides of the mountain became clear.

Beginning in 1973 and up until 1976, the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología-ICAN (Colombian Institute of Anthropology) began an ambitious project led by two of its archaeologists, Luisa Fernanda Herrera and Gilberto Cadavid, whose objective was to systematically survey as many river basins as possible on the western and northern sides of the mountain, locating Tairona settlements throughout the area.4  Around the same time (1973), Paul Bahn, Richard Luckyn, and Patrick Jacquelin, who were then students at Cambridge University, organized an expedition to survey the Mendihuaca, Buritaca, and Don Diego rivers on the northern side of the mountain.5 Jack Wynn, a U.S. archaeologist, was also conducting fieldwork for his dissertation in the lower Buritaca River. All things considered, either one of the three projects/expeditions could have found Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida. It was simply a question of time, timing, and a bit of luck. When Paul Bahn and I met in 2009 in New York for lunch and he kindly gave me his copy of their expedition’s report, he expressed that not finding Ciudad Perdida had been a sore disappointment. In fact, the disappointment is shared by many of us, for no archaeologist discovered Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida. By the beginning of 1976 however, Herrera and Cadavid had located 199 Tairona villages and towns that spread from the western to the northern side of the mountain.6 The extent and density of the settlements was a surprise, and served to show that the 16th century Spanish documents describing the Sierra Nevada as “full of peoples and towns” were not an exaggeration.

As the story was narrated to Luisa by the guides during the trip, it was in fact Julio César Sepúlveda, the son of a professional looter by the name of Florentino Sepúlveda living nearby on the Guachaca River, who happened to find the city during a hunting trip, some time around 1975.7 A bird he shot fell on an exposed stone step of the staircase that led up to the site. At that time, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta was literally crawling with looters in search of Tairona gold, and over 5,000 of them were employed by various patrons who funded their looting expeditions. The Sepúlveda family began to quietly and systematically loot the town, but other “guaqueros” (looters) soon got wind of the fabulous gold objects they were finding and tracked them up the Buritaca River. As usually happens in this line of business, the rival crews worked out who had “rights” over the area with shotguns and rifles. In the ensuing firefight, Julio César was killed, and the word spread like wildfire among the looters that a fabulous Tairona city in the Buritaca had been found and that “guaqueros” were killing each other over the gold. In the aftermath, one of the patrons, a man by the name of Jorge Barón who had funded the looting expeditions to the site, unexpectedly contacted the director of the Gold Museum in Bogotá and proposed a “joint venture”, wherein they would share the profits of the finds. Utterly perplexed by this strange offer, the director of the Gold Museum alerted the director of ICAN, who in turn called upon Louisa and Gilberto to set up an expedition to this place out in the middle of nowhere – a place that guaqueros were calling “el infierno” (hell) due to its remoteness and isolation.

Reaching Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida by foot today usually takes visitors 4 to 6 days round trip, with plenty of strenuous hiking along a 16 mile trail. At that time, however, there were no open trails, outfitters or guides, and the upper sections of the Guachaca and Buritaca rivers were completely uninhabited. Faint hunting tracks criss-cross the forest, and it is very easy to get lost or disoriented. A few homesteaders lived further down river and indigenous Kogi families had just begun colonizing the upper sections of the watersheds, which were completely covered in tropical montane forest and had been completely uninhabited for almost 400 years. No one, apart from the “guaqueros” actually knew how to get there.

The archaeologists traveled to Santa Marta and spoke with Jaime Barón, who introduced them to two of the looters who had been “working” the site and had agreed to guide them. Bernardo Valderrama, an architect, and Lucía Rojas, another archaeologist working for ICAN, had also joined the team by then. Given the difficulties of reaching the site on foot, an army helicopter was chartered, and the looters were able to lead them up the river canyon up to a narrow hill overlooking the Buritaca River at an elevation of 3300 feet above sea level. The hilltop was completely covered in dense forest; with towering Tagua palm trees over 120 feet high that made it impossible to land. The pilot suggested they lower themselves by rope, but without knowing how far below the canopy they would find solid ground, the idea was extremely risky and reckless, so they rapidly abandoned it after some discussion. The team was forced to go back to the military base and approach the site on foot, crossing the Guachaca River basin and then slowly moving up the Buritaca River until they reached the partially exposed staircase the looters were using to climb up to the site.

It took the team five grueling days to reach “el infierno”, sleeping under a plastic tarp and palm leaf shelters in the forest to protect themselves from the nightly downpours. Along the way, Lucía Rojas had to stay at a homesteader’s farm because her feet, according to Luisa, had become a single large blister that made it impossible for her to walk. The guides insisted that “no woman” had ever made it to “el infierno”. Rivers and streams were crossed several times and they were constantly wet and cold beneath the rainforest. The idea of turning back reared up its ugly head a few times, but according to Luisa, she was willing to head up to the site accompanied by a single guide if need be. In the end, Luisa, Gilberto, and Bernardo reached the site with their two guides,  “El Negro” Rodríguez and Franky Rey. (Franky later on became the first foreman and site administrator for Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida Park). What they found soon became Colombia’s most important archaeological find in the 20th century and an iconic archaeological park for Colombia in general.*

The team camped out at the site for three days under a palm frond shelter, rationing their meager supplies that were attacked on a nightly basis by opossums and rats. Wet and bedraggled from the constant rain, mud, and the evening fog that completely covered the hilltop, they began clearing out bits and pieces of the site. As they explored the forest-covered town, they could see the lunar-like landscape left by the looters: scores of holes and broken potsherds littering the forest floor. But by lightly clearing some areas they also became aware of the stone masonry walls, staircases, and flagstone paved terraces that were everywhere. The more they cleared the more they found, and as Luisa has often told me when we discuss that moment, the visible remains of stone structures simply kept going on and on along the ridgeline and slopes of the hill top. After three days, their food ran out and they were forced to head back to the trailhead and from there on to Santa Marta. Back in Bogotá, they tried to explain to ICAN’s director, Álvaro Soto, the significance of what they had seen.

By June of 1976, ICAN set up a major research and conservation project that spanned 5 years, opening Teyuna Ciudad Archaeological Park to the public in 1981. Officially, Louisa and Gilberto named the site “Buritaca 200”, given that it was the 200th Tairona site they had found and it was located on the Buritaca River basin. Bernardo Valderrama, the architect who was with them, is responsible for the name “Ciudad Perdida”, The Lost City. Much sexier than “B-200”, the moniker stuck and by the mid 2000s the name of the park officially became Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida Archaeological Park. Additional work between 1981 and 1986 led to the discovery of another 26 Tairona villages and towns of varying sizes located in the surrounding area. Since the park was opened, ICAN (now ICANH, Colombian Institute for Anthropology and History) has been in charge of research, conservation, and management.8 Two structures, a nuhue and a huitema, ceremonial houses used by kogi men and women respectively, were built in 1999 to accommodate the periodic rituals carried out by the indigenous community that now lives in the area.9


perdida5The team arrives on the third day at the farm of a homesteader by the name of Gertrudis. Lucia Rojas had to remain here due to blistered feet. (L to R) “El Negro” Rodríguez, Louisa, Bernardo, Gilberto, Franky. Courtesy Louisa Fernanda Herrera


perdida7The team resting on a fallen log after a four-hour climb to the top of “amansa guapos” (man tamer) hill on the way to Ciudad Perdida. Note the dense forest fog surrounding them. (L to R) Franky, Gilberto, Luisa and Rodríguez. Courtesy Luisa Fernanda Herrera


perdida6Franky Rey, the looter who would go on to become Ciudad Perdida’s first administrator, standing atop a vegetation covered staircase. Courtesy Luisa Fernanda Herrera


perdida8Left to right, Bernardo, Lucia, Gilberto, Frank, Luisa, and “El Negro” Rodriguez resting after the expedition to Ciudad Perdida. Courtesy Luisa Fernanda Herrera


Research and Conservation from 1977-2014

What visitors see today when they reach Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida is the product of 37 years of research and conservation work. The areas of the town, or city if you will, that are currently open to the public extend over 80 acres, but the protected area comprises over 400 acres and includes three additional sites that are not open to the public: Garage 1 and 2, and B-201, which are currently under research. During the initial phase of the ICAN project, 85% of the town was cleared and restored, with excavation work concentrating on domestic structures. When the archaeologists arrived in June of 1976, it became apparent that looter crews had returned and practically destroyed some of the more important structures in their hurry to find whatever gold they could before the site was closed to them by ICAN. Much conservation work in those years entailed fixing this damage, but the town is large enough that numerous structures went untouched. Unfortunately, the looters did get away with many of the most spectacular finds, which were gold and pottery objects associated with single burials located within the rammed earth and stone masonry terraces. None of these objects, all acquired by private buyers, have been recovered.

Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida was laid out over the hilltop in such a fashion that its administrative and political center covers a narrow ridgeline, with residential wards located towards the slopes. The ridgeline and slopes were leveled out using a combination of rammed earth and masonry terraces, and round buildings with stone foundations were set upon them. A 10,000 square foot terrace, for example, has multiple round or oval buildings and is connected to adjacent terraces via paved walkways or staircases. At this point, less than 10% of the town has been excavated, but more importantly, for the first time archaeologists were able to understand what a Tairona town actually looked like. It has been fully mapped and surveyed twice, the first time by Guillermo Rodriguez and Margarita Serje in 1980, and the second time by an ICANH-Global Heritage Fund archaeological and topographic survey crew in 2011.  

One of the more striking features of Tairona architecture and settlement layout (that became apparent as the site was slowly uncovered), is its apparently informal, curvilinear, low-density, and spacious quality, with residential wards and ceremonial/feasting areas spread out over extremely broken, mountainous terrain. In contradistinction to most other early towns and cities studied by archaeologists in the Americas, where square or rectangular rooms along with masonry walls, corridors and doorways are used to parse out, divide, subdivide, and restrict built space, Tairona settlements make use of open terracing without walled divisions and emphasize roundness in built structures. For most visitors, this makes it quite difficult to understand what was used for what purposes, since most everything looks exactly the same and functional differences between structures have to be teased out through excavation.

The open architecture that is a characteristic of Tairona towns makes it very difficult to know what constitutes private or public space. In a town such as Ciudad Perdida that by A.D. 1500 would have had 2500 to 3000 inhabitants, everyone would have been on view to everyone all the time as they moved about or worked in the open spaces and patios. Circulation and movement throughout the town would have been completely unrestricted, with multiple paths available for reaching different areas. In other words, unlike our own circulation pattern, which enforces movement along prescribed pathways using walls and corridors, Tairona societies emphasized unrestricted flow and movement. As such, the network of paved pathways connecting structures to one another at Ciudad Perdida allows a visitor to move about in various ways between different parts of the town. Finding your way within the town actually requires creating a mental map of pathways and circulation patterns that can then be followed in different combinations depending on where you want to go. These are in fact hub and spoke arrangements, with a terrace and residential building working as a hub that is connected to other terraces and residential areas via multiple paths (spokes). In a town such as this one where everyone is on view to everyone and movement is unrestricted, day to day interaction would probably have followed a number of sociocultural norms and clues regarding who can or cannot enter certain spaces, and who can or cannot use specific pathways. This radically different way of conceiving and conceptualizing built space is also what makes studying the Tairona so fascinating.

Research carried out for my dissertation between 2005 and 2010 also concentrated on understanding the deeper history of places such as Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida and Pueblito.10 The radiocarbon dates secured during the 1980s suggested that Ciudad Perdida dated to the 11th century A.D., but there were no dates for Pueblito, which made it hard to understand whether places such as these had followed common or divergent trajectories. We knew that they had been abandoned sometime around the 1600s due to a combination of diseases brought in by the Spanish and cyclical warfare with them, but we knew very little about what had happened before that. In the 1960s, Henning Bischof found a particular type of pottery that differed significantly from the Tairona wares that we already knew. The people who had produced the pottery appeared to be from an earlier time period that he called Neguanje. He assigned a tentative range of A.D. 500-750 to this time period, but had no radiocarbon dates to support his hypothesis. A few years later, Wynn found these types of pottery in his own research but like Bischof was unable to date them. Subsequent research along the coast found some burials from this period but no habitation sites. It was assumed that these particular people were the predecessors of the Tairona but the data was still insufficient to establish a direct and unequivocal relationship.

Ironically but unsurprisingly, while we were carrying out the architectural and topographic survey of Pueblito near the coast we were able to locate Neguanje period structures buried deep below Tairona terraces and structures on view to visitors and archaeologists alike. They had been, so to speak, underneath our noses all this time but had gone unnoticed by previous projects. Two overlapping Neguanje period dwellings, for example, were found almost 9 feet below the surface of a Tairona period terrace at Pueblito. In subsequent excavations at Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida we found the same pattern: earlier occupations and structures buried below structures that had been on view to everyone. When I discussed these findings in 2010 with Alicia Dussán, she indicated that it was quite clear that they had not been found because of the clean and very thick layers of fill separating the occupation levels. This had led them to assume only sterile layers of fill were to be found below Tairona household floors.

This finding has allowed us to better understand the construction sequence of these places in a more nuanced and subtle fashion. Radiocarbon dates from buried occupations at both sites suggest that they were initially settled some time between A.D. 500 and A.D. 700, and grew relatively slowly up until A.D. 1100, reaching a size of about 30 acres. Core area plazas, terracing, and structures were then rapidly built some time between A.D. 1100 and A.D. 1200 and remained unchanged until A.D. 1600. That is, these areas were used and reused continuously but saw no major changes in their architectural layout. Yet both towns continued to expand after this time period, with growth concentrating mainly in residential areas. It is now clear that the Neguanje period peoples were directly related to the Tairona, and that there is a deeper time frame to the inhabitation and transformation of the northern and western side of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. As exciting as this new information is, further research on these buried occupations faces serious challenges. To be able to excavate them properly we would have to dig through Tairona structures, dismounting paved floors, house foundation rings, retaining walls, and staircases. This of course is a very prickly issue because both Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida and all other archaeological sites in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta are considered national heritage. For the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada (Ijku, Kankuamo, Kogi, and Wiwa communities), the site is a sacred place that should not be disturbed by research activities. For these reasons, further investigation of this particular time period and its relationship to how these towns grew and developed requires rethinking research design and excavation methods. With the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History and Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida’s conservation team, we are currently assessing the use of minimally intrusive methodologies such as Ground Penetrating Radar, magnetometry and other such sub-surface mapping techniques.


perdida14Tairona circulation patterns emphasize free flowing movement. The central area terraces have numerous internal paths and adjacent, integrated sidewalks such as these that would have allowed people to move about freely between the different parts of the town. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida16The “piedras” (stones) sector of the town has many beautifully built structures, but its main characteristic is the use of large boulders as foundation for terraces and rings. Much of the stone used to build Ciudad Perdida was quarried in this area, where laminar schist boulders such as the one on the right in the photograph can be found strewn about the slopes of the hill. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida15In higher status dwellings, perfect circles of cut and dressed stone elevated above the terrace are achieved by using trapezoidal-shaped cut blocks with a curved edge. Notice also the two entrances. Masons had to work in situ to be able to assemble these rings. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida13Spanish documents from the 16th century mention that Tairona family structure was polygamous. An extended family at Ciudad Perdida would have inhabited one or more interconnected terraces with various dwellings and structures such as these. This is a large terrace with two stone foundation rings. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida9Excavations all along Ciudad Perdida’s central sector in 2006 showed that this part of the town was built in a single push between A.D. 1100-1200. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida10As part of the Master Management Plan and as a way of correcting a number of errors found in the 1980 map of the town, we surveyed and mapped Ciudad Perdida using total stations and set in brass benchmarks linked to Colombia’s geodetic grid. February 2011. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida4Map showing the distribution of Tairona sites located to date in the northern and western faces of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Blank areas have not been surveyed, but we know they hold numerous sites that still need to be mapped. Credit Santiago Giraldo


Current Projects

In recent years (2010-2014) and in my capacity as Colombia Program Director for the Global Heritage Fund, our efforts at Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida have concentrated on solving a great number of issues and problems that emerged in the past 30 years that threatened the park’s future. In alliance with the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History, the Colombian Park Service, the outfitters and guides, and the indigenous and peasant councils of the Buritaca Basin we have developed a number of heritage conservation, environmental, and community development projects that will hopefully ensure sustainable visitation in the foreseeable future. 11

Up until 2007, due to Colombia’s internal conflict, conservation work at the park came to a standstill. The general area was under the control of paramilitary groups and most peasant families lived off of coca production, which meant that developing any sort of project in the area was a risky endeavor. To make matters even worse, and though tourists trickled into the park even under these conditions, a kidnapping in 2003 of 8 tourists by the ELN insurgent group (Ejército de Liberación Nacional) placed the site on every country’s travel warning list. This also forced ICANH to bring down all park rangers, which made basic maintenance work a nightmare. Facilities deteriorated completely, sections of the site were overgrown with vegetation, and it was impossible to control visitation. After the 2007 demobilization agreements between the Colombian government and the paramilitary groups the situation was quite desperate and there was next to no funding available for the park. In 2009, GHF and ICANH designed a six-year project aimed at setting the park back on its feet, involving a three-pronged strategy focusing on improving management and conservation activities at the park and carrying out a number of much needed community development projects between the trailhead town and the park itself.

Between 2010 and 2012, GHF and ICANH concentrated on designing a management and conservation plan for Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida, a crucial factor that had gone unresolved since the park opened in 1981. Without the management plan, it was extremely difficult for ICANH personnel unfamiliar with the park and its history to understand long-standing problems and difficulties and thus envision strategies to resolve them. Hence, a multiplicity of projects have been developed, either to provide much needed data required for decision-making purposes or to set in motion activities suggested by the management plan. For example, the town was surveyed and mapped once again in 2011. This corrected a number of inaccuracies present in the 1980 map and gave us a Digital Elevation Model or DEM, to work with for setting up visitation circuits, buffer zones, and delimiting a protected area. Satellite imagery for the whole basin from various remote sensors was acquired, maps were updated, and we began to groundtruth the 26 sites in the vicinity of Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida. We have also begun to slowly add new sites missed during the 1980s. Each one of the structures within the area open to the public was assessed for damages and a comprehensive conservation plan was designed and set in motion. Since 2010, and for the first time since it opened to the public, conservation teams have worked every year. As I mentioned previously, research, mapping and survey work continued during 2013 at Garage 1 and 2, and B-201, sites located within the protected area delimited by the management plan.

In turn, community development projects have encompassed a wide range of activities. These have included designing new curricular materials for the trailhead school aimed at heritage and environmental conservation, wilderness first aid training for all guides, providing rescue equipment at key lodges, setting up gray and black water treatment systems for lodges, building a 90-foot-long suspension bridge at a particularly dangerous ford in the river, and building a new health post at the indigenous village of Mutanzhi. In 2012, a team of researchers from SELVA and Panthera-Colombia carried out a much needed biodiversity evaluation, aided by members of the indigenous and peasant communities. This project provided basic data needed to assess visitor impact on wildlife along the trail, thus providing baseline data allowing us to fine tune the carrying capacity assessment. Researchers also collected data on large felines with camera traps. We were able to find out that at least five puma and two jaguars, along with a healthy population of ocelots, are permanent residents along the trail. SELVA researchers also taught several workshops on bird identification and a wildlife guide for the trail was printed out and distributed at all lodges so that visitors could also learn about the incredible range of fauna along the trail.

From 2014 to 2016 we will be concentrating on expanding our mapping and survey work a bit further upriver to include a site by the name of “Tigres”. Located approximately 2.3 miles upriver, Tigres (also known as B-203 in the literature) was located in 1978 and initially mapped and investigated between 1980 and 1981. Even though it is a relatively small site of approximately 8-12 acres with some 50-60 structures, for many years now, looters have systematically targeted the site A rumor among the looters gave it its name, since a few of them claimed to have found jaguar figurines made out of gold.12 During a visit in 2010 we became aware that looters continued to “work” the site and so it was decided with ICANH that we should try and recover as much information as possible before the site was completely lost.

At Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida, Conservation activities will continue to be developed on a yearly basis according to the management plan, as well as detailed architectural mapping of each structure intervened by the team. Because the only available landing area for army helicopters to bring in provisions for soldiers stationed at the site is the 1100-1200 A.D. central platform, we would also like to be able to install vibration sensors. This will give us hard data on how landing and takeoff affect the structure. New personnel facilities are also in the process of being designed, and we hope to increase the number of park rangers from four to seven.

In sum, though much has been gained in the past four years and everyone has pitched in to solve issues and problems going back more than three decades, we still have much to do. Then again, there is still much to be learned about the Tairona. 


perdida11Due to the extremely heavy rainfall in and around Ciudad Perdida (over 157 inches per year), as well as tourist visitation, the staircase leading in to the site needed to be restored early this year. All conservation activities are part of a Master Conservation Plan designed by Ciudad Perdida’s head conservator, Ms. Catalina Bateman. The basic crew is headed by Walter Hinojosa, conservation supervisor. January 2014. Credit Santiago Giraldo


perdida12Community development in the area encompasses a wide range of activities that I co-design with indigenous and peasant leaders after extensive discussions. In late 2012 we agreed with the indigenous authorities that a new Health Post was needed at the Kogi village of Mutanzhi, on the trail to Ciudad Perdida. Throughout 2013 Global Heritage Fund raised funds from various sources, and construction began in March of 2014. The health center is being built using superadobe, a stabilized soil building technique that minimizes the use of cement and brick and provides great formal flexibility. The indigenous community has provided labor and materials such as wood, sand, stone, and soil. Here we can see the indigenous crew taking a break after hauling sand. May 2014. Credit Santiago Giraldo


Individuals interested in learning more about Ciudad Perdida and/or contributing to the efforts at the site may go to the Global Heritage Fund website for more details.

*The park currently receives about 8500 visitors per year. Any good guidebook to South America has instructions on how to get to the site and contact information for the different outfitters. Also, the 2009 English edition of the Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida Guidebook is freely available at ICANH’s website.

References and relevant bibliography

Bahn, Paul, Richard Luckyn, and Patrick Jacquelin. 1973. “Cambridge Expedition to Santa Marta, Colombia  Summer 1973.” Unpublished expedition report. Cambridge.


Bischof, Henning. 1961. News Report from Bischof: Colombia. In Katunob 2(3):41-45 Magnolia

—–1969a. Contribuciones a la cronología de la cultura Tairona Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists. pp.259-269.

—–1969b. La Cultura Tairona en el Area Intermedio. In Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists. pp. 271-280.


Cadavid, Gilberto, and Luisa F. Herrera. 1985. “Manifestaciones Culturales En El Area Tairona.” Informes Antropológicos 1: 5–54. Bogota: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología


Dever, Alejandro. 2007. Social and Economic Development of a Specialized Community in Chengue, Parque Tairona, Colombia. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Pittsburgh


Giraldo, Santiago. 2010. “Lords of the Snowy Ranges: Politics, Place, and Landscape Transformation in Two Tairona Towns in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia”. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Chicago: University of Chicago.

—–2009. Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida Guidebook. Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia.


Groot de Mahecha, Ana María. 1985. Arqueología y Conservación de la localidad precolombina de Buritaca 200 en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.  Informes Antropológicos 1. 55-102. Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología.


Herrera, Luisa Fernanda. 2013. “El Hallazgo de Ciudad Perdida.” Unpublished document

—–1984a. “Agricultural Activity in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia): Historical Perspective.” In La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia) Transecto Buritaca la Cumbre, Thomas van der Hammen and Pedro M. Ruiz, Eds, 501–30. Berlin-Stuttgart: J.Cramer.

—–1984b. “Buritaca 200: Survey of the Archaeology and a Palynological Investigation.” In La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia) Transecto Buritaca la Cumbre, Thomas van der Hammen and Pedro M. Ruiz, Eds, 531–46. Berlin and Stuttgart: J.Cramer.


Mason, John Alden. 1931. Archaeology of Santa Marta, Colombia: The Tairona Culture: Marshall Field Archaeological Expedition to Colombia, 1922-23. Field Museum of Natural History. Anthropological Series 304, 358, 446. Vol. XX, no. 1-3. Chicago.


Mason, Gregory. 1938. “The Culture of the Taironas”. Unpublished Dissertation, University of Southern California.


Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo. 1951. Datos historico-culturales sobre las tribus de la antigua Gobernación de Santa Marta. Santafé de Bogotá: Imprenta del Banco de la República.

—–1953. Contactos y cambios culturales en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 1 (1): 15-122.

—–1954a. Investigaciones Arqueológicas en la Sierra Nevada de Santa . Marta. Partes 1-2. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 2(2): 147-106.

1954b. Investigaciones Arqueológicas en la Sierra Nevada de Santa  Marta. Parte 3. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 3: 141-170.

—–1954c. A Preliminary Study of Space and Time Perspective in Northern Colombia. American Antiquity, 4: 352-66.


Simons, F.A.A. 1879. Notes on the Topography of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography 1, 11 (Nov): 689-694.

_____. 1881. On the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Its Watershed (State of Magdalena, U.S. of Colombia). Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography 3, 12 (Dec): 705-723.


Soto, Alvaro. 1988. La Ciudad Perdida de Los Tayrona. Bogotá: Neotrópico.


Wynn, Jack. 1974. Buritaca Ceramic Chronology: a seriation from the Tairona Area, Colombia. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Missouri.



[1] Simons 1881, 722.

[2] A simple web search for Tairona gold work will throw thousands of images. Almost a full third of the Gold Museum´s collection (34,000 pieces) is comprised of Tairona gold artifacts.

[3] Mason, John Alden. 1931. Archaeology of Santa Marta, Colombia: The Tairona Culture: Marshall Field Archaeological Expedition to Colombia, 1922-23. Field Museum of Natural History. Anthropological Series 304, 358, 446. Vol. XX, no. 1-3. Chicago.;

Mason, Gregory. 1938. “The Culture of the Taironas”. Unpublished Dissertation, University of Southern California.

Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo. 1951. Datos historico-culturales sobre las tribus de la antigua Gobernación de Santa Marta. Santafé de Bogotá: Imprenta del Banco de la República.; 1951. Contactos y cambios culturales en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 1 (1): 15-122. ; 1954a. Investigaciones Arqueológicas en la Sierra Nevada de Santa . Marta. Partes 1-2. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 2(2): 147-106. ; 1954b. Investigaciones Arqueológicas en la Sierra Nevada de Santa  Marta. Parte 3. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 3: 141-170. 1954c. A Preliminary Study of Space and Time Perspective in Northern Colombia. American Antiquity, 4: 352-66.

Bischof, Henning. 1961. News Report from Bischof: Colombia. In Katunob 2(3):41-45 Magnolia

1969a. Contribuciones a la cronología de la cultura Tairona Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists. pp.259-269. 1969b. La Cultura Tairona en el Area Intermedio. In Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists. pp. 271-280.

[4] Cadavid, Gilberto, and Luisa F. Herrera. 1985. “Manifestaciones Culturales En El Area Tairona.” Informes Antropológicos 1: 5–54.

[5] Bahn, Paul, Richard Luckyn, and Patrick Jacquelin. 1973. “Cambridge Expedition to Santa Marta, Colombia  Summer 1973.”

[6] Based on further archaeological evidence from river basins east of the Buritaca and other unexplored areas, both Luisa and I agree that there are more than the 260 Tairona sites located to date. If the same settlement densities hold for the other basins, the total number of Tairona towns and villages probably exceeds 500.

[7] Herrera, Luisa Fernanda. 2013. “El Hallazgo de Ciudad Perdida.” Unpublished document.

[8] An account of the Ciudad Perdida project can be found in Soto Holguín, Alvaro. 1988. La ciudad perdida de los tayrona. Bogotá: Neotrópico. About 98% of the academic literature on Ciudad Perdida is in Spanish. All unpublished excavation reports can be found at ICANH’s library in Bogotá.

[9] The upper section of the Buritaca River was completely uninhabited up until about the early 1960s when homesteaders slowly began moving up the river and indigenous Kogi families moved in from the Don Diego River towards the east. The Kogi village of Mutanzhi, which lies on the trail to Teyuna-Ciudad Perdida, is actually quite recent and dates to 1986.

[10] Giraldo, Santiago. 2010. “Lords of the Snowy Ranges: Politics, Place, and Landscape Transformation in Two Tairona Towns in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia”. Chicago: University of Chicago.

[11] The project has been successful thanks to the generous support of a great many donors and agencies such as CitiFoundation, Morgan Family Foundation, Fondo Patrimonio Natural (Colombia)- USAID Conservation Landscapes Program, Fundación Bolívar-Davivienda (Colombia), and private donors in Colombia, the United States, and Europe. Allied foundations such as OPePA (Colombia), SELVA (Colombia), Panthera-Colombia, and Fundación Puentes de la Esperanza (Colombia) have all contributed with expertise and in-kind support as well. Without the unwavering commitment of the guides, Kogi indigenous community of Mutanzhi, and the campesino community, none of these activities would have been possible. ICANH has consistently sought to increase the park’s budget in the past four years and provided substantial conservation co-funding.

[12] In the Sierra, jaguars are usually called “tigres” (tigers) by the indigenous and peasant population rather than jaguares.

Unearthing the City of Agamemnon

Christofilis Maggidis is currently Director of Glas, Assistant to the Director of Mycenae, and President of the Mycenaean Foundation with nearly three decades of field experience at major archaeological sites, including Mycenae, Glas, Crete (Archanes, Idaion Cave), and Akrotiri (Thera). Since receiving his post-doctorate from Brown University and a research fellowship from Harvard, his research and teaching interests focus primarily on Minoan and Mycenaean art and archaeology, but they also include topics in Greek sculpture and architecture. Maggidis is the author of many articles, international conference papers, and three forthcoming books.

Homer, the great singer of tales, describes Mycenae as well built (euktimene), with wide streets (euryagyia), and rich in gold (polychrysos) in his famous epic poems Iliad and Odyssey. Such epithets were used repeatedly, interchangeably and rather conventionally for various cities in the formulaic language of Greek oral epic poetry – but not so for Mycenae. These three Homeric words epitomize vividly and effectively the complex archaeological picture of Mycenae that has emerged in the last two centuries. Systematic excavations and surveys of the site have revealed an imposing citadel fortified with massive cyclopean walls – a marvel of engineering – which comprised a magnificent palace, shrines and temples, workshops and storerooms, houses, and royal graves; outside the citadel walls was evidence of a large and densely populated town, extensive cemeteries with richly furnished royal shaft graves and monumental tholos tombs, an impressive water supply system of clay pipes, channels, underground cisterns, and dams; and finally, an extensive road network was traced connecting the citadel with its surrounding region and with select ports that gave access to trade routes all over the Mediterranean. Mycenae, a World Heritage site, was the leader of a closely-knit network of palatial states that shared a homogeneous culture – the fabled Mycenaean civilization.               

The citadel of Mycenae, comprising an area of 30,000 m2, was built on a low rocky hill rising 278 m above sea level and approximately 40-45 m above the surrounding plain. The hill of Mycenae is nestled between two mountains, Profitis Elias to the north and Zara to the south, from which it is separated by two ravines formed by winter torrents, Kokoretsa and Chavos, respectively; it is, therefore, a natural stronghold, protected by deep gorges and steep rocky sides all around, except its western slope which is the only accessible side. The natural defensibility of the site was further enhanced by a formidable 900 m-long circuit wall built of huge boulders in the megalithic ‘cyclopean’ technique to imposing dimensions (12-15 m high and 5-8 m thick); furthermore, the citadel was supplied with fresh water by the Perseia spring which lies 360 m to the east and approximately 13 m higher than its summit. The hill of Mycenae and the adjacent mountains belong to the western part of the Arachnaion mountain range that divides the Argolid from Corinthia, and rise at the mouth of the only passage connecting the two regions and in the crossroads of the eastward routes to the Saronic Gulf. The hill of Mycenae, therefore, combines a strong geopolitical location, which controls access points to and from the Argolid, and a commanding view of the Argive plain to the south below.


mycenae1Map of the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, showing relative location of Mycenae.


           A Brief History of Mycenae and the Mycenaean World

The first Greeks descended through the Balkans into mainland Greece in ca. 2300/2200 BC (beginning of the Early Helladic III). They settled down mainly in the fertile inland, formed villages and eventually small towns, organized egalitarian societies and developed a distinct regional culture (Middle Helladic) based on agricultural economy and limited trade contacts with the Cyclades and eventually Crete. Rising to power was a long process through trade, diplomatic contacts, and constant warfare abroad and at home during the formative Early Mycenaean period (Late Helladic I-IIA/B, ca. 1650-1420/1410 BC). The Mycenaeans proved to be meticulous students: through increasing contacts with Minoan Crete, their trade horizons gradually expanded from the Balkans and Northern Europe to Egypt, the Levant, Cyprus, and Asia Minor. This gradual expansion is documented in the multicultural amalgam of stylistic, iconographic, technical elements and materials of the exquisite finds in the royal Shaft Graves at Mycenae (Minoan, Egyptian, European/Balkan, Hittite, and Helladic influences), the extensive corpus of foreign imports in Greece (orientalia and aegyptiaca), and the increasing Mycenaean exports abroad. Contemporary iconographical evidence (e.g. flotilla fresco from Akrotiri at Thera, silver Siege Rhyton from Grave Circle A at Mycenae) illustrate some of the early military achievements of the rising new power abroad: raiding jointly with the Minoan fleet foreign exotic lands (Egypt?), sieging and sacking foreign towns. The Mycenaeans were recorded as “Ahhiya” or “Ahhiyawa” (~Homeric Achai(w)oi/Achaeans) in Hittite diplomatic documents already by 1420/1400 BC (since the reign of Tudhaliya II) and as “Danaja”or“Tanaja” (~ Homeric Danaoi) in Egyptian tribute lists like those of Thutmose III (ca. 1450 BC) and Amenhotep III (Karnak, ca. 1380 BC), or on a statue-base from Kom-el-Hetan (ca. 1380 BC), where “Mukanu” or mki[n] (~Mycenae) was listed first among mainland sites. In the following decades, the “Danaja” references in Egyptian sources gradually replaced the earlier “Keftiu” accounts and depictions of Minoan embassies of the 15th century BC, echoing contemporary archaeological evidence for drastic Mycenaean expansion and simultaneous reduction of Minoan presence abroad. This reversal of the political and military situation in the Aegean in the 14th century BC was triggered by the gradual infiltration and, arguably, military presence of the Mycenaeans on Crete in 1420/1410-1370 BC (Late Helladic IIIA1), in the wake of a devastating earthquake which had leveled the Minoan palaces and left the Minoan world in disarray. The Mycenaean occupation of Crete marked for the Minoans the beginning of the end and for the Mycenaeans the end of the beginning.

The Mycenaean world and particularly Mycenae flourished in the following two centuries (ca. 1420/1410-1200/1175 BC), a period known as Palatial Mycenaean or Late Helladic IIIA/B. The Minoan palaces served as modus operandi for the sociopolitical and economic organization of the rising Mycenaean states. This period is marked by regional centralization of power, state formation, and advanced socio-economic organization, geared towards efficient surplus local production and overseas trade, both coordinated and regulated by the palace administration and sustained by palatial bureaucracy (Linear B). At home, the Mycenaean palaces were fortified into citadels, large-scale public works were carried out, and production was systematized; at Mycenae, the cyclopean walls were constructed (1350 BC) and later expanded with the addition of the Lion Gate and postern gate (1250 BC), water supply was secured by means of an underground cistern and dams (1200 BC), a new palatial complex was built to replace an earlier palace (1300/1250 BC), the outer town expanded, and roads and bridges were built to serve the region of Mycenae. Abroad, the Mycenaeans assumed control over the Minoan colonies and trade outposts in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, and further expanded to the east and west, thus firmly establishing their own trade network and successfully succeeding the Minoans in the overseas trade (Mycenaean thalassocracy). A vital sector of the centralized palatial economy and sociopolitical structure, overseas trade required not only a tight network of island and coastal outposts, but also highly effective diplomacy. Diplomatic contacts involved exchange of royal letters and gifts, ambassadors, official royal visits, treaties and bilateral agreements. Certain Mycenaean palaces like Mycenae, Thebes, and Pylos maintained a protagonistic role in overseas trade of luxury/prestige goods and diplomatic contacts at the highest level. The organized trade of luxury/prestige goods which required a well-coordinated control mechanism for acquiring raw materials and producing artifacts or other products to be marketed in exchange, afforded luxury to the elite, while the king’s special access to external prestige goods reinforced royal image and authority. The exquisite artifacts found in tombs in the area of Mycenae, Pylos, and Thebes, as well as the great variety of precious materials recorded in palatial inventory lists and yielded in the archaeological contexts of palatial workshops further document privileged connections and constant contact with Egypt, Anatolia, and the Near East, closely following the successful Minoan archetype.

In the course of the 12th century BC rapid, dramatic, and combined changes in several of the socio-economic, political, and environmental variables affected a fragile balance and triggered a chain reaction whose accumulating effect was progressively magnified and multiplied, resulting inevitably in a catastrophic systems collapse which caused the decline and fall of the Mycenaean world. The latter half of the 13th century BC was marked by intense and frequent seismic activity in certain regions of mainland Greece (two major destruction horizons were recorded at Mycenae in ca. 1240 BC and 1200/1180 BC). These ‘earthquake storms’ caused severe structural damage, local fires, disorganization and disarray, immediate allocation of manpower for costly and energy-consuming repairs, and hence disruption of economic life and trade. A typical example of a low-diversified surplus-geared economy without sufficient alternative resources to fall back to, the Mycenaean economy could hardly withstand and recover from temporary setbacks or survive the combined impact of various factors, such as natural catastrophes (earthquakes, extensive fires, severe climatic conditions, droughts, crop failure), ecological overexploitation, and palatial military/financial overextension. Natural disasters may have acted as catalysts for a catastrophic system failure, inflicting the final blow to the system: they eliminated short-term food supplies, destroyed high-yield specialized agricultural production and livestock, and consequently upset dependent satellite industries (flax, textile, wine and oil industries), disrupted trade, damaged the infrastructure, and demoralized the population. Inevitably, civil unrest, internal wars and raids by starving populations on less affected regions followed, causing decentralization and political fragmentation, dissolution of the socioeconomic nexus, severe depopulation of vital areas, and emigration to the coasts, islands, and overseas. The movement of peoples (called “Sea People” in the Egyptian sources) and the subsequent widespread destructions in Asia Minor and the Levant in the beginning of the 12th century BC led to the collapse of the Hittite Empire, but also eradicated the Mycenaean trade outposts and colonies in the East. The loss of their off-shore trade posts disrupted foreign trade and paralyzed the overseas sector of the centralized palatial economy, which, given the peripheral geopolitical location of Mycenaean Greece, depended on the contact with the main zone of exchange through intermediaries. That must have been another terrible blow to the already distressed and staggering palatial economy, forcing it to fall back on domestic production and isolation. In the course of the 12th century BC many small settlements in several regions (i.e. Argolid, Achaia, Attica, Euboia, Thessaly, islands, Cyprus, Asia Minor) sustained continuity and achieved substantial revival with their limited production and trade capacity, despite the general decline and fragmentation; on the contrary, the citadels of Mycenae, Tiryns, and Thebes, though partially repaired and reoccupied, and despite attempts for economic revival, never fully recovered and were gradually abandoned. The deterioration of the same system that had strengthened central palatial authority through the coordination and regulation of political and socioeconomic life resulted inevitably in the dissolution of the palaces’ power, decentralization and fragmentation of Mycenaean Greece. It appears, therefore, that it was the Mycenaean elite and its diagnostic, key elements (palatial administration and writing, foreign contacts and luxury goods, monumental art and megalithic architecture) that suffered the most from the system meltdown, whereas at a lower level the impact was less direct, and the core of Mycenaean society changed more gradually (in terms of basic material culture and cultural practices) and evolved organically into the Early Iron Age Greece.

           History of Excavations

Mycenae was first explored in 1841 by K. Pittakis on behalf of the Athens Archaeological Society; Pittakis cleared the area of the Lion Gate, the Treasury of Atreus and the Klytemnestra tholos tomb. Mycenae, however, was brought into the spotlight of worldwide acclaim by H. Schliemann in 1874/1876 who, following the description of the ancient traveler Pausanias, discovered five royal shaft graves in Grave Circle A (a sixth shaft grave was later excavated by P. Stamatakis), all furnished with unprecedented treasures of jewelry, weapons, vases, and other exotic artifacts and materials. This discovery, which followed Schliemann’s own excavations at Troy and his discovery there of the so-called ‘Priam’s Treasure,’ secured for Schliemann the title of the ‘father’ of Mycenaean archaeology and established the existence of the Mycenaean civilization (quite befittingly named after the most famous and powerful citadel, the seat of legendary king Agamemnon, and the first to be excavated on mainland Greece). In 1884 Captain B. Steffen mapped the area of Mycenae (Karten von Mykenai). In 1886-1897 Chr. Tsountas excavated most of the citadel, five tholos tombs and over one hundred chamber tombs. In 1920 the British School under A.J.B. Wace took over the investigation of the site; Wace excavated several sectors of the citadel, several buildings outside the walls, four tholos tombs and many chamber tombs, and published his results in monumental publications (1920-1957). Lord W. Taylour continued his work in the cult center of the citadel (1959-1969).  Meanwhile, the Athens Archaeological Society resumed the investigation of the site with the accidental discovery, excavation, and monumental publication of the royal Grave Circle B outside the walls by G. Mylonas and I. Papadimitriou (1951-1954). In 1958 G. Mylonas resumed the investigation of the citadel on behalf of the Athens Archaeological Society; he excavated several sectors of the citadel as well as houses and chamber tombs outside the walls (1958-1988). He was succeeded by S. Iakovidis (1988-2013) who excavated various sectors and buildings inside and outside the citadel and published the results of earlier excavations. Iakovidis conducted jointly with E. French and the British School an extensive archaeological survey of the wider area of Mycenae (Archaeological Atlas of Mycenae). Chr. Maggidis worked with Iakovidis on Building K inside the citadel (2002-2008) and has been publishing earlier excavations (Palatial Workshops); meanwhile, Maggidis conducted an extensive geophysical survey of the surrounding area that led to the discovery of the Lower Town (2003-2013), and has been excavating sectors of the Lower Town since 2007.

           Was there ever a Lower Town at Mycenae?

Since the commencement of the systematic investigation of Mycenae by Heinrich Schliemann in 1874, the excavation of the site has focused mainly on the citadel itself, comprising approximately 70% of the total fortified area. Outside the walls, work has been limited to royal cemeteries of shaft graves and tholos tombs, and a fair part of the extant chamber tomb cemeteries stretching farther on the hill slopes around Mycenae. Unfortunately, only a very small segment of the settlement once surrounding the citadel (12-13 completely or partially excavated buildings) has been brought to light, mainly west or north of the citadel. Although some of these structures are clearly domestic units (Panagia group), others (Oil-Merchant complex) appear to have been a combination of residential areas, storerooms, and workshops, which are plausibly interpreted as palatial buildings and annexes connected with palatial economy, bureaucracy and administration. An extensive archaeological survey which was jointly conducted by the Athens Archaeological Society and the British School at Athens in the 1990s, located, identified and mapped all visible remains throughout the wider area of Mycenae (32 hectares), including more than 750 sites, structures, buildings, guard towers, beacons, wall remains, tombs, roads, and bridges. However, the discovery of scattered, isolated building groups of both palatial and residential use, oddly intermingled with tholos tombs and served by separate drain systems, have led scholars to suggest that the citadel of Mycenae was surrounded by several loosely connected small settlements, each with its own cemetery. According to this theory, such satellite settlements must have gradually expanded from original nuclei in an additive, open plan and eventually framed the highways and roads leading to Mycenae. The alleged absence of large-scale urbanization has been repeatedly hypothesized for Mycenae and other Mycenaean centers. Such views were apparently fueled by the lack of sufficiently extensive excavations of settlements on mainland Greece and especially of the sites surrounding the main palaces and citadels of Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Thebes, Orchomenos, and Athens. This picture, though, is at variance with the textual evidence of the Linear B tablets for Mycenaean political geography, administration, and socioeconomic organization of the Mycenaean states. Furthermore, in recent years intensive and extensive regional surveys on the mainland have produced important spatial analysis of settlement patterns; meanwhile, renewed excavation at palatial sites and their surrounding areas (Mycenae, Tiryns, Thebes, Pylos) and systematic extensive excavation of several Mycenaean settlements combined with the textual evidence and regional survey data, reveal emerging settlement patterns consistent with varying degrees of localized urbanization.

           Detecting the Lower Town

The terraces at the south foothill of the citadel and opposite the Atreus Treasury are located in the most prominent area en route to Mycenae; paradoxically, however, these terraces yielded no visible remains during the archaeological surface survey of the 1990s, apparently due to their deep river alluvium deposits. It was aerial reconnaissance that triggered the detection and led to the discovery of the Lower Town. The software-enhanced analysis of high-resolution aerial photographs of the area around Mycenae, taken in the spring of 1988 and kindly supplied by the Greek Military Geographical Service (G.Y.S.), revealed upon careful inspection distinct ‘ghost traces’ of walls as crop/soil marks on several terraces south of the citadel. These aerial photographs of Mycenae were also used in conjunction with a silo-locating military program (ERDAS Imagine 8.4) that compares visible, recognizable features within the photograph to other features that match the set parameters in order to produce the resulting image of a site prediction model. The areas in red were the most interesting because they picked up likely features in the very same locations targeted by the archaeological survey and highlighted on the aerial photograph as producing ghost traces. These areas (SEB I, SWB I-VII) were finally selected as being most likely to produce promising remote-sensing results and physical remains by excavation.

Subsequently, a systematic geophysical survey was launched at Mycenae by Prof. Chr. Maggidis under the auspices of the Athens Archaeological Society (2003-2013) with the generous funding and technical support of Dickinson College, the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP), the Mycenaean Foundation, and the Geophysical Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Several ground-based remote-sensing methods were combined to map all visible and buried structures in the area around the citadel, to locate buildings, sectors and roads of the settlement of Mycenae outside the walls, and ultimately to create a 3-D digital model of the buried remains of the Lower Town of Mycenae. The targeted area is located immediately south of the citadel on the terraced fields flanking the dry riverbed ravine of Chavos: South East Bank (SEB), South West Bank (SWB). The survey area was selected after careful examination of the local geomorphology (artificially terraced land, thick undisturbed fill, sealed and protected by successive river alluvium deposits) and consideration of several topographical and archaeological variables. More than 50 grids were surveyed with Ground Penetrating Radar, Fluxgate Gradiometer, and Electrometer on six separate terraces on both banks. Plotting and mapping of the survey grids was carried out by means of differential GPS and Total Station. The survey data, the geomorphology of the study area, the archaeological remains and topographical parameters have been integrated in a GIS model.


mycenae2Map of Mycenae, showing location and extent of survey area in relation to the acropolis where the citadel is located.


In general, the remote sensing revealed walls, structures, buildings, features, gates and roads at two different depth ranges (0.40–1 m and 1.20–2 m) which consistently pervade most of the surveyed contexts; these depth ranges define possibly two superimposed occupation horizons, including an overlying Geometric/Archaic and an underlying Mycenaean level, accordingly, which are further set apart by the distinct types, size, and orientation of their structures. The South West Bank grids have produced the most interesting results so far. One of the most important finds of the geophysical survey was identified in the SWB Vb grid: at a depth of –0.68 m emerges a road surface (3 m wide) running N–S (roughly parallel to the modern road and roughly aligned with the Oil-Merchant complex), which may well be the northbound highway leading up to the citadel through the settlement. Two L-shaped, solid features to the north and on either side of the road may be gates or towers, considering their diagnostic shape and large size (at least 3.5 m wide, preserved to a total height of approximately 1 m). This feature is strikingly similar to another structure located at the extreme edge of the Panagitsa hill and labeled by Steffen in 1884 as a gate. What appears, therefore, in the radar image on grid SWB Vb must be the main gate into the Lower Town of Mycenae (Central Gate). Another gate and part of the impressive 5 m-thick outer fortification wall were further traced by the gradiometer on terrace SWB IIb by the western bank of Chavos (East Gate). This gate is connected perhaps with the retaining wall along the western bank and the remains (rock-cuttings) of a Mycenaean bridge at the mouth of the gorge, which it may have served. Several other structures were traced, identified and mapped, including two large buildings (SWB III) and an immense, multi-room compound (SEB I). Furthermore, all nine tholos tombs of Mycenae were surveyed, revealing interesting details of construction and topography. The discovery of these important landmarks sheds new light on the elusive topography and complex road network of the settlement around the citadel of Mycenae, and forms the basis for land expropriation and systematic excavation of the settlement of Mycenae.


mycenae5GPR/Gradiometer map of the Lower Town (excavated area and gates)


The number, size, type, and spatial distribution of the extant features, structures, and buildings traced thus far by remote-sensing seem to support the possibility of a sizable urban center surrounding the citadel on the west, south, and north sides: this town may have extended over an area of ca. 30-50 hectares (with a normal population density of 200 people per hectare), consisting mainly of domestic units and commercial buildings, but also including larger palatial structures and annexes (workshops, offices, storerooms) located closer to the main access roads and highways. The discovery of two gates, associated perhaps with an outer circuit wall, further reinforces the possibility of an organized town plan; to this conclusion point also definite town boundary markers that appear to have been in place already by the late 14th century BC. The peripheral spatial distribution of the cemeteries which form a circle farther around the citadel and the settlement demarcates the borders of the Lower Town, thus revealing a site pattern of three successive and concentric occupation zones (palatial, residential, and cemetery). The discovered buildings outside the walls belong to three different types, the oblong corridor plan, the square version with rooms arranged around a central court, and the megaron type; all three types have been also identified in the radar images on the south, terraced slope. Furthermore, it appears that although the palatial annexes outside the walls were destroyed by earthquake and fire in ca. 1240 BC and were subsequently abandoned, several residential buildings were repaired and continued to be in use well into the 13th/12th c. BC along with a number of chamber tombs, a pattern which is consistent with the composition of a town.

The geoarchaeological study of the Chavos area and the examination of the geomorphology, sedimentology, and stratigraphy of the excavated sectors identified two superimposed natural fills. These fills define two distinct stratigraphical and chronological horizons, namely a thick and coarse reddish-brown sterile colluvial fill with cobbles and boulders emerging at the depth of -2.5 m (water flow) and an overlying red fill with fine sedimentation  (debris flow). The deeper colluvial fill was probably formed by recurring overflows and extensive flooding of the Chavos river, as indicated by the depth of sedimentation and the horizontal grading of the deposited material. The soil micromorphology of this fill reveals traces of ground surface morphogenesis, which means that it must have been exposed to the elements and subject to severe weathering for a prolonged period of time before it was gradually covered by various structures in the Mycenaean period. In the 13th century BC, a strong retaining wall was built alongside the western bank of Chavos following its N-S orientation in order to delineate and narrow down the riverbed, contain the river flow, and protect the adjacent flat land to the west from recurring overflows and flood. This facilitated the spatial re-organization of landscape to accommodate the expansion of the south sector of the Lower Town. The Chavos river was successfully contained, as documented by the deposition of finer sedimentation in later fills and the absence of rocks and boulders therein. The strong water flow was controlled by a water dam which created an artificial pond further south securing water supply for irrigation. All these hydrologic modifications and their relative environmental impact aimed at a drastic transformation and spatial re-organization of the surrounding landscape, thus serving a systematic modification of farmland to domestic, industrial, and burial space. Systematic geoelectrical prospection combined with targeted deep-core drilling and soil micro-morphology further defined the paleogeomorphology of the area and detected ancient hydrologic, landscape, and environmental changes. The decline of Mycenae and gradual abandonment or destruction of the Mycenaean engineering projects (terraces, retaining walls, dams) in the early post-Mycenaean period resulted in the gradual accumulation of a natural red fill, a buildup of soil caused by slope erosion and river overflow over a long period of time (debris flow). This natural fill upon which (or cutting therein) the later Geometric and Archaic structures were founded, emerges at the same depth in the trenches of the excavated sector; therefore, the red fill defines a naturally formed stratigraphical and chronological horizon which seals, protects, and separates the underlying Mycenaean structures and contexts from the overlying superimposed Geometric and Archaic layers, thus connecting the excavated contexts and unifying the stratification of the whole site.

 The final results of the geophysical and geoarchaeological survey are currently publication-ready in a collective volume (forthcoming in 2014).

           Unearthing the Lower Town

The systematic excavation of the Lower Town at Mycenae (2007-) is conducted under the auspices of the Athens Archaeological Society with the generous funding and technical support of Dickinson College, the INSTAP, and the Mycenaean Foundation. The first phase of excavations focused on the South Sector of the settlement, and more specifically on the western part of terraces I/II of the South-West Bank. One acre of the surveyed land was purchased in 2006 with funds from Dickinson College and two more acres were bought in 2011. In the topographical grid of Mycenae, the purchased land falls within grid-squares D4 and E4 (500 × 500m). All the field campaigns so far have targeted the northern part of the purchased land (SWB II), where thirty 5×5m grid squares were excavated yielding substantial structures which had been traced by the geophysical survey with remarkable precision; these include houses, workshops, building complexes, intramural graves, retaining and defensive walls. In general, architectural features and structures of the settlement at Mycenae emerge at the depth of -0.10/0.15 m to the depth of -2.5 m. Their layout and spatial distribution reveal different orientation patterns of chronological significance: Mycenaean buildings in the deeper stratum follow a N-S orientation, parallel to the main northbound road to the citadel, whereas later structures appear to be oriented NW-SE. The Mycenaean structures include a solid and long retaining wall that was possibly connected with a gate (Wall A), and a late Mycenaean/Geometric wall (Wall B and Γ) which may have served as an auxiliary outwork connected with the outer fortification wall of the Lower Town or as a barricade of the Early Iron Age settlement, to judge from its relatively solid construction and size, the presence of an indentation, and the dense distribution of many arrow heads and sling stones in the vicinity of the wall. Mycenaean buildings include Building VII, Building VIII, which is delineated by two solid, well-built walls (Walls Δand E), and an apsidal structure (Building IV) consisting mainly of a solid curved wall which progressively narrows and funnels downwards (3.20 m × 4 m). The apsidal structure was founded directly upon the natural bedrock, which has been carefully hewn to form five successive steps giving access to the bottom of the apsidal structure at a depth of -3 m from ground level. The depth, downward tapering, carved steps, fill sedimentation and wet silt/sandy fills indicating presence of stagnant water in the interior of the apsidal structure corroborate the tentative identification of a cistern or well. The apsidal structure was originally constructed in the late Mycenaean period and continued to be in use as a cistern or well in the following centuries, as indicated by its successive repairs, modifications and extensions, until the Archaic period when it collapsed and finally went out of use, being subsequently filled-in with trash and debris.


mycenae9View of the Lower Town of Mycenae (from north)


mycenae18Overhead view of excavation team at work


mycenae19Trench masters at work


mycenae20C. Maggidis (field director) and A. Tentzeris (foreman) at work


mycenae23Trench assistants at work


The Mycenaean remains were eventually filled-in, sealed, and protected from later intrusions by a thick, sterile, natural red fill which accumulated gradually from slope erosion and river overflow as a result of the abandonment or destruction of the Mycenaean infrastructure in the early post-Mycenaean period. Later on, Geometric (10th-8th c. BC) and Archaic structures (7th/6th c. BC) were founded upon this natural fill (or cutting therein). The most important Geometric structures include a pottery/ivory workshop (Building I) equipped with a cistern (possibly for storage of fine clay), a multi-room house with a courtyard (Building II), which yielded three intramural burials of infants under the floor of Room 4 (G-2, G-3), and two solid circular structures with an inner diameter of 2.5 m abutting the curtailed Wall Γ (Buildings V and VI). Building V was founded upon a Mycenaean building (Building VII), which was embedded in the circular structure to retain and carry its cobbled floor, and, after going out of use, was partially overlaid by an Archaic clay plaster floor. Building V was apparently a silo (granary), used for storing and processing agricultural products, as indicated by its circular ground plan, the discovery of stone tools and grinders, clay loom weights and spools in its interior, and its association with an adjacent and contemporary circular structure of similar use (Building VI). An earlier apsidal structure (Building III) was uncovered below the floor of Room 1 of Building II, consisting of a thin curved wall and an extensive stone layer, which probably formed the floor underlayment of the apsidal building. Building III was founded upon the post-Mycenaean red fill and was sealed by the overlying Middle Geometric Building II, which was founded directly upon its ruins. The apsidal Building III, therefore, should be dated to the Protogeometric (11th/10th c. BC) or Early Geometric period (900-850 BC). Finally, abutting high onto the eastern face of Wall B was found a rectangular, rubble-built cist grave (int. dim. 1.75-1.80 m × 0.75-0.95 m) of E-W orientation, cut into the post-Mycenaean fill. The cist grave G-1 (see Middle Geometric Grave G1 image below) was found practically undisturbed: food offerings and remains of funerary meals were found in situ on top of the grave, which contained a single adult burial interred in a contracted position, resting on its right side with the head oriented westwards and facing south. The articulated skeleton of a young woman was well-furnished with an iron pin (found in situ on the right shoulder-blade), an iron ring (found in situ around a phalanx of the right hand), and five clay vases, carefully lined behind the back of the body (two small footed jars, a small pithoid vase, and a pyxis with lid), or placed in front of the body and beside the right hand (one-handled cup). The cist grave is securely dated to the late 9th century B.C. on the basis of the Middle Geometric Argive pottery and jewelry found in its context. The particular geomagnetic trace of this grave on the geoprospection images is diagnostic of other Geometric graves in the vicinity, where the southern part of the Geometric cemetery of Mycenae must have extended.


mycenae11Aerial views of Lower Town of Mycenae: The excavated area, shown above and in following images


mycenae12             _______________________________________________

mycenae13             _________________________________________________

mycenae15             __________________________________________________

mycenae16Middle Geometric Grave G-1


A great number and wide variety of finds have been retrieved so far, including fragments of Mycenaean and Archaic figurines, flint and obsidian blades, flakes, and cores, stone tools, fragments of stone vases, stone cloth weights, seal-stones, beads and pendants, rings, glass shards, metallic objects, coins, lead sheets, iron nails and hooks, lead clamps for pottery mending, ivory objects, clay loom weights and spools, fresco and plaster fragments, color pigments, carbonized wood, animal bones, shell, roof tiles and abundant pottery (mainly Mycenaean, but also Geometric and Archaic). All excavated soil is sifted, and soil from uncontaminated closed contexts or undisturbed sealed layers is water-sieved. Soil samples are systematically collected for soil micromorphology (intact block samples consolidated with resin) and archaeobotanical analysis. The preliminary study of the archaeobotanical material has identified remains of grape pips, olive stones, figs, cereal grains, barley, and pulses. The analysis of animal bones has identified a wide variety of domesticated animals (sheep, goats, cattle and pigs, dogs, donkey) and wild species (wild boar, deer, red deer, hare).


mycenae25Grave goods from Middle Geometric Grave G-1




mycenae27Lead clamps and iron nails and hooks




mycenae29Stone and metal jewelry


Assessing the Importance of the Lower Town 

The geophysical survey and systematic excavation of the Lower Town at Mycenae (2003-2013) revealed an extensive Mycenaean settlement outside the citadel, which was protected by an outer fortification wall with gates, as well as overlying structures and buildings dating to the Early Iron Age (PG/G houses, workshops, silos, retaining walls, and graves) and the Archaic period, thus establishing for the first time a continuous, well-stratified occupation of Mycenae in all the successive periods from the 13th century BC to the 6th century BC. Such strong confirmation of continued presence following the decline of the palatial center of Mycenae and the subsequent political decentralization, economic collapse, and social dissolution, becomes very important, as it complements and reinforces the post-Mycenaean archaeological picture of transition in the Early Iron Age Argolid (Argos, Tiryns, Mycenae, Asine), and substantiates cultural continuity in the region.

The exploration of the lay-out, borders, size, and landscape of the town has radically changed the topography of Mycenae, and offered a better understanding of Mycenaean town planning and urbanization, and of the interaction between town and palace, production and storage, local workshops and trade patterns, ancient economy and environment. The geopolitical location of Mycenae, the commanding position of the fortified citadel, the interaction dynamics between settlement and palace, the spatial organization of the surrounding landscape and related hydrologic modifications, all pose intriguing geological, archaeological and paleoenvironmental questions. The geophysical survey at Mycenae detected patterns of ancient reorganization and transformation of the landscape, including terracing against soil erosion, successive modifications of farmland to domestic, industrial and burial space, deforestation, intensification and extensification of agricultural production, as suggested by archaeobotanical evidence and ensuing alterations of the water sources towards systematic irrigation. Towards an integrated synthesis, it is essential to understand the dynamics of the monuments with the formation/deformation processes of their related landscape ecosystem and their relative environmental impact. Land development, soil and water management, roads and bridges facilitating circulation and access to farmland, spatial organization, property delineation, and protection of land resources are essential parameters of systematic intensification of agriculture necessitated by a centralized economy.  Such public works of grand scale can only be designed and realized by palatial authorities aiming to appropriate ownership and exert political power. Therefore, land development and water management are also means of property claim which effectively transfer ancestral family/clan/community property rights to palatial management, control, and eventually possession, thus transforming not only landscape but also the dynamics of the socio-economic structure (integrative to coercive). All surveys to date suggest that Mycenae may have played a more significant role within the surrounding landscape than was previously thought, which presents an opportunity to redefine one of the most famous sites in all of Greece.

Finally, the geophysical survey and excavation of this world-renowned site has been offering field training to hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students through the D.E.P.A.S. project of Dickinson College, great opportunities for faculty/student collaborative research, doctoral theses, interdisciplinary collaboration and leading scholarship for scholars and researchers from around the world.


mycenae21Director C. Maggidis holds artifact after discovery of Geometric Grave


For more information see the Project website:

Contact information to participate or donate to the project: contact Prof. Chr. Maggidis at [email protected] and (717) 245-1014

All images, unless otherwise noted, are credit Dickinson Excavation Project and Archaeological Survey of Mycenae.


C. Roberts Chair, Associate Professor of Archaeology

Department of Archaeology, Dickinson College

President of the Mycenaean Foundation

Assistant to the Director, Mycenae

Director, Geophysical & Archaeological Survey of Glas


Address: Keck Archaeology Lab, P.O. Box 1773, Dickinson College, Carlisle PA 17013

Office tel: (717) 245-1014

E-mail: [email protected]

Personal web-page:

Department website:

Mycenae website:

Glas website:


Scientists Develop a Key to Preserving Ancient Paper Documents

WASHINGTON D.C. June 3, 2014 — One of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpieces, drawn in red chalk on paper during the early 1500s and widely believed to be a self-portrait, is in extremely poor condition. Centuries of exposure to humid storage conditions or a closed environment has led to widespread and localized yellowing and browning of the paper, which is reducing the contrast between the colors of chalk and paper and substantially diminishing the visibility of the drawing.

A group of researchers from Italy and Poland with expertise in paper degradation mechanisms was tasked with determining whether the degradation process has now slowed with appropriate conservation conditions — or if the aging process is continuing at an unacceptable rate.

To do this, as they describe in Applied Physics Letters, from AIP Publishing, the team developed an approach to nondestructively identify and quantify the concentration of light-absorbing molecules known as chromophores in ancient paper, the culprit behind the “yellowing” of the cellulose within ancient documents and works of art.

“During the centuries, the combined actions of light, heat, moisture, metallic and acidic impurities, and pollutant gases modify the white color of ancient paper’s main component: cellulose,” explained Joanna Łojewska, a professor in the Department of Chemistry at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. “This phenomenon is known as ‘yellowing,’ which causes severe damage and negatively affects the aesthetic enjoyment of ancient art works on paper.”

Chromophores are the key to understanding the visual degradation process because they are among the chemical products developed by oxidation during aging and are, ultimately, behind the “yellowing” within cellulose. Yellowing occurs when “chromophores within cellulose absorb the violet and blue range of visible light and largely scatter the yellow and red portions — resulting in the characteristic yellow-brown hue,” said Olivia Pulci, a professor in the Physics Department at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

To determine the degradation rate of Leonardo’s self-portrait, the team created a nondestructive approach that centers on identifying and quantifying the concentration of chromophores within paper. It involves using a reflectance spectroscopy setup to obtain optical reflectance spectra of paper samples in the near-infrared, visible, and near-ultraviolet wavelength ranges.

Once reflectance data is gathered, the optical absorption spectrum of cellulose fibers that form the sheet of paper can be calculated using special spectroscopic data analysis.

Then, computational simulations based on quantum mechanics — in particular, Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, which plays a key role in studying optical properties in theoretical condensed matter physics — are tapped to calculate the optical absorption spectrum of chromophores in cellulose.

“Using our approach, we were able to evaluate the state of degradation of Leonardo da Vinci’s self-portrait and other paper specimens from ancient books dating from the 15th century,” said Adriano Mosca Conte, a researcher at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. “By comparing the results of ancient papers with those of artificially aged samples, we gained significant insights into the environmental conditions in which Leonardo da Vinci’s self-portrait was stored during its lifetime.”


davinciThis is Leonardo da Vinci’s self-portrait as acquired during diagnostic studies carried out at the Central Institute for the Restoration of Archival and Library Heritage in Rome, Italy. Credit: M. C. Misiti/Central Institute for the Restoration of Archival and Library Heritage, Rome


Their work revealed that the type of chromophores present in Leonardo’s self portrait are “similar to those found in ancient and modern paper samples aged in extremely humid conditions or within a closed environment, which agrees with its documented history,” said Mauro Missori, a researcher at the Institute for Complex Systems, CNR, in Rome, Italy.

One of the most significant implications of their work is that the state of degradation of ancient paper can be measured and quantified by evaluation of the concentrations of chromophores in cellulose fibers. “The periodic repetition of our approach is fundamental to establishing the formation rate of chromophores within the self-portrait. Now our approach can serve as a precious tool to preserve and save not only this invaluable work of art, but others as well,” Conte noted.


The article, “Visual degradation in Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic self-portrait: a nanoscale study” is authored by A. Mosca Conte, O. Pulci, M.C. Misiti, J. Łojewska, L. Teodonio, C. Violante, and M. Missori. It appears in the journal Applied Physics Letters on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4879838). After that date, it can be accessed at:

The authors of this study are affiliated with ETSF, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Istituto di Struttura della Materia, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario, Jagiellonian University, and Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi.

Source: Adapted and republished from the press release of the American Institute of Physics.


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Archaeologists Excavate Lower City of Mycenae

Mycenae — the ancient city of the legendary King Agamemnon, best known from Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and its iconic Lion Gate and cyclopean defensive walls, has long fascinated scholars and site visitors alike with the epic proportions of its imposing citadel remains. Located about 56 miles southwest of Athens in Greece, it is a World Heritage site.

But there is another Mycenae — one known for centuries from ancient historical documents — which has nevertheless eluded the eyes of archaeologists, historians, and tourists. One might call it “Greater Mycenae”, the Lower Town. It is invisible because most of it still lies undetected, unexcavated, below the surface. In its heyday it was a second millenium BC version of urban sprawl that served as a vital element of the ancient city’s florescence. 

Few know it better than Christofilis Maggidis, Associate Professor of Archaeology at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. He has been leading excavations there since 2007. Geophysical surveys utilizing remote sensing technology in the area surrounding the citadel revealed substantial evidence of hidden walls, structures, gates, roads and other features of a possible urban center surrounding it on its south, west and north sides.

“This town may have extended over an area of ca. 30-50 hectares, with a normal population density of 200 people per hectare, consisting mainly of domestic units and commercial buildings, but also including larger palatial structures and annexes (workshops, offices, storerooms) located closer to the main access roads and highways,” writes Maggidis in a report published in the Volume 15 issue of Popular Archaeology . “The discovery of two gates, associated perhaps with an outer circuit wall, further reinforces the possibility of an organized town plan.”*

Ground proof excavations confirmed the geophysical findings. Uncovered thus far were Mycenean-period features that included a long retaining wall possibly connected to a gate, a wall possibly connected with an outer fortification wall of the Lower Town, two buildings, and an apsidal structure. Overlaying the Mycenean features were post-Mycenean findings that included Geometric Period structures such as a pottery/ivory workshop with a cistern, a multi-room house with a courtyard and containing three infant burials under the floor of a room, two circular structures, and a 9th century B.C. cist grave. The cist grave, which contained the skeletal remains of a young woman, consisted of funerary meal remains, an iron pin found on the right shoulder-blade, an iron ring found around a phalanx of the right hand, and five clay vases and a cup placed around the body.


mycenae9View of the Lower Town area and excavation site from the citadel area of Mycenae. Courtesy Dickinson Excavation Project and Archaeological Survey of Mycenae


mycenae18Excavators at work on the Lower Town site. Courtesy Dickinson Excavation Project and Archaeological Survey of Mycenae


mycenae11Overhead view of the excavation site. Courtesy Dickinson Excavation Project and Archaeological Survey of Mycenae


Numerous artifacts were unearthed. Writes Maggidis: “A great number and wide variety of finds have been retrieved so far, including fragments of Mycenaean and Archaic figurines, flint and obsidian blades, flakes and cores, stone tools, fragments of stone vases, stone cloth weights, seal-stones, beads and pendants, rings, glass shards, metallic objects, coins, lead sheets, iron nails and hooks, lead clamps for pottery mending, ivory objects, clay loom weights and spools, fresco and plaster fragments, color pigments, carbonized wood, animal bones, shell, roof tiles and abundant pottery.”*


mycenae28Arrowheads discovered during excavations. Courtesy Dickinson Excavation Project and Archaeological Survey of Mycenae


But the greatest takeaway thus far has been the confirming evidence that Mycenae, more than its popular image as the fortified palatial abode of Agamemnon, was a large, complex urban center where a population made their living in trade, commercial production, agriculture, and all the other typical functions of an ancient culture, in space and time well beyond the politics and military campaigns of a prominent kingly reign.

“The geophysical survey and systematic excavation of the Lower Town at Mycenae revealed an extensive Mycenaean settlement outside the citadel,” reports Maggidis, “which was protected by an outer fortification wall with gates, as well as overlying structures and buildings dating to the Early Iron Age and the Archaic Period, thus establishing for the first time a continuous, well-stratified occupation of Mycenae in all the successive periods from the 13th century BC to the 6th century BC.”*

Maggidis and his archaeological team, which will include students and volunteers, will be returning to resume excavations during the summer of 2014.

The latest detailed report of the investigations of the Lower Town at Mycenae are published in the Vol. 15 issue of Popular Archaeology Magazine, available in early June, 2014.

* Maggidis, Christofilis, Unearthing the City of Agamemnon: The Survey and Excavation of the Lower Town of Mycenae, Popular Archaeology, Vol. 15.

Cover Photo, Top Left: The Lion Gate at Mycenae. Andreas Trepte, Wikimedia Commons


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The Real Form of Richard III Depicted in 3-D Model

In a paper published May 30 in the medical journal, The Lancet, University of Leicester scientists and multimdia experts have detailed their findings, including the development of a 3-D model, that complete the image of Richard III’s appearance, the famous English king whose remains were recently excavated and identified by archaeologists and who was popularly depicted as a hunchback in Shakespeare’s historical play by the same name.

But it appears, based on the study, that Shakespeare’s Richard was somewhat more of an invention for dramatic effect than it was a depiction of his true appearance.

Led by University of Leicester osteoarchaelogist Dr. Jo Appleby of the University’s School of Archaeology and Ancient History, the team of researchers were able to reconstruct an accurate visualization that revealed how the king’s spine had a curve to the right, but also a degree of twisting, resulting in a “spiral” shape. Among the key findings in the paper are:

  • Richard III had a severe scoliosis, with a particularly pronounced right-sided curve;
  • Richard’s scoliosis had a “spiral” nature;
  • His right shoulder would have been higher than his left, and his torso would have been relatively short compared to his arms and legs, but he had a “well-balanced curve” – meaning that his head and neck were straight and not tilted to one side. In consequence the condition would not have been immediately visible to those he met, particularly if he wore well-designed clothes or armour;
  • The Cobb angle – a measurement used to assess the level of spinal deformity in scoliosis patients – was 65-85 degrees. This would be considered a large curvature these days, though many with the condition today undergo surgery to stabilise it;
  • His scoliosis would have started to develop during the last few years of growth (after about 10 years of age);
  • The researchers already established that Richard would have been about 5ft 8 inches tall without his scoliosis – about average for a man during medieval times. However, his condition meant he would have appeared several inches shorter than this.

During analysis, the skeleton was analyzed macroscopically for evidence of spinal deformity and any changes to the tissue caused by the condition.

The spine was then scanned using computed tomography (CT), with 3D reconstructions of each bone made from the digital model. The team used a 3D printer to create polymer replicas of each vertebra – which were put together to recreate the shape of Richard’s spine during his life.

The polymer reconstruction was photographed from 19 different points, and the pictures were then stitched together digitally to create the interactive 3D model – which can be accessed on any web browser and embedded into websites.


spinalcurvatureImages of the spinal column showing curvature at various points of rotation. Credit University of Leicester


spinalcurvature2Complete image of entire spinal column showing the obvious scoliosis condition. Credit University of Leicester


Dr. Jo Appleby said: “The major finding we have made is being able to reconstruct the three-dimensional nature of the scoliosis and understand what it would have looked like.

“Obviously, the skeleton was flattened out when it was in the ground. We had a good idea of the sideways aspect of the curve, but we didn’t know the precise nature of the spiral aspect of the condition.

“The arthritis in the spine meant it could only be reconstructed in a specific way, meaning that we can get a very accurate idea of the shape of the curve. It’s really good to be able to produce this 3D reconstruction rather than a 2D picture, as you get a good sense of how the spine would have actually appeared.”

“Although the scoliosis looks dramatic, it probably did not cause a major physical deformity. This is because he had a well-balanced curve. The condition would have meant that his trunk was short in comparison to the length of his limbs, and his right shoulder would have been slightly higher than the left, but this could have been disguised by custom-made armour and by having a good tailor.”

“A curve of 65-85 would not have prevented Richard from being an active individual, and there is no evidence that Richard had a limp as his curve was well balanced and his leg bones were normal and symmetric.”

Dr Phil Stone, Chairman, Richard III Society, said: “Examination of Richard III’s remains shows that he had a scoliosis, thus confirming that the Shakespearean description of a ‘bunch-backed toad’ is a complete fabrication – yet more proof that, while the plays are splendid dramas, they are also most certainly fiction not fact.

“History tells us that Richard III was a great warrior. Clearly, he was little inconvenienced by his spinal problem and accounts of his appearance, written when he was alive, tell that he was “of person and bodily shape comely enough” and that he “was the most handsome man in the room after his brother, Edward IV”.

“Thanks must be given to the University of Leicester for the work they have done on the remains, completing the work begun by the Richard III Society.”

The work was carried out by Jo Appleby, Osteoarchaeologist in the University of Leicester’s School of Archaeology and Ancient History; Professor Bruno Morgan, forensic radiologist in the University of Leicester’s Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine; Professor Guy Rutty and Alison Brough, of the East Midlands Forensic Pathology Unit, based at the University of Leicester; Dr Piers Mitchell, University of Cambridge; Claire Robinson, University Hospitals of Leicester; and Professor Russell Harris and David Thompson, Loughborough University.

The dig for Richard III was led by the University of Leicester, working with Leicester City Council and in association with the Richard III Society. The originator of the search project was Philippa Langley of the Richard III Society.

Source: Adapted and edited from a University of Leicester press release.

Cover Photo, Top Left: Excavated skeletal remains of King Richard III. Credit University of Leicester


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Rock-Shelter in Spain Evidences Early Human Use of Fire

In a report co-authored by Michael Walker and colleagues of Spain’s Murcia University, scientists suggest that early humans who lived in the Cueva Negra (Black Cave) rock-shelter of southeastern Spain about 800,000 years ago used fire, and that they exhibited behaviors that indicated a cognitively sophisticated late early Pleistocene use of resources and tools in their environment. The detailed report is published in the upcoming Volume 15 of Popular Archaeology Magazine.

The rock-shelter, located in the face of a cliff overlooking the Quipar river and the small village of La Encarnación, became the subject of initial exploration by archaeologists in 1981. But full systematic excavations didn’t begin until 1990, when an archaeological team led by Walker and colleagues with the Murcia University Experimental Sciences Research Group undertook detailed investigation that continued for another 25 field seasons. What they uncovered were 5 meters of sediment containing late Pleistocene (somewhat before 780,000 years ago) finds, including hominin (early human, possibly H. heidelbergensis) teeth, a rich artifact assemblage, and an array of ancient flora and fauna remains that bespoke an ancient climate of warm, moist environmental conditions. Their analysis and interpretation of the finds may have, they maintain, important implications  for early human behavior.

“The most important findings at Cueva Negra concern human activity,” write Walker and colleagues in their report. “Undoubted evidence of fire has been uncovered.”* They point to the evidence of sediment combustion, thermally altered chert and burnt animal bone found in a layer measured at 4.5 meters in depth.

But they qualify their interpretation.

“A fire-place is not a hearth,” the authors continue. “The Cueva Negra could have brought glowing brands left by a forest fire into the cave to establish and tend a fire where rain and wind would not put it out. They may well have been less afraid of fire outside than other animals they saw fleeing from it (which could have led them to play with fire in order to drive animals towards natural death traps, such as swamps, enabling dismemberment and roasting). This does not mean they could reproduce or control fire: there is a dearth of archaeological evidence for hearths or fire-pits before 0.5 Ma.”

Cueva Negra is not the only site that has evidenced early use of fire by early humans. For example, the site of Bnot Ya’akov Bridge in Israel has been claimed to show human control of fire some time between 790,000 and 690,000 years ago, and evidence has emerged at Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa for the use of fire by around 1 million years ago. There are also other sites showing this possibility in Africa and China. But Cueva Negra could be the earliest, if not one of the earliest, sites in Europe demonstrating this development.

Other findings suggested a clear mastery of material resources for survival. The assemblage of stone tool artifacts recovered (classified by the authors as “Acheulo-Levalloiso-Mousteroid”) showed evidence of the use of three different core reduction methodologies or sequences, and that natural stone resources were exploited as much as 40 km downstream from the site and 30 km upstream.

Concludes Walker, et al., “Research at Cueva Negra throws new light, including fire-light, on the cognitive versatility, manual dexterity, and technical aptitude of early humans ca. 0.8 Ma in S.E. Spain. They exploited their surroundings in a competent fashion that implies precise knowledge and accurate awareness of what was available for survival.”*

*Walker, Michael, et al., The Early Humans of Cueva Negra, Popular Archaeology, Vol. 15, June, 2014.

Cover Photo, Top Left: Excavations in progress at Cueva Negra. Courtesy Michael Walker and Murcia University


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Archaeologists Excavate for Archaic Greek City of Tenea

It was in July 1984 when rescue excavations conducted by Dr. Elena Korka, now Director of the Ephorate of Private Archaeological Collections and Antiquity Shops, turned up an ancient sarcophagus of the Greek early archaic period near the town of Chiliomodi in Greece. The sarcophagus contained a female skeleton along with offerings. The interior of the sarcophagus slab was adorned with a composition consisting of two lions of monumental character. It was a remarkable find.

But this was not altogether surprising, as archaeologists and historians believed that somewhere in the area the central structural remains of the city of Tenea likely existed. Established, according to written sources, not far from the ancient cities of Corinth  and Mycenae shortly after the Trojan War, its first inhabitants were said to be Trojan prisoners of war settled there by Agamemnon. Tenea was considered to be the main settlement of the valley, situated strategically to control the way from Argos to ancient Corinth, and the historian Strabo wrote that Tenea was the location where the Corinthian king Polybius nursed Oedipus.



Historically, other hints of Tenea’s real existence have emerged, such as the discovery of the Kouros statue in 1846, now housed in the Glyptothek Museum in Munich, and more recently two other archaic kouroi were found and seized by the police in 2010. Because of the importance of the finds, archaeologists conducted surveys in the area around the sarcophagus discovery and its surrounding region.

But the first full, systematic investigation in the area did not begin until 2013 under the direction Korka. With the help of Greek and foreign scholars, archaeologists, geologists, and students, Korka soon uncovered an archaic cemetery consisting of burial sites with archaic period enclosures. Korka believes the cemetery may be associated with the ancient city of Tenea itself.

“Only sporadic remains of the city have been discovered in the region…….such as the Munich kouros, the sarcophagus, and two archaic kouroi,” write Korka and colleagues.  “It is thus most likely that substantial archaeological remains of this important ancient city are expected to come to light very soon.”*

Korka and her team hope to uncover much more in coming excavation seasons. They intend to return to the area in September of 2014 to continue where they left off in 2013.

More information about the effort and how one can participate can be obtained at

Cover Photo, Top Left: The Kouros statue of Tenea in the Glyptothek Museum, Munich. Zde, Wikimedia Commons



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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Microbiology Provides Clues to Extinct Caribbean Cultures

BOSTON, MA — May 20, 2014 — By evaluating the bacteria and fungi found in fossilized feces, microbiologists are providing evidence to help support archeologists’ hypotheses regarding cultures living in the Caribbean over 1,500 years ago.  They report their findings today at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

“Although fossilized feces (coprolites) have frequently been studied, they had never been used as tools to determine ethnicity and distinguish between two extinct cultures. By examining the DNA preserved in coprolites from two ancient indigenous cultures, our group was able to determine the bacterial and fungal populations present in each culture as well as their possible diets,” says Jessica Rivera-Perez of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, who presented the study.

Various indigenous cultures inhabited the Greater Antilles thousands of years ago.  The Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico have thousands of pre-Columbian indigenous settlements belonging to extinct cultures that migrated to the Caribbean at some point in history.  

Archaeological excavations in Vieques, Puerto Rico unearthed hand-made tools and crafts as well as fossilized feces dating from 200 to 400 A.D. The presence of two distinct styles of craftsmanship, as well as other clues obtained from the dig sites, suggested these artifacts belonged to two distinct cultures. 

“One culture excelled in the art of pottery; in fact, their signature use of red and white paint helped identify them as descendants from the Saladoids, originating in Saladero, Venezuela. In contrast, the second culture had exquisite art for crafting semiprecious stones into ornaments, some of which represented the Andean condor. This helped archaeologists identify the Bolivian Andes as possible origins of this Huecoid culture,” says Rivera-Perez.

To help confirm these archeological hypotheses, Rivera-Perez and her colleagues examined the DNA preserved in coprolites from both Saladoid and Huecoid settlements and compared the bacterial and fungal populations found in each.  Major differences were detected between the fecal communities of these cultures, providing additional support that they may have had different origins.  Additionally, they found fungal and corn DNA in the Huecoid coprolite that suggests the consumption of an Andean fermented corn beverage, further confirming the theory that the Huecoids originated in the Bolivian Andes. 

“The study of the paleomicrobiome of coprolites supports the hypothesis of multiple ancestries and can provide important evidence regarding migration by ancestral cultures and populations of the Caribbean,” says Rivera-Perez.

Source: Press Release of the American Society for Microbiology: This study was conducted by collaborators from the University of Puerto Rico and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. The study was co-authored by Jessica Rivera-Perez of the University of Puerto Rico and Raul Cano of California Polytechnic State University,San Luis Obispo. It was partially funded by the NIH Grant to the University of Puerto Rico (Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program). 

The research was presented as part of the 2014 General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology held May 17-20, 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts.  


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Oldest Most Complete Early American Skeleton Yields Clues to Native American Ancestry

Initially discovered in 2007 by a team of underwater archaeologists, her nearly complete skeleton was found within a submerged chamber (which site investigators called “Hoyo Negro”, or “black hole”) in the Sac Actun cave system on Mexico’s Eastern Yucatán Peninsula. Named “Naia” by the dive team, she was a slightly-built teenage girl at death, measuring only 4 feet 10 inches in height. Anthropologists who examined the skeleton determined that she was between 15 and 16 years old, and had likely fallen to her death into the chamber (a dry pit during the time of the fall) before the cave had subsequently filled with water due to climate change and rising sea levels. 

The find was unprecedented for two reasons. The first reason had to do with the age. Scientists dated the skeleton to between 12,000 and 13,000 years ago based on radiocarbon dating of tooth enamel and Uranium/Thorium dating analyses of mineral deposits on her bones. Also, starting about 10,000 years ago, it is known that global glaciers melted, filling the caves with water as sea levels rose. The analysis indicated that the skeleton had to have been deposited before the cave system filled with water. Finally, in addition to the near-complete human skeleton, the researchers found the remains of 26 large mammals, including extinct taxa such as sabertooths and gomphotheres (extinct relatives of mastodons), another indicator of the age of the find. This made Naia one of the six oldest humans found in America.

The second reason was related to the pristine preservation of the bones. “The preservation of all the bones in this deep water-filled cave is amazing — the bones are beautifully laid out,” said Patricia A. Beddows of Northwestern University, a cave-diving member of the international team. “The girl’s skeleton is exceptionally complete because of the environment in which she died — she ended up in the right water and in a quiet place without any soil.” James Chatters of Applied Paleoscience, the lead author of the newly-published research report, elaborated further: “Paleoamerican skeletons are rare for several reasons. The people themselves were few; they were highly nomadic and seem to have buried or cremated the dead where they fell, making the locations of graves unpredictable; also, geologic processes have destroyed or deeply buried their graves.” Moreover, most unearthed ancient Native American skeletal remains are only found in a few fragments, and most of those have been estimated to be younger than 10,000 years old. The most widely accepted theory of Native American origins suggests that people reached the North American continent before that time.



Divers Susan Bird and Alberto Nava search the walls of Hoyo Negro, an underwater cave on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula where the remains of “Naia,” a 12,000- to 13,000-year-old teenage girl, were found. Image courtesy of Paul Nicklen/National Geographic



Divers Alberto Nava and Susan Bird transport the Hoyo Negro skull to an underwater turntable so that it can be photographed in order to create a 3-D model. Image courtesy of Paul Nicklen/National Geographic



 The skull of Naia on the floor of Hoyo Negro, as it appeared in December 2011, having rolled into a near-upright position. Photo by Roberto Chavez Arce


Deciphering the ancestry of the first people to populate the Americas has been a challenge. On the basis of genetics, modern Native Americans are thought to descend from Siberians who moved into eastern Beringia (the landmass connecting Asia and North America) between 26,000 and 18,000 years ago. These people, considered the earliest Americans, are suggested to have then spread southward and populated the rest of the continent. But despite widespread support for this idea, the ancestry of the earliest Americans is still debated because the facial features of the oldest American skeletons don’t look much like those of modern Native Americans. The famous Kennewick Man is a prime example.

“Modern Native Americans closely resemble people of China, Korea, and Japan,” Chatters said, “but the oldest American skeletons do not.” Scientists who have examined the fossils of the oldest skeletons have determined that their bodies were structured slightly differently than that of today’s Native American, such as longer, narrower crania and smaller, shorter faces. “This has led to speculation that perhaps the first Americans and Native Americans came from different homelands,” Chatters continued, “or migrated from Asia at different stages in their evolution.” 

The biggest finding came, however, when the team analyzed the skeleton’s genetic makeup, with important implications about Native American origins. 

“We tried a DNA extraction on the outside chance some fragments might remain,” Chatters said. “I was shocked when we actually got intact DNA.”

The study team analyzed the girl’s mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), a useful tool for examining the relatedness of populations. Their analysis revealed a haplotype common to modern Native Americans, subhaplogroup D1. This genetic signature occurs only in the Americas. The report authors suggest that this genetic signature likely developed in Beringia after populations there split from other Asians, and indicates that individuals of this population traveled at least far and wide enough through the Americas to have reached Mexico by 12,000 – 13,000 BP. They further suggest that the differences in craniofacial form are probably best explained as evolutionary changes that happened after the divergence of Beringians from their Siberian ancestors. Thus the Americas, they theorize, were not colonized by separate migration events from different parts of Eurasia. Rather, the earliest Americans represent an early population expansion out of Beringia. This aligns with the hypothesis that both Paleoamericans and Native Americans derive from a single source population, hunter-gatherers who moved onto the Bering Land Bridge from northeast Asia (Beringia) between 26,000 and 18,000 years ago, spreading southward into North America sometime after 17,000 years ago.  

Says Chatters: “This project is exciting on so many fronts: the beautiful cave, the incredibly well-preserved animal skeletons, the completeness of the human skeleton, the success of our innovative dating approach. But for me,” he said, “what is most exciting is that we finally have an answer, after 20 years, to a question that has plagued me since my first look at Kennewick Man: ‘Who were the first Americans?'”



 The upper right third molar of Naia, which was used for both radiocarbon dating and DNA extraction. The tooth is held by ancient genetics expert Brian Kemp of Washington State University, who led the genetic research on the skeleton. Photo by James Chatters


The complete report has been published in the May 15th online edition of the journal Science.  

Participating and supporting institutions in the research included the National Geographic Society, the Archaeological Institute of America, the Waitt Institute, the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, NSF (Y.A., V.P., and D.K.), Pennsylvania State University, the University of New Mexico, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and DirectAMS.

Source: Adapted and edited from press releases of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Geographic Society, and Northwestern University. 


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Archaeologists to Capture More Secrets of an American Civil War Vessel

KINSTON, N.C. — While much of the remnants of the ironclad CSS Neuse can be seen on display in downtown Kinston, parts of it still remains submerged in the Neuse River. Archaeologists from the N.C. Underwater Archaeology Branch will use the latest modern technology May 13 to recover remnants of the vessel that was destroyed in March 1865.

The CSS Neuse was constructed in Whitehall, now known as Seven Springs, and completed in Kinston in 1863. She was launched in 1864 with the intention of steaming to New Bern, which had been occupied by Union troops since 1862. The ship ran aground on a sandbar and eventually was floated back to Kinston until March 1865 when she was blown up by her crew to prevent capture by the Union. Early in the 1960s recovery efforts began, and in 1964 most of the ship was salvaged and brought to the site of the Governor Richard Caswell Memorial. In June 2012 the vessel was moved to the CSS Neuse Civil War Interpretive Center on the corner of Queen and Caswell Streets in Kinston.

“It’s very significant because this is the only commissioned Confederate ironclad left from the Civil War,” Site Manager Matthew Young explained. “We know there are sections of the ship still in the river; we don’t know how significant they are to our understanding of its construction or operations. There may be pieces of iron plate, a propeller, or even an anchor still in the river.”

A 10 a.m. pre-launch briefing at the boat ramp off Highway 70 will start the work between the King Street and Queen Street bridges. This will be the third attempt at recovery.

“The Neuse River is in great condition for this project right now,” said Deputy State Archaeologist John “Billy Ray” Morris. “The river is at the right depth for this research and the weather is excellent.”

The river survey is a cooperative project of the Office of State Archaeology and the Division of State Historic Sites within the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources. High waters and heavy rains prevented two earlier attempts. Archaeologists will use the 23 foot boat, R/V Snap Dragon to patrol the river for several hours. “This will be the first detailed survey of this part of the river using modern side sonar, a magnetometer, and ad differential Global Positioning System,” Morris continued.

“We are hoping this survey will tell us what, if anything, is salvageable,” said Historic Sites Division Director Keith Hardison. “We need to gather information so we can explore the possibility of recovering additional pieces of the ship to add to the CSS Neuse Civil War Interpretive Center in downtown Kinston.”

Donations to support this effort are encouraged. The CSS Neuse Interpretive Center is located at 100 N. Queen St. in downtown Kinston. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Governor Caswell Center is at 2612 W. Vernon Ave., Kinston. Hours are Tuesday-Friday,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For information, please contact Site Manager Matthew Young at (252) 526-9600 or email [email protected]. Visit the site on Facebook at “CSS Neuse” or “Gov. Richard Caswell Memorial State Historic Site” pages. The CSS Neuse Civil War Interpretive Center and the Gov. Richard Caswell Memorial are within the Division of State Historic Sites of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources.

Source: Edited from a press release of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.

Cover Photo, Top Left: Recovery efforts at the CSS Neuse in the 1960s. Courtesy North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Archaeologists for Autism

As Founder and Editor of Popular Archaeology Magazine, Dan is a freelance writer and journalist specializing in archaeology.  He studied anthropology and archaeology in undergraduate and graduate school and has been an active participant on archaeological excavations in the U.S. and abroad.  He is the creator and administrator of Archaeological Digs, a popular weblog about archaeological excavation and field school opportunities.  

Tom Penders is an archaeologist who wears a number of hats. He is the cultural resources manager for the 45th Space Wing, USAF at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; he heads a small CRM (Cultural Resources Management) firm called Thomas Penders and Associates; he runs volunteer archaeological research projects on weekends from January to April as part of the Indian River Anthropological Society, a local chapter of the Florida Anthropological Society; and he volunteers as an archaeological consultant for the Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands Program. 

One might say that he has more than enough responsibilities to keep him busy. But he would be the first to say that his most important responsibility really lies outside the immediate realm of anthropology and archaeology. He is the father of a 15-year-old teenager named Becky. She is autistic. She is also many other things. 

“She was born with a condition called Bilateral Anophthalmia (born without eyes and optic nerves),” he says. “At 5 she was diagnosed with autism and at 10 years she developed epilepsy. We also suspect she has PANDAS [Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections], but has not been formally diagnosed. The major issue is the autism. After 10 years since the diagnosis we are still struggling with understanding autism. It is a long hard road to try and get her the services so she can do just basic everyday living skills. We struggle with the lack of communication. We also struggle finding things for her to do. The non-verbal part is the worst because Becky cannot tell us when she is sick, what is wrong when she is sick, what she wants, etc. Most people, including our family, don’t have any idea what autism is or understand the meltdowns.”



 Tom Penders with daughter Becky. Courtesy Tom Penders


Becky gets around with trusted service dog and friend Thule, who alerts to epileptic seizures, and she has ongoing support from her parents and those who are familiar with her conditions. But unlike work responsibilities, which come and go, for the Penders, this will be a lifelong commitment. In his efforts to find solutions and play his part to bring Becky into life’s mainstream as much as possible, Penders began to search for options.

“Becky plays Challenger League baseball, does surfing and Special Olympics swimming and I wanted to do my part for these kids,” he says. “I just could not sit on the sidelines anymore.” 


Becky and Thule in the hospital

Becky with trusted service dog and friend Thule. Courtesy Tom Penders


So, in partnership with the Scott Center for Autism, the Florida Public Archaeology Network, and the Environmentally Endangered Lands Program, he came up with a unique plan that in essence combined two loves — archaeology and his daughter — to create a vehicle that he hopes will make some difference in the quality of the lives of children and families who struggle with autism. Called ‘Archaeologists for Autism’ (AFA), he hopes to bring children with autism and their families together in one place, where they can experience archaeology and paleontology in a fun, low stress environment.

Penders feels the venue is perfect. It combines two things he knows something about — archaeology and autism — at a historic place called Sams House on Pine Island, Merritt Island, Florida — an area where he had spent years in his official capacity doing archaeology. There, for example, he has documented 2 historic houses, a burial mound, a prehistoric and historic archaeological site, and a Pleistocene mega fauna site (fossil beds). Fortunately, there also seems to be a connection between archaeology and paleontology and people on the autism spectrum.  “I have been told by several parents that children at the high end of the [autism] spectrum and with Asperger’s tend to be drawn to archaeology, history and paleontology,” says Penders. “And it is hard to find events that target children on the spectrum.”


Sams House

The Sams House site. Courtesy Tom Penders


In addition to activities related to archaeology and paleontology, he plans to include a catered lunch, live music, face-painting, bounce houses, and more, all at no cost to the participants. Says Penders: “I want to create a day where children on the spectrum and their parents can forget about autism for a day (if that is possible) and just have fun. Everything will be done at the children’s pace. Their siblings will also participate. Every parent of a child on the spectrum that I have talked to about this concept has been excited we are doing this. My bottom line is that the children have a fun-filled day and their parents are happy.”

But there is an underlying purpose to the fun. According to Penders, one goal is to help unlock the potential of people with developmental disabilities. “It is a very special day where children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can interact with typical peers and wow families with their capabilities,” he adds. In the big picture, the organizers ultimately hope that the event will do its small part to support advocacy for autism issues, promote scientific research, and help eliminate the stigma associated with the condition through public awareness and education, as well as to promote or inspire more community volunteerism. 

Although the first event is only one day in November*, Penders envisions the AFA eventually going nationwide, with local and state autism groups working with archaeologists to sponsor and organize events across the country. “With the rate of autism in children ever on the increase,” he says, “there is a need for events like this.”

Individuals and organizations interested in playing a role or assisting the AFA may contact them at [email protected] and they will provide a sponsorship form. More detailed information about the program may also be obtained at their website. Registration for the event will open on July 7th, 2014.

* Saturday, November 22, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Sams House at Pine Island, Merritt Island, Florida

Cover Photo, Top Left: Tom Penders examines an artifact while working with UCF students at an archaeology project site. Courtesy Tom Penders


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Ancient Geoglyphs in Peru Predate Nazca Lines

A recent study of an archaeological mound complex with astronomical orientations and geoglyph lines in southern Peru suggests that the site features a ceremonial or ritualistic center for religous and social interaction in an ancient culture that existed between 800 and 100 BCE. 

Known as the Paracas culture, these ancient people constituted an Andean society known for extensive knowledge of irrigation and water management. The Chincha Valley, about 200 km south of Lima, contains early settlements of the Paracas culture. Previous surveys have indicated at least 30 major Paracas period sites or centers in the valley. 

Recenty, a study team co-led by Charles Stanish of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and Department of Anthropology, University of California, surveyed and test-excavated among five previously identified mound clusters in the lower Chincha mid-valley area. Dating them based on excavated pottery to the Late Paracas period (400 – 100 BCE), they found that the mounds featured a total of 71 geoglyph lines that radiated outward from the mounds, forming what they called “ray centers”. Two of the mounds, built in a u-shape configuration, were oriented toward the location of the sun at the June solstice. Stanish and colleagues suggest that it all represents construction for specific group or societal purposes, the details of which are thus far lost to time. But the signs appear to be unmistakeable. Write Stanish, et al: 

In Chincha, linear geoglyphs, platform mounds, and walls on those ceremonial mounds mark the June solstice. If it were only lines, then one could argue that the few solstice alignments were due to chance. However, the combination of platform mounds built in orientation with the June solstice, similarly positioned wall alignments, and comparative evidence from other regions in the Andes that documents solstice marking at sites contemporary with the Paracas period, makes purposeful construction the most parsimonious explanation. Based on these data, there is little doubt that marking the June solstice is an Andean tradition that was part of the logic of ceremonial mound construction and the creation of linear geoglyphs in pre-Hispanic Chincha during Paracas times.*

Ancient geoglyphs in Peru are most commonly associated with the famous Nazca Lines located in the Nazca Desert of southern Peru. Thought to have been created by the Nazca culture between 400 and 650 AD, scholars have developed a number of theories explaining their existence, with the greatest consensus revolving around religious practices or beliefs. But with recent discoveries related to the earlier Paracas culture, the picture is becoming a bit clearer, with the construction tradition appearing to be more ancient and more widespread.

“The ritualized landscape publically attested to particular platform mound sites as focal points for social gatherings, but it was also a product of these gatherings,” write Stanish, et al. “The act of creating geoglyphs within the broader ritualized landscape—the physical piling and clearing of rocks and soil—may be a key component of individual participation in such events. The specific nature of these social events remains obscure and will be the focus of our future research.”* 

The study report has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences at

*Article #14-06501: “A 2,300-year-old architectural and astronomical complex in the Chincha Valley, Peru,” by Charles Stanish, Henry Tantaleán, Benjamin T. Nigra, and Laura E. Griffin.

Cover Photo, Top Left: Mantle — Peru, Paracas — 200 BCE – 200 CE, Wikimedia Commons


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Popular Archaeology’s annual Discovery Edition eBook is a selection of the best stories published in Popular Archaeology Magazine in past issues, with an emphasis on some of the most significant, groundbreaking, or fascinating discoveries in the fields of archaeology and paleoanthropology and related fields. At least some of the articles have been updated or revised specifically for the Discovery edition.  We can confidently say that there is no other single issue of an archaeology-related magazine, paper print or online, that contains as much major feature article content as this one. The latest issue, volume 2, has just been released. Go to the Discovery edition page for more information.








Were Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans Intellectual Equals?

A traditional notion advanced about Neanderthals is that they were less cognitively capable and more disadvantaged than their early modern human counterparts some 40,000 or more years ago in Eurasia, explaining why they were driven to extinction while the modern humans flourished.

Neanderthals lived in Eurasia between about 350,000 and 40,000 years ago, but, according to the fossil record, seem to have disappeared after our ancestors, the anatomically modern humans (AMH), entered Eurasia from Africa some time between 125,000 and 60,000 years ago. Many researchers have theorized that the Neanderthal extinction was due to competition with the AMH newcomers, who had advantages like superior tools, weaponry, communication ability, and a broader diet, to name a few. 

But not so fast, say two researchers.

Through an extensive review of recent Neanderthal research, CU-Boulder researcher Paola Villa and co-author Wil Roebroeks, an archaeologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands, make the case that the available archaeological evidence does not support the widely-held concept that Neanderthals were less advanced than anatomically modern humans.

“The evidence for cognitive inferiority is simply not there,” said Villa, a curator at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History. “What we are saying is that the conventional view of Neanderthals is not true.”

Villa and Roebroeks examined the most common scientific explanations or theories for Neanderthal extinction, such as technologically more primitive tools and weapons, lack of symbolic communication, a narrower diet, and less complex or less effective social organization. They did this by conducting a comparative study of the accumulated archaeological record of Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, who lived in Africa and Southwest Asia between 200,000 and 40,000 years ago. They found the accepted theories did not stand up to much of the data.

For example, evidence from multiple archaeological sites in Europe suggests that Neanderthals hunted as a group, using the landscape to aid them. Research shows that Neanderthals likely herded hundreds of bison to their death by steering them into a sinkhole in southwestern France, for example. At another site used by Neanderthals, this one in the Channel Islands, fossilized remains of 18 mammoths and five woolly rhinoceroses were discovered at the base of a deep ravine. These findings imply that Neanderthals could plan ahead, communicate as a group and make efficient use of their surroundings, the authors said.

Other archaeological evidence suggests that Neanderthals did in fact have a diverse diet. Microfossils found in Neanderthal teeth and food remains left behind at cooking sites indicate that they may have eaten wild peas, acorns, pistachios, grass seeds, wild olives, pine nuts and date palms, depending on what was locally available.

Additionally, researchers have found ochre, a kind of earth pigment, at sites inhabited by Neanderthals, which may have been used for body painting. Ornaments have also been collected at Neanderthal sites. Taken together, these findings suggest that Neanderthals had cultural rituals and symbolic communication.



A view of Gorham’s Cave in Gibraltar, theorized to have been inhabited by some of the last Neanderthals to exist in the area of present-day Europe. Gibmetal77, Wikimedia Commons


Villa and Roebroeks say that the past misrepresentation of Neanderthals’ cognitive ability may be linked to the tendency of researchers to compare Neanderthals, who lived in the Middle Paleolithic period (300,000 to 40,000 years ago), to modern humans living during the more recent Upper Paleolithic period (between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago), when new and more sophisticated technologies were evidenced.

“Researchers were comparing Neanderthals not to their contemporaries on other continents but to their successors,” Villa said. “It would be like comparing the performance of Model T Fords, widely used in America and Europe in the early part of the last century, to the performance of a modern-day Ferrari and conclude that Henry Ford was cognitively inferior to Enzo Ferrari.”

But if Neanderthals were not technologically and cognitively disadvantaged, why didn’t they survive?

The researchers argue that the real reason for Neanderthal extinction is likely complex, and that some clues may be found in recent analyses of the Neanderthal genome over the last several years. These genomic studies suggest that AMH and Neanderthals likely interbred and that the resulting male children may have had reduced fertility. Recent genomic studies also suggest that Neanderthals lived in small groups. All of these factors could have contributed to the decline of the Neanderthals, who were eventually swamped and assimilated by the increasing numbers of modern immigrants.

Thus, “the results of our study,” conclude Villa and Roebroeks, “imply that single-factor explanations for the disappearance of the Neandertals are not warranted any more, and that their demise was clearly more complex than many archaeology-based scenarios of ‘‘cognitive inferiority’’ reviewed here seem to suggest.”*

The detailed study report was published April 30, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE.

The study is available online at

* Villa P, Roebroeks W (2014) Neandertal Demise: An Archaeological Analysis of the Modern Human Superiority Complex. PLoS ONE 9(4): e96424. doi:10. 1371/journal.pone.0096424

Source: Adapted and edited from a CU-Boulder press release, Neanderthals were not inferior to modern humans, says CU-Boulder study.

Cover Photo, Top Left: Neandertha/modern human skull comparison, Harrymuseummatt, Wikimedia Commons


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Scientists Uncover Evidence of Change from Hunting to Herding at Early Neolithic Settlement

An international team of researchers examining the earliest known pre-ceramic Neolithic mound site in Turkey, called Aşıklı Höyük, suggests that humans shifted from hunting wild ungulates and small animals to managing sheep and goats at the site over a period of a few hundred years beginning on or before 8200 BCE. 

The mound, located in south-central Turkey about 25 km southeast of Aksaray, Turkey, has been the subject of a number of studies and excavations in recent years, beginning with Professor Ian A. Todd in 1964. Subsequent investigations included salvage excavations by Professor Ufuk Esin (University of Istanbul) beginning in 1989, followed by those of Nur Balkan-Ath, also of Istanbul University, and more recent excavations in 2010. 

Site finds have been stratified into 5 different levels, with the oldest (or earliest) being 5. The most significant findings for these study purposes were discovered in level 4, which contained evidence of human habitation dated to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period (a time period generally defined as lasting from 8500-5500 BCE), which is thought by many scholars to mark the transition from a hunter-gatherer way of life to a more settled way of life, including the beginnings of animal domestication.


Above and below: Multiple excavations at Aşıklı Höyük have revealed the telling stratigraphic sequencing of the site. Above credit Kvaestad, Wikimedia Commons, below credit Sarah Murray, Wikimedia Commons.


“This site preserves a surprisingly detailed record of human–animal interactions in a formative settlement,” write study authors Mary C. Stiner, et al., in their recently released report. It is in part reflected in the gradual change in the human diet at the location:

A faunal trend through Levels 4–2 reveals a strategic trade-off in the meat diet, from a broad-spectrum strategy that emphasized diverse wild small animals and ungulates to a concerted exploitation of caprines [sheep and goats] in particular. Caprines constitute less than half of the total number of identified skeletal specimens (NISP) in upper Level 4, but caprines increase gradually to 85– 90% by the end of the time series in upper Level 2. The caprines were mainly sheep, which outnumbered goats by a factor of three or more in all periods.*

In addition, the study authors suggested that age-sex distributions of the caprines in upper Level 4 indicate selective manipulation [breeding] by humans by or before 8200 BCE, and that evidence of animal dung accumulation between structures demonstrates that the animals were held captive inside the settlement at that time. 

“Taken together,” the researchers conclude, “the zooarchaeological and geoarchaeological evidence demonstrate an emergent process of caprine management that was highly experimental in nature and oriented to quick returns. Stabling was one of the early mechanisms of caprine population isolation, a precondition to domestication.”*

The study details have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

*Article #13-22723: “A forager–herder trade-off, from broad-spectrum hunting to sheep management at Aşıklı Höyük, Turkey,” by Mary C. Stiner et al.


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9,000-Year-Old Caribou Hunting Structure Found Submerged in Lake Huron

According to the results of an underwater archaeological investigation conducted by a multidisciplinary team of researchers, rock structures located on a ridge beneath Lake Huron indicate probable evidence of organized seasonal caribou hunting more than 9,000 years ago.

Known as the submerged Alpena-Amberley Ridge (AAR), it provided a dry land bridge between Michigan and Ontario 9,000 years ago. Using sonar surveys, investigation by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and scuba-equipped underwater archaeologists, team leader John O’Shea of the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, University of Michigan, and colleagues identified ancient human-made structures on the ridge, structures that they suggest were likely used for caribou hunting.

One such site, called the Drop 45 Drive Lane, consists of two parallel rock-lined paths, suggested by the researchers to have been used to funnel caribou into an 8-meter-wide lane. They also identified what they call V-shaped hunting blinds set above the lane on a hill. Scuba-trained archaeologists recovered eleven flakes of chert, typical byproducts of stone tool repair or maintenance. 

Scientists have long theorized that paleoindian and archaic indian hunters pursued and entrapped their prey by using cooperative, organized techniques, requiring a sophisticated level of social interaction and planning. Write O’Shea and colleagues in their report:

Humans and caribou have a long history of interaction, dating back to at least the Middle Paleolithic. Over time, caribou hunters and herders became aware of the tendency of caribou, like many ungulates, to follow linear features. As such, the construction of linear features of stone or brush provides an effective means of channeling the movement of animals into predetermined kill zones. Numerous historical and ethnographic examples of these hunting structures and associated features are known in the Arctic. In more temperate regions of the globe, traces of such structures rarely survive intact.* 

More than the Drop 45 Drive Lane itself, the findings show an interrelated complex of drive lanes, multiple blinds and auxiliary structures that served together as an integrated system for controlling the prey into a kill zone. The findings, say the researchers, have implications for understanding the social and economic organization of the ancient hunters that used the AAR, as it required large groups of cooperating hunters and smaller groups of families to operate the system.



A plan of the Drop 45 Drive Lane site (A) alongside a sonar image of the site (B). The black circular area is the scanning unit, and the red circles denote increasing radii of 15 meters. Credit: Image courtesy of John O’Shea/ UMMAA.



A V-shaped hunting blind beneath Lake Huron. Credit: Image courtesy of John O’Shea/ UMMAA.


What is most significant about the discovery, according to the study authors, is that it offers a unique window into the organization of prehistoric hunting for a time period that is very poorly known from terrestrial sites in the Great Lakes region. It further demonstrates that archaeological sites of great antiquity are preserved underwater and that they have the potential to fill important gaps in our understanding of the deep human past.

The detailed study is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Early Edition.

*Article #14-04404: “A 9,000-year-old caribou hunting structure beneath Lake Huron,” by John M. O’Shea, Ashley K. Lemke, Elizabeth P. Sonnenburg, Robert G. Reynolds, and Brian D. Abbott.

Extensively adapted, supplemented, and edited from a press release.


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Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Greek Temple and Emporium in Bulgaria

Near the small village of Krastevich in central Bulgaria, a team of archaeologists, students and volunteers have been busy excavating the remains of two ancient Greek sites that bustled with activity more than 2,500 years ago. One has been identified as a cult or temple complex and the other as an emporium, a place of trade and commerce conducted by Greek colonists during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. The settlements are thought to have thrived in an area known to have been populated by the ancient Thracians.

Under the direction of Associate Professor Dr. Mitko Madzharov of the archaeological museum of Hissarya, the team has been excavating the sites since 2005. The excavations have revealed the remains of two very different kinds of settlement sites, although both ancient Greek, in close proximity to each other. One, identified as a cult complex, consists of a “sanctuary and a temple” that was set atop a hill.

“At this stage of the studies we have established two periods of its [the temple’s] construction,” Madzharov reports. “Initially a stone foundation (stylobate) was laid, which defined the area in an almost square form. Above it was likely a wooden construction, covered with tiles. The main archaeological finds found in that area are fragments of tiles of various form and decoration. On some of them were painted spirals, on others – Gorgon Medusa [a monster, a Gorgon, having the face of a human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair].”* 

“The archaeological structures found till now in the area of Sekiz Harman by the village of Krastevieh allow scientists to assume that the cult complex situated at that place was closely connected with the commercial place in the area Pamuk Tepe,” Madzharov adds. “The archaeological finds document its existence in the time from the end of the 5th century B.C. to the 3rd century B.C.”*

The other associated site, which archaeologists interpret as a Greek emporium, was located 500 meters southeast of the village and is said to encompass an area of about 10,000 square meters. Here, they have uncovered architectural and artifact remains that evidence a “significant commercial complex” with intensive trade ties with other Greek settlements in or near the Aegean from the 5th to the 4th centuries BCE.

“According to the ancient Greek historian Thucydides,” write Madzharov and colleagues at the project website, “the process of creation of emporia by the Greeks begins back at the end of the 8th and 7th centuries B.C. Such emporia are known in Asia Minor, Sicily and Macedonia. And again Thucydides informs that during 464 B.C. on the river valley of the river Strimon (river Struma) and in Thrace settled 10,000 Athenian colonizers. One Greek inscription informs of the existence of emporia (market-places) in Thrace, which realized regulated commercial relations with Maroneia, the island of Thassos and the other town-colonies from the Northern Aegean coast.” These emporia were commonly established at strategic cross-roads in areas rich in minerals, ores and other resources, writes Madzharov and colleagus. Not far from the emporium remains they found natural gold deposits and evidence of an ancient road which led to deposits of non-ferrous metals.

He also clarifies the connection between the nearby cult complex and the emporium. “They did not have a status of a town and in them were always built sanctuaries because according to the beliefs of that time Gods were called on as guarantees for the order and respectability of commercial deals.”* 

Madzharov plans to return to the sites with teams in 2014 to further investigate the finds. Individuals interested in additional information about the sites and how to participate may visit the project website.

The excavations have been conducted under the auspices of the RSF Archaeological Trust.


Cover Photo, Top Left:  Excavated remains at the emporium and temple complexes. Credit RSF Archaeological Trust and the archaeological museum of Hissarya.

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New Genetic Findings About Stone-Age Scandinavian Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers

An international team led by researchers at Uppsala University and Stockholm University reports a breakthrough on understanding the demographic history of Stone-Age humans. A genomic analysis of eleven Stone-Age human remains from Scandinavia revealed that expanding Stone-age farmers assimilated local hunter-gatherers and that the hunter-gatherers were historically in lower numbers than the farmers. The study is published, ahead of print, in the journal Science.

The transition between a hunting-gathering lifestyle and a farming lifestyle has been debated for a century. As scientists learned to work with DNA from ancient human material, a complete new way to learn about the people in that period opened up. But even so, prehistoric population structure associated with the transition to an agricultural lifestyle in Europe remains poorly understood.

“For many of the most interesting questions, DNA-information from people today just doesn’t cut it, the best way to learn about ancient history is to analyze direct data—despite the challenges”, says Dr. Pontus Skoglund of Uppsala University, now at Harvard University, and one of the lead authors of the study.

“We have generated genomic data from the largest number of ancient individuals” says Dr. Helena Malmström of Uppsala University and one of the lead authors. “The eleven Stone-Age human remains were between 5,000 and 7,000 years old and associated with hunter-gatherer or farmer life-styles” says Helena Malmström.

Anders Götherström, who led the Stockholm University team, is satisfied with the amount of DNA that they could retrieve.

“Not only were we able to generate DNA from several individuals, but we did get a lot of it. In some cases we got the equivalent of draft genomes. A population genomic study on this level with a material of this age has never been done before as far as I know.”



Osteologists excavating and examining the skeleton of a young woman dated to 2700 BC. Credit: Göran Burenhult


The material used in the study is from mainland Scandinavia as well as from the Baltic island Gotland, and it comprises of hunter-gatherers from various time periods as well as early farmers.

Professor Mattias Jakobsson, who led the Uppsala University team, is intrigued by the results.

“Stone-Age hunter-gatherers had much lower genetic diversity than farmers. This suggests that Stone-Age foraging groups were in low numbers compared to farmers”, says Mattias Jakobsson.

Jan Storå at Stockholm University shares Mattias’ fascination.

“The low variation in the hunter gatherers may be related to oscillating living conditions likely affecting the population sizes of hunter-gatherers. One of the additional exciting results is the association of the Mesolithic individual to both the roughly contemporaneous individual from Spain but also the association to the Neolithic hunter-gatherers.”

The study confirms that Stone-Age hunter-gatherers and farmers were genetically distinct and that migration spread farming practices across Europe, but the team was able to go even further by demonstrating that the Neolithic farmers had substantial admixture from hunter-gatherers. Surprisingly, the hunter-gatherers from the Baltic Sea displayed no evidence of introgression from farmers.

“We see clear evidence that people from hunter-gatherer groups were incorporated into farming groups as they expanded across Europe”, says Pontus Skoglund. “This might be clues towards something that happened also when agriculture spread in other parts of the world.”

“The asymmetric gene-flow shows that the farming groups assimilated hunter-gatherer groups, at least partly”, says Mattias Jakobsson. “When we compare Scandinavian to central European farming groups that lived at about the same time, we see greater levels of hunter-gatherer gene-flow into the Scandinavian farming groups.”

This study is part of the recently initiated “Atlas project” – a large-scale genomic investigation of ancient human remains in Scandinavia led by Stockholm and Uppsala Universities and funded by the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences and the Swedish Research Council. The present study brings the first results from the project.

“We have only begun to scratch the surface of the knowledge that this project may bring us in the future” says Anders Götherström.

Source: Edited from a press release of Uppsala University.


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Origins of Domesticated Chili Pepper Found in Mexico

Central-east Mexico gave birth to the domesticated chili pepper — now the world’s most widely grown spice crop — reports an international team of researchers, led by a plant scientist at the University of California, Davis.

Results from the four-pronged investigation — based on linguistic and ecological evidence as well as the more traditional archaeological and genetic data — suggest a regional, rather than a geographically specific, birthplace for the domesticated chili pepper. That region, extending from southern Puebla and northern Oaxaca to southeastern Veracruz, is further south than was previously thought, the researchers found.

The region also is different from areas of origin that have been suggested for common bean and corn, which were presumably domesticated in Western Mexico.

The study findings are published online on April 21 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as part of a series of research papers on plant and animal domestication.

Crop domestication, the process of selectively breeding a wild plant or animal species, is of increasing interest to scientists.

“Identifying the origin of the chili pepper is not just an academic exercise,” said UC Davis plant scientist Paul Gepts, the study’s senior author. “By tracing back the ancestry of any domesticated plant, we can better understand the genetic evolution of that species and the origin of agriculture — a major step in human evolution in different regions of the world,” he said.

“This information, in turn, better equips us to develop sound genetic conservation programs and increases the efficiency of breeding programs, which will be critically important as we work to deal with climate change and provide food for a rapidly increasing global population,” Gepts added.

Study co-author Gary P. Nabhan, an ethnobiologist and agroecologist at the University of Arizona’s Southwest Center noted: “This is the first research ever to integrate multiple lines of evidence in attempts to pinpoint where, when, under what ecological conditions, and by whom a major global spice plant was domesticated.

“In fact, this may be the only crop-origins research to have ever predicted the probable first cultivators of one of the world’s most important food crops,” Nabhan said.

To determine crop origins, scientists have traditionally studied the plants’ genetic makeup in geographic areas where they have observed high diversity among the crop’s wild ancestors. More recently, they have also examined archaeological remains of plants, including pollen, starch grains and even mineralized plant secretions.

For this chili pepper study, the researchers used these two traditional approaches but also considered historical languages, looking for the earliest linguistic evidence that a cultivated chili pepper existed.

They also developed a model for the distribution of related plant species, to predict the areas most environmentally suitable for the chili pepper and its wild ancestors.

The genetic evidence seemed to point more to northeastern Mexico as the chili pepper’s area of domestication; however there was collectively more evidence from all four lines of study supporting the central-east region as the area of origin.

Source: Edited from a University of California Press Release, Contact Keith Sterling at [email protected]

Cover Photo, Top Left: Dried Chili Peppers  RameshNG, Wikimedia Commons


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Anatomically Modern Humans Left Africa Earlier Than Previously Thought, Suggests Study

An international team of scientists conducting an analysis of the genetic diversity and cranial measurements of 10 African and Asian human populations conclude that anatomically modern humans may have dispersed out of Africa earlier than previously thought, and in more than one stage: initially into Asia by taking a southern route through Arabia as much as 130,000 years ago; and later into Northern Eurasia on a more northerly route 50,000 years ago.

The timing and nature of early modern human dispersal out of Africa has long been disputed among scholars, with competing theories or models about how and when it all occurred. The research team analyzed their data within the framework of the competing models, and came up with the model that best fits the results. “We tested for the first time to our knowledge the spatiotemporal dimensions of competing out-of-Africa dispersal models,” write Hugo Reyes-Centeno and colleagues in their report, “analyzing in parallel genomic and craniometric data. Our results support an initial dispersal into Asia by a southern route beginning as early as ∼130 ka and a later dispersal into northern Eurasia by ∼50 ka.”*  Reyes-Centeno is a paleoanthropologist with the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany. Other researchers included Katerina Harvati, also of Eberhard Karls University; Silvia Ghirotto and Guido Barbujani of the University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; and Florent Détroit and Dominique Grimaud-Herve of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France.  

“This is consistent with archaeological evidence for modern human occupation in the southern Arabian Peninsula at ∼125 ka,” write the authors. “This date [130,000 ka] is in intriguingly closer correspondence with the genetic divergence estimates for our sampled populations, with a calendar date of divergence between Melanesians and South Africans at ∼116 ka, for example. No modern human fossils have been discovered in the southern Arabian Peninsula, but lithic artifacts show affinities with African assemblages, including those discovered alongside the fossil remains at Herto, Ethiopia, dated between ∼154–160 ka.”*

Genetic studies and fossil evidence show that the first common ancestral population of modern humans resided in Africa between ∼100–200 ka, and that members of one branch left Africa by between 125,000 and 60,000 years ago. A prominent theory suggests that over time these humans replaced earlier human populations such as Neanderthals and Homo erectus. Many scholars posit that the date of the earliest successful “out of Africa” migration took place about 60,000 years ago, according to genetic evidence, although recent archaeological finds on the Arabian Peninsula have suggested the possibility of a much earlier migration. 

The study report was published April 21, 2014 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

*“Genomic and cranial phenotype data support multiple modern human dispersals from Africa and a southern route into Asia,” by Hugo Reyes-Centeno et al.


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New Findings at Prehistoric Stone Tool Site in China

Researchers may have found answers to some questions surrounding stone tool artifacts previously unearthed at the site of Fengshudao, located in the Bose Basin in the Guanxi province of southern China. The site is well known for yielding a lithic assemblage rich in Paleolithic bifacially worked stone artifacts, technically known as Acheulean handaxes, a stone tool most commonly associated with an early hominin (human ancestor) classified as Homo erectus

After initial discovery and analysis, these ‘Bose Basin handaxes’ came to the attention of the international scientific community  because they were dated to about 803 ka (thousands of years), placing them in the Early to Middle Pleistocene period; and because their presence tested the validity of the Movius Line, a theoretical line drawn across northern India, first proposed by the American archaeologist Hallam L. Movius in 1948 to demonstrate a technological difference between the early prehistoric tool technologies of the east and west of the Old World. However, questions were almost immediately raised because the age was based on the supposed association of the artifacts with tektites that may or may not have been redeposited at the site. Moreover, at the time of the initial publications, all of the Bose Basin handaxes were surface collected. Thus, whether the Bose bifaces could validly be associated with the tektites and whether the tektites themselves were redeposited became arguing points for the finding’s critics.




Map of the area where the hand axe cultures (Acheulean) extend during the Middle Pleistocene. Wikimedia Commons


Now, however, new excavations at the site and subsequent analysis led by Wei Wang of the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities and Christopher Bae of the University of Hawaii are reporting new findings from more recent excavations at the site. Based on ‘in situ’ excavation of tektites, which the excavators maintain do not indicate any evidence of redeposition, along with their association with bifaces within the same stratigraphic level, they are now suggesting with greater confidence that the age of the stone tools should indeed be close to 803 ka. In addition, they report that the Fengshudao hominins were utilizing locally-available quartz, quartzite, and sandstone river cobbles, and that the Fengshudao handaxe morphology differs from the western Acheulean type in a number of ways. They add further that the handaxes are comparatively larger and thicker than those of other regions of eastern Asia (e.g., Luonan Basin, China; Imjin/Hantan River Basins, Korea).

“Although Fengshudao may be a case of western Acheulean hominins dispersing into the Bose Basin from nearby South Asia,” concludes Wang, et. al, “it is quite possible that the Fengshudao bifaces can be considered an example of convergent evolution.”*


Source: Edited and adapted from the abstract of Middel Pleistocene bifaces from Fengshudao (Bose Basin, Guangxi, China), by Wei Wang, et. al, Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 69, April 2014, pp. 110 – 122.  



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