The Real Indy

The story of a forgotten explorer and his intrepid journey to discover great ancient Arabian cities of the Incense Road.

Uncovering the Secrets of Cosma

In a remote valley in north-central Peru, archaeologists are beginning to peel back the layers of monumental structures that may tell a forgotten story of an ancient people.

A Field Report: Preclassic Xnoha

Excavations in 2014 by the Maya Research Program at the ancient Maya site of Xno'ha uncovered Late Preclassic period finds.

Rewriting Human Evolution

Scientists are discovering that the primeval path our ancestors took to becoming human is far more complex than we ever thought.

The Girl in the Cave

The incredible discovery of a submerged ancient Early American skeleton has implications for understanding Native American ancestry and the first peopling of the Americas.

The Mummy Doctors

The Penn Museum's Artifact Lab brings priceless Egyptian artifacts and mummies back to life.

Merenptah Rising

Long in waiting, Pharaoh Merenptah's grand throne room is making a comeback.

Kurdistan’s 21st Century ‘Gold Rush’

After decades of being shut out of one of the richest archaeological landscapes in the world, teams of archaeologists have poured back into Iraq's Kurdistan. But it could be...

Rediscovering a Giant

Buried for thousands of years, the largest Mycenaean citadel in Greece emerges under the archaeologist's eye.

The First Arabians

Pioneering scientists relate how they are uncovering increasing evidence of a significant human presence on the Arabian Peninsula as much as 100,000+ years ago.

The Mountain Temple of Angkor

Straddling a long-disputed border area, Cambodia's remote ancient Preah Vihear temple slowly reveals its secrets.
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