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Neolithic culinary traditions uncovered

UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL—A team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, has uncovered intriguing new insights into the diet of people living in Neolithic Britain and found evidence that cereals, including wheat, were cooked in pots.

Using chemical analysis of ancient, and incredibly well-preserved pottery found in the waters surrounding small artificial islands called crannogs in Scotland, the team were able to discern that cereals were cooked in pots and mixed with dairy products and occasionally meat, probably to create early forms of gruel and stew. They also discovered that the people visiting these crannogs used smaller pots to cook cereals with milk and larger pots for meat-based dishes.  

The findings are reported today in the journal Nature Communications.

Cereal cultivation in Britain dates back to around 4000 BCE was probably introduced by migrant farmers from continental Europe. This is evidenced by some, often sparse and sporadic, recovery of preserved cereal grains and other debris found at Neolithic sites.

At this time pottery was also introduced into Britain and there is widespread evidence for domesticated products like milk products in molecular lipid fingerprints extracted from the fabric of these pots. However, with exception for millet, it has not yet been possible to detect molecular traces of accompanying cereals in these lipid signatures, although these went on to become a major staple that dominates the global subsistence economy today.

Previously published analysis of Roman pottery from Vindolanda [Hadrian’s Wall] demonstrated that specific lipid markers for cereals can survive absorbed in archaeological pottery preserved in waterlogged conditions and be detectable through a high-sensitivity approach but, importantly this was ‘only’ 2,000 years old and from contexts where cereals were well-known to have been present. The new findings reported now show that cereal biomarkers can be preserved for thousands of years longer under favourable conditions.

Another fascinating element of this research was the fact that many of the pots analysed were intact and decorated which could suggest they may have had some sort of ceremonial purpose. Since the actual function of the crannogs themselves is also not fully understood yet (with some being far too small for permanent occupation) the research provides new insights into possible ways these constructions were used.

During analysis, cereal biomarkers were widely detected (one third of pots), providing the earliest biomolecular evidence for cereals in absorbed pottery residues in this region.

The findings indicate that wheat was being cooked in pots, despite the fact that the limited evidence from charred plant parts in this region of Atlantic Scotland points mainly to barley. This could be because wheat is under-represented in charred plant remains as it can be prepared differently (e.g., boiled as part of stews), so not as regularly charred or because of more unusual cooking practices.

Cereal markers were strongly associated with lipid residues for dairy products in pots, suggesting they may have been cooked together as a milk-based gruel.

The research was led by Drs Simon Hammann* and Lucy Cramp at the University of Bristol’s Department of Anthropology and Archaeology.

Dr Hammann said: “It’s very exciting to see that cereal biomarkers in pots can actually survive under favourable conditions in samples from the time when cereals (and pottery) were introduced in Britain. Our lipid-based molecular method can complement archaeobotanical methods to investigate the introduction and spread of cereal agriculture.”

Dr Cramp added: “This research gives us a window into the culinary traditions of early farmers living at the northwestern edge of Europe, whose lifeways are little understood. It gives us the first glimpse of the sorts of practices that were associated with these enigmatic islet locations.”

Crannog sites in the Outer Hebrides are currently the focus of the four-year Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded ‘Islands of Stone’ project, directed by two of the papers’ authors (Duncan Garrow from the University of Reading and Fraser Sturt from the University of Southampton) along with Angela Gannon, Historic Environment Scotland.

Professor Garrow said: “This research, undertaken by our colleagues at the University of Bristol, has hugely improved our knowledge of these sites in many exciting ways. We very much look forward to developing this collaborative research going forwards.”

The next stage of the research at the University of Bristol is an exploration of the relationship between these islets and other Neolithic occupation sites in the Hebridean region and beyond as well as more extensive comparative study of the use of different vessel forms through surviving lipid residues. These questions form part of an on-going Arts and Humanities Research Council/South-West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership-funded PhD studentship.


A substantial sherd of Early Neolithic pottery, as found on the loch bed at Loch Bhogastail. Dan Pascoe


One of the first pots to be discovered, an Unstan Bowl from Loch Arnish (photo: Chris Murray). Previously published in: Garrow, D., & Sturt, F. (2019). Neolithic crannogs: Rethinking settlement, monumentality and deposition in the Outer Hebrides and beyond. Antiquity, 93(369), 664-684. doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.41. Chris Murray


Photo reconstruction of one of the pots from Loch Langabhat. Mike Copper


Article Source: University of Bristol news release

Dr Hammann is now based at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany.

*Neolithic culinary traditions revealed by cereal, milk and meat lipids in pottery from Scottish crannogs, Nature Communications, 6-Sep-2022. 


Ancient Monumental Statue from Saudi Arabia on Loan to Louvre

Paris, France 7th of September 2022: a magnificent 800 kilogram, 2.3-metre-tall statue of an ancient Lihyanite king unearthed by archaeologists working in the Dadan region of AlUla, Saudi Arabia, goes on display for the world to see at the Louvre Museum in Paris. As part of a far-reaching cultural collaboration and intergovernmental exchange partnership signed between Saudi Arabia and France, the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) is loaning the imposing sandstone statue to the iconic institution in the French capital from September for a period of five years.

AlUla is located in a fertile valley, at the ancient crossroads of the incense and aromatic caravan routes leading from the south of the Arabian Peninsula to Egypt, Mesopotamia and the shores of the Mediterranean. Around 2.800 years ago the ancient civilization of  Dadan was located here. It was one of the most important trade route stations. Around the second half of the 1st millennium BCE, it was ruled by the kings of the Lihyan tribe, who retained power for several centuries.

Several colossal statues – believed to depict kings and priests – were discovered between 2005 and 2007 during archaeological excavations of the sanctuary of Dadan, led by King Saud University. One of these statues, called the ‘Monumental Statue’, which is now on loan at the Louvre, shows exceptional craftsmanship. The statue’s smooth surface with intricate details showing the muscles of the torso, abdomen, and the remains of the limbs displays characteristic elements of the Lihyanite school of sculpture. These features indicate the statue’s distinct local character and reflects the early artistic influence of Ancient Egypt or Greece.

The five-year loan is an important step to close a critical historical gap in the Louvre’s near-east collection, given that the Arabian Peninsula is under-represented in most of the Museum. This display highlights the archaeological discoveries and preservation work carried out at AlUla by the RCU. AlUla is home to 200,000 years of human history, and an important part of it can now be shared with the Louvre’s international audience through this long-term loan.

The statue was restored in France in 2010 in the context of the Roads of Arabia exhibition through a selection of 300 works, most of which had never been seen before outside their country of origin. Entitled “Archaeology and History of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the exhibition artifacts were presented at the Louvre at that time. During this exhibition visitors were offered  an unprecedented glimpse into the various cultures that inhabited the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from prehistoric times to the dawn of the modern era.

Since its establishment in 2017, RCU has overseen a wide range of archaeological projects, with finds of great importance to regional and global history made by an international team of experts. This exhibition is the beginning of what is hoped to be great collaborations between the RCU and major French institutions of heritage, research, and education.


The Monumental Stature dates from the 5th – 3rd centuries BCE. Courtesy RCU


The statue within its exhibit space. The statue is thought to depict a Lihyanite king. Courtesy RCU


Article Source: Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) news release.



Ancient DNA provides comprehensive genomic history of the “cradle of civilization”

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (AAAS)—Across three studies, Iosif Lazaridis, David Reich, and colleagues present a comprehensive genomic history of the so-called “Southern Arc,” a region spanning southeastern Europe and Western Asia and long considered to be the “cradle of Western civilization.” The analysis, which examined newly sequenced ancient DNA from more than 700 individuals across the region, reveals a complex population history from the earliest farming cultures to post-Medieval times. Until relatively recently, much of the ancient history of the Southern Arc – stories concerning its people and populations – have been told through archaeological data and the thousands of years of historical accounts and texts from the region. However, innovations in sequencing ancient DNA have provided a new source of historical information. Here, in three separate studies, Lazaridis et al. use ancient DNA from the remains of 777 humans to build a detailed genomic history of the Southern Arc from the Neolithic (~10,000 BCE) to the Ottoman period (~1700 CE). The findings provide an account of complex migrations and population interactions that have shaped the region for thousands of years and suggest that the earlier reliance on modern population history and ancient writings and art have provided an inaccurate picture of early Indo-European cultures.

The first study: “The genetic history of the Southern Arc: a bridge between West Asia and Europe,” presents the new dataset and focuses analysis on the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages (roughly 5000 to 1000 BCE). This analysis revealed large genetic exchanges between the Eurasian Steppe and the Southern Arc and provides new insights into the formation of the Yamnaya steppe pastoralists and the origin of Indo-European language. The second study: “Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia,” presents the first ancient DNA from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Mesopotamia from the epicenter of the region’s Neolithic Revolution. The findings suggest that the transition between Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic phases of Neolithic Anatolia was associated with two distinct pulses of migration from the Fertile Crescent heartland. The third study: “A genetic probe into the ancient and medieval history of Southern Europe and West Asia,” focuses on ancient DNA analysis during the period of recorded history in the Southern Arc, elucidating the not-well-understood demographics and geographic origins of groups like the Myceneans, Urartians, and Romans.

“The studies by Lazaridis et al. represent an important milestone for ancient genomic research, providing a rich dataset and diverse observations that will drive the next iteration of interpretations of the human history of West Eurasia,” write Benjamin Arbuckle and Zoe Schwandt in a related Perspective. Although the authors note that Lazaridis et al. have produced an “astounding dataset, unimaginable in its scale just a decade ago,” Arbuckle and Schwandt highlight the challenges and limitations of the interpretations, suggesting that many of the narratives explored across the three studies reflect a Eurocentric worldview.


High aerial view of the Karashamb Necropolis, Armenia. Pavel Avetisyan and Varduhi Melikyan


Painted vessel-urn from Trench 1, Areni-1 cave, Armenia. Dina Zardaryan


Basilica of St. Neophytos (in Lake İznik, İznik/ Nikaia, Turkey; Roman/Byzantine period). Constructed in the 4th c. after the First Council of Nicaea convened by Roman Emperor Constantine, the Basilica was erected to honor St. Neophytos who was martyred in 303 AD. The Basilica was submerged underwater after an earthquake in the 8th c. AD. Nine individuals from the Basilica were, based on their DNA, of likely local Anatolian origin, and two genetic outlier individuals of probable Levantine descent. Mustafa Şahin


Karnut, Tomb 6 (Kura Araxes culture, Early Bronze Age, Armenia). Levon Aghikyan


Article Source: AAAS news release

*The genetic history of the Southern Arc: a bridge between West Asia and Europe, Science, 26-Aug-2022. 10.1126/science.abm4247 



Sahelanthropus, the oldest representative of humanity, was indeed bipedal…but that’s not all!

CNRS—The acquisition of bipedalism is considered to be a decisive step in human evolution. Nevertheless, there is no consensus on its modalities and age, notably due to the lack of fossil remains. A research team, involving researchers from the CNRS, the University of Poitiers1 and their Chadian partners, examined three limb bones from the oldest human representative currently identified, Sahelanthropus tchadensis. Published in Nature on August 24, 2022, this study* reinforces the idea of bipedalism being acquired very early in our history, at a time still associated with the ability to move on four limbs in trees.

At 7 million years old, Sahelanthropus tchadensis is considered the oldest representative species of humanity. Its description dates back to 2001 when the Franco-Chadian Paleoanthropological Mission (MPFT) discovered the remains of several individuals at Toros-Menalla in the Djurab Desert (Chad), including a very well-preserved cranium. This cranium, and in particular the orientation and anterior position of the occipital foramen where the vertebral column is inserted, indicates a mode of locomotion on two legs, suggesting that it was capable of bipedalism 2.

In addition to the cranium, nicknamed Toumaï, and fragments of jaws and teeth that have already been published, the locality of Toros-Menalla 266 (TM 266) yielded two ulnae (forearm bone) and a femur (thigh bone). These bones were also attributed to Sahelanthropus because no other large primate was found at the site; however, it is impossible to know if they belong to the same individual as the cranium. Palaeontologists from the University of Poitiers, the CNRS, the University of N’Djamena and the National Centre of Research for Development (CNRD, Chad) published their complete analysis in Nature on August 24, 2022.

The femur and ulnae were subjected to a battery of measurements and analyses, concerning both their external morphology, and their internal structures using microtomography imaging: biometric measurements, geometric morphometrics, biomechanical indicators, etc. These data were compared to those of a relatively large sample of extant and fossil apes: chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, Miocene apes, and members of the human group (OrrorinArdipithecus, australopithecines, ancient HomoHomo sapiens).

The structure of the femur indicates that Sahelanthropus was usually bipedal on the ground, but probably also in trees. According to results from the ulnae, this bipedalism coexisted in arboreal environments with a form of quadrupedalism, that is arboreal clambering enabled by firm hand grips, clearly differing from that of gorillas and chimpanzees who lean on the back of their phalanges.

The conclusions of this study, including the identification of habitual bipedalism, are based on the observation and comparison of more than twenty characteristics of the femur and ulnae. They are, by far, the most parsimonious interpretation of the combination of these traits. All these data reinforce the concept of a very early bipedal locomotion in human history, even if at this stage other modes of locomotion were also practiced.

This work was supported by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Chadian Government, the French National Research Agency (ANR), the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the CNRS, the University of Poitiers and the French representation in Chad. It is dedicated to the memory of the late Yves Coppens, precursor and inspirer of the MPFT’s work in the Djourab Desert.


Left: 3D models of the postcranial material of Sahelanthropus tchadensis. From left to right: the femur, in posterior and medial view; the right and left ulnae, in anterior and lateral view.
Right: Example of analysis performed to interpret the locomotor mode of Sahelanthropus tchadensis. 3D cortical thickness variation map for the femurs of (from left to right) Sahelanthropus, an extant human, a chimpanzee and a gorilla (in posterior view). This analysis enables us to understand the variations of mechanical constraints on the femur and to interpret these constraints in terms of locomotor mode. © Franck Guy / PALEVOPRIM / CNRS – University of Poitiers


Collection working session between Franck GUY (left) and Guillaume DAVER (right), at the PALEVOPRIM laboratory, Poitiers (CNRS/University of Poitiers). © Franck Guy / PALEVOPRIM / CNRS – University of Poitiers


The Djurab Desert, where the fossil sites that yielded the postcranial remains of Sahelanthropus tchadensis are located.
© MPFT, PALEVOPRIM / CNRS – University of Poitiers


Article Source: CNRS news release

*Postcranial evidence of late Miocene hominin bipedalism in Chad, Guillaume Daver & Franck Guy, Hassane Taïsso Mackaye, Andossa Likius, Jean-Renaud Boisserie, Abderamane Moussa, Laurent Pallas, Patrick Vignaud, Clarisse Nékoulnang Djétounako. Nature, 24 August 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04901-z (active after the embargo lifts)



Analysis of everyday tools challenges long-held ideas about what drove major changes in ancient Greek society

MCMASTER UNIVERSITY—A modern scientific analysis of ancient stone tools is challenging long-held beliefs about what caused radical change on the island of Crete, where the first European state flourished during the Bronze Age: the ‘Minoan civilization.’ 

About 3,500 years ago, Crete underwent significant cultural transformations, including the adoption of a new language and economic system, burial customs, dress and drinking habits – all of which could be traced to the neighboring Mycenaean Greek mainland.

At roughly the same time, many important sites across the island were destroyed and warriors’ graves appeared at the famed palace of Knossos, leading scholars to long believe that these seismic changes had been the result of a Mycenaean invasion.

A new study, published online in the journal PLOS One questions that theory.

“Our findings suggest a more complex picture than previously believed,” explains Tristan Carter, a lead author of the study and professor in the Department of Anthropology at McMaster University who has conducted research in north-central Crete for nearly three decades.

“Rather than wholescale cultural change, our study has found evidence of significant continuity after the alleged invasion. While new practices can be initiated through external forces such as invasion, migration, colonialism, or cross-cultural intermarriage, we also know of examples where locals choose to adopt foreign habits to distinguish themselves within their own society,” says Carter.  

Rather than looking at things like burial, art, or dress, practices that tend to shift with fashion, archaeologists have begun to look more closely at more mundane, everyday practices as a better insight to a culture’s true character, he explains.   

For the study, the researchers analyzed a sample of tools the Bronze Age Cretans fashioned from obsidian, a black volcanic glass which is sharper than surgical steel when freshly flaked.  Vassilis Kilikoglou, director of the Demokritos national research centre in Athens, used a nuclear reactor to determine the origin of the raw materials and found them to be from the Cycladic island of Melos [modern name: Milos].

When these results were considered together with the way the obsidian blades had been made and used for work such as harvesting crops, it was clear the community had lived the same way their predecessors had for the past thousand years, which continued to be distinct from life on the Greek mainland.

“Our analysis suggests the population had largely remained local, of Minoan descent,” says Carter and Kilikoglou.  

“This is not to say an invasion of Crete didn’t occur, but that the political situation across the rest of the island at this time was more complex than previously believed with significant demographic continuity in many areas.”

The researchers believe that while local elites were strategically aligned with Mycenaean powers, as evidenced by their conspicuous adoption of mainland styles of dress, drinking, and burial, most people continued to live their lives in much the same way as before.


Lead researcher Tristan Carter in front of a quarry obsidian exposure on Melos [modern name: Milos]. Daniel Contreras


Bronze Age blades made of obsidian from Melos [modern name: Milos}. Deanna Aubert


Article Source: MCMASTER UNIVERSITY news release

Chicken bones and snail shells help archaeologists to date more precisely

CLUSTER OF EXCELLENCE “RELIGION AND POLITICS”—According to new research, the combined analysis of animal and plant remains, as well as written evidence, is leading to more precise dating of archaeological finds. “We can now often determine not only the year, but also the season. This allows us to reconstruct the events that produced the finds much more precisely”, says archaeologist Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger from the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” at the University of Münster. “The destruction of the Greek town Tell Iẓṭabba in present-day Israel by a military campaign waged by the Hasmoneans, a Judean ruling dynasty in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, has so far been dated to between 111 and 107 BC”, says Lichtenberger. “More recent research dates it to 108/107 BC, based on coin finds and the siege of the city of Samaria at the same time. Now, using our multi-proxy approach that makes use of several analytical methods, we can for the first time date the events with certainty to the spring of 107 BC”.

“We came across chicken leg bones in the dwellings destroyed by the Hasmoneans. Analyzing them revealed residues containing marrow that served to produce eggshells during the laying season in spring. This indicates that the chickens were slaughtered in spring”, explain Achim Lichtenberger and his colleague Prof. Oren Tal from the University of Tel Aviv. “We also discovered the shells of field snails, which were often eaten at this time of year”. Botanical examinations of the remnants of flowers on the floors of the dwellings reveal that these plants flowered in spring. Analysis of the objects is always accompanied by analysis of written evidence: “The contemporary Hebrew scroll of Megillat Ta’anit about the Hasmonean conquest, also known as the Scripture of the Fast, reports the expulsion of the inhabitants in the Hebrew month of Sivan, which corresponds to our May/June”.

“Only the multiplicity of analytical methods makes precise statements possible”

“From an archaeological point of view, this makes spring the season of destruction”, says Lichtenberger, which underlines previous findings on Hellenistic warfare, as military offensives usually took place in spring and early summer. “The individual data taken on their own would not justify determining such a clear chronology”, emphasizes Lichtenberger, who, together with his colleague Oren Tal and an interdisciplinary team comprising natural scientists, is leading a research project on the archaeology of the Hellenistic settlement Tell Iẓṭabba, in ancient Nysa-Scythopolis, an ancient conurbation in the ancient Near East. “Only by taking an overall view of the results from all analytical methods can we provide more precise information about the time of the destruction of Tell Iẓṭabba, and thus about the course of the Hasmonean campaign”. The finds must therefore be interpreted in the light of the seasons. (apo/sca)



Excavation of Tell Iztabba.  German-Israeli Tell Iztabba Excavation Project


Humans expend considerable energy by chewing

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (AAAS)—Humans expend considerable energy while chewing, according to a new study that directly isolated and measured the metabolic costs of this behavior. Chewing gum elevated metabolic rate by 10 to 15 percent over basal metabolic rate, with the highest rate increases for stiffer gum bases, according to Adam van Casteren and colleagues. Their findings could shed light on how the energetic costs of chewing may have shaped musculoskeletal changes in the skull and jaw throughout human evolution. Researchers have assumed that many of these changes could have been related to differences in energy expenditure among species and through time, but such interpretation is complicated by the fact that little is known about the metabolic cost of modern human chewing. “The assumption generally was that the energy expended by the mastication system, the feeding system, in humans just wasn’t that much, and it was a little bit overlooked,” van Casteren said in a related podcast. “This is compounded also by the fact that, as weird modern humans, we eat cooked foods that we process with tools beforehand. So we don’t do as much chewing as our relatives and our ancient ancestors.” To gain a better understanding of these costs, van Casteren et al. had people chew an odorless, tasteless gum (to control for the metabolic costs of digestion and sensory stimuli) while measuring caloric expenditure and muscle activity in the masseter muscle, the main muscle of chewing. People chewing softer gum increased their energy expenditure by an average of 10.2 percent over their base rate, while those chewing stiffer gum had an average increase of 15.1 percent. Given this substantial energy expenditure in modern humans, the researchers suggest chewing might have had important metabolic costs that shaped hominin anatomy, before the advent of cooking and similar ways to process food before eating.

A related podcast, featuring an interview with lead author Adam van Casteren, will be available at on Thursday, August 18.


The ventilated hood system at Maastricht University used to measure oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced during activities such as chewing. Dr Amanda Henry


Article Source: AAAS news release.

Wood sharpens stone: boomerangs used to retouch lithic tools

GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY—A new study* into the multipurpose uses of boomerangs has highlighted the hardwood objects were used to shape the edges of stone tools used by Australian Indigenous communities.  

The research, published in PLOS ONE, demonstrated how boomerangs could function as lithic (or stone) tool retouchers by investigating the use-wear generated on the boomerangs’ surfaces during retouching activities. 

It was found that these use-wear impacts on boomerangs are comparable to those observed on Paleolithic bone retouching tools, which date back to more than 200,000 years ago.  

The research adds to a previous study into boomerang uses led by the same team from Griffith University’s Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, but also highlights the broader topic of the multipurpose application of many Indigenous tools throughout Australia.  

ARCHE PhD Candidate Eva Francesca Martellotta said the study revealed a deep functional connection between bone and wooden objects – a topic rarely investigated in archaeological contexts. 

“Studying the shaping techniques applied to stone tools is crucial to understand our past,” Martellotta said.  

“Thinking in modern terms, it is like understanding the difference between a butcher knife and a bread knife: their blades have different shapes – one straight, the other serrated – because they are used to cut different materials. That is, to perform different functions. 

 “Australian boomerangs are mainly used as hunting and fighting weapons. However, they also have many other functions, linked to the daily activities of Aboriginal communities.  

“In our article, we put together traditional knowledge and experimental archaeology to investigate a forgotten use of boomerangs: modifying the edges of stone tools. 

 “This activity is fundamental to producing a variety of stone implements, each of them with one or more functions.  

“Traditionally handcrafted experimental replicas of boomerangs proved very functional to shape stone tools.  

“Our results are the first scientific proof of the multipurpose nature of these iconic objects.” 

 “While our results for the first time scientifically quantify the multipurpose nature of daily tools like boomerangs, this is something that Aboriginal people have known for a very long time.” 

Study co-author Paul Craft, a Birrunburra / Bundjalung / Yugambeh / Yuggera / Turrbal man, contributed two of the four hardwood boomerangs used in the lithic tool knapping (shaping) experiments, which were performed in the Griffith Experimental Archaeology Research Lab located outdoors at the Nathan campus.  

The EXARC Experimental Archaeology Association partially funded the project through a 2021 Experimental Archaeology Award

The findings ‘Beyond the main function: An experimental study of the use of hardwood boomerangs in retouching activities’ have been published in PLOS ONE

Carley Rosengreen
Griffith University



Article Source: GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY news release

Phanagoria archaeologists estimate the prosperity of inhabitants of the medieval Black Sea region

Krasnodar region, 5 August 2022 – The Phanagoria archaeological expedition, which is conducting excavations in the Black Sea region along the Taman Peninsula with support from Oleg Deripaska’s Volnoe Delo Foundation, has discovered a horde of Bosporan coins dating to the 6th century AD. This and similar finds on the Taman Peninsula allow archaeologists to make a rough estimate of the standards of living of the medieval inhabitants of the Black Sea coast and conclude that the savings of ordinary citizens were enough to last them up to one month.

A purse with 30 copper staters, a type of Greek coin minted in the Bosporan Kingdom, was found during excavations of the historical layer of Phanagoria, which dates back to the 6th century AD. Archaeologists believe that these coins were lost or hidden by the owner during a sudden attack on Phanagoria, likely by the Huns or the Turks. The cache of coins was found between two burned-out houses. Last year, a similar find – a bundle of 80 coins stashed inside an amphora by their owner – was made not far from this site. 

Archaeologists have found similar treasures along the coast of the Taman Peninsula in the past. In a town that also used to be a part of the Bosporan Kingdom, called Hermonassa, a bundle of coins was found on the threshold of an ancient temple, and several dozens of them fell onto the floor inside the building. In Kitey, another Bosporan city, a pouch with coins was found in a house stove. The owner was presumably trying to stow it during a siege but never returned to pick it up. 

In most cases, the findings contain several dozen Bosporan coins, with analyses suggesting that their owners parted with them in a hurry due to extraordinary circumstances. This leads archaeologists to believe that medieval inhabitants of the Taman Peninsula had approximately 30-80 coins on hand for their everyday needs. “These coins and these amounts were likely used for small transactions such as buying food or clothes,” says Prof. Mikhail Abramzon, numismatist and senior researcher of the Phanagoria archaeological expedition.

Archaeological finds in the region also suggest that the ‘savings’ of ordinary citizens of medieval cities on the Black Sea coast amounted to roughly 1,000 Bosporan coins. Based on the approximate daily expenditure of 30-80 coins, researchers conclude that, on average, such savings lasted citizens for no longer than one month. One of the largest hordes found on the territory of Phanagoria dates to the 4th century AD and contains approximately 4,000 copper and silver coins, which was a considerable fortune for that period. It likely belonged to a major craftsman or merchant.

The Bosporan coins are unique in that they were last minted in 34 AD but continued to be used in the region until at least the end of the 6th century. There is hardly any modern currency that can boast such a long lifespan. This demonstrates the large number of minted coins and their reliability as a means of payment. After Phanagoria became a Byzantine dependency, Byzantine gold also circulated on its territory, which had a higher value than the Bosporan coins. Nevertheless, unlike copper staters, gold coins were used almost exclusively for large transactions, and only the richest medieval classes could afford them. Hordes containing gold coins are usually thought to have belonged to moneylenders, merchants or major artisans.


The cache of coins. Phanagoria Archaeological Expedition, Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Volnoe Delo Foundation 


Coin cache, cleaned. Phanagoria Archaeological Expedition, Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Volnoe Delo Foundation 


Aerial view of excavation site. Phanagoria Archaeological Expedition, Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Volnoe Delo Foundation 


Article Source: Volnoe Delo Foundation press release

About the Phanagoria archaeological expedition 

The Phanagoria expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences is conducting archaeological excavations on the territory of the historical and archaeological museum-reserve Phanagoria. Since 2004, the excavations have been supported by the Volnoe Delo Foundation. Phanagoria is made up of 2.5 million cubic meters of cultural land, with excavations of 7,000 square meters conducted by 250 archaeological scientists, students and volunteers as part of the annual expedition. In 2014, the State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Phanagoria was established on the excavation site. 

Phanagoria was founded in the middle of the 6th century BC by Greek settlers on the shores of the Taman Gulf. Its ancient settlement and necropolis include over 700 mounds and occupy 900 hectares. The city existed for more than 1,500 years and, for a long time, was one of two capitals of the oldest state formation on the Russian territory: the Bosporan Kingdom. 

The treasures found in the Phanagoria mounds are stored in the Hermitage and the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, as well as in museums in countries including Great Britain and Germany. The results of the expedition have been presented at international scientific forums in Germany, France, Denmark, Greece and the United States, among others. In 2009, the discovery of the palace of Mithridates VI was included in the list of the ten most outstanding archaeological finds in the world, according to Archaeology Magazine (USA). 

About Volnoe Delo Foundation  

Volnoe Delo is one of the largest non-profit organisations in Russia involved in charity, patronage and volunteer projects. The foundation addresses social issues, supports education and the sciences, and helps preserve the country’s cultural and historical heritage. The Foundation has supported more than 500 projects in 50 different regions of Russia to date. The projects’ beneficiaries include around 90,000 school children, 4,000 teachers, 8,000 students from universities and vocational schools, 4,000 scientists, and over 1,200 educational, scientific, cultural, healthcare and sporting institutions.  



Brain shape differences between fossil and modern humans

PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES—Researchers report* that brain shape differences between fossil and modern humans are likely due to facial evolution rather than brain evolution. Although brain sizes of Homo sapiens from 160,000 years ago in Herto, Ethiopia are similar to that of modern humans, the shape of the brain cavity differs, suggesting further evolution of the brain or shape change related to evolution of the face. Tim White, Christoph Zollikofer, and colleagues conducted endocranial scans on 125 modern humans, including children, and reconstructed the crania of 50 fossil Homo individuals, including children, comprising Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens. The samples of fossil H. sapiens were found at Herto, Ethiopia and the Qafzeh and Skuhl caves in Israel. Because brain growth ceases with the eruption of the first permanent molars but facial structure continues to grow until adulthood, the authors compared endocranial shapes in immature and adult specimens. Throughout brain growth, endocranial shapes were similar between fossil and modern children, and differences in endocranial shape developed with continued growth of facial structure. According to the authors, the results suggest that the differences in endocranial shapes between fossil and modern humans were not due to brain evolution but likely due to dietary and lifestyle differences that influenced facial bone structure.


Digital restoration of the skulls of fossil Homo sapiens from Herto, Ethiopia, dated to 160,000 years ago (left: adult individual; right: 6-7-year-old child). Virtual fillings of their braincases (blue) permit inferences on brain shape development and evolution. Tim White, Christopher Zollikofer, and Marcia Ponce de Leon


Extraction of the in situ adult cranium from Pleistocene sandstone at the Herto Bouri locality required the application of preservative to hold its fragile bones together. Tim White, Christopher Zollikofer, and Marcia Ponce de Leon


Article Source: PNAS news release.

*“Endocranial ontogeny and evolution in early Homo sapiens: The evidence from Herto, Ethiopia,” by Christoph P.E. Zollikofer et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1-Aug-2022.



Communication and cooperation may have coevolved in the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (AAAS)—An analysis of the bark vocalizations that wild chimpanzees make while hunting suggests that communication and cooperation may have coevolved in the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans. The study*, which draws from observations of 227 hunting events conducted by chimpanzees in a Ugandan community from 1996 to 2018, demonstrated that these primates use vocal signals to facilitate cooperative hunts. The study found that chimps who barked before a hunt were more likely to participate and that barks are associated with greater hunter recruitment and more effective hunting. While scientists have known that the abilities to cooperate and to communicate likely coevolved in humans, the evolutionary roots of the relationship between these two abilities has not been clear, including whether its basic building blocks may be found in humans’ closest living primate relatives. To investigate, Joseph Mine and colleagues analyzed data on how 74 chimpanzees used hunting-related bark vocalizations between 1996 and 2018 in the Kanyawara chimpanzee community, located in a national park in Uganda. The researchers used data from 2,398 observations during that period to construct a generalized linear mixed-effects model and applied it to understand whether the apes’ barks were associated with an increased likelihood of individuals participating in a hunt for monkey prey. Mine et al. found that the probability of joining a hunt was considerably higher for chimpanzees that had barked beforehand than for those that had not, suggesting that the bark vocalizations signaled their motivation to participate. Additionally, the researchers found that these vocalizations the group’s behavior as a whole – hunting was more effective when it was preceded by barking, since this meant more chimpanzees were involved.


Group of chimpanzees engaged in social behaviour and vocalizing. KCP project


Summary author: Shannon Kelleher


High-status Danish Vikings wore exotic beaver furs

PLOS—Beaver fur was a symbol of wealth and an important trade item in 10th Century Denmark, according to a study* published July 27, 2022 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Luise Ørsted Brandt of the University of Copenhagen and colleagues.

Written sources indicate that fur was a key commodity during the Viking Age, between 800-1050 CE, but fur doesn’t often survive well in the archaeological record, so little direct evidence is available. Previous reports have used the microscopic anatomy of ancient fur to identify species of origin, but this method is often inexact. All in all, not much is known about the kinds of furs the Vikings preferred.

In this study, Brandt and colleagues analyzed animal remains from six high-status graves from 10th Century Denmark. While no ancient DNA was recovered from the samples, perhaps due to treatment processes performed on furs and skins and probably due to preservation conditions, identifiable proteins were recovered by two different analytical techniques. Grave furnishings and accessories included skins from domestic animals, while clothing exhibited furs from wild animals, specifically a weasel, a squirrel, and beavers.

These findings support the idea that fur was a symbol of wealth during the Viking Age. The fact that beavers are not native to Denmark suggests this fur was a luxury item acquired through trade. Some clothing items included fur from multiple species, demonstrating a knowledge of the varying functions of different animal hides, and may have indicated a desire to show off exclusive furs. The authors note the biggest limiting factor in this sort of study is the incompleteness of comparative protein databases; as these databases expand, more specific identifications of ancient animal skins and furs will be possible.

The authors add: “In the Viking Age, wearing exotic fur was almost certainly an obvious visual statement of affluence and social status, similar to high-end fashion in today’s world. This study uses ancient proteins preserved in elite Danish Viking burials to provide direct evidence of beaver fur trade and use.”


Map of studied sites (a) and examples of included fur: b) Hvilehøj C4273-97, fragment 1, c) Hvilehøj C4280c, d) Bjerringhøj C143. Graphics: Luise Ørsted Brandt and Charlotte Rimstad. Photos: Roberto Fortuna, National Museum of Denmark. Brandt et al., 2022, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (


Article Source: PLOS news release.

*Brandt LØ, Taurozzi AJ, Mackie M, Sinding M-HS, Vieira FG, Schmidt AL, et al. (2022) Palaeoproteomics identifies beaver fur in Danish high-status Viking Age burials – direct evidence of fur trade. PLoS ONE 17(7): e0270040.



The Beyond Tut Immersive Experience

On July 6, 2022, reporter Eric Vasallo attended the world premiere of Beyond Tut in Boston. Here is his story on the show, the ideas behind it, and what he experienced:

Since COVID changed our lives forever, life on Earth has become increasingly meta and online as social distancing has become our new normal. Blog sites such as Ancient Egypt Alive have evolved to offer a variety of opportunities to learn about ancient Egypt without having to fly to annual conventions or even visit far away museums. Online workshops, seminars and now, the next level—immersive virtual reality experiences—enable audiences to see, feel and visualize in high definition and surround sound what these worlds may have been like to the ancients.


Exterior (entrance) to the exhibit. Photo courtesy Eric Vasallo


Currently, there are two exceptional virtual exhibits touring North America to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb. Tutankhamun (popularly shortened as ‘Tut’) was an Egyptian king who lived over 3,300 years ago. He was just a boy when he inherited the throne at the age 9. Not only is he eternally alive in our minds thanks to the unprecedented riches of his tomb and the world-famous solid gold face mask, but he is also renowned for being the son of rebel King Akhenaten. Akhenaten was a heretic king whose depictions suggest he was the first gender fluid king on Earth and who led the disastrous Amarna Revolution, forming what some scholars suggest was the world’s first monotheistic religion. But this ruler’s excesses nearly bankrupted the Egyptian empire. 

Why Tut became a “phenom”

The wealth of Tut’s tomb certainly conveys a reverence for a ruler that restored order from chaos and returned to the worship of Egypt’s many gods, reversing the change established by his father before him.

Tut was also son (or stepson) of Queen Nefertiti, who aside from Cleopatra is considered the most fascinating and beautiful queen of Ancient Egypt. Her tomb has yet to be found, but there is a belief that it might still be hidden inside King Tut’s tomb behind a false wall— a hope kept alive by countless people around the world dreaming of another discovery equaling the grandeur and importance of her son’s intact tomb. 

Beyond Tut show: An augmented experience that delves into the life of Tut 

These touring exhibits promise to deliver a richer, meta experience and a deeper understanding of the stories behind these artifacts you see behind glass cases in museums around the world. In a joint venture with National Geographic, Beyond King Tut – The Immersive Experience invites audiences to learn the life story of this historic figure that has captivated the world’s imagination for the last 100 years and will probably continue to do so for generations to come. 


Beyond King Tut. Press image courtesy Beyond King Tut


Creative Producer Mark Lach’s intention wasn’t to just make an immersive experience, but to also provide a fuller picture of who King Tut was. 

It opened on July 8th in downtown Boston at the historic SOWA Power Station.

As you enter the experience you are wrapped in darkness, the tone immediately set. Dimly lit, tomb-like spaces, bright blue, gold, and brown colors meet the eyes, provide instill both a sense of comfort and wonder about what is to be revealed. The first space is dotted with faux stone walls and openings revealing illuminated vintage photos of Howard Carter’s original discovery in the heart of the Valley of the Kings. That world-changing moment when Egyptian workers broke the false wall and Carter peeked into the intact tomb for the first time.

Lord Carnarvon “Can you see anything?”

Carter, holding a flickering candle to illuminate the tomb, 

Yes, wonderful things.”


The moments when Howard Carter (kneeling at opening) first glimpsed the tomb interior. Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons


Howard Carter brushing dust off King Tut’s mummy. NBC PHOTO: Harry Burton. Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons


The next room boasts a huge life-size replica of King Tut’s gold-plated wood shrine with its many smaller shrines nested inside. This great shrine is surrounded by a 360-degree video illuminating the first leg of the king’s journey into the afterlife. It provides a simulated peek at the series of nested sarcophagi held inside the shrine, each smaller than the next, like Russian dolls, until the mummy of the King is revealed. 


Shrine Room. Rodney Bailey, Beyond King Tut.


Shrine Room/Burial Chamber. Rodney Bailey, Beyond King Tut


The experience leads you into another hall which tells the story of Tutankhamen’s family and heritage. Here, you also encounter a larger-than-life size ancient Senet game with instructions, inviting visitors to play—a great diversion for kids of all ages. Several examples of this ancient “snakes and ladders” style game were found inside his tomb. 


Above and below: Senet game in Tut’s family room. Photos courtesy Eric Vasallo



Next stop is the Mummification Room where you can see a simple and easy to understand step-by-step illustration of the embalming process. 

Travel with Tut on his journey through the afterlife

Following that space is the Verses of Immortality hall which highlights different magical themes found in the Book of the Dead.


Book of the Dead Passage. Rodney Bailey, Beyond King Tut


Verses for Immortality. Press Photo, Beyond King Tut


The next space is a vast space presenting a wondrous, goosebump-inducing immersive experience of the boy king’s journey through the afterlife—a fantastical dream of the Egyptian Book of the Dead where you witness the final judgement as his heart is weighed against an ostrich feather in the presence of Anubis and the monstrous Ammit. The adventure ends on a happy note and visitors get to ride along a wooden replica of the royal Solar Barque as the king reaches his final destination – the abundant and heavenly realm of Aaru where he will reside for all eternity. 


Photo Eric Vasallo


The Solar Barque. Eric Vasallo


Experience the tomb as Carter discovered it

Last stop before the well-stocked gift shop is a seven-minute, VR experience by Positron that takes you into the tomb as Carter discovered it, filled to the walls with untold riches.


Sarcophagus Sequence. Courtesy Beyond King Tut


Immersive Room. Rodney Bailey, Beyond King Tut


Immersive Room. Courtesy Beyond King Tut


Meeting the man who photographed the mask

After finishing the experience, I was honored to meet Kenneth Garrett, the National Geographic photographer responsible for all photos of the artifacts displayed in the exhibit. He also captured the historic September 2010 cover photo of the ubiquitous golden death mask of King Tut in the Cairo Museum. Kenneth gushed as he shared the story of how difficult it was to properly photograph the mask since it had so many different surfaces of gold and precious gemstones. Ultimately, he had to use six strobe lights and reflectors and Egyptian authorities only gave him 45 minutes before the museum opened. 

He also related that it took him about two weeks to photograph all artifacts stored in the basement of the Cairo Museum. The artifacts have never been exhibited since Howard Carter delivered them there. 

Artifacts of the boy king will finally be displayed in the new Grand Egyptian Museum when it opens later this year.


Kenneth Garrett. Eric Vasallo


Kenneth Garrett’s cover photo for National Geographic. Eric Vasallo


Tut’s treasures no longer leaving Egypt

Due to the fragility of these very ancient objects, Egypt has decided to no longer allow these artifacts to leave Egypt, forcing Egypt lovers to visit the new Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) in Cairo to get up close and personal with these masterpieces that tell the story of arguably the richest, most influential culture on Earth, the story of us. It is estimated to open in November of 2022. 

Tips on attending the show in Boston

Avoid parking in the lot next to the Tut exhibit, which is $30. The other lot at 500 is $9- for 2 hours. Also, a short walk away off Harrison Avenue and Albany street, under the highway overpass, has EV car chargers and is $5 for up to 3 hours.

Immersive Tut – yet another virtual reality show opening soon.

The other virtual Tut experience is brought to life by the creators of the Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, and The Art of Banksy exhibits. Lighthouse Artspace Productions presents their North American tour of Immersive King Tut – Magic Journey to the Light, which promises to take audiences young and old on a fantastic journey to the mythic realm of the Egyptian afterlife. First stop on their tour is Denver on July 22nd, then on to Toronto and Los Angeles, as well as 11 other cities across America. 

Stay tuned to this blog, Ancient Egypt Alive, to learn more about this second immersive adventure seeking to revivify the life of Tut – and ensure his legacy goes on for millions of years.

North ‘plaza’ in Cahokia was likely inundated year-round, study finds

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, NEWS BUREAU, CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The ancient North American city of Cahokia had as its focal point a feature now known as Monks Mound, a giant earthwork surrounded on its north, south, east and west by large rectangular open areas. These flat zones, called plazas by archaeologists since the early 1960s, were thought to serve as communal areas that served the many mounds and structures of the city.

New paleoenvironmental analyses of the north plaza suggest it was almost always underwater, calling into question earlier interpretations of the north plaza’s role in Cahokian society. The study* is reported in the journal World Archaeology.

Cahokia was built in the vicinity of present-day St. Louis, beginning in about A.D. 1050. It grew, thrived for more than 300 years and was abandoned by 1400. Many mysteries surround the culture, layout and architecture of the city, in particular its relationship to water. Cahokia was built in a flood plain below the confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers and would have been regularly infiltrated with flowing water, said Caitlin Rankin, a geoarchaeologist at the Illinois State Archaeological Survey who conducted the new research.

“Cahokia is the largest archaeological site in North America, but only about 1% of it has been excavated, so there’s so much about the site that we don’t know,” Rankin said.

Early in her encounters with the city’s layout, Rankin was baffled by the location and height of the north plaza.

“It’s a really strange area because it’s at a very low elevation, like the lowest elevation of the site,” she said. “And it’s in an old meander scar of the Mississippi River.”

Two creeks ran through the area, and it likely flooded whenever the Mississippi swelled after heavy rains.

To investigate the site, Rankin conducted test excavations and extracted sediment cores around the four mounds that define the north plaza. She also took soil samples in the same meander scar less than 5 kilometers from the plaza and analyzed stable carbon isotopes in these modern soils to determine isotope differences between wetlands, seasonal wetlands and prairie environments. Comparing these with carbon isotopes from ancient soils chronologically associated with the mounds gave insight into what types of plants had grown there in the past.

“What I learned is that this area remained wet throughout the year,” Rankin said. “There may have been some seasonal dryness, but overall, it was a wetland.”

Her findings challenge previous notions about this site being a plaza, which is generally thought of as a dry open area across which people walk and congregate. “Generally, those places aren’t underwater,” Rankin said.

How the north plaza was used remains a mystery, she said, but the study adds to the evidence that water was a central element of the city.

“Water was important to the people of Cahokia for a number of reasons,” she said. “They had a whole agricultural suite of wetland plants that they domesticated and relied on as food.” Water also was essential to their trade with people up and down the Mississippi River. And the cosmological beliefs of many Indigenous groups include creation stories that involve complex interactions with sky, water and earth.

“At Cahokia, you have these mounds emerging from this watery sphere,” she said. “And so that was a significant feature that probably resonated with their creation stories and their myths and their worldview.”


The study focused on the north plaza, an expanse at a low elevation that is almost always inundated with water. Photo courtesy Caitlin Rankin


Sediments from excavations at Mound 5 reveal that the north plaza was a wetland prior to, and after, mound construction. Photo courtesy Caitlin Rankin


Caitlin Rankin stands in a trench dug in Mound 16, one of four mounds that delineate the north plaza. Photo by Ann Merkle



The Illinois State Archaeological Survey is a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

The National Geographic Society and National Science Foundation supported this work.

Climate and conflict among the ancient Maya

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SANTA BARBARA—An extended period of turmoil in the prehistoric Maya city of Mayapan, in the Yucatan region of Mexico, was marked by population declines, political rivalries and civil conflict. Between 1441 and 1461 CE the strife reached an unfortunate crescendo — the complete institutional collapse and abandonment of the city. This all occurred during a protracted drought.

Coincidence? Not likely, finds new research* by anthropologist and professor Douglas Kennett of UC Santa Barbara.

Writing in the journal Nature Communications, lead author Kennett and collaborators in the fields of archaeology, history, geography and earth science suggest that drought may in fact have stoked the civil conflict that begat violence, which in turn led to the institutional instabilities that precipitated Mayapan’s collapse. This transdisciplinary work, the researchers said, “highlights the importance of understanding the complex relationships between natural and social systems, especially when evaluating the role of climate change in exacerbating internal political tensions and factionalism in areas where drought leads to food insecurity.”

“We found complex relationships between climate change and societal stability/instability on the regional level,” Kennett said in an interview. “Drought-induced civil conflict had a devastating local impact on the integrity of Mayapan’s state institutions that were designed to keep social order. However, the fragmentation of populations at Mayapan resulted in population and societal reorganization that was highly resilient for a hundred years until the Spanish arrived on the shores of the Yucatan.”

The researchers examined archaeological and historical data from Mayapan, including isotope records, radiocarbon data and DNA sequences from human remains, to document in particular an interval of unrest between 1400 and 1450 CE. They then used regional sources of climatic data and combined it with a newer, local record of drought from cave deposits beneath the city, Kennett explained.

“Existing factional tensions that developed between rival groups were a key societal vulnerability in the context of extended droughts during this interval,” Kennett said. “Pain, suffering and death resulted from institutional instabilities at Mayapan and the population fragmented and moved back to their homelands elsewhere in the region.”

The vulnerabilities revealed in the data, the researchers found, were rooted in Maya reliance on rain-fed maize agriculture, a lack of centralized, long-term grain storage, minimal investments in irrigation and a sociopolitical system led by elite families with competing political interests.

Indeed the authors argue that “long-term, climate-caused hardships provoked restive tensions that were fanned by political actors whose actions ultimately culminated in political violence more than once at Mayapan.”

Yet significantly, a network of small Maya states also proved to be resilient after the collapse at Mayapan, in part by migrating across the region to towns that were still thriving. Despite decentralization, trade impacts, political upheaval and other challenges, the paper notes, they adapted and persisted into the early 16th century. It all points to the complexity of human responses to drought on the Yucatan Peninsula at that time — an important consideration for the future as well as the past.

“Our study demonstrates that the convergence of information from multiple scientific disciplines helps us explore big and highly relevant questions,” Kennett said, “like the potential impact of climate change on society and other questions with enormous social implications.

“Climate change worries me, particularly here in the western U.S., but it is really the complexities of societal change in response to climatic perturbations that worry me the most,” he added. “The archaeological and historical records provide lessons from the past, and we also have so much more information about our Earth’s climate and the potential vulnerabilities in our own sociopolitical systems.”


Central Mayapan showing the K’uk’ulkan and Round temples. Bradley Ruseell



In search of the lost city of Natounia

HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY—The mountain fortress of Rabana-Merquly in modern Iraqi Kurdistan was one of the major regional centers of the Parthian Empire, which extended over parts of Iran and Mesopotamia approximately 2,000 years ago. This is a conclusion reached by a team of archaeologists led by Dr Michael Brown, a researcher at the Institute of Prehistory, Protohistory and Near-Eastern Archaeology of Heidelberg University. Together with Iraqi colleagues, Brown studied the remains of the fortress*. Their work provides important insights into the settlement structures and history of the Parthians, about whom there is surprisingly little knowledge, emphasizes Dr Brown, even though the annals of history record them as a major power. Furthermore, Rabana-Merquly may be the lost city of Natounia.

Situated on the southwest flanks of Mt. Piramagrun in the Zagros Mountains, the stone fortress of Rabana-Merquly comprises not only the nearly four-kilometer-long fortifications but also two smaller settlements for which it is named. Because of its high position on the mountain, mapping the site was possible only with drones. Within the framework of multiple excavation campaigns conducted from 2009 and most recently between 2019 and 2022, the international team of researchers was able to study the archaeological remains on site. Structures that have survived to this day suggest a military use and include the remains of several rectangular buildings that may have served as barracks. The researchers also found a religious complex possibly dedicated to the Zoroastrian Iranian goddess Anahita.

The rock reliefs at the entrance to the fortress are of special significance, along with the geographic location of the fortification in the catchment area of the Lower Zab River, known in antiquity by its Greek name of Kapros. The researchers suspect that Rabana-Merquly may be the lost city of Natounia. Until now, the existence of the royal city known as Natounia on the Kapros, or alternatively as Natounissarokerta, has been documented only on a few coins dating from the first century BC. According to one scientific interpretation, the place name Natounissarokerta is composed of the royal name Natounissar, the founder of the Adiabene royal dynasty, and the Parthian word for moat or fortification. “This description could apply to Rabana-Merquly,” states Dr Brown.

According to the Heidelberg archaeologist, the wall reliefs at the entrance to the fortress could depict the city’s founder, either Natounissar or a direct descendant. The researcher explains that the relief resembles a likeness of a king that was found approximately 230 kilometers away in Hatra, a location rich in finds from the Parthian era. The Rabana-Merquly mountain fortress is located on the eastern border of Adiabene, which was governed by the kings of a local dynasty dependent on the Parthians. It may have been used, among other things, to conduct trade with the pastoral tribes in the back country, maintain diplomatic relations, or exert military pressure. “The considerable effort that must have gone into planning, building, and maintaining a fortress of this size points to governmental activities,” stresses Dr Brown.

The current research in Rabana-Merquly is being funded by the German Research Foundation as part of priority program 2176, “The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern Societies”. The aim of the research project is to investigate Parthian settlements and society in the Zagros highlands on both sides of the Iran-Iraq border. During the latest excavations at Rabana-Merquly, Dr Brown collaborated with colleagues from the Directorate of Antiquities in Sulaymaniyah, a city in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan. The results of the Heidelberg investigations were published in the journal “Antiquity”.


Excavation of the perimeter wall at the entrance to Rabana valley. Rabana-Merquly Archaeological Project


When did the genetic variations that make us human emerge?

UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA—The study of the genomes of our closest relatives, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, has opened up new research paths that can broaden our understanding of the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens. A study* led by the University of Barcelona has made an estimation of the time when some of the genetic variants that characterize our species emerged. It does so by analyzing mutations that are very frequent in modern human populations, but not in these other species of archaic humans.

The results, published in the journal Scientific Reports, show two moments in which mutations accumulated: one around 40,000 years ago, associated with the growth of the Homo sapiens population and its departure from Africa, and an older one, more than 100,000 years ago, related to the time of the greatest diversity of types of Homo sapiens in Africa.

“The understanding of the deep history of our species is expanding rapidly. However, it is difficult to determine when the genetic variants that distinguish us from other human species emerged. In this study, we have placed species-specific variants on a timeline. We have discovered how these variants accumulate over time, reflecting events such as the point of divergence between Homo sapiens and other human species around 100,000 years ago”, says Alejandro Andirkó, first author of this article, which was part of his doctoral thesis at the UB.

The study, led by Cedric Boeckx, ICREA research professor in the section of General Linguistics and member of the Institute of Complex Systems of the UB (UBICS), included the participation of Juan Moriano, UB researcher, Alessandro Vitriolo and Giuseppe Testa, experts from the University of Milan and the European Institute of Oncology, and Martin Kuhlwilm, researcher at the University of Vienna.

Predominance of behavioral and facial-related variations

The results of the research study also show differences between evolutionary periods. Specifically, they highlight the predominance of genetic variants related to behavior and facial structure —key characteristics in the differentiation of our species from other human species— more than 300,000 years ago, a date that coincides with the available fossil and archaeological evidence. “We have discovered sets of genetic variants which affect the evolution of the face and which we have dated between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago, the period just prior to the dating of the earliest fossils of our species, such as the ones discovered at the Jebel Irhoud archaeological site in Morocco”, notes Andirkó.

The researchers also analyzed variants related to the brain, the organ that can best help explain key features of the rich repertoire of behaviors associated with Homo sapiens. Specifically, they dated variants which medical studies conducted in present-day humans have linked to the volume of the cerebellum, corpus callosum and other structures. “We found that brain tissues have a particular genomic expression profile at different times in our history; that is, certain genes related to neural development were more highly expressed at certain times,” says the researcher.

Supporting the mosaic nature of the evolution of Homo sapiens

These results complement an idea that is dominant in evolutionary anthropology: that there is no linear history of human species, but that different branches of our evolutionary tree coexisted and often intersected. “The breadth of the range of human diversity in the past has surprised anthropologists. Even within Homo sapiens there are fossils, such as the ones I mentioned earlier from Jebel Irhoud, which, because of their features, were thought to belong to another species. That’s why we say that human beings have lived a mosaic evolution,” he notes.

“Our results,” the researcher continues, “offer a picture of how our genetics changed, which fits this idea, as we found no evidence of evolutionary changes that depended on one or a several key mutations,” he says.

Application of machine learning techniques

The methodology used in the study was based on a Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age method, developed by researchers at the University of Oxford. Once they had this estimation, they applied a machine learning tool to predict which genes have changed the most in certain time windows and which tissues these genes may have impacted. Specifically, they used ExPecto, a deep learning tool that uses a convolutional network — a type of computational model — to predict gene expression levels and function from a DNA sequence.

“Since there are no data on the genomic expression of variants in the past, this tool is an approach to a problem that has not been addressed until now. Although the use of machine learning prediction is increasingly common in the clinical world, as far as we know, nobody has tried to predict the consequences of genomic changes over time,” notes Andirkó.

The importance of the perinatal phase in the brain development of our species

In a previous study, the same UB team, together with the researcher Raül Gómez Buisán, used genomic information from archaic humans. In that study they analyzed genomic deserts, regions of the genome of our species where there are no genetic fragments of Neanderthals or Denisovans, and which, moreover, have been subjected to positive pressure in our species: that is, they have accumulated more mutations than would have been expected by neutral evolution. The researchers studied the expression of genes — i.e., which proteins code for different functions — found in desert regions throughout brain development, from prenatal to adult stages, covering sixteen brain structures. The results showed differences in gene expression in the cerebellum, striatum and thalamus. “These results bring into focus the relevance of brain structures beyond the neocortex, which has traditionally dominated research on the evolution of the human brain,” says Juan Moriano.

Moreover, the most striking differences between brain structures were found at prenatal stages. “These findings add new evidence to the hypothesis of a species-specific trajectory of brain development taking place at perinatal stages — the period from 22 weeks to the end of the first four weeks of neonatal life — that would result in a more globular head shape in modern humans, in contrast to the more elongated shape seen in Neanderthals,” concludes Moriano.


These results complement an idea that is dominant in evolutionary anthropology: that there is no linear history of human species, but that different branches of our evolutionary tree coexisted and often intersected. UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, CC BY


Article Source: UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA news release.

The Death Chambers of Herculaneum

No one knows her name.

The hollow cavities that once held her eyes in her last, terrifying, desperate moment of life nearly 2,000 years ago stared back at me in silence. Surrounded by the articulated skeletal remains of family and friends, her bones told a story of a catastrophe that still echoes across time to this day. I was peering into a cave-like construction that once housed fishing equipment — one among 12 of them — neatly arranged as built in a straight-line row along the back perimeter of what is today a flat but stoney surface. It defined the dimensions of what was once an ancient city’s inviting seaside beach……………   


Autumn, 79 AD. 

That was when Mount Vesuvius, only 8 miles to the northeast and an imposing daily presence as viewed unobstructed by any person from the city’s streets, spewed an explosive assault on the upscale Roman community of Herculaneum. A series of preceding earth tremors and volcanic rumblings must have given many in the city fair warning and time to escape. However, beginning around 1:00 pm, the volcano emitted clouds of volcanic material thousands of meters into the sky, eventually forming a column that flattened near the top between 17 and 21 miles high, forming what Pliny the Younger described in his letter to Tacitus as the overall shape of a familiar Italian Umbrella Pine tree. Atmospheric winds at first blew the cloud material to the southeast, falling mostly in the direction of Pompeii and surrounding communities. Roofs collapsed in Pompeii under falling debris, but Herculaneum’s initial experience was different.

“The cloud was being blown toward the south,” explains John Shepherd, a British archaeologist who has studied and shown groups through Pompeii and throughout the Campanian region for years. “Herculaneum was just on the edge of that cloud, so just a small amount of lapilli accumulated here over approximately 18 hours, giving most people in Herculaneum sufficient time to escape, but also giving people a false sense of security — the reason why so many took shelter in the [boathouse] shelters [along Herculaneum’s ancient shoreline].”


The Vesuvius Eruption. Painting by Jacob More (1740 – 1793), Public domain


Map showing the cities and towns affected by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The general shape of the ash and cinder fall is shown by the dark area to the southeast of Mt Vesuvius. MapMaster, Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0), Wikimedia Commons


But what appeared to be Herculaneum’s light and easy fate was not to last. By 1:00 am the next morning, the volcano’s massive eruptive column, like the twin towers in New York City on 9/11, began collapsing on itself, propelling a pyroclastic surge of ash and hot gases down the mountain and through the (now) mostly evacuated city at approximately 100 mph. The thunderous sound must have been terrifying for those remaining within earshot. One can only imagine the terror. Even in Misenum, across the Bay from Herculaneum and 5 miles farther from the erupting cataclysm, reactions were palpable. “We could hear women shrieking, children crying and men shouting,” writes Pliny the Younger. “Some were calling for their parents, their children, or their wives, and trying to recognize them by their voices [as darkness fell from the ash cloud]. Some people were so frightened of dying that they actually prayed for death. Many begged for the help of the gods, but even more imagined that there were no gods left and that the last eternal night had fallen on the world.”*

Many or most of the individuals and families who remained or lingered in Herculaneum, for whatever reasons, fled to the beach, where they had anticipated their escape by boats stored or docked near the boathouses, and by any additional efforts dispatched from nearby Misenum across the Bay. Possibly at least some of the remaining citizens on the beachfront were also simply the last in a long line or throng of people who early on had been escaping by boat dispatch over the past 18- 20 hours since the eruption began. Clinging desperately to hope, they had no idea they were facing their last moments of life. At least 350 people were left to their demise on the beach in that horrific event.

In the end, a total of six flows and surges eventually buried the city to a depth of approximately 20 meters, or over 65 feet. By the time most of those flows occurred, everyone who remained in or near the city had already perished. As witnessed today by the results of years of painstaking archaeological excavation, there appeared to be little relative destruction in many areas, preserving structures, objects and victims to a remarkable degree. However, other areas suffered significant damage, felling or erasing walls, and destroying columns and other objects.

Huddled Terror

For almost 2,000 years Herculaneum was lost, hidden under 65 feet of hardened volcanic fallout. It was not until the early 18th century when evidence, in the form of statuary dug from work related to wells, began to emerge as a result of excavation. Excavations continued sporadically until the first and most significant, systematic, large-scale excavations were conducted under Italian archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri from 1927 until 1942. That project uncovered approximately four hectares of the ancient city, the results of which show most of what visitors can see today. 


Above and below: Views of Herculaneum




Above and below: Herculaneum’s structures, interior and exterior, were exceptionally well preserved as compared to other towns within the volcano’s eruptive shadow. Note the remarkable height preservation of the buildings.



The excavations also revealed a scarcity of victims. That is, until 1980, when archaeologists began to uncover skeletal remains in excavations along what was once the ancient shoreline, particularly within the remains of chambered structures the Romans had constructed to house fishing equipment along the shore. Work conducted in the early 1980’s and then in the 1990’s eventually uncovered hundreds of mostly articulated skeletons. It would show, after pain-staking excavation, a macabre and horrifying scene. Mostly women and children had been found huddled closely together within the boathouse chambers, capturing what appeared to be moments of desperate refuge within dark, confined spaces. But skeletal remains of men were also found laid out on the ancient beach area itself, including the much-publicized remains of a man interpreted by some scholars to have been a high-ranking Roman soldier who was part of Pliny the Elder’s naval rescue mission dispatched to save fleeing citizens of the city. Hs body was found face down, with remnants of armor, a saddlebag, a backpack containing carpenter’s tools, and a leather belt embellished with silver and gold foil, attached to which was also a decorated sword with an ivory handle. Near the body archaeologists found a dagger, a stack of 12 silver and two gold coins, and the remains of a boat (now housed in the Herculaneum museum). Forensic analysis indicated he was a man between 40 and 45 years old, healthy and had led a physically active life. 

His efforts clearly proved futile. If he was attempting to help the hapless refugees huddled within the boathouses, it was too late. The first and deadliest pyroclastic surge made sure of that.


Above: The ‘boathouses’ along the ancient Herculaneum seashore.


The ancient Herculaneum beachfront, where current excavations are taking place.


The last boat in Herculaneum? Shown above is the well-preserved boat discovered on the ancient shoreline of Herculaneum.


In the Blink of an Eye  

Walking first through a tunnel, one of the first things I encountered when I approached ancient Herculaneum were the well-preserved remains of the12 boathouse structures, all aligned in a row, flanking both the left and the right as I entered and passed over a low-lying bridge, like crossing a castle drawbridge into the city. Looking closer at these boathouse structures, however, I could clearly see articulated skeletal remains within, scores of them, bunched together within the chambers, places that were normally used to store nets and fishing gear. This is where I met her staring back at me, like a ghost from the past. Now only a caste replica of the bones she left behind, I knew there was a lost, untold history and personality here that will never be known to today’s living generations. 

At least for now, we know how she died, and how quickly………

Through research conducted by a number of researchers, including a team under the leadership of Pierpaolo Petrone* of the University Federico II in Naples, scientists have analyzed the skeletal remains of the victims. This research was built upon and confirmed results of previous bioarchaeological and taphonomic studies. Based on the previous studies and their knowledge of how extreme heat can effect the human body, they formulated a horrific and vividly graphic hypothesis for study: The first pyroclastic surge of superheated ash and gases moved rapidly over the victims at a temperature of approximately 500 degrees Celsius, equivalent to 932 degrees Fahrenheit. This was hot enough to instantly boil and vaporize blood and all soft tissue, causing many skulls to explode and teeth to break, and muscular contraction of hands, feet and essentially whole bodies. Death was instantaneous, occurring before anyone could even react defensively to the impact of the surge. The effect was the same for both victims located outside and inside the boathouse chambers. Ash quickly filled the cavities left by vaporized tissue, explaining why archaeologists uncovered skulls that were filled with hardened ash. The enveloping ash bed laid down by the surge cooled and hardened, encasing the victims in the positions and postures they assumed only a second before instantaneous death. What archaeologists encountered during excavation was the victims’ final second of life before death, frozen in time for nearly 2,000 years before discovery.

Recent studies have now confirmed the temperature of the deadly surge by conducting macroscopic analysis, optical microscopy, histochemistry and electron microscopy on bone samples of the victims from the sites most affected by the Vesuvius eruption. By comparing the data drawn from the ancient bone samples to that of modern bone samples subjected to high heat testing in the laboratory, they concluded that the ancient victims indeed experienced a rapid temperature elevation to about 500 degrees Celsius (932 degrees Fahrenheit at Herculaneum, 600 degrees Celsius (1,112 degrees Fahrenheit) in nearby Oplontis, and 250 – 300 degrees Celsius (482 – 572 degrees Fahrenheit) in Pompeii, each 6, 7, and 10 kilometers (3.7, 4.4, and 6.2 miles) from Vesuvius respectively. They further concluded that victims located within 10 to 20 kilometers from Vesuvius were also killed instantly from surge effects. 

The most recent, 2018 study by Petrone* and colleagues provided additional evidence confirming the effects of the surge on the Herculaneum’s beach refugees and others found present on the beach front during flight and rescue efforts. Applying taphonomic and other laboratory investigation procedures on skeletal samples, his team found clear cut skull cracking similar to that observed with cremated remains, as well as skulls filled with ash which produced hardened ash castes of the cranial interior contours, suggesting that the surge was hot and fluid enough to fill intracranial cavities very soon after soft tissues had disappeared. Moreover, they observed a presence of a red mineral residue encrusting the bones and penetrating the cranial ash fills as well as the ash bed surrounding the skeletal remains. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed the red mineral substance as high in iron, suggesting it originated from body fluids — another sign pointing to rapid vaporization of body fluids and soft tissues due to exposure to extreme heat conditions.  

Thus, though the horrific fear, struggle and desperation of residents in the erupting volcano’s vicinity endured for hours, it can now be conclusively stated that actual death came in a fraction of a second, hardly enough time to know ‘what hit them’, so to speak. Death was ironically merciful. But the emotional suffering of family and friends who must have mourned their loved ones, their bodies missing, unaccounted for beneath the massive, hardened ash layers, would no doubt have persisted long after their demise. No burials, no epitaphs or evidence to mark the physical presence of their remains would bear record of their passing for nearly 2,000 years. But now their remains, as finally revealed through archaeological investigations, will likely serve as a lasting memorial, though their identities remain sadly nameless. 


The skeletal remains of the victims within the ‘boathouse’ chambers can be clearly seen as one approaches Herculaneum from the ancient beachfront side. Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons


Bones found within one of the ‘boathouses’. SD. Chatane Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license, Wikimedia Commons


Skeletal remains within one of the ‘boathouses’. Sally V., Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license, Wikimedia Commons


Skeletal remains within one of the ‘boathouses’. Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons


Closeup of a victim excavated within one of the ‘boathouse’ chambers. Ad Meskens, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license, Wikimedia Commons


Research and analysis on the remains continue. DNA testing and analysis will have more to say in the future. Just recently, for example, scientists have successfully sequenced the entire genome from an individual who died in Pompeii during the 79 AD eruption. Analysis showed that the individual was a male between 35 and 40 years old, may have suffered from tuberculosis, and had a DNA profile that was most similar to people living in central Italy today. And scholars and scientists alike await further future results from DNA studies of the victims at Herculaneum.   


Petrone writes* about the future implication of the findings for today’s world —though the great eruptive events of Vesuvius are a matter of written and geologic history, the volcano and its surrounding geological environment are still very much alive. I sojourned the Vesuvius area only months before I penned this account for publication. As I traveled the region near the Bay of Naples, I could see hypothermal activity and fumaroles at a safe distance. I awoke to an earth tremor one morning. I had to remind myself that Vesuvius is still an active threat to all who walk in its shadow. In 79 AD, there were tens of thousands of people living daily lives in its vicinity. 

Today there are three million. 



*Petrone, Pierpaolo, The Herculaneum victims of the 79 AD eruption: a review, Journal of Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 97 (2019), pp. 68 – 89. 

**Bioarchaeological and palaeogenomic portrait of two Pompeians that died during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 ADScientific Reports, 26-May-2022. 



Digging on the Dark Side

Somma Vesuviana, Italy

By any measure, this appeared to be the most massive ancient villa I had ever seen. Walls towered over me. Peering upward, I stretched my neck to observe their height — at least what was left of their full dimension after their destruction 1600 years ago. Metal scaffolding enveloped them and an enormous metal roof occupied space far above them, shielding them from the sun, wind, rain and other elements of the world outside. I was looking up from deep below ground surface. In contrast to the warmth of the sun’s radiation at ground level above me, the air was cool within this gargantuan, carefully and painstakingly excavated pit and I needed no hat to shield my head and face from the sun’s rays above. 

Located near the small town of Somma Vesuviana at the foot of the northern slope of Vesuvius (opposite and invisible from ancient Pompeii and Herculaneum and referenced by some as the ‘dark side’ of Vesuvius), this site was initially discovered in the 1930’s with limited excavation. But the most extensive investigation began in 2002 through a multidisciplinary project with the University of Tokyo. Those excavations, now ongoing, have revealed the walls preserved to a remarkable height, doorways decorated with Dionysiac motifs, a pilastered arcade, apses and interior room walls decorated with frescoes, cisterns, terraces, colonnades — emblematic of spaces created to impress large public audiences — and a large wine cellar with dolia (large earthenware jars), some of which can be seen still buried to their lips in the ground. Scholars have determined that they still contained fermenting grape juice when the eruption occurred. For a time, this was clearly more than a wealthy person’s villa — it was also a production facility for wine, the principal product of the region. Many artifacts, including a marble statue of Dionysus, the god of wine himself, were also recovered in the process. But what we see today is but a fraction of the entire complex that once existed.

The site, known today as the “Villa of Augustus”, or the Dionysiac Villa, is thought to have been first constructed in the 1st or 2nd century AD. Early on, scholars suggested it was a great villa of Augustus Caesar himself (and thus the name), and some have even suggested that Augustus died here, as it is recorded that he died near Nola, which lies not far from Somma Vesuviana. This is under scholarly debate to this day. It’s easy to assume that, like so many other ancient Roman structures in the Vesuvius area, it was destroyed and submerged in the ash from the famous 79 AD eruption — the one that destroyed yet ironically preserved the sensational remains of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and other nearby sites so popular for tourists today. But archaeological investigations have revealed little evidence and effects of the 79 AD eruption at this site. Archaeologists state that the remains we now see of the villa were likely constructed after the 79 AD eruption, in place of whatever was destroyed by that eruption. Unlike the structures of the doomed and lost cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, this villa, situated by contrast at the north face of Vesuvius, in fact stood and operated for hundreds of years following the Plinian event. This was a great palatial villa that stood at the time of much later eruptions, most notable that of 472 AD (the eruptive material of which lies directly over the structure) and other events that followed, such as the 512, 536 and 1631 AD eruption events. 

Research has shown that the area surrounding this side of Vesuvius and the villa continued to be robustly productive agriculturally after the 79 AD event, especially in the form of vineyards and the production of wine. The villa reflects this. 

“The main room has many representations of grape bunches, and the stuccoed doorway is decorated with symbols of Dionysus, mystic rituals of his cult, and satyrs and maenads as his companions,” writes The Apolline Project: Illuminating the Dark Side of Vesuvius, a web-based summary report on the recent excavations at the villa. “A marble statue of Dionysus himself – represented as a young boy holding a panther cub in his arms – was originally placed in a niche, where it remained even when the entire building was transformed into a unit for agricultural production. During this transformation, a wine cellar was added to the lower terrace; we can take this as a sign of cultural continuity, despite the significant changes that occurred in religious beliefs and economy in the wider area.”*

Walking among the massive remains, I snapped a photo of a column of great pillars on one side of me. High walls ran perpendicularly at either end of the row of columns. They were adorned with niches that contained and framed at least one statue of Dionysus himself.  I could see just below me on the opposite side, another terrace. Here, large, complete vessels lay mostly buried beneath soil. They were filled now with ancient volcanic material, but at one time they contained fermenting grapes. This was the wine cellar. Above this a towering wall of hardened pyroclastic ash and other volcanic material, cut meticulously and painstakingly by teams of archaeologists and other workers, illustrated an impressive record of layer upon layer of successive phases of multiple eruptions over centuries. Eventually, even this volcanic wall will be dug away, revealing what lies beyond and beneath —   and what new insights on life in the aftermath of the 79 AD eruption will tell us. 


The Dionysiac Villa (Villa of Augustus): Pictorial


Above and two images below: At first blush, looking down from near the surface as one enters the excavated remains from above.








Note the remarkably well preserved wall fresco painting in the back.


The wine cellar.


The layers of volcanic material that covered and encased the site exposed.




Pilastered arcade remains, cisterns below to the right.


Massive pillars supported the internal structure of the audience hall.



Above and below: Apse, with decorative fresco painting still visible.








Easter Island: What Happened!

Freelance writer, researcher and photographer, Georges Fery ( addresses topics from history, culture, and beliefs to daily living of ancient and today’s indigenous societies of Mesoamerica and South America. His articles are published online at, and, and in the quarterly magazine Ancient American ( In the U.K. his articles are found in

The author is a fellow of the Institute of Maya Studies, Miami, FL and The Royal Geographical Society, London, U.K. ( He is a member in good standing with the Maya Exploration Center, Austin, TX ( the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, MA (, NFAA-Non Fiction Authors Association ( and the National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC. (

Scholars are familiar with the “where,” “what,” and “how” of Easter Island’s past, and with its communities’ rise and fall in the confines of extreme isolation, but they are still grasping for the “why.” Throughout human history, communities have altered their surroundings to meet their needs. On Easter Island, however, it is theorized that overuse of an uncommon ecosystem in an extremely remote environment destroyed the society’s food chain. On a large landmass, people in this situation usually would move with the seasons or away from their neighbors’ hostility. Inversely, on islands, migrations are dependent on limited land and food collection zones that extend offshore. 

These observations apply to Easter Island, but are insufficient to answer its riddle without looking at the islanders’ belief structure. Not unlike events that shaped other cultures of the Pacific, the island’s past unfolds in the man-made belief in an “other world”. Together with this island’s singular isolation, however, its past ended grievously — an example of the collision of faith and nature in a confined environment. 


Rapa Nui Ancestors ©


Scholars and historians are familiar with the settlement of people on this isolated island, its archaeology, and the making of giant stone statues known as the Moai. Let’s examine the undercurrents that led to the society’s demise. Non-literate cultures recorded their histories in myths and folklore. The glyphs on rongorongo tablets discovered on the island unfortunately cannot be translated, for there are too few. The mythologized past, traditionally short on facts, leaves many gray areas in Easter Island’s historical record. The origin of the group that settled on Easter Island point to the Society Islands and the Tuamotu archipelago. People moved to the eastern Polynesian Triangle defined by Hawai’i and Easter Island probably around 850 to 950, and New Zealand (Aotearoa), in about 1200. The closest islands to Easter, such as Pitcairn, are 1300 miles to the northwest, while the South American continent is 2200 miles to the east. 

“Te Pito o Te Henua”: The End of the Land

Easter Island’s Polynesian name is Rapa Nui, as are the language and name of the people, although spelled in one word, Rapanui. The island singularity is that its society’s ecological collapse took place on sixty-seven square miles of a volcanic island in the middle of the South Pacific. Its three major volcanos, Teravaka, Poike, and Rano Kau, with seventy-three minor volcanic cones, are the witnesses to the geologically tumultuous birth of the island (there is no volcanic activity today). From the late thirteenth century, the isolation of the island had its people believe that they were at “te pito o te henua,” or “the end of the land” in Polynesian. The generations that followed the last wave of settlers didn’t see another human from outside the island for hundreds of years. They believed that they were the only living beings on earth, but for the seasonal migration of sea birds in time with the rising of the Pleiades and the Austral Solstice.


Ahu Tahai ©


On Rapa Nui, the giant Moai were believed to be the representations of ancestors, the departed heads of clans. In the mythic “other world,” these ancestors were believed to have received mana – the supernatural power over the natural world – from the paramount god Make’make, which they then passed on to their living descendants. Mana was entrusted to the Ariki Henua, or supreme religious leader and symbol of the island, Hotu Motu’a and to clan chiefs. Of note is that Hotu Motu’a was not a political ruler but the main mana holder for he received more to enforce prohibitions or taboos to benefit the community.



With few exceptions, the Moais were erected on altars or stone platforms facing inland, with their backs to the ocean. This monumental architecture, also referred to as “image Ahu” (ahu meaning altar) developed around 1100-1200. With few exceptions, Moais represent male ancestors; all were named, and so were their altars. With their mana power, which the Moais received once the eyes were set in their sockets, they were believed to protect their descendants and resources. The carving of massive statues and erecting altars strengthened the importance of knowing the ancestry of each family, and the clan’s hierarchies. The increasing need to exhibit power and prestige through the Moai, however, eventually led clans to severely tax their environment through the felling of trees for their quarries, the building of altars, and the transport of statues overland, to the extent that people had to fight for basic resources, essentially wood and food.

But who qualified as an ancestor? As a rule, it was a senior male that traced his line of descent from the Ariki Mau Hotu Motu’a’s six sons. The island folklore tells us about a conflict in the Tuamotu archipelago when Hotu Motu’a, defeated in battle, escaped with his community from the mythic island of Hiva, and fled with his clan to Easter Island (details of the conflict remain uncertain, for the mythic island is unknown). As a rule, senior males who traced their line of descent from the Ariki Henua Hotu Motu’a’s six sons were considered “ancestors” for, when alive, they held significant resources or positions in their community. Ancestors became go-betweens in the “other world” with the paramount god Make’make. This wellspring of ancestral power was common in the mythological pantheon of most cultures of the Pacific. With such perception of life, the Rapanui people could not possibly come to terms with the cumulative cause and effect of their actions. In other words, they did not relate as modern minds do to the consequences of their actions, for they assigned those to a third party, the ancestors in the “other world. 


Make’make ©


Make’make, however, is unknown elsewhere in the Pacific where, in Maori mythology, the gods Tangaroa, Tane, Tiki, and the goddess and first woman Hina, are believed to be in command of nature, fertility, the seas, and their creatures. Make’make can only be Ariki Henua Hotu Motu’a’s creation, with similar attributes to those of the Polynesian gods, and his dominion over its own Miru, the highest-ranking clan on Rapa Nui. Make’make was believed to command the climate, animal migrations from birds to fish, food crops and other life-sustaining needs. Furthermore, as mentioned before, the god was believed to be the sole master and dispenser of mana, which he granted or withheld at will through the ancestors. No success or failure, from nature’s rewards to joy or sadness, well-being, or deprivation, could happen in this world without mana. As with all human societies, spiritual guidance was needed beyond that of secular authority, and Make’make was Hotu Motu’a’s answer to that need. Depictions of Make’make are found on petroglyphs and ceremonial dance paddles that show the simple circular outline of a human face with round eyes, a nose, but no mouth. 

Hare Paenga and Manava

Hare Paenga and Manavai ©

The plain surrounding Rano Raraku’s volcano is where 95% of the Moai were carved and, from earliest times, one of the most densely populated districts on the island. Treister, Vargas Casanova and Cristino underline that “Building large altars or platforms and carving of Moais required extensive manpower mobilization of all clans and socio-economic segments, from farmhands to carvers, support services and housing for workers and their families(2). So, how, and where did people live? Clan leaders and their families settled in the Ceremonial Zone on the periphery. There were long houses, called hare paenga in the Rapanui language for their elliptical shape, fifty to sixty feet long and about ten feet wide, reminiscent of an up-turned boat. In the Coastal and Interior zones there were simpler pole and thatched houses underlining a complex social stratification. Numerous caves inherited from the island volcanic past were also used on the coast as dwellings by fishermen and their families. Larger caves inland were fitted to accommodate several families as refuge during periods of social unrest and wars.

Cooking took place outside, while several yards away from the dwelling were the chicken coop and the manavai or garden, where edible plants were grown in two- to three-foot-deep holes covered with lava rocks. The rocks sheltered a sunken garden where small plants were cultivated; larger plants were grown in three-to five-foot-high rock enclosures above ground. The function of the manavai was to protect the plants from extreme weather and winds in a weakened environment, for trees had already been greatly depleted on the island by the mid-to-late-1600s. Known as lithic mulch agriculture, the manavai was a way to trap humidity in the soil to slow its dissipation to the winds and the sun. The manavai is indicative of the islander’s awareness of their precarious environment. It is believed that a sharp population decline through famine and wars took place during the mid-1600s. 

At its peak, the Easter Island population is estimated to have reached about six thousand souls and fell to about half that number at the beginning of what is known as the Decadent Period (1680-1722). Several factors account for the precipitous decline. As Englert remarks, the Rapanui, like other people in similar exacting circumstances, “tend to see ritual requirements as an integral part of their natural environment. This perception stresses that neglect of ritual duties was believed to cause imbalance in the natural world and that imbalance could only be righted by extending and increasing ritual behavior” (1970). Furthermore, the record shows, according to Edwards, “that the Rapanui used firewood for fuel from 1300 to 1650, but switched to grasses and ferns after that date, an obvious indication that there were less forested areas at that time” (2013).

Van Tilburg notes that “the Decadent/Restructure Phase of the island’s prehistory intensified land use, continued deforestation and probable soil depletion that interacted to produce increasing events of crop failure” (1994). To answer their severe environment, concurrent with constant social strife due to food scarcity, the Rapanui needed to find other ways to deal with reality, but that implied a shift to new values, as Cristino underlines “not as an immediate adoption of new religious concepts, but rather as a rejection of the perceived failed ones(2). Since their environment did not improve despite prayers and pleas to ancestors, ritual behavior was given priority over reality, for the Rapanui were unable to overcome the ancestor factor deeply rooted in their lives. 

At Orongo, on the rim of the extinct Rano Kau volcano, a cult known as tangata manu, or “Birdman,” rose to the challenge of the perceived ancestors’ failure. The Birdman cult coexisted with the Moai cult on their respective sanctuaries, Rano Raraku and Rano Kau, from the early-fifteenth or sixteenth century. Although, as Edwards notes “while the Ancestor Cult deified ancestors represented by statues, the Birdman Cult had a man become the living, breathing medium to communicate with the gods” (2013). At that time, the two cults were reciprocal rather than antagonistic, for even though the Rapanui stopped building statues toward the end of the 1600s, they continued worshipping their ancestors. The rise of the Birdman cult is associated with matato’a leaders, also called tangata rima toto or “men with bloody hands,” who had superseded the socio-political and spiritual dominance of the long-standing Ariki led clans. The cult’s aggressive effort aimed to eliminate the intercession of the ancestors with Make’make in the belief structure and replace it with a direct appeal to the paramount god. 

Relentless Winds and Sun

The sixty-three square mile Easter Island is the only landmark in over a million square miles of the South Pacific, with no other landmass to slow the winds. The thirty-seven low and small Sala y Gomez Islands group, 243 miles to the northeast and home to frigates and sooty terns, among other seabirds, are not windbreakers. *Easter Island’s subtropical latitude lies twenty-seven degrees south of the Equator. It is a dry and cool climate that did not allow for the type of tropical crops important elsewhere in Polynesia, such as bread fruit and coconuts; the latter, introduced in modern times, grows poorly on Easter Island. In a depleted environment, the forces of the sun and the wind were intensely destructive. 


Easter Island ©ESA-European Space Agency


Archaeobotany supports a historical record that, upon arrival of the Ariki Henua Hotu Motu’a and his people, the island was a sub-tropical forest covered by the massive coccoid sixty-foot-tall Chilean Wine Palm (Jubea chilensis). This is made evident by underground channels cut by its roots and baby coconut remains found in lava tubes, pocked by Polynesian rat teeth marks. The rodent (Rattus exulans), a stowaway from the first settlers, found an ideal habitat for travel in the underground network of lava tubes; there were no predators at that time that could have checked the rodents’ proliferation.


Rano Kau Crater ©


Other large trees, together with smaller species, among which was the endemic eight-to-ten-foot high Toromiro (Sophora toromiro), bushes, and undergrowth plants, provided an environment that allowed large flocks of migrating sea birds, insects, and other life forms to thrive. Annual rainfall averaged forty-five inches, but “water from the rains quickly filtered below a porous volcanic soil to the extensive network of lava tubes that crisscross the island underground, draining rainwater in the ocean at low tide (2). It was impossible to retain topsoil humidity without shade and wind protection. 

There were few water sources on the island. Water was accumulated in crater lakes from which small springs, such as on the slopes of volcanos, irregularly sprouted. Islanders carved stone catch basins, called taheta, to collect rainwater. Small wells were hand dug on the coast to collect rainwater before it emptied into the ocean; it often mixed with sea water. It was impossible to retain topsoil humidity without shade and wind protection. As their environment deteriorated, the islanders did work at finding ways to protect their shrinking ecosystem to grow their food; the manavai, or volcanic rock-covered garden, was one of their solutions. 

Recent studies show that from the seventeenth century increasing scarcity multiplied internal conflicts for the control of important and rapidly vanishing resources, such as wood, worsening an already severe fracture in their society. Their belief in an inexhaustible bounty had dramatic consequences. Large birds avoided the island, for their nesting habitat had shrunk dramatically, and their eggs were depleted by scavenging people, so they flew to the Marquesas and beyond. Fish and shellfish made a smaller contribution to the islander’s diet, as found in their kitchen middens. People realized that the ancestors had failed them and that Make’make had turned its back on their ancestors in the “other world” by withholding its mana. The ecological disaster, however, could not be assigned to clan leaders alone. The Rapanui could not understand that they were the ones responsible for an ecological disaster that even the unblinking eyes of the Moais were unable to foresee. 

To meet their worsening environment and concurrent community challenges, as Englert notes, “the Rapanui needed to find other ways to grasp with reality that implied a shift to new values, not as an immediate adoption of new religious concepts, but rather as a rejection of the perceived failed ones” (1970). The Birdman cult stood for such a shift, initiated by matato’a leaders, the “men with bloody hands,” that superseded the socio-political and spiritual dominance of the long-standing Ariki-led clans. The Birdman cult brought down the Moais to cut off the ancestors’ mana to their living inheritors and assert the warrior groups’ political power. Studies place the shift away from the Moai cult and the toppling of the giant statues toward the end of the eighteenth century for, by then, the cult had lost most of its political and religious credibility, even though the Rapanui continued worshipping their ancestors.

On Rano Kau’s crater there are petroglyphs of the Birdman represented as part man from the neck down, with the head and beak of a frigate bird (Fregata magnificent), a representation that prevailed before the shift to the sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus). Both birds were referred to as manutara. The reason for the shift from the frigate to the sooty tern in the late part of the eighteenth century points to the fact that the frigates eggs and chicks in the traditional nesting habitats on the slopes of the Poike volcano were depleted by islanders. Edwards explains that “birds were very important to Polynesians, especially those of black and white plumage. Migratory birds, however, were most revered for their ability to transit between the worlds of the living and the dead. In seventeenth to eighteenth century Rapa Nui, these beliefs converged to form a religious cult specifically honoring Make’make, known as the Birdman Cult. While the Ancestor Cult deified ancestors represented by statues, the Birdman Cult had a man become the living, breathing medium to communicate with the gods” (1974)

The Rise of the Birdman Cult

The “Birdman” cult was at Orongo, on the crest of Rano Kau. Three islets offshore—Motu Nui, Motu Iti and Motu Kau Kau. The largest, Motu Nui at nine square miles, was the focus of the cult’s rituals. For their habitat, the sooty terns were content with a more rugged environment than frigates. The birds nested on the rocky islet of Motu Nui to protect their eggs and chicks from the islanders. At Orongo, a contest was held for which contestants and clan leaders were housed in semi-buried oval stone slab structures, dedicated to the clans, and used only once a year for the race. 


The Islets ©


The contestants were tasked with returning the “first” egg of the manutara to their clan chief. In the southern corner, at Mata N’garau near the crater’s south rim facing the ocean, were hare nui, stone houses built for the prophets and priests, known as Tumu Ivi Atua, and for the healers and spell casters, the Tangata Taku. Each priest was associated with one of the clans; they would monitor the race while pleading with Make’make and their respective beneficent and malevolent deities for the safety of their team or the demise of opponents. 

There could be no general scramble for so solemn an event, we are told. Only those who belonged to select Ao clans which were in ascendancy at the time of the race, could compete. This selection gave rise, as expected, to anger and the conflict was often settled by war. Ana Kai Tangata or the “cave where men are eaten,” near Mataveri on the lower slopes of the volcano, was the place where contestants from the dominant clans were selected for the race. The privilege of obtaining the first egg was a matter of competition between the members of the Ao, but the right to compete was only secured by supernatural means among which were supplications to the ancestors and, foremost, to Make’make. Clan chiefs selected men among their servants, known as “hopu manu” or “servants of the birds” to represent them in the race. 


The race is on. ©


Those hopu manu were tasked to go down the 986-foot nearly vertical wall of the crater, wet with sea spray, to the rocky pounding surf below. They then swam about a mile, through swift currents on a pora or totora reed float to the furthest islet, Motu Nui. On each float were carried provisions for a week’s (or more) stay on the nine-square-mile islet, waiting for the arrival of the birds toward the end of September. The “servants of the birds” lived together in a cave whose entrance was concealed by grass. The cries of the approaching of tens of thousands of birds were heard while the flocks were still miles away from the islet. Given their large number, many birds hatched within a close period. The task of the hopu manu was to bring back the “first” egg of the manutara or sooty tern, unbroken, to his clan chief, who would be waiting on the volcano’s rim. Once an egg was secured, the “servant of the birds” placed it in a small reed basket tied to his forehead and, on his totora reed float in a pounding surf, made his way back to the main island. He then climbed the rocky south wall to the rim of the volcano and handed over the egg to his clan chief. The first to receive an intact egg became tangata manu (tangata-man, manu-bird) or Birdman for that year. 

Together with the title, the chief was granted sacred status, the pride of his clan. Trester, Vargas Casanova and Cristino point out that “At that time, the clan chief whose champion had won, shaved his head, brows, and lashes in preparation for the festivities. Then he went down to Mataveri and from there was led in procession to a boat house (hare paenga), located on the southwest exterior slope of the Rano Raraku volcano, where he remained in seclusion for one year.” Furthermore, “through the Birdman cult, the warriors managed to surpass the traditional authority of the ariki. Not only did they obtain political power, but they acquired an eminent religious position, generating a new sociopolitical organization that was maintained into the historic period.(2013).

The stakes of the competition were high indeed, for the rules granted the winning chief absolute power over all clans and their resources for that year. But not all clans accepted the outcome of the race, and those that did not were “convinced” by force. For some, clashes lasted the whole year of the Tangata Manu’s tenure. Was the Birdman cult a substitute for the Moai? The answer is no; for it never pretended to be. Even though the Birdman cult was believed to be sanctioned by Make’make, the ancestor factor was missing. The Moai was personal, while the Birdman was collective, even though associated with an “other world” deeply rooted in traditions and beliefs of all islanders. 

As in the past, however, the Birdman rituals were a call to the “other world” to understand their environmental collapse perceived to be the consequences of neglect in ritual and binding duties. The Birdman cult had severed the Moai link with the ancestors in the intercession with the natural world, essentially with food. By shifting those duties away from the ancestors identified with the Moai, it was believed that Make’make would release its mana directly to Birdman chiefs. Again, as with the Moai, the belief that imbalance in the natural world could be righted by increasing ritual behavior persisted and could only result in the same outcome. Predictably, the Birdman cult could not address the dreadful island-wide environment, which had reached a point of no return. At the time of the arrival of men from an unknown world, who came in huge ships and belonged to an entirely different plane of existence, the cult’s political influence was in decline.


The End of a World ©


The islander’s first contact with the outside world was with the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen on Easter Sunday 1722. Roggeveen was followed within a few years by inquisitive discoverers and adventurers. In December 1862 Peruvian slave raiders visited the island. The raiders captured over 1,500 men and women, or half the estimated population at the time, while others hid in their caves. Persistent public outcry by the bishop of Tahiti, together with the French government, compelled the Peruvian authorities to return about 300 Rapanui to their island. Most of the kidnapped islanders had died of diseases on the continent, and there were only about thirty who landed on the island, for most died in transit. In the late nineteenth century, the first European science-driven visitors, as well as other travelers, estimated the island’s population to be a few hundred people. Their observations were supported by field investigations of gardens (manavai), and the extent of cultures of sweet potatoes, yams, sugar cane and bananas. At the close of the nineteenth century, however, based on William Thompson’s 1889 census, Easter islanders numbered only 114 souls. 


Cover Image, Top Left: Ask-mediendesign, Pixabay  

References in Text from:

  1. Van Tilburg, Jo Anne, 1994 – Easter Island Archaeology, Ecology, and Culture
  2. Treister K., Vargas Casanova P., & Cristino C., 2013 – Easter Island’s Silent Sentinels
  3. Father Englert, S., 1970 – Island at the Center of the World
  4. Thompson, William, J., 1891 – Te Pito Te Henua or Easter Island
  5. Edwards Edmundo & Alexandra, 2013When the Universe was an Island

Further Reading:

Heyerdahl, T., 1957 – Aku-Aku

Heyerdahl T., 1975 – The Art of Easter Island

Jennings, J. D. – 1979 – The Prehistory of Polynesia

J. Macmillan Brown, 1924 – The Riddle of the Pacific

Noury A. & Galipaud, J-Ch., 2011 – Les Lapita, Nomades du Pacifique

Routledge, K., 1919 – The Mystery of Easter Island

Sand C., & Connaughton S. P., 2007 – Oceanic Explorations, Lapita, and Western Pacific Settlement

