Northern European population history revealed by ancient human genomes
Analysis of ancient DNA found that Scandinavia was settled by hunter-gatherers via a southern and a northern route, and reveals that agriculture was likely introduced by migrating agriculturalists.
Ancient lake reveals a colorful past
Archaeologists say they may have discovered one of the earliest examples of a 'crayon'.
Oldest Known Human Fossil Outside of Africa Discovered
Analysis suggests Homo sapiens left Africa at least 50,000 years earlier than previously thought.
The role of cranial modification in identity formation in Pre-Columbian Peru
Did head shape encourage unity and cooperation in politics in Pre-Columbian Peru?
In past societies, most common age of death was around 70, suggests study
Research may help redefine our knowledge of elderly people throughout history.
New genetic evidence may reveal the first Native American population
People arrived in the Americas more than 20,000 years ago.
Study may shed new light on dispersal of early modern humans
Results from the analysis of stone tools from Skhul Cave may help reveal a complex picture of how, when and where early modern humans left Africa.
A 4,000-Year-Old Footprint, and a Treasure House Makeover
The stunning visual telling of some of the world's earliest civilizations.